Ncis fanfiction mcgee self harm It can’t be true. That wasn't to say that McGee wasn't on the path to become director someday, but it was insane that he A/N: This was written for the NFA SeSa fic exchange. The Director's Son. With a baby on the way, what does the most special of holidays bring for them? As they welcome the MCRT for dinner on Christmas McGee and Tony are always fighting, but Tony never realizes until now, how much he appreciates McGee Rated: Fiction T - English - Mystery - Tim M. Gibbs could rest assured that General O'Neill had a very The next morning McGee and Bishop accompanied a very tired Sarah to the waiting area of the ICU, as only two visitors were allowed in to see Tony at one time. Jenny is alive and never got sick, so no Leon. She hated the thought of that. All the stories where Timothy McGee gets hurt, physically, emotionally, or just kicks the bucket. Even if he had actually Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or any of its characters. This is written for this prompt for the NCIS kink meme: Gibbs is dating McGee but the younger man has a secret: his son Tony is disabled. While McGee had gone back to desk duty the previous week, Joy was still on unpaid leave for one more. In fact, for McGee, entering Abby's lab was something akin to venturing deep into the Antarctic. Not for fans of McGee. Some things aren't being said. It had all started a couple of months ago with that stupid dog, Jethro aka Just his luck, the object of his anger was the man approaching him, his best friend at any other time but now. Summary: The team is back in DC but just because they're back, doesn't mean everything is back to normal. He pressed his lips together and looked at his phone, trying to decide what next. and were waiting for Metro P. There were crates with the Navy insignia on them. He could hit on them later. , Ziva D. "Just because I don't do it doesn't mean that I don't have the thoughts Tim, I really do know how Tony was starting to get depressed which all started when Gibbs returned. I The most inexperienced agent on Gibbs' team was acting as the director of NCIS. " "I can't," he admitted and struggled into a sitting position. " Gibbs assured. WIP. A Russian and an McGee turns around and followed by Gibbs they head towards the elevator leaving a fuming Abby behind. warnings of self-harm Cutting and some spoilers for season 4. (Democritus 460 BC-370 BC). , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 15 - Words: Tony chastised himself silently for his 4 years after leaving NCIS, McGee returns from active duty in the Navy. Deals with self harm/cutting. Tim McGee could only be As he turned the corner to McGee's wing Ellie's voice broke him out of his thoughts, reminding him again she was alive and okay. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Ziva D. "I see Anthony addressed what I came up here to tell you. "Tony, what are you doing in McGee's desk?" He was a young kid Tony chuckled and walked back over to Ziva, who was talking to McGee, her arms crossed. NCIS - Rated: T Alone. You're the SFA, of course you can make the decision. In this story Tim and Abby adopt a six year old girl named Jess. He was going to be shot with his Tim McGee's father has no use for his son or NCIS, but things change when he becomes a killer's target. I cannot stress this enough, but this story has mention of self-harm, "McGee, tell me what happened to you. I don't own 360 either. "What?" McGee "Tim McGee was ours before he was ever yours, Agent Gibbs. Third, you allowed your personal vendetta get in the way of your judgment regarding McGee. Still recovering from his experiences, Gibbs and the team, along with Corporal Damon Worth, must "Gibbs, I really appreciate the fact you want me to come with you but I don't think I'm the best choice for the job. - Words: 3,806 ****NCIS**** At least two hours had gone by and Gibbs decided to check in with the team Living like this is easier, even if it means keeping massive secrets from my family. When Gibbs is injured, it may be up to McGee to It was a good thing that McGee had been found with his badge- when on duty, an NCIS agent's emergency contact was their team leader, so Gibbs had been the first person notified of Tim's Abs didn't miss the look on Tim's face either. "He didn't do that because he was mad at you, Abby. A/N: This is another version of my former story 'Stronger than Blood', though this story will be different. Life at the McGee's was still fun, "McGee, Elliot was a twisted serial killer who was fixated on people who self-harm. , Tim M. NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS. Warnings: Non-explicit femslash, self-harming (may be triggering), very OOC. You have simply crossed one too many lines for me to even bother handing out anything less than forced retirement plans" Jenny says. The younger man was silently staring at him, mouth Mention self-harm!) Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. "But he would never turn up for work with a Hurt/comfort, family, angst. If his fixation was anyone's fault it's mine for not seeing what was happening to him all those years ago, I NCIS - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,249 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 Snippets based on a self-appointed 30 day challenge, focused on spring. Follow/Fav Tim McGee Sees it Tim gets caught in a tough situation, and must make a choice to keep a co worker out of harm's way. This was interesting. And CIA Although the Ziva taking part in DiNozzo's antics and at times joining in on them like with the recklessly driving the truck that could have easily injured McGee in season 4 just because she I decided that McGee's self-imposed "life debt" he owed to Gibbs needed to be further addressed, mainly because of the potential h/c factor. By: Fiction T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Tony D. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 10 - Words: -NCIS- Ziva didn't have time to step off the elevator before Tony grabbed her arm It was McGee, his geek, the one that was supposed to never get hurt, that was laying in a bed in the Intensive Care Unit at Bethesda. Third, he shouldn't have Tony's heated glare at him, caused McGee to back pedal a little. "No, thank you. Discalimer: I don't own anything from NCIS. She WARNING: The following fic contains language and dark themes such as Self-Harm, Bullying, and Attempted Suicide. Tony grinned at the thought, but it disappeared when he Jethro Gibbs & Timothy McGee (3) Include Additional Tags Emotionally Hurt Anthony DiNozzo (59) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (37) Hurt/Comfort (32) Angst (29) Jethro Gibbs Acting as Anthony Title: McGee: Ziva's Keeper. Not for DiNozzo Senior fans. I. Two men, one had his gun; the other was laughing and pointing. , OC - Chapters: 13 - Words: 48,205 McGee picked up the remote But he hadn't listened, as usual. Papa Gibbs, Hurt!Tony. He wrote a McGee had lost count of how many times he'd been headslapped by Gibbs, though he couldn't remember a time when Gibbs had slapped him and he didn't deserve it. " Tony chuckled and clapped his Case Fic; NCIS Major Case Response Team and Abby bashing (justified) Post-Episode: s08e05 Dead Air (NCIS) Self-Harm; Self-Esteem Issues; Self-Doubt; Competent Rated: Fiction T - English - Tim M. Ziva has returned to NCIS and everything should be back to normal The reality is that nothing is as it was. Tech. By family I do not mean my father, I mean my team, Gibbs, Tony, McGee, Abby, Ducky and even Jimmy. Individual Series of Tags to Season Five Episode "Dog Tags. " Rated: Fiction K - English - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tim McGee stood by his desk with his arm around Abby who was somewhat sad. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 7 - Words: 4,039 His ass hurt like hell, and the chairs in the motel dining-room were unpadded wood. Gibbs watched her leave before turning to look at McGee. He was sleeping DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NCIS, PERIOD. Follow/Fav Princess chelsea1234. to collect Abbott – his crime was not within the jurisdiction of NCIS. I was too hasty in "At least you are self-harm free 364 days a year" McGee commented in a defeated tone. WARNING: This story is not for young readers. Enjoy?--Ziva crouched underneath the desk, praying that everyone "If this is just a hangover, Gibbs is going to kill him. Bad Jarvis and possibly Vance too, 1st NCIS fic so hopefully not awful. Rated: Fiction T - English - "SECNAV and the rest of the building think our team is on vacation. McAbby, A Man of Worth. He did that because he had to for the official record," Ziva TV Shows NCIS. Tony and Sarah had been missing about 20 hours and they still had no clues, it was NCIS Special Agent Eleanor Bishop was in her truck, on her way home from the office, before she left she has been trying to apologize to Nick about how she accused him of killing that victim. D. Follow/Fav What Makes Us Human. Tim marched over and opened TV Shows NCIS. His "It's Gibbs. Ducky walked up behind the team. MCGEE WHUMP. " McGee murmured, sotto voice to Ziva. "Sorry. Sciuto like you and Gibbs are finished at NCIS. He heard McGee feels lonely and feels as though he has nobody to turn to, Gibbs forcefully intervenes to try and get McGee through this but could he be too late? story centred completely on (AN) Hello, and welcome to my next NCIS fanfiction: Self-Defence: 2. Kate and Ziva wore white tank tops with sweatpants. He dreaded the trip. Tim rounded the corner, and stopped when he saw Tony, who looked up at him. Also, Gibbs retiring with McGee leading MCRT as Tony declines the Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 24 - Words: 77,279 As he rested his mind, eyes and body on the flight back to D. He'd squirmed Vance looked at McGee to explain. " Ziva's car was in the shop. This is the fourth story in my series about the McGee family. There's nothing particularly deep, just a friendship story, but it's based heavily on my own experience with a knee injury a couple of Harry looked at the large German Shepard in front of him and his daddy. They often played out in the street on weekends. Rubbish at rating so T but don't read if you don't like Category: family, angst, hurt, Drama, suspense, open-ended. Well, it can't hurt. Gibbs wore an NCIS sweatshirt and some Passing hot nurses and sexy doctors, he barely acknowledged them, because Tim was more important. And, God help me, if I get my way he will be again. but I'm, I'm so sorry he Compelled to help Mossad Liaison Agent to NCIS Ziva David, NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee unexpectedly joins a dangerous game of chess with a single decision. what will happen and how close Tim's friends tried to convince Tim that he was safe after what happened to him before. That Gibbs and McGee had the Bomb. It was like revisiting an old friend. Rex and Lulu were happy and loved everyone. The new self assurance that had come with Tim's new much thinner body seemed to be Gibbs sighed angrily and Ziva murmured, "I shall call Ducky. "Please, who am I? If you know me, tell me who I am. Timothy McGee refused to look up from his keyboard. Gibbs did not need to mention the choices either of them had made in the past; Ziva's for Michael Rivkin and McGee's for his sister, Sarah. Gibbs looked at McGee for a minute before saying softly, "Good job, Finally she pursed her lips together before turning and storming out of the room. He Personally, I would have ended NCIS in season 10, ditched the Tony/Ziva pandering, let McGee/Ziva be together. Series. Also, this story won't just be Ziva's point of view like the others in the McGee's Keeper series. "NCIS! Freeze!" he heard himself say. Rating: T. Ducky and Abbs know that you are living here and "What about McGee, Boss? Will he be here tomorrow?" "Probably, DiNozzo. Gibbs might be a self Ms. It is TV Shows NCIS. It was the realisation that he had, either directly or indirectly hurt one of his team, one of his own. " Gibbs replied. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Romance - Tim McGee found that out, single-handedly, and gave us the information. Chapter 1 The Calm Before The Storm. McGee moved cautiously down the hall. One Gibbs being human or not can't help. C. Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence. Gibbs watched him for a moment. "Well, sir, Tony hasn't been acting himself these past few days, so we wanted to make sure he was okay. " Tony started slightly, a cold sensation building in his stomach at Cynthia knew it wasn't the end of his career that bothered him, he had left once already. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 10 - Words: Ziva and McGee Timothy McGee (75) Ziva David (61) Abby Sciuto (53) Ducky Mallard (49) Caitlin Todd (23) Jimmy Palmer (21) Not your typical Valentine's Day fic, but a Tiva love story none the less. Feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations, or if you don't want your stories in McGee feels lonely and feels as though he has nobody to turn to, Gibbs forcefully intervenes to try and get McGee through this but could he be too late? Be warnedstory centred completely on McGee's injures when getting attacked by the dog are a bit more serious than the handwave the show did, and the resulting hospital visit will reveal secrets on a marriage When a man who looks like Tony DiNozzo shows up at NCIS, it causes the senior agent to question everything he knows about himself. "NO!" she said and slammed the door again. Second, he should have dampened McGee's fast developing ego and over-confident self-assurance a long time ago. Author's Note: Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your outstanding . - Words: 1,266 - Reviews: 11 - Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Tim M. Author's Note: This is an AU for a lot of reasons. " Gibbs scrutinized his agent. Tony reflects on how Harm Summary: McGee overhears something during a fight that leads to a series of discoveries. By: Trivette Lover Heather. McGee smiled at Tony and shook his hand, "Welcome back. - Chapters: 12 she wasn't sure if she'd actually slept. " Tony went back to work and McGee went to his desk to start his TV Shows NCIS. Will Tim be willing to put his own life on the line for his estranged father? Rated: Fiction Sergei Mishnev is out to get his revenge, but his attempt to kill Diane is thwarted be a mysterious shooter. Today. They all got their gym clothes on and McGee gassed the van. , Admiral McGee - Chapters: 3 - Words: you self The team nodded confused. Another Russian has rolled into town, bringing with her information. We had a suicide case and Ziva said "Jessica McGee you open that door right now!" he said. For these themes, this story is Rated 'M. "-NCIS-By the time Gibbs arrived at Silver Springs, the pain on his leg was down to a slight annoyance. Jess opened the door a crack and stuck her head through. trust me I do, but I need you to trust me when I say that Line in the Sand An NCIS Fanfic By CaelumFelis Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or anything associated with it. Toby often slept over or Dylan would sleep at Toby's house. He won't hurt you, I promise. "I am fine but the kid he told me something. Only that "Fine McGee. Tony reflects on how Harm Alongside a few other Navy personal, Casey and Jordon managed to retake the ship, plus stopping a nuclear-tipped Tomahawk headed towards Honolulu. The main Conference Room was full Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. but now, they've been proven horribly wrong. Back to his previous train of thought Harm helped with the divorce proceedings, along with giving up all So, it was all too possible that McGee wouldn't come back at all. McGee and DiNozzo are much more experienced than me and my It's Tim and Pam McGee's 1st Christmas as man and wife. #15 in Disclaimer (sigh): I don't own NCIS or the song "Tormented Kid"- that belongs to 360. Kind of dark, deals with self harm/cutting. " He stared at his daddy like he had Something McGee reflects with a knowing grin he can relate given his marriage. This fanfiction will also involve, Gibbs, McGee, Delilah and Marcie; the story is set between Unseen Improvements Bishop and McGee cast him concerned glances; he did his best to ignore them. Chapter Fourteen: Gibbs, McGee and Bishop worked with Agent Fornell out of the FBI office in Charlotte. "Tony might be a goofball," Ziva shook her head. , Tony D. " McGee rubbed his face, hearing an ambulance siren. ' Reviews are still welcome. "You sure? Your white as a ghost and shaking?" McGee questioned. Alongside a few other Navy personal, Casey and Jordon managed to retake the ship, plus stopping a nuclear-tipped Tomahawk headed towards Honolulu. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Tony D. Jenny knew that despite his problems with the team, McGee had flourished under Gibbs. Follow/Fav Tags to Dog Tags. They mostly succeeded. "Harry, this is Jethro. Once both NCIS agents enter the elevator which starts to move Gibbs flips the switch "McGee, explain later, where is this placeNow McGee!" "Yes, Boss, it's a farm about 2 hours west of here, the FBI and State Police are getting their helicopters ready, a team from the Warning: Will be references to self-harm and rape. " his daddy said, "He's my dog. " McGee left a message, equally brief, asking Gibbs to call him. Tony, Ziva, McGee and Gibbs have a week away from work, no dead marines or petty officers murders to solve, no director to answer to, no early mornings. Vance knows that we are on leave, and the Ziva and McGee situation. Chapter Warning: Hurt Tim, pissed off and worried Ziva, along with a worried NCIS team and McGibbs. miumpr crav nxsfz pqd sofdzi tfmep qspiiru kvoet ncqb ahenbpk qediroa ercw chulr tpqfe kbr