Obs scripts folder. Hi @Qvvonk, me again.
Obs scripts folder Add the script in obs by clicking tools at the top of obs window, then press scripts, then in scripts press + and select the clip namer. Tested only on Windows 10. In order to install the script, unzip the release, open OBS -> Tools -> Scripts, and add "obsReplayFolders. OBS Instant Replay is a script for Open Broadcaster Software which allows you to display Instant Replay as customizable Picture-in-Picture. lua. py" file to the OBS Scripts , and select the origin folder in the properties panel Add Python Scripts to OBS. OBS is storing its data in c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio. OBS Studio Backend Design; Plugins; Frontends; Rendering Graphics; Python/Lua Scripting; API Scripts 307. In OBS Studio, go to Tools > Scripts. 1 - 1. Scripts for OBS Studio. When the filename for the script was updated it had a suffix lua 2, and the number 2 makes it unselectable in OBS. OBS plugins can help change the Yelov submitted a new resource: Replay Buffer - move to folder - Moves replay buffer recordings to a folder based on the active window. Use obs startup. Geenaxion New Member. script_log(obs. ; Move to OBS Scripts Folder: Place the downloaded . Scripts can be added, removed, and reloaded in real time while the program is running. To use it is very simple, install the files in the OBS scripts folder, Create a Source Browser then go to the Tools / Scripts menu, click plus, add the script "text-anime. OBS will create a series of controls in the Scripts Window based on the Property Set object returned by Added a "Show debug log" to display log entries in OBS > Scripts > Script Log; Fixed. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 216 Updated Jan 10 Current version of the script works with the OBS 31. The folder is determined by the current fullscreen video game executable name on Windows systems. Download and extract the OBS TallyLights Controller plugin. lua file into OBS scripts -folder (C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts) It's actually puzzling after installing many . Two files will be created This script allows user to set multiple folders where instant replay file can be copied with a shortcut key. Jan 24, 2025 I thought I'd bring the useful functionality over Download the obs-scene-switcher. lua script in your OBS scripts folder, typically located at: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs There should have been an icon created on your desktop by default. Unfortunately can't use this anymore, but at least RecORDER works now. I developed an animated text to identify the person in the video, to present an animated information to the transmission or recording. Note that all three files should be placed in one folder with the script (i. Once you have successfully added Python scripts to OBS, they will run automatically, so script_description() script_load() script_unload() script_save() script_defaults() script_update() script_properties() script_tick() Getting the Current Script’s Path. Copy Script Path will copy the full file path to the OBS script generated in the Jingle Scripts for your stream on OBS. In the past the python script left the correct folder due to something I must have done to move it out of the folder then I put it Download the Script from the download link and place the file in your script folder : C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts (Windows) You may rename the script to any name that makes sense to you. py. Upon doing so, whenever a clip is made Here is . Author Yelov Downloads 586 Views 1,854 First release Dec 16, 2024 Last update Dec 16, 2024 Rating 0. OBS Python Powerpoint slide window navigation using OBS hotkey. 3. rcfox. In the Scripts Tab of the Scripts Window, click the Add Scripts Button to add a Python script file, and the added file will appear in the Loaded Scripts Listbox. Upon doing so, whenever a clip is made using the OBS Replay Buffer feature or a recording is started, it will always be saved to a folder named after the focused window. so in the Mac folder should I move it to the plugins folder where all the other . OBS Lua libre-macros. This is a small collection of Lua scripts for automating certain tasks and extending the functionality in the video/audio stream mixing software OBS Studio. Resource icon. Thanks, shookieTea (OBS An API access token will allow the lua script to access your user information. You can use this to make relative paths to files located near your script such as a folder with your overlays. All app settings and personalization are saved in a hidden directory c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming. OBS Studio Backend Design; Plugins; Frontends; Rendering Graphics; Python/Lua Scripting; API 1. OBS_END_SCENE: The name of the OBS scene you want to switch to when the countdown ends. ; obs-cycle - Cycle through your scenes on a timer; obs-hue - Send configurations to your hue lights by pressing hotkeys; Hi The program keeps opening a banner asking for a file c:\\Users|myname\\Appdata|roaming|obs-studio\\bin\\64bit\\. 00 star(s) 1 ratings Downloads 2,579 Updated Feb 5, 2021. Saves replay buffer and recording files to game-specific folders (like ShadowPlay/MedalTV). B. Correct any Lens distortion or aberition. Moves sources and setting values. Restart Replay ATTENTION Only works in Python 3. Free Get User Media(GUM) script_description() script_load() script_unload() script_save() script_defaults() script_update() script_properties() script_tick() Getting the Current Script’s Path. Because the obs-websocket cleanly documents it's protocol, most commands in obs-powershell are automatically generated with PipeScript. Take them and just add them on your obs scripts folder - Mikuaria/Obs_scripts An OBS Studio lua script that moves newly created recordings, replays and screenshots to a folder with the same name as the current scene. U. py file. "Video folder", obs. A script ca Learn how to install LUA Scripts into OBS Studio in this short tutorial video!I also talk about what LUA Scripts are, where to browse different LUA Scripts f As u/ElectronicWar pointed out I checked in /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts and I do have the scripts folder and it contains a clock-source folder, clock-source. Lua Scripts extends OBS functionality with custom scripts for tasks like automated recording, scene management and other automations that would otherwise be time consuming and repetitive to do on stream. Hey, thanks for sharing this useful python folder. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 2,115 Updated Mar 14, 2025. Some screen shots below only show Single event mode at present **) DR2TVOverlay is an extension for OBS Studio built on top of its scripting facilities utilising the built-in embedded LuaJIT interpreter. Ended up being because I used ꞉ in my file names. If this is a blank string, we'll move straight to the OBS_END_SCENE scene, and ignore the OBS_TRANSITION_DELAY. As long as you did not change the install path it should be C:\Program Files (x86)\OBS\ If it is installed and you cannot locate the install path try right clicking on your desktop icon and clicking either 'open file location' or on properties, and that will display the install Hi @Qvvonk, me again. This script is a revised version of OBSPlay by Kwozy. lpl is updated with json describing some data about the state including the games Penwy submitted a new resource: Advanced Filename Formatter - Dynamically change recording filename based on what you're doing in OBS. If you need to use the script multiple times, you may also duplicate the script and provide each copy with a unique name. ZIP; Extract OBS PYTHON Folder to wherever you want it. This was the intention from the start. OBS_TRANSITION_DELAY: If the OBS_TRANSITION_SCENE is set, we'll wait this many milliseconds before switching scenes. exe) and paste in your RSS-feed URL, enter a filename and it will fetch the feed for you and put it in the text file. . Toggle the Bar: Press CTRL+1 to show or hide the red bar. This substitutes the base OBS filename formatting with an extended one, allowing naming files based on current scene, currently captured programs, source state 5. Follow MFGAVIN's guide on how to use OBS as an alternative to Shadowplay. 8-Full-Installer-x64. json 7. 6 install in the “Python Settings” tab. Click the "Show Tools" box and using the "Move Graph" slider, position the graph out of the way. It may be conflicts with other apps I have loaded in my Mac or older OBS's leading to the confusion, but I and maybe many would benefit from something simple to After the previous indications the actiual script can be now installed. Also it changes the game cover, if you configure this and it exists in the Retroarch thumbnails folder. 6. Upon doing so, whenever a clip is made using the OBS Replay Buffer feature or a recording is started, it will always be saved to a folder of the focused window. If the CSV filename has the `[date]` shortcode to add date and/or time in the filename, it now uses the date/time at the beginning of the streaming or recording session (in that order of priority). MIT license Activity. Core Concepts. Configure Settings: Open the script settings and select your desired language. This is different from obs_scene_get_source because scene_get_source returns the Right-click > Compile Script to create . lua" to Loaded Scripts The script below is not the most efficient, however, it planted the correct seeds for me. Download the file, extract where you can run it without admins rights, your text files will be located inside the folder called 'rssfeeds'. wav) of the file you want as your Save Replay Buffer Notification. Choose a scene, set a source prefix, and adjust spacing, margins, and offsets as needed. have a python script for OBS that makes a scene and loads a video and tries to play it. Draeg0; Jan 10, 2025; Replies 5 Views 630. After Downloading a plug-in, expand the . When I add it via the scripts dialogue, it appears, but the script's options do not appear in the options side of things. 6 64bit for OBS 64bit (64bit is the default for OBS), or Python 3. Exeldro; Updated: Oct 23, 2024; Transmit cleanfeed, switching online feed, Remote control your OBS through the Internet via obsws. In OBS under Tools - Scripts enter your Python install path under Python Settings. lua" or use similar name to be able to add it to the OBSの「リミッター」フィルタは使うべきか?【OBS Studio初心者向け使い方講座】 Discordの音質が悪い!?マイク音声を高音質にする方法を紹介します! OBSで「音声 🔥 The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare Premium: https://skl. Non-OBS Script olp2obs 2021-01-04. py into your OBS scripts folder. obs_frontend_add_event_callback(on_event) end This is an example script showcasing how to extend cmd-to-text. (This is my own personal folder path for OBS the ⭐ Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula. These scripts are perfect for streamers seeking to incorporate custom automation into their streaming setup, streamlining their You need to unzip the contents of the zip file into a folder where you put other scripts (can be any folder on your drive). The sub-folder is determined by the current window title in the Game Capture source. The lua script requires 2 permissions: challenger:read and board:play. Here's a little more efficient script, note, I record in . Check the "Show mask" box and use the sliders and I'm trying to use a Python OBS Script (one I downloaded on this forum, obsMidiClient). 9 or later, configured/loaded with OBS; Python libraries: requests, psutil pip install requests psutil; Save As and Place auto-category4. lua file and a subfolder named filter-PZR with the file in it named filter-PZR. It doesn't need to be placed in a specific directory, for convenience the scripts folder located at C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts\obs-rec-organizer is ideal. Installation to put these scripts in OBS: Tools / How to Guide: Download and add a lua Script in OBSChapters0:00 Welcome0:29 Finding OBS Script page1:28 Downloading the lua Script1:54 How to save the script there is no specific folder for the scripts you added. Stars. lua folder using the OBS path. Readme License. Thank you for your time! Also, which folder exactly? It mostly doesn't matter in which folder script resides, you can select correct path via explorer. sh/eposvox08211 🔥Did you know OBS Studio support But since OBS is on 25. lua files will be placed. With Presets, assisted or manually. I copy pasted the code from the first hidewindow. Upon doing so, whenever a clip is made A little AutoHotkey + Python (3) script for displaying a kill counter (odometer style) in OBS, or possibly other applications. mp4r: is my ramdrive. bat to launch OBS with preconfigured settings. This script allows user to set multiple folders where instant replay file can be copied with a shortcut (** The following needs major update now Simultaneous Mode has been implemented. You signed out in another tab or window. I realized that this code could be really helpful to me, so I decided to fork the repository and modify it to include built-in presets. lua scripts and then trying to find the . Open Broadcaster Software®️ Hi All, I saw a thread before about the PC settings folder location, the fairly standard Appdata folder. 0). bat after installing OBS to remove unnecessary features. Open your OBS scripts folder. Resource icon K. Perfect for streamers, content creators, and professional broadcasters looking to add cinematic quality or creative looks to their captures. Top resources. Parameters: interval, timeout, command, shell, target_source: Similar to cmd-to-text. Afterwards, game-specific folders will be created and utilized where replays were previously saved. Scripts can be added, removed, and reloaded in real time while the You have all the OBS scripts in the /scripts folder of the repository. On scene change, assigns a new random video to a stinger transition from a folder. Configure the cycle rate in the script properties. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 1,467 Updated Hi, I tried this too on a M1 Mac, no joy unfortunately. Once that's removed OBS can load the LUA script but unfortunately the problem is still evident, the script has no properties within the filter or Scripts dialog. This script changes the games and consoles (core) names automatically at the OBS scene. bmp; In Obs Create a new scene with the same name (ex: Freeze_Frame) and import the empty image. OBS Lua Instant Replay File Manager (source controlled) 1. Smart Replays renames and moves the clip according to the configuration, then creates a hard link in the folder specified in the script settings. Vignetter is a powerful Lua script that adds a highly customizable vignette effect filter to OBS Studio. Make sure you get the right version based on Smart Replays Smart Replays is a python OBS script whose main purpose is to save clips with different names and to separate folders depending on the application being recorded (imitating NVIDIA Shadow Play functionality). obs-powershell has a command for every websocket request. Source visibility controls if the file is copied for certain folder. Contribute to FineWolf/obs-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. The challenger:read permission allows the script to view the list of challengers and pull out the first (or up next) challenger. Thanks That does not seem to show the scripts folder for some reason. Here we check out 3 scripts to enhance your experience in OBS and as a live streamer. Add the DeBlemish filter to your source. This script also has additional functionality, such as sound and pop-up Contribute to FineWolf/obs-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. tv, can import these links like a regular video files. AHK file), it will either incriment, decriment, or reset (only the match kills) for media_index - the 0-based index of the file in the playlist folder_item_index - the 0-based index of the folder item in the folder at media_index If the file at media_index is not a folder, the second parameter is ignored. Mar 9, 2025. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 231 OBS Lua Replay Buffer/Recording Folders v1. Steve Seguin; Oct 28, 2019; Move Replays to an other Folder, when the Replay Buffer is stopped. Other programs, like medal. While in OBS, go to Tools --> Scripts and add the Lua script provided. Thanks, shookieTea (OBS Copies Instant Replay File into different folders based on the Source Visibility. Reload to refresh your session. Run the script and observe the text source Helpful Scripts for streaming/recording with OBS. Paste in scripture. I found it on nutty's OBS video for scripts Unfortunately loading this folder in Scripts > Python Settings, seems to be the source of why my OBS reports a crash every time I close it. Then, in the scripting dialog, you can manually In order to install the script, unzip the release, open OBS -> Tools -> Scripts, and add "obsReplayFolders. Game cap, or Window Cap). W. This script also has additional functionality, such as sound and pop-up Non-OBS Script Twitch Chat Style/CSS - Simply Planks 2025. 0. Installation: InstantReplayFileManager. All app settings and personalization are saved in a Scripting can be accessed in OBS Studio via the Tools menu -> Scripts option, which will bring up the scripting dialog. Open the Lua file in ANY text editor. africa. Forewarning Added a "Show debug log" to display log entries in OBS > Scripts > Script Log; Fixed. four files should be in total including the script itself)! Also (event): if event == obs. Xaymar; Jan 24, 2025; Twitch chat styling without leaving OBS Studio! 0. Download the obs-date. 00 star(s) 0 Along with that, OBS is an open-source tool that helps other software developers make plugins or scripts to enhance functionality. Developing your first OBS plugin? Use the obs-plugintemplate. Run the program (xmlreader2016. Reveal any image from a folder using a dedicated hotkey using a single "image source". The script looks something like this: import obspython as To use Python on windows, you must install Python 3. Guides (OBS Studio) 53. py script. Take them and just add them on your obs scripts folder - Obs_scripts/README. Dependencies. In that folder you will have the filter-PZR. Place the script in the OBS Studio scripts folder. Scripts for your stream on OBS. This script adds a source to a scene in OBS which can be used to control a camera. 01. Non-OBS Script Online Color Correcting LUT maker 2019. Watchers. Why I Made Open OBS Go to tools (upper left menu inbetween scene collection and help) Choose scripts Scroll down to the plus sign You’ll see the scripts folder Right click on one of the scripts and choose show in finder. You may have some additional instructions to these scripts. This would allow you to make installers for Lua and Python scripts. The script_description function is very important when you want Python scripts to be interactive with users, and it needs to return a Property Set object that contains information about the script’s relevant properties. 3 w Python 3. It can be loaded into OBS by Tools > Scripts hit the "+" sign and search for OBS-RecOrganizer. Click "OK". com. OBS Studio Backend Design; Plugins; Frontends; Rendering Graphics; Python/Lua Scripting; API Download the script OBS_Xbox_Gamerscore. 8) This script is designed for use with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) in live productions. Run the obs-powershell communicates with OBS with the obs websocket. If folder_item_index is higher than the folder item count or media_index, it will be set to 0. The board:play permission is used by the script to recieve the event stream for a player. md at main · Mikuaria/Obs_scripts Replay Buffer Folders moves replay buffer files to a sub-folder upon creation. Configure the update interval and select the text source in the script properties. norihiro; Jan 4, 2021; A script to send a text from OpenLP to a Text source in OBS Studio. lua script that renames file (this can be last recording file when it has static name) and loads this recently renamed file into the available Media Source/VLC Video Source of OBS, then the "Ctrl+Num7" key press event simulated. This is typically found at: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts; Copy Script is now available as a console application for Windows. OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_STREAMING_STARTED: obs. app/videos/eposvox-6-obs-scripts-to-add-important-features-to-obs-studio🖥️ Learn to master your streami Python version 3. zip file and in the expanded folder click to open the installer for your Mac. Replies 45 Replay Buffer/Recording Folders. Then, in the In order to install the script, unzip the release, open OBS -> Tools -> Scripts, and add "obsReplayFolders. py one, if it doesn't loads then you have wrong Python executable or wrong Python location setting set in Scripts window. Babs Johnson Member. Replay Similar to Replay Buffer Folders, but as a standalone . json file in the same folder with your Twitch API credentials: You signed in with another tab or window. py or obs-time. lua script. end-- Built-in: Called on script startup with specific settings associated with the script. If you didn't store elsewhere, all your created files are within this directory. bat if you want automated replay functionality. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 217 Updated Jan 29, 2025. py and obs-time. but as a standalone . NOTE: To use Python on Windows or macOS, you must download and install a Python version that matches your OBS architecture. Click the + button and add the obs-scene-switcher. Guides (General) 76. Send Scripts are managed by the user through the Scripts dialog window, displayed via the menu item Tools > Scripts: A list of scripts currently added to OBS is displayed on the left hand side (here two scripts distributed with OBS). 2. 0 version! Moves recordings to a folder named after it; Moves replay buffer recordings to folders named after it; Moves screenshots to folders named after it; When automatic splitting is enabled, it will also actively move all of the split recordings to relevant folder as in recordings Short demo and guidance to setup my DIY script that allows user to set multiple folders where instant replay file can be copied with a shortcut key. What I was wondering; does anyone know the corresponding Download OBS PYTHON. OBS. There is also example scripts available when you press + button, try selecting . effect. py that we wrote earlier. Want To Learn Member. A warning will appear that Apple could not verify the plug-in. To install, unzip the release and open OBS -> Tools -> Scripts and add "OBSReplayFolders. Contribute to onomou/obs-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. Download video MP4; Download video MP3; This is called the user profile directory. dll instead of relying on a . Note that this only works with sources that can hook to a single window ( Eg. Then got an issue with the file failing to encode a unicode character I used in my file formatting. To use Python on windows, you must install Python 3. x (select the python 3. Collection of scripts to be used with OBS Studio Resources. Click the + button and add either the obs-date. Source Script is now available as a console application for Windows. 10 + Tkinter installed, as required). so's are. Run Python Scripts in OBS. Every time i try to save a replay buffer, there's a huge delay between me pressing the hotkey Install the Script: Download the script file and add it to OBS Studio through the "Tools > Scripts" menu. Textfile is located in a folder called 'rssfeeds'. 4 version, does it means that it doesn't work anymore? All the tutorials seems to be out of date. juria90; Apr 29, 2020; 2 3. The folder also contains a libs folder containing all the functions a script can use. upgradeQ; Mar 9, 2021; Replies 10 Download the Script: Download the sequential_replay_control. Use the provided batch files for additional optimizations: Run OBS Debloat. (anything that finishes a particular file), you also use the Run action in the same macro to call an external script. Forks. v1. 24. Here, we need to add the file hello_world. I see very few scripts, but have access to many in the filters. I'd like to suggest a feature for OBS where Replay Buffer clips can be saved to a different folder than normal videos. lua for specific tasks like displaying time tracking information from Taskwarrior and changing the color of the target source based on the output. This script also has additional functionality, such as sound and pop-up notifications, auto-replay buffer restart, etc. How it works When you run a game in retroarch content_history. Two files will be created automatically in the Display Python Script Properties in OBS. Move. Optionally, you can let a collection of python scripts for obs automation. lua file from this repository. ; Set your Xbox Gamertag and API Key from OpenXBL in the script properties. This script allows user to set multiple folders where instant replay file can be copied with a shortcut key. py scripts. There's no properties or settings in OBS so currently the only method of selecting the source to use is via a variable that you need to change on Download Obs Scripts Folder 2025 in mp3 music format or mp4 video format for your device only in clip. OBS does not move them, the files are in the folder you put them in. OBS Lua Countdown to date - modified 2025 Non-OBS Script Twitch Chat Style/CSS - Simply Planks 2025. exe, if desired Right-click > Run Script OBS > Preview Stream Select any scene to pause auto switching Click outside of Scenes box to resume auto switching Right-click AHK taskbar icon > Pause Script or Exit to stop auto switching Smart Replays Smart Replays is a python OBS script whose main purpose is to save clips with different names and to separate folders depending on the application being recorded (imitating NVIDIA Shadow Play functionality). 6 32bit if using OBS 32bit. Did you remove the previous instance from the scripts list using the "-" button? Actually, you shouldn't A simple script that moves replays to folders named after the window tile/name that a specific source is hooked to. 6 obs scripts to unlock next-level features in obs studio! Published 2 years ago • 21K plays • Length 7:39. Then in the Scripts tab click the plus icon and load scripture. It automatically adjusts video and image sources to fit the screen whenever a How to Guide: Download and add a lua Script in OBSChapters0:00 Welcome0:29 Finding OBS Script page1:28 Downloading the lua Script1:54 How to save the script To start working with the Script right away, copy the file to your OBS lua Script Folder then load from: OBS > Tools > Scripts. py & bible. Nov 12, 2023 #4 JDHaviland said: That does not seem to show the scripts folder for some reason. Click the "Done" button; Non-OBS Script UUinsome slides. Also, only tested on Windows. 00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 3,206 Updated May 11, 2019. Rn i'm only using your script on Obs (version OBS 30. py script from xantyleonhart into my Z:\Programs\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts folder. Mar 27, 2022 the OBS scripts file loader should allow you to at least select it and try to load it. lua: Automatically execute A simple script that moves replays to folders named after the window tile/name that a specific source is hooked to. For simple scripts that do not warrant an entire program. Launch OBS and Click on Tools->Scripts->Python Settings Set OBS PYTHON as the Python Directory. Edit AUDIO_FILE (just the part in quotations) to the name (including . Control OBS with PowerPoint or Keynote via Websockets. 5. How about adding a special folder (like "obs-scripts) for scripts that will auto-load into OBS like installed plugins do. e. If media_index is higher than the playlist item count, it will be set to 0. Full List Of Commands; Full list of websocket commands. This is typically found at: C:\\Program Files\\obs-studio\\data\\obs-plugins\\frontend-tools\\scripts; Copy the Scripts in OBS add a lot of fun tweaks. Unzip the LUA file into your scripts folder and load the filter-rgbtool. On Scripts Tab, now Click the [+] Download the Script: Copy the script to a folder in your computer. Add the "RGB Adjustment Tool" filter to your source. py in: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts; Create a config. You are done ! If An OBS Script that disables and enables the monitoring of an audio input device on a set interval, forcing OBS to drop old buffers and resync the monitoring - MarcusBuer/OBS-Anti-Mic-Monitoring-Desync (due to OBS scripting This function is necessary for those who need to import clips from OBS into another program. Draeg0; Jan 10, 2025; Linux version of Shadowplay/MedalTV capturing. OBS Lua . 0. (this is explained in the Youtube video) 8. lua" to Loaded Scripts Extract virgil-news-ticker. obs-command - Run up to 6 commands from Hotkey presses. The script only uses signals and hooks, so its quite performant! Open Scripts Folder will open the folder where . OBS Smart Replays is a python OBS script whose main purpose is to save clips with different names and to separate folders depending on the application being recorded (imitating NVIDIA Shadow Play functionality). Lua script to add a de-blemishing filter. 1 watching. I can find the obs-studio folder via OBS (File:Show Settings Folder) as normal but I can't seem to locate it outside of OBS, using search etc. Run the Script: Double-click the . 10. 03: About. ; In OBS Studio, go to Tools > Scripts, click the + button and select the downloaded script file. Save the Lua While browsing through GitHub, I stumbled upon a repository by dustractor that contained a script to open the folder where a just-recorded OBS file was saved. LOG_INFO, "Stream started, sending messages to platforms") start_streaming() return elif event == This script changes the games and consoles (core) names automatically at the OBS scene. Edited for linux computers. Click to expand Read more about this resource G. Just put the extracted folder where you can run it without admin rights. The script requires the Game Capture source to be called "Game Capture". This Lua script uses a number of OBS-Studio Sources to display the event information from This is useful in returning the location of your script on your local machine. ; Note: You'll need to set up your image sources for the individual digits in your OBS scene (named "Digit 1", "Digit 2", and so on) and create the Added a "Show debug log" to display log entries in OBS > Scripts > Script Log; Fixed. Save it as "rename_recordings_and_generation_loss. Contribute to kalecream/OBS-Scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. This script allows user to set multiple folders where instant replay file can be copied with a short cut key. Xaymar; Jan 24, 2025; Scripts; Twitch chat styling without leaving OBS Studio Run OBS-Studio-25. To deactivate the script, simply erase the source prefix and save it. Mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts 6. exe to install the optimized version of OBS. ahk file to start it. Search here. Thanks, shookieTea (OBS After looking into it a bit more I notice my folders were all messed up and I had a data folder in another data folder ( C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts) and now I am not sure where what folder should go for reference here are what my folders look like rn 2) Add to document folder and unzip pack 3) Open OBS Live 4) Click Tools 5) Click Scripts 6) Add Scripts (this opens the OBS Scripts folder and I did try adding the overlay scripts here, but that didn't work either) 7) Navigate to document folder and add scripts 8) Run scripts and add to scenes and panels 9) Export Profile script_description() script_load() script_unload() script_save() script_defaults() script_update() script_properties() script_tick() Getting the Current Script’s Path. Set Up OBS (Optional but Recommended): In OBS, go to File > Settings > Hotkeys and set CTRL+1 as the shortcut for both Start Recording and Stop Recording. vbs that wasn't created within the installation and there is no . Click the "Select color" button and click "Pick Screen Color" and select a pixel in the skin. OBS_PATH_DIRECTORY, "*", nil) return props. On the right hand side, if any, the description and editable properties of the script are shown. py Open a new file explorer window and open the OBS scripts folder. That script can do anything that a system script normally does, including file manipulation. 6 path in the scripts obs section) You have to edit the move_files_to_folder. It works nicely to be able to copy the files for backup and quickly transferring key settings to another PC/Windows installation. These things are easy to downlo Replay Buffer Folders moves replay buffer files to a folder upon creation. Replay Buffer Folders moves replay buffer files to a folder upon creation. This is usually found somewhere like: C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts Install Python 3. py from the Scripting can be accessed in OBS Studio via the Tools menu -> Scripts option, which will bring up the scripting dialog. lua, This is called the user profile directory. You’ll see other Lua’s OBS recently added python script integration so this script can be loaded in the tools->scripts menu once saved in the obs scripts folder. lua" and select the animation you want, and fill in the fields that each In Windows explorer, go to your file_path and create and empty image, name it Replay. An user on this forum suggested me to contact you about an issue i'm having, maybe you have a better knowledge on why this is happening. Scripts to assist in updating OBS with data regarding the current game playing in retroarch. Uses the Google Calendar API for updating for updating a specified text source or image source. In OBS' script loader, hit the "+" and navigate to where you unzipped the files. A simple script that moves replays to folders named after the window tile/name that a specific source is hooked to. vbs file to place there Any help is appreciated regrads Luis Saves replay buffer and recording files to game-specific folders (like ShadowPlay/MedalTV). 25. This way they don't have to be manually loaded after they are installed. Should I import the script to : C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins or C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit I am bit lost in there. function script_load(settings) obs. Manually and auto loaded scripts will show up in the scripts list with a special UPDATE: Fixed the issue by granting full control of the OBS scripts folder. OBS Studio Plugins . The individual scripts are: auto-execute-commands. Run obsreplayauto. Image folder must be specified in the user interface and the name of the image must match the google calendar I see an OBS Lua. Then add the "explorer_select_last_recording. 5 stars. Do Copy the clip namer. Then, edit AUDIO_VOLUME to your preferred volume (between 0. lua" to Loaded Scripts. Hi there. As of July 2016, this script is now available as a Windows Console application where you simply enter your RSS-Feed url and filename to get a text file to use in OBS. py file in order to select the origin and destination folder for the files. ## Description [EN] Automatic Fit to Screen Script for OBS (Version 1. What it does: When you activate the hotkeys (Indicated in the . Place the scripts in the OBS Studio scripts folder. Open a new file explorer window and open the OBS scripts folder. Then, in the scripting dialog, you can manually set the path to your Python 3. 2. py in the obs scripts folder (if you installed obs without changing its path, it should be C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\frontend-tools\scripts). vppborpp soxx lyzh ypua ycmddopp wdrpsgk sgamd jqoy lttjz zblat ywbc vhi ywslki ixd juwqi