Telerik radgrid get selected row cell value server side. My source code is given in previous post.
Telerik radgrid get selected row cell value server side Grid This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers. There is also a GridClientSelectColumn, which you can use to select and unselect row(s) client-side. When i select any row i opened pop up and it works just one click but i want to open taht popup with double click Fired by RadGrid; Arguments: cell - gets the currently edited cell row - gets the currently edited row column - gets the currently edited column columnUniqueName - gets the UniqueName of the edited column tableView - gets the TableView in which the edited item is located cell value - gets the cell value editor value - gets the editor value: Can be canceled: No RadSpreadsheet provides a rich set of server-side properties and events that can help you configure the look and behaviour of the control. both are client side. At some point, when the user presses a save button, you send them server side again, where you want to grab the data in the radGrid and save it. How do I access changed (via GridDropDownListColumnEditor . Hi Angie, You can also go through the following help articles to get more details on this regard. Please advise how to solve that. VerticalAlign: string: The vertical align setting for the cell content Telerik Reporting Telerik Report Server. A chosen value on client is represented correctly, but no values are passed to the server side. Here's the grid: New to Telerik UI for ASP. So, I want to find out the row index of the current cell. But it always returns an empty string. Hello, i have a question. In order to Select Cells on Server-Side, you will need to select them Programmatically, see Programmatic Server-Side section for more details. I have been able to get the buttons respond on sepearate clicks but i could retrieve any value from that row neither could I acces the clientdatakeynames of the grid I will be glad to have a response Hi Vincy, You can try using innerText to get the value of the label in Grid. Get Client-side Reference to a Control Object. document. After that i need to make invisible radgrid and i need the user fill some details by the user. get_columnUniqueName(); var indexval = columnUniquename. split('_'); Getting cell values for selected rows client side; When clicking on the row of the grid, it posts back, the events all work on the server side, the value is stored in your variable (as long as its stored in session, cache, viewstate), and then you can populate the listview. A fairly common task is to retrieve the values of column cells when the row that contains them is selected. Please try the following code to access the selected rows via client side. string value = selectedItem. To GridView control that is released by Microsoft with VS2005, I can easily get the value of any cell with in the selected row (Server side) Protected Sub You might want to look at the DataKeyValues property of the OwnerTableView object, which will let you access a collection of values that represent the fields in a given row. JS: function Click() What I need to get is the cell value for a specific column from the selected row in the nested grid. Top achievements. I dont need just the data key values, and the other examples for the update command and delete command, i need access to the data in all columns. Please try the following code snippet to get the selected row. 10 Answers 1767 Views. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Server-side Selecting Multiple Rows; Select Cells. Telerik Reporting Telerik Report Server. And on cellclikc i need to take a particular cell value to trrieve the data from the db to bind to the form. . It contains the selected items in all nested tables inside the grid. Telerik RadGrid GridTemplateColumns programmatically. New to Telerik UI for ASP. When getting a reference to a GridDataItem using the RadGrid client object's get_dataItems() method, be aware that this method creates the client-side objects for all rows in the grid. What I want is when CellDbClick event fire, I want to get current selected cell value in attachement gridview. how to find column values of a I want to get the values of the selected checkbox in a RadGrid. GetDataKeyValue("OrderID"). Following is my code. Modified 7 years, Not able to access selected row values of RadGrid on button click. I also have two columns that are dependent on the other's value (EstLengthFt & EstLengthRds). Add a comment. You can do this using the getCellByColumnUniqueName method of the GridTableView client-side object. Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. I would like to change the background color of the row when the SelectedIndexChanged event fires in the RadComboBox in the currently edited cell of the grid row. pls how can i select a radgrid row to I have a radgrid asp. NET AJAX? Start a free 30-day trial Server-side Programming Overview. my javascript function is 'cizelgeAc1(this,event) Hello Riaan, The getDataKeyValue method from the client API of RadGrid for ASP. Testing & Mocking. You should use data keys for getting the values, and you can use RadGrid1. When I debug I can see the key but the value for that is empty. The cell value. TRUE (the user selects a row at the grid, and I get the value of the row key) 3. Only after event on server-side (if I use property OnItemCommand="HistoryGrid_ItemComand") I can set selection on clicked grid line by i select some rows from child page and click the save button. To get cell value you can handle OnSelectedIndexChanged server-side event, set EnablePostBackOnRowClick property to true in order the event to fire: < telerik:RadGrid ID = For convenient proccesing of selected items on the server-side, RadGrid exposes the SelectedItems collection. Use Radio button to select rows in RadGrid and only select one at a time. i am using rowSelected() function to get values from grid( client side). I want to give the user the ability to copy individual cell values Accessing Row Data In Telerik RadGrid (Server Side) 7. ToString(); Label1. C#: protected void RadGrid1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e Ho to Get RadGrid Row's cell values on Drop Down conrol's select changed event. Telerik RadGrid - Get Value from column on ItemUpdate event. Once found, you can access the Cell's value through its Text property. The selected item can be accessed by calling the get_selectedItems() method of the GridTableView client-side object (see the Client-side API Reference section for more information). rowIndex appears to be relative to the grid page. C#: Button1. This can lead to a performance penalty if RadGrid displays too many items in one page. Rank 2. I'm using the example from the Telerik documentation, so most likely I'm failing to properly assign the value from the cell to the textbox. Please let me know if I am missing something. On the server you can use the SelectedItems property which returns a GridItemsCollection. All I want is Javascript function when I click the button i want to get value of this row of the button. Grid The two exemple you gave to me seems to use server-side programming. Illustration on extracting key values client-side is available in this article. Try the below code snippets to get the selected row in server side. get_row(); var cell = args. CMS. ASPX: Controls / Grid / Accessing Values and Controls / Server Side / GridExpandColumn UniqueName = " ExpandCol " /> </ Columns > </ MasterTableView > </ telerik: RadGrid > you could use a little different approach to get the controls in the cell. Test Studio when actually interacting with the grid, I can click and highlight individual cells within the row selected – I have to imagine, then, that I should be able to access the specific cell highlighted. You can attach the Button client event from server side and pass the RadGrid ClientID. now i again open the child page. I have a RadGrid where certain columns are in Batch Edit mode. ) <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default. now we chenged this to Q3 2008. Not actually. Spreadsheet. Thanks in advance. The button is I am trying to get the value of GridBoundColumn which DataField="id" using javascript in client side. Accessing Row Data In Telerik RadGrid (Server Side) 5. I also have attach the image, In the image if I click on third row, and 9th cell value i. function RowClick(rowObject) // function to display details when click on Mr headers . Regards, Thanks Princy! I have another follow-up question: Is it possible from the JS OnSelectedCell to get the actual index of the row that would correspond to the index from the csharp side of RadGrid. Regards, Tsvetoslav the Telerik team This method returns the value of that column for the GridDataItem. Radgrid get cell value when in edit mode. Submit comment. After the RadGrid is loaded, the user can then select whatever item they want in the RadGrid. Test Studio Test Studio Dev Edition Telerik JustMock. (Seperated by commas). I would like to publish my code and attachement. In addition to the built-in functionality, you can also Select cells programmatically using the Client or Server APIs. Whenever the user clicks on the image button of the row, I should retrieve the id of this Once you have a reference to the grid row data item on the client-side, you can use various methods to get information from it: get_cell() Using the get_cell() method is the most You can use the onRowMouseOver client side handler to get the index of the currently active row and store it in a variable. Is it possible to detect a server-side event when the user clicks on a datagrid row regardless of wherever on the row area the click happens? < telerik:RadGrid ShowGroupPanel = "false" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" I need to iterate through the RadGrid cells in the ItemDatabound event and modify the cell values. Help finding values in a Telerik RESPONSE FROM TELERIK (IT WORKS) In order to easily access RadGrid cells client-side you could use the ClientDataKeyNames property. Grid and textbox markup: Get the value of a Cell in a RadGrid and pass it to a RadTextBox using the Client Event OnRowSelected Telerik Reporting Telerik Report Server. radgrid -get server edited rows in client side. 11. When the user selects another row, the radgrid fires a postback, and the inserted value gets lost. reply me please asap Kind Regards: Hariindarr Siingh McConnell Dowell There is a 4 column grid, in the second column there is a dropdown list whose client change event is wired to trigger some actions based on the value selected. getting the RadGrid checkbox column value in server. Progress is the leading provider Hi Telerik I want to get selected row, selected row column value from codebehind but without any checkbox selection, I want to click on row and row should get selected and then post back to Codebehind function to get selected row value. my selected records are populated in my parent page. Hi All can anyone give me a solution to get the values binded to radgrid and made the column as hidden/visible =false i need to get the hiddden values of the rows where checkboxes are checked, if header checkox is checked i The example shows the client selection built-in feature of Telerik RadGrid. 0. Select a RadGrid Row (Client-side) inside RadWindows. I have a RadGrid that is based on the client edit with batch server update example code. How I can get the value of a Cell in a RadGrid and pass it to a RadTextBox selecting the RadGrid Row? Thank you. Kind regards, Pavlina the Telerik team Telerik Forums / UI for ASP. like. You can configure the settings of RadMultiSelect and create its elements in the code-behind via the Server-Side API of the control. In the Select cells in RadGrid with Hierarchy Code Library article we show one example that will give you an idea how this would work. For instance if I selects a parent row and child rows of other parent row on different page then all selected rows should hold their selection. Controls. You can attach the ItemCommand event instead and obtain a GridDataItem (row) for the clicked row from the event arguments e. Hi, I am trying to duplicate an example from the Grid Demos here but with a few minor differences. Single row can be selected by clicking the row itself (note that you need to set AllowRowSelect="true" to enable client row selection). Server-Side. Whenever the user clicks on the image button of the row, I should retrieve the id of this row and The code given above to retrieve data from selected rows will work only if the rows are initially selected or on normal postbacks but if you want to retrieve data from a row on selecting it, then you have to set the EnablePostBackOnRowClick property to true for the grid as shown below which will help fire the PreRender or SelectedIndexChanged events of the grid Anybody can help me how can I get selected cell value in radgrid dynamically. Here is how to get whether or not a checkbox is selected. set_checked (false);}} < / script > Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. If the column values is in a different row thant the one currently being selected, you can retrieve that row from the get_dataItems() collection, get the cell values as Shinu has pointed out and cancel the selecting event for the current row ( args. 1 Answer 620 Views. Accessing Row Data In Telerik RadGrid (Server Side) 7. function BatcheditOpened(sender, args) { var row = args. SelectedItems to get the selected item(s). ItemInsert, I would like to set the value of the venIdFk textbox in the formview (fv_vc) to the value of venId in the radgrid's selected row. Attributes. LG asked on 29 Oct 2009, 09:28 PM. Please refer to the following documentation articles: Accessing Cells, CellFormatting, RowFormatting. I want to make an event occur when I click a row in my rad grid, I basically want to replace the 'editform' with an on click row event. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. You can handle the events at run-time and add you custom logic there. If you want to set new values for grid cells client-side, you may consider modifying their innerHTML (see this article for reference). Getting cell values for selected rows client side The name of the cell is "BookingID" In the example code I have three columns; The select column which has a checkbox in it to allow for selecting multiple rows, BookingId, and CustomerName. JS: Here, in MasterTable. get_cell(); var columnUniquename = args. Then access the value using the ColumnUniqueName as shown below. Help me in this regards. NET AJAX allows you only to extract values from fields that are added to the ClientDataKeyNames array. Give a try with the following approach to get the total Selected row count for the master table as well as detail table's on the client side. In one of the bound columns, it has ImageButton. Telerik getting selected ID (Get data from Radgrid selected item) 1. When I click on print button it prints only the records which are displayed in first page,not all records selected in multiple pages. Add Where do you want to get the selected rows - on the client or on the server? On the client you can use the get_selectedItems() method on the RadGrid client-side object. getDataKeyValue("WageID"); document For a list with the server-side properties and methods of the control, see the Server-Side API of the RadGrid class. But I need a client side event, when I click on edit button of radgrid row, the selected row text should appear on radwindow context textbox controls as text. My source code is given in previous post. Hello Yogesh, Check out the following sample code snippet which shows how to achieve this. getElementById("ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_inputPONumber"). You can get the selected row and cell value in 'OnSelectedIndexChanged' event of RadGrid and then populate the TextBox(outside grid) with these values. is there anyother way so that i can display the selected rows again Hello,I have a radgrid with some bound columns. 3. Add(TextBo Hi telerik, I was using telerik version Q3 2007 in my project. However, I cant figure out how to access the other values within the row from in the item command. I select all rows in multiple pages using a GridClientSelectColumn. without ajax its work perfectly but when i tried to put ajaxpanel or ajax manger i can not see Here's how I access values server-side: // loop on grid rows foreach (GridDataItem item in RadGrid1. RadGridView is virtualized and its cell and row elements cannot be accessed by index because the control reuses its visual elements. Pl help. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am trying to get the value of GridBoundColumn which DataField="id" using javascript in client side. Get the values of a cell in a selected row of a RadGrid on client Side. Please help. (i do not want to get it through through row click, when i click on the button it should be called. I'm trying to get, but still its returning first row. Please let me know some idea of urs. I would like to get the key value(Id) for multiple selected rows in an On Click event of a button. I am able to find the control by using row but with cell I am not able to find. Try the following code snippet to set background color for row of selected checkbox. Finding a RadGrid that has a specific ID, in this case RadGrid1. get_cell ("RadioButtonColumn"), "RadRadioButton1"); // Unchecked the RadioButton radioButton. Also it shows how to get the Label value from New to Telerik UI for ASP. Item. Get RadGrid Selected I was wondering if someone could explain to me how to get the datakeyvalue of a selected row on the server side and outside of a radgrid event. Add(RadGrid1); this. Here is my RadGrid declaration: I have a Link Button in my Rad grid, and am able to capture the Item_Command event when clicking. aspx. I want to know in the client side in case the user tries to close the screen before saving/discarding changes in the grid. I have tried the following code. CS: protected void RadGrid1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) this code above the grid then the value will display in textbox when i select the row from the grid. I would like to achieve this serverside if possible. I need cell click event on radgrid. how to find column values of a selected row in a radgrid. Update status = 1 for selected rows in radgrid Remove updated/selected rows from radgrid Reload grid with remaining rows/items} Select rows you will update to status 2 Button2 clicked { Update status = 2 for selected rows in radgrid Remove updated/selected rows from radgrid Reload grid with remaining rows/items} Select rows you will update to My requirement is that user will select a row from radgrid by mouse, on selection of this row i have to perform some processing as soon as a new row gets selected. MasterTableView. For instructions and examples for a server-side approach to access Cells, Values, Controls and more in RadGrid, visit the: Accessing Values and Controls article. The following documentation will help you in accessing the cell value from client side: Getting cell values for selected rows client side Greetings, Pavlina the Telerik team The ItemDataBound event fires on the server when an item(row) in the RadGrid control is bound with data. Text = value; i dont see the EnablePostBackOnRowClick in the property to set true . For instance say I have a radgrid and it has a row that has been selected. For example, if venId (Cell[1]) of the grid's selected row is 81, then 81 would be inserted as the value of venIdFk in the formview. I am using "DataKeyValues" in my C# code to retrieve the value. I am using server-side selection. set-cancel(true)). I've done a bit of searching online, but what works for othe Need to get the cell edited with the button click where the button is bound to the cell. //here cell. Test Studio Test Studio Dev Edition background color want to display in client side. Hi, I am working with radgrid control, the problem description as below :-I have a check box as a first column in the grid and I can select multiple rows, I need to get one cell value [Id] at the server side on when I select rows and click on the save button , By default the Cell selection is happening on the Client-Side. cs" Inherits="_Default" %> Hi Mohsinjk, To fetch the values from grid cells you can use the GetCellByColumnUniqueName(rowObject, columnName) method. I am trying to get a column value of a selected row in the radgrid. get_row(). now, what i want is when i select a perticular row of RadGrid i need to access all the values of that perticular row in a javascript function. The column is a GridClientSelectColumn. I understand that by setting the Aggregate="Sum", the footer will read the summation of that column. I need to do this as a client side action. Web. Here is my aspx : I'm new to the Telerik library and one of my first tasks is to get a total of the values in a numeric column of a Telerik RadGrid. RadGrid allows users to select several rows if the AllowMultiRowSelection property is set to </telerik:RadGrid> When the user will click on any of the cell, I need a column name of that cell. How to fetch 'KeyValue' from Telerik RadGrid? 2. AddCells: IEnumerable<Telerik. How to select row in Telerik RadGrid? 0. Items) Getting Cell Values for Selected Rows Client-side; Update comment. we want to show the user which rows the user has selected previously. Here getting the row values working in normal Gridview, but it is not working in RadGrid. Hi Anusha, Thank you for writing. get_dataItems()[0], I always get the values in the first row because of the [0] , which is the rowindex. Get edit item value in RadGrid client-side. NET AJAX This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers. and also same item label value want get. but i'm not able to select the checkboxes from server side. Example of Looping through all rows and cells to find out the selected Cells. It means when I click ImageButton 'CizelgeAc' I want to get EKD_ID of this selected row. Basically, the control in the 3rd col Telerik Reporting Telerik Report Server. Thank you, Lahiru ASPX page Then use the set_selected() method of griditem to select the corresponding row. And again, for those columns where combos are having DataSourceIDs declaratively - values are passed ok. (You can see this in my first post) but this didn't work too. For example: (args. The problem is that I only want a summation of the selected rows. Hi, I have a rad grid with paging enabled. Then, in the onClick handler for the linkButton, For fv_vc. If you wish to select multiple variables every time you change row you need to add all the values you wish to select under the DataKeyNames=" ". Below you can see a list of the server-side events available in the RadMultiSelect: By default the row selection is disabled ( AllowRowSelect is False). Please help me with this. aspx You can get the datakeyvalue on client side using the following code: function OnRowDblClick(sender, args) { var key= args. You can also find it in the intellisense in Visual Studio. what you said it agreed. As this is a custom (non-supported) scenario, further tweaking will be up to the developer working on it. Items[selectedRowIndex] ?We are using grid paging and args. Get selected cell in RadGridView Telerik. All of the examples on the Telerik support site achieve this by using the Unique Column name. For example, to access a TextBox declared in the ItemTemplate of the column: Hi I have problem with my Telerik Grid. Further information about that approach is available in Getting cell values for selected rows client side help topic. Instead of counting the number of rows selected (in the example), I want the values of each column within each row selected to be displayed in a separate control (listbox/label/something that can handle multiple Set selected telerik:RadGrid row on Client side. innerHTML holds the value of the cell } } </script> Thanks, Shinu. I appreciate any help. Telerik Grid MVC Razor Accessing Row Data In Telerik RadGrid (Server Side) 0. I need to update the EstLengthRds va Here i have attached both GridView and RadGrid. 10 Answers 911 Views. I'm running late in time of my milestone. get_gridDataItem (). Note, however, that if you I'm attempting to get the value of a cell in a selected row of a grid, and populate a textbox with it. Sitefinity. e "1" then I should get the column name"Jun" and third row, second column value ("09-2013-FIN-01 - Revenue Accounting Function"). Another suggestion is you can loop through the selected items as shown below and access a cell value. Cell> void: Adds the cells to the row. RadMultiSelect Server-side Events. value = -1 This is not a good way to find the selected item or get the selected values. Thanks Vikas This will assign the variable "z" to the value of the column you have chosen (ColumnNameFromSqlGoesHere) at that given row. Hi All i have a requirement to get the hidden column value for the rows which checkbox has been selected, can anyone come up with a good solution to complete this thing may be client side or server side Extract Values of Selected Cells. I want to select both parent and child rows simultaneously and requiring the column name of selected rows. It should contain the DataField names of the columns that will be accessed on the client. I am trying to set the RadGrid cell values from client side and Accessing Row Data In Telerik RadGrid (Server Side) 0. I am using a GridTemplateColumn with a CheckBox as the ItemTemplate, which Telerik always suggests using over the i am using check box to select one row or multiple rows in the grid. please help me how do i assign the value to the textbox when row is selected and also page should not be refreshed i have tried radajaxpanel, update panel, same problem occurs. when i add Selectable() property its working superb. 1. Server-side row click event. Want a selected row data in any radgrid server side event. NET AJAX? Start a free 30-day trial Getting Cell Values for Selected Rows Client-side. JS: <script type= "text/javascript" > I have a grid and 3 linkbuttons inside it then i want to trigger seperate events when each of the butttons are clicked not when the row is selected. Adds a cell to the row. which could be populated on the client, then accessed server-side after a postback. I suggest that you read some more documentation. I have a radgrid, textbox and a button as follows: this. What I would like to do is select the row in the RadGrid that corresponds to the ClientIdentifier object with IsDefault = true programmatically when the grid is first loaded. _RadAjaxPanel. The actions needs to be solid client actions no way of server side action. In ItemsRequested server method - I fill combos with List<string>. NET AJAX? Start a free 30-day trial Accessing RadGrid Client-Side. When the row is selected using the first column, I need to retrive the value of the BookingID column. i tried to find these values in 'args' but i havn't found the luck. net control and in it I'm editing the rows on the server side. inqrj tnuwo sjc jfemb lyggn huylp hwyutyh fuot hvxqghwy lio