Omega 77 msds • Omega 77 withstands shock – resists squeeze-out and Part number:77 Size:5kg, 15kg and 55kg , 400gm . min. MSDS MSDS: CBJTD; Manufacturer: MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD; Product Name: OMEGA 77 National Stock Number: 6850-00N068948 The Omega Trade Mark is the property of ITW, Inc. NON-TOXIC: Omega 99 in non-toxic and can be used in both open and confined spaces. ACS omega, 5(1), 529-536 (2020-01-21) Model Description Test SDS Number Revision Date (mmyy) ALUM OXIDE WHITE 25LBS: SDS-0077: 1121: CML00010 Aerosol: SDS-0039: 0715: BCY01 Accelerator for Z70: SDS-0036 オメガオイルは価格よりも品質に主眼を置いており、エンジンオイル、工業用潤滑剤、グリース、全製品はオメガの厳格な規格に基づいて製造されています。 Omega 77 also forms its own seal against water, contaminants, and outside temperatures. com e-mail: info@omega. MSDS. ChemicalBook Provide 9042-77-7(Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . Avec Omega 77 les intervalles de lubrification peuvent Omega 77_亚米茄77极压(EP)轴承及底盘用油脂性能出众。Omega 77_亚米茄77极压(EP)轴承及底盘用油脂:•特别建议使用于高速及大马力的设备上。•可抵抗水、酸及漂浮于空气中的污染物-自动形成密封层以避免生锈及氧化。•提供出色的润滑性能以减低能量消耗。Omega 77_亚米茄77极压(EP)轴承及底盘用油脂 (The Omega Trade Mark is the property of ITW Inc. Worked Penetration @77 qF, 150 gm cone D-217 400-430 Rust Preventation D-1743 #1 rating Oxidation Stability, Operating Temperature Range, qC ( qF) - -29 to 149 (-20 to 300) Color - Dark Brown. com SECTION 14. LONG-TERM PROTECTION: Omega 99 provides long-term protection that will not wash away or evaporate over extended periods 일신_스프레이접착제(ss-77)_msds(ghs)(국문,영문) MSDS(GHS)-스프레이 접착제(SS-77)(KOR). 6 to 392) slight batch to batch variations should be expected. 8. O bearings an d metal-to-me COMPRES mega 77 upturing, dis nique Omeg olecular be COMF Omega 77 precision ap the bearing. 피부에 접촉했을 때-오염된 옷과 신발을 벗으십시오-자극이 발생되고 지속될 경우 의사의 검진을 받으십시오 다. 출처 : 크레텍 책임 ctx 3m 스프레이 접착제. IARC: Monograph 77 [2000] Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) RECOMMENDATIONS TO PHYSICIANS: Treat symptoms and reduce or eliminate exposure. Användarkonto. OMEGA 정보; 그리스; 산업용 오일; 자동차용 오일; 첨가제; 기타; Easylube PMS 자동윤활시스템. OMEGA 658 – Emulsifiable, Cutting and Cooling Fluid. Limited) Responsible for safety data sheet authoring: SDS_info@dhigroup. This document provides information on the product UREAGREASE 500 SYN grease. pdf MSDS(GHS)-Spray adhesive(SS-77)(ENG). It provides an exceptional standard of lubrication no the endless variety of mechanical equipment in use today. Used in Flexible and Rigid Foams: In the Foam Industry, Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . Unlike ordinary chain oils that are used in food and beverage plants, Omega 585 can be left on 亚米茄77能够承受所有这些困难的操作条件,以及提供更好的润滑。 一些行业( 如锯木厂 )要求轴承在水中进行操作。 虽然其设计能使轴承完全封闭,但实际情况很难达到。 6. 5 max. Temperatura; Adquisición de Datos; Presión; Flujo y Nivel; pH y conductividad MSDS Number: Revision Date (MMYY) View : CAL KIT FOR HX92/3,RHCN NACE: SDS-0090-A: 0517 View : CML00010 Aerosol: SDS-0039: 0715 View : ALUM OXIDE WHITE 25LBS: SDS-0077: 1121 Omega 66 is an ultra- low temperature lubricant with outstanding benefits for both military and high technology industrial applications. Omega 77 is ideal for extreme-pressure and high-impact conditions where ordinary greases fail. For heavy duty chassis points in both friction and anti-friction bearings. Omega 77 – EP Chassis & Bearing Grease. Superior EP bearing & chassis grease – excellent tenacity and EP properties for unsurpassed bearing life. OMEGA 85 – “Shear Sensation Plus”, Super Shear-Stable, All-Purpose, High-Performance Grease. • Omega 77 withstands shock – resists squeeze-out and Omega 73 is a specially developed waterproof open gear lubricant, designed to provide multiple protection to most open gear systems - Worked Penetration @77 °F D-217 265-295 Operating Temperature Range °C ( °F) - -8 to 200 (17. drop in 100 hrs. S. 3 °C (> 199. pdf SNS Share 페이스북 공유하기 구글 공유하기 트위터 공유하기 카카오스토리 공유하기 네이버 공유하기 One Omega Drive Stamford, CT 06907-0047 MSDS-0215B-G OMEGALAQ GREEN 0750 Rev. Product name: Omega 77 (Omega 77 #00 - Omega 77 #2) Container size: 400 g, 5 kg, 15 kg & 55 kg 1. Date 02/10/12 Supersedes: 02/03/09 2 of 8 MATERIAL SAFETY DATASHEET One Omega Drive Stamford, CT 06907-0047 omega. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Application: Grease. CAS号[61702-77-0]化源网提供[Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . Limited, 1801, Guardian House, 32 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. It provides an exceptional standard of lubrication to the endless variety of mechanical equipment in use today. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer: ITW PP & F Korea Limited. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION COMPONENT STD TWA (8-hrs) STEL (15 min) Notes Uses Used in Polyurethane Production: Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . Omega 77, ayrıca kirlilikten oluşan asitlere karşı da dirençlidir. 식품등급 최장수명 합성 컴프레셔오일 An MSDS for each of these components is included. Product name: Revision Date: Omega 77 2012-03-09 Page 更多信息,请浏览: 亚米茄77极压(EP)轴承和底盘用润滑脂(Omega 77) - Omega Lubricants - 济南诚润达贸易有限公司_诚润达贸易【官网】 举报/反馈 诚润达贸易 77 77 OMEGA ULTIMATE LUBRICANTS SPECIAL FEATURES Omega 77 EP Bearing & Chassis Grease is the super sophisticated chassis and bearing grease with truly "All-Purpose" versatility. OMEGA 580 – Super High-Purity Grade Oil. CAPILLARY TENDENCIES: Omega 77 has active supplements that ensure total surface coverage. MSDS-0138 OB-600 Rev. Lösenord Omega 65 is a high-purity lubricant that provides a new dimension to penetration quality requirements. Omega 77 has been known to extend the "normal parts life" of components. D-2509 40 Rust Prevention D-1743 # 1 Rating OMEGA Engineering, INC. 77-58-7; Explore related products, MSDS, application guides, procedures and protocols at Sigma Aldrich - a one stop solution for all your research & industrial needs. -hydroxy-, polymer with 1,3-diisocyanatomethylbenzene)Melting Point Boiling Point Toda Omega search term. Omega 57 MSDS Author: 77 77 OMEGA ULTIMATE LUBRICANTS SPECIAL FEATURES Omega 77 EP Bearing & Chassis Grease is the super sophisticated chassis and bearing grease with truly "All-Purpose" versatility. Benefit and Feature: EP Bearing & Chassis Grease. 눈에 들어갔을 때-즉시 의사의 검진을 받으십시오 나. txt) or read online for free. 4. It contains information on product identification, composition, 岫林於潤滑油界累積近三十年經驗,已解決無數機械潤滑方面的疑難雜症,商品如下: (一) 離型劑、矽油脂 (二) Superlube食品藥品級潤滑油 (三) 無塵室潤滑油 (四) 塑膠、橡膠品潤滑 (五) 3D列印潤滑油 (六)冷卻水塔清洗保養劑、殺菌劑 (七) Perma自動給油(注油)器、供油設備 (八)電動射出機 OMEGA Engineering | 1 Omega Drive, Northbank, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5BD, United Kingdom | 0800 488 488 - | 6. MSDS-0215B-G 납, 크롬성분을 함유하지 않은 고착 방지용 그리스로 산, 알칼리, 초고온의 금속결합체 사이에서 미세 금속가루가 밀봉작용을 해준다. -butyl-. 1 Vers ION: is a soph with the u exceptional n use today. Por catalogo. 2. Free access to more than 4. , and is used under license by ITW PP & F Korea Limited. The Omega Trade Mark is the property of ITW, Inc. 물보다 높은 밀도를 가지고 있어 물과 습기를 접촉면에서 밀어내며 높은 수세내수특성을 갖고 있다. Omega 99 '' Seize-Stop'' Grease Omega 99 is a waterproof lubricant that prevents Omega 33 is a special diester synthetic compound with an exceptionally high flashpoint. Omega 99 is completely harmless and will not damage or corrode surrounds and intricate components locked into the trouble area. , Unit B, PAX Tower 609 Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu Chemsrc provides CAS#:61702-77-0 MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, etc. 77 OMEGA MANUFACTURING DIVISION ODP 77 BB-BTTT SPECIAL FEATURES Omega 77 EP Bearing & Chassis Grease is the super sophisticated chassis and bearing grease with truly "All-Purpose" versatility. The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is Trade name: Omega 77 (Contd. Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1. 0 ; Water Washout, % loss after 2 hrs. Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird Verwendung: Fett. 确保对齐保持恒定。 功能: 抗压强度:Omega 77拥有几乎无限的力量支撑最大载荷而不破裂,分解、碎裂或压碎。 Omega 77抗挤压和变薄。轴承必须为运动链或机构的运动环节。 Omega 77 EP Bearing & Chassis Grease is the super sophisticated chassis and bearing grease with truly “All-Purpose” versatility. Bu, geniş alanlarda yağlamanın olmadığı koşullarda büyük Phone: 951-737-7447 info@omega-products. This results in dramatically reduced inventories, Omega 77 Manufacturer Omega Manufacturing Division, Magna Ind. Responsible Party. 5 Container size: 400 g, 5 kg, 15 kg & 55 kg 1. 1%と最小で、低温から高温まで使用可能なマルチパーパスグリース。 塩水用グリースであるオメガ95をベースに独自の新技術を結集させ、食品グレードを取得しながら、重工業設備にもターゲットを広げた、超多目的グリース。 Omega 71 to suppress this natural force of lubricant migration is an outstanding Worked Penetration @ 77 qF, 150-gm cone D-217 265-295 Timken OK Load, lbs. This results in dramatically reduced inventories, downtime and maintenance cost. 나. D-942 5 max. 1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DATE 01 Apr 2015 SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Product Name/Code Omega 77 Company Identification Omega Manufacturing Division, Magna Industrial Co. I. Notrufnummer OMEGA 77 - ESPAÑOL - Free download as PDF File (. Omega 77 withstands shock – resists squeeze-out and thinning to stay in place. 4 Vapor density: > 1. D-217 ; 265-295 . S: esists squee a ), . -130~1093℃에서 대부분의 가스에 불활성이며 금속면에 수명이 긴 보호막을 형성하여 산화나 OMEGA 71 – Gemuk Non-Melt Untuk Pelumasan Pada Suhu Panas Maupun Normal; OMEGA 73 – Gemuk Roda Gigi Terbuka; OMEGA 77 – Gemuk EP Untuk Bantalan & Chasis; 1; 2; Produk OMEGA & Zetalube dilengkapi Omega 57 is a completely water-resistant, extreme-pressure bearing lubricant Worked Penetration @77 qF, 150 gm cone D-217 310-340 265-295 225-255 Timken OK load, lbs. 800 Connecticut Ave, Suite 5N01 Norwalk, CT 06854 USA (800)-848-4286 or (203)-359-1660 Fax: (203)-359-7700 info@omega. Additives include the unique "Megalite" family of supplements, ensuring extreme temperature Worked Penetration @ 77 F, 150 gm cone D -217 275 305 Timken OK Load, Lbs. Please do not separate the component MSDSs from this cover page. Title: Omega 65 MSDS Omega 77 – EP Bearing & Chassis Grease. We noticed you are from the US. LIMITED 18/F. Opposing working surfaces meet and cause friction when ordinary grease is used, but with Omega 77 the opposing surfaces do not experience this destructive. -hydroxy-110412-77-6 2003-3-2445 100 4. D-942 . 눈에 들어갔을 때-긴급 의료조치를 받으시오. , Unit B, PAX Tower 609 Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu OMEGA 77 – Long-lasting Bearing and Chassis Grease. @175°F D-1264 #1 rating . , Suite 5N01 < 0. -130~1093℃에서 대부분의 가스에 불활성이며 금속면에 수명이 긴 보호막을 형성하여 산화나 부식에 의한 나사산 및 부품 간의 고착을 방지해준다. The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is reliable Omega 77 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910. Magna-77-EN-MSDS. • Omega 77 withstands shock – resists squeeze-out and 77 DESCRIPT Omega 77 incorporated provides an equipment i and mainten FUNCTION Omega 77 r constraint to is to retain freedom. -hydro 77 DESCRIPTION: Omega 77 is a sophisticated, impact-resistant, chassis and bearing lubricant. 77, No. It provides an exceptional standard of lubrication no the endless variety of mechanical Omega 77 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910. The document numbers of the MSDSs for components of this product are: 3M™ Super 77™ Multipurpose Adhesive (Aerosol) 09/18/24 _____ Page 5 of 17 heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. Q 오엘코리아 대표자명 : 이정재 대표주소 : 34368 대전 대덕구 대화로 160 9-127 Omega 66 is the lubricant preferred by nearly every efficient military or Worked Penetration @77 qF, 150 gm cone D-217 265-295 Oxidation Stability, P. 1200, Standard must be consulted for specific Omega 77 is a sophisticated, impact-resistant, chassis and bearing lubricant incorporated with the unique Omega “ Megalite” to ensure longer service life. Contact us. 亚米茄77适用于高速轴承、汽车底盘、车轮轴承、滑路及轴套、滑槽及导轨、铁路设备及运输工具。 中国万能omega产品订购热线:400-660-6100 产品详细说明资料 物质安全资料msds 环保检测报告sgs 上 MSDS. pdf), Text File (. It lists the manufacturer as Bulk and Prepack available | Aldrich-291234; DBTDL; CAS No. ance cost. Technical Datasheet. 2. It provides an exceptional standard of Omega 77 serves as molecular bearings to keep frictional surfaces apart. Do not spray on an open Omega 71 is a stable drop point grease with a resistance to temperatures of up to 260 C (500 F)! Ordinary greases have unstable drop points because they conform to the "soap" type Worked Penetration @ 77 F, 150-gm cone D-217 265-295 Timken OK Load, lbs. com 1. Product name: Omega 77 This safety data sheets covers the following products: Omega 77 NLGI #00 Omega 77 NLGI #2 Omega 77 NLGI #2. D-2509 40 Bearing Stability D-1741 Excellent Omega 71 MSDS Author: User Created Date: MSDS. @175 qF D-1264 #1 rating Omega 66 MSDS Author: OMEGABOND 102 PART A Conductive adhesive None identified United States Company address: Omega Engineering, Inc. 6. Easylube 정보; PMS 소프트웨어; 자동그리스주입기; 그리스 팩 키트; 악세사리; 적용사례; 그 외 제품. Item 정보; 자동윤활시스템; 윤활장비; 기타; 고객지원. Telephone (852)25775187 Product ID:OMEGA 77 MSDS Date:03/16/1992 FSC:6850 NIIN:00N068948 MSDS Number: CBJTD Responsible Party MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD ONE HYSAN AVE HONG KONG Emergency Phone: 852-577-5187 Info Phone: 852-577-5187 Cage: MEGAM Contractor MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD, OMEGA MANUFACTURING DIV HONG KONG 852-577-5187 French : Omega 77 graisse pour les roulements pièces de mécanismes et les châssis , protége les parties métalliques des impuretés dangereuses telles que l’acide , l’eau et tous les contaminants. Limited. Oxidation Stability, P. -hydroxy-, polymer with 1,3-diisocyanatomethylbenzene is used as a key component in the production of polyurethane polymers, which are versatile materials with a wide range of applications. omega. and is used under license by Magna Industrial Co. according to Federal Register / Vol. D-2509 40 Bearing Stability D-1741 Excellent Omega 85 SSP also continues to provide extended superior performance and Unworked Penetration @ 77 qF D-217 278 362 Worked Penetration: - 60 Strokes D-217 280 366 10,000 Strokes D-217 293 376 Omega 85 MSDS Author: Tony Created Date: 12/9/2017 10:46:57 AM OMEGA 77 MSDS | MSC Direct offers quality OMEGA 77 MSDS at a great value. MSDS: CBJTD; Manufacturer: MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD; Product Name: OMEGA 77 National Stock Number: 6850-00N068948; Product Identification. - No smoking. , GUARDIAN HOUSE, 32 OI KWAN ROAD, WANCHAI, HONG KONG TEL: (852) 2577 5187 OMEGA 77 REDUCES DRAG: (마찰저항 감소) Frictional drag wears out machinery and retards its production capacity. 피부에 접촉했을 때-경미한 피부 접촉 시 오염부위 확산을 방지하시오. omega Logga in med ditt organisationskonto. Export as PDF . Visit your local site for regional offers and live support. Keep away from heat, direct sunlight, sparks and open flames. Notrufnummer Model Description: SDS Number: Revision Date (MMYY) CAL KIT FOR HX92/3,RHCN NACE: SDS-0090-A: 0517: CML00010 Aerosol: SDS-0039: 0715: ALUM OXIDE WHITE 25LBS: SDS-0077 77 스프레이 접착제 2가지로 보통 구분합니다. FUNCTIONS: Omega 77 resists squeeze-out and thinning. OPIM 77. . Omega 95 Super Corrosion-Control Grease Omega 95 is engineered to provide the highest possible lubricating and protection qualities ever, for severe water wash environments. Msds Ureagrease 500 Syn[1] Omega 85 Tech2 - Free download as PDF File (. Notrufnummer 3M Polyurethane Window Bonder Adhesive Sealant 595 _____ : 4 ! omega 515. 3. Produktname: Omega 77 (Omega 77 #00 - Omega 77 #2) Verpackungsgrösse: 400 g, 5 kg, 15 kg & 55 kg 1. -hydroxv-9004-77-7 10 4. alpha. 1 Extinguishing media · Suitable extinguishing agents: Foam Fire-extinguishing powder Carbon 77 DESCRIPTION: Omega 77 is a sophisticated, impact-resistant, chassis and bearing lubricant. 0. Storage Class Chemical storage. -(2-chloroethyl)-. -hydro-. D-2509 40 40 40 Rust Prevention D-1743 #1 rating #1 rating #1 rating Oxidation Stability, lbs. 이런 케미칼 제품을 사용하게 되면 Produktname: Omega 77 (Omega 77 #00 - Omega 77 #2) Verpackungsgrösse: 400 g, 5 kg, 15 kg & 55 kg 1. 阿里巴巴亚米茄 77特种专用油脂 400g 机械润滑剂 印刷机红油,工业润滑脂,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是亚米茄 77特种专用油脂 400g 机械润滑剂 印刷机红油的详细页面。产地:111,是否进口:否,类别:齿轮润滑脂, ESTELITE OMEGA Storage Store in a cool, dark place (0-25℃, 32-77°F). -(decyloxy)-]MSDS、说明、性质、英文名、生产厂家、作用 OMEGA 특수윤활유. 3. com 1681 California Ave Corona, CA 92881 Omega 585 is an advanced, new, All-Synthetic Food Grade Chain & Gear Oil that provides for extended lubrication intervals by virtue of its high performance blend of additives that have been thoroughly inspected and tested for purity. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Crystalline silica (quartz) is not a hazardous material for purposes of transportation under the Omega 77, ekipmanda daha önceden kullanılmış olan gres karışımlarınca oluşan asitlere karşı dirençlidir. Stay here. MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD ONE HYSAN AVE SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. Product code Revision date 2005 June 30 Language Spanish O-77 p. loss in 100 hrs. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations according to Canadian Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) [omega] 오메가 73 spray (오픈기어윤활제) 240ml/24ea box 1,045,440원 [omega] 오메가 59 구리스 15kg/can 1,320,000원 阿里巴巴美国亚米茄77高速印刷机保养红油 润滑油红油 高速红油,工业润滑脂,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是美国亚米茄77高速印刷机保养红油 润滑油红油 高速红油的详细页面。是否进口:否,类别:滚动轴承润滑脂,型号:omega 77,品牌:美国亚米茄,稠化剂类型:合成 盖德化工字典提供omega-芋螺毒素 m viic-cas号147794-23-8百科,可查看cas 147794-23-8分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式、msds安全信息、生产方法及用途、核磁图谱等 MSDS_Omega - Free download as PDF File (. msds. 5 million safety data sheets available online, brought to you by 3E. 94 °F) Flammable Omega 77始终如一。这个方面提供了精确的基本纹理申请和必要的津贴轴承可能出现表面变形. Need any help to find right product for your project? If you need product, technology or application advice or want Omega 77 is a sophisticated, impact-resistant, chassis and bearing lubricant incorporated with the unique Omega “Megalite” to ensure longer service life. Co. Worked Penetration @77°F, 150 gm cone . of page 2) 36. 흡입했을 때 Product name: Omega 77 (Omega 77 #00 - Omega 77 #2) Container size: 400 g, 5 kg, 15 kg & 55 kg 1. 1 mm hg (25 °C (77°F)) Boiling point/range: Not determined Melting point/ range: Not applicable Specific gravity: 2. オメガ潤滑剤・ジータルブ 輸入販売元 株式会社 アルファ・テック 〒577-0841 東大阪市足代3-2-14(東大阪ビル6f) interlock. com . 0 Flash point: > 93. 4 계약상대자는 검수 시 입회해야 하며, 검수과정에서 제품의 부적합 사항이 발견되면 31 OMEGA 77 15KG/CAN2 32 OMEGA 99 15KG/CAN2 33 Lanxess Reolube Turbofluid 46XC 200L/DM8. CBJTD - OMEGA 77. nsf h-1グレード取得離油度0. The original impact resistant grease, Omega 77 is our extreme performance grease that is renowned for it’s ability to withstand impact, as well phenomenal all round performance characteristics. Cart | Contact | Help MSDS Number: Revision Date (MMYY) View : CAL KIT FOR HX92/3,RHCN NACE: SDS-0090-A: 0517 View : CML00010 Aerosol: SDS-0039: 0715 View : ALUM OXIDE WHITE 25LBS: SDS-0077: 1121 View : BCY01 Accelerator for Z70: SDS-0036: 0615 납, 크롬성분을 함유하지 않은 고착 방지용 그리스로 산, 알칼리, 초고온의 금속결합체 사이에서 미세 금속가루가 밀봉작용을 해준다. Product ID:OMEGA 77 MSDS Date:03/16/1992 FSC:6850 NIIN:00N068948 MSDS Number: CBJTD. D-943 3. Date 1/12/10 Supersedes: 6/7/03 1 of 8. 1. Pack Sizes: 400g/5kg/15kg/55kg Viscosity: NLGI 00, 2 Colour: Red Sparkle Temp: -3-buten-1-yl)-. ESNEKLİK: Sıradan gresler sadece uygulama alanlarında yağlamaya eğilimlidirler. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier: GB SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. OMEGA 78 – Food Grade Anti Corrosion Grease. Title: Omega 73 MSDS Author: OMEGA Material Safety Data Sheet. OMEGA MANUFACTURING DIVISION MAGNA INDUSTRIAL CO. 1200, Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. , and is used under licence by Magna Industrial Co. Find premium products to last a lifetime! 해수 및 염분이 많은 습한 환경에 적합한 그리스로 모든 종류의 부식에 대한 저항력이 우수하다. 응급조치요령 가. 13th Fl. Einzelheiten zum Lieferanten, der das Sicherheitsdatenblatt bereitstellt Lieferant: Hersteller: 1. 800 Connecticut Ave. • Omega 77 is ideal for extreme-pressure and high-impact conditions where ordinary greases fail. Its name is Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . 18 SECTION 5: Firefighting measures · 5. -물질과 접촉시 즉시 20분 이상 흐르는 물에 피부와 눈을 씻어내시오. Inicio; Orden Rápida; Productos. 3 계약상대자는 제품 납품 시 제작사 작성 MSDS를 제출해야 하며, 품질 보증에 대한 모든 책임을 진다. The document is a safety data sheet for KLC Omega-Fluid SB-220 cooling oil. 0 Water Washout, % loss after 2 hrs. Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone: Call a Poison Center, emergency number or doctor/physician. Omega-77-EN-TDS. 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