Londo mollari quotes Franklin gave you? A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Coming up again, it's not so terrific, but- A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. [Londo indicates the center of his A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5: In the Beginning movie on Quotes. — Londo Mollari, "The Gathering" while drunk "Sooner or later everyone comes to Babylon 5. net - Morden: So what are you going to do, Mollari? Huh? Blow up the island. Ambassador Londo Mollari: Oh, my Londo Mollari: [Speaking to Luc and Lyssa Deradi] Very well. Vir Cotto: I know. net - Londo Mollari: I've known the regent since the first time I came to the Royal Court. Londo Mollari: Cats! I'm being nibbled to death by cats. You Londo Mollari: I've known the regent since the first time I came to the Royal Court. Well, it is an imperfect universe. And so, here we are, victims of mathematics! A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5, Season 2: The Coming of Shadows show on Quotes. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. Abbreviations. Babylon 5 quotes 561 total quotes. Rate this quote: 0. Now, suddenly, everyone is my friend. Londo objects]Londo Mollari: I told you before, where I go, he goes. Vir Cotto: No, I don't. G'Kar: Mollari. " And then she kissed me, right here. But I can A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. [chuckles at his mistake]Londo Mollari: [smiling] Yes?Vir Cotto: [to the stage crew] Her name's not Aldira, right? [both laugh] A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5, Season 1: Signs and Portents show on Quotes. Vir can be emperor. And now I have all the power I could ever want and no choices at all. The STANDS4 Network. Login . Londo Mollari: Mister Garibaldi, just now, would you really have killed me? Michael Garibaldi: Yes. I will give you both what you want. View Quote. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Vir, stay. Londo Mollari: Don't worry, even one as arrogant as this would not take it upon himself to imprison his own prime A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5: The Gathering movie on Quotes. You see I was there at the dawn of the Third Age. Londo Mollari: [his last words, in a glimpse of the future] We have unfinished business between us, G'Kar. Ambassador Londo Mollari: Because I have asked you; because your sense of duty to our people should override any personal ambition; and because I have poisoned your drink. You've devolved. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Now, landing thrusters landing thrusters, hmm. Elric: Well, take this for what little it will profit you. net - Londo Mollari: [singsong] Everybody's cute, everybody's cute, even me. Michael Straczynski's ambitious and complex futuristic space opera charts five years in the lives of those aboard the titular five-mile-long space station, where personal drama plays out against a tense political backdrop of looming war b more » Londo Mollari: Isn't it strange, G'Kar? When we first met I had no power and all the choices I could ever want. It's a colloquialism. " — Jeffrey Sinclair, "The Gathering" A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Everyone around me dies, Mr. ] Londo Mollari: So, how does it feel to make history, hmm? [Londo Mollari and G'Kar are discussing the inexplicable rise in Centauri military spending. He cultivated sobriety as his only vice. Ambassador Londo Mollari: Yes, and I'm prepared to give you one, Commander, as soon as the room stops spinning. He doesn't drink. Londo: Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Ivanova: Boom. Lyta Alexander: So would I. net - Londo Mollari: Lyta, I understand the Psi Corps is looking for you. net - [Minister Cholini, acting under the regents orders, wants to place G'Kar under arrest. " Londo: Yes, it was just a thought, nothing more. - Understand that I can never forgive your people for what they did to my world. They hate us, we hate them, they hate us back. A story about great deeds, about armies of light and soldiers of darkness. Thread starter Truth_Seeker; Start date Mar 12, 2008; 1; 2; Next. ] Londo: Oh! Babylon 5 quotes 561 total quotes. com; Anagrams. Londo Mollari: There, you see? A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Boom, boom, boom. Londo Mollari: The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. "Sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5. And I hear sounds†the sounds of billions of people calling your name. ] Londo: Faugh! You can never get a straight answer from anyone around here! A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Ambassador Londo Mollari: [chuckles] Almost makes you wish that you could peek in on them, see how it's going. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died?[Clutches heart]Ambassador Londo Mollari: AAAAAAAAAAAARGHHH! Babylon 5 quotes 561 total quotes. Londo Mollari: The council, the council can go to hell, and the emergency session can go to hell. [offers Garibaldi his wrists] Michael Garibaldi: Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrists. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: [noticing something is different about G'Kar] G'Kar the artificial eye that Dr. Michael Garibaldi: Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrists. Boom boom. Londo Mollari: Bastard. If you go, as a matter of honor, I will have to go with you, and if I am forced to leave this place, with all its marvelous opportunities, I will have to kill you What are friends for?. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Mr. net - Londo Mollari: You know, Vir, you have what the Earthers call a negative personality. Boom! Have a nice day! Quotes by Londo Mollari [] Conversations with Londo Mollari [] Londo Mollari: We made a mistake, I'm sorry. " Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, The Gathering. Is there anyone along our border with whom we are not currently at war? Lord Antono Refa: We need room to expand. Once you've finished killing each other, we can plow under all the buildings and plant rows of flowers that spell out the words, "Too annoying to live A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Garibaldi, just now, would you really have killed me?Michael Garibaldi: Yes. Londo Mollari: But thisthis, this, this is like being nibbled to death by, uhPah! What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feetgo "quack". Londo Mollari: Well, as Mr. It never stops spinning. I've checked every single detail myself. G'Kar: Monster. You'll note the plural form-lines. net - Vir Cotto: Londo, this is insane!Londo Mollari: Insanity is part of the times. But in purple I'm stunning[collapses]Vir Cotto: Ahh, he has become one with his inner self. Franklin gave you where is it?Citizen G'Kar: [Grins mischievously as we see Sheridan and Delenn in bed, newly-married and blissfully unaware that G'Kar's prosthetic eye has been strategically positioned on A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. You must learn to embrace the madness. I can only assume you have not been A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Ambassador Londo Mollari: My followers?Elric: Your victims. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: I will show you the Babylon 5 that I know. ] G'Kar: Well, with everyone now on the same side, perhaps you're A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Gods by the bushel! Gods by the pound! Gods for all occasions!! [He leans toward a discomfited Delenn. Londo Mollari: He [a Narn] seems very glad to see you. It's a terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it. Less than a month. I didn't even sleep on the flight back from Minbar so I could go over it again. Londo: Of course not! What, do you think I am stupid? A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. [Vir helps him up - grasping his hand]Londo Mollari: And you, you can go to hell, too, I wouldn't want you to feel left out. Londo Mollari: On my world, we have learned that an inauguration is simply a signal to assassins that a new target has been set up on the firing range. G'Kar: Mollari-Londo Mollari: A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. I think my buttons are melting. About the place where they lived, and fought, and loved, and died. If Vir can be emperor - a small earth cat can be emperor! A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. ] Londo: All right. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Fools to the left of me, feeders to the right I need to find a real job. Ambassador Londo Mollari: But Delenn?Lennier: Will know better, but will not inquire out of respect. That means I'm not bound by their rules. Londo Mollari: Actually, now that you mention it. ] Londo: Have I ever told you that you are very cute for a Minbari? [He crawls over to Garibaldi. Flattening it, yes--but invading it? We will be using mass drivers. The hand is your hand. You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy? Login The STANDS4 Network A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Ambassador Londo Mollari: Well, you begin to see my problem. Garibaldi? Even if maybe only for a little while?Michael Garibaldi: Even if only for a little while. Boom, boom. No choice at all. net - Londo Mollari: I would remind the Drazi ambassador that the Centauri Republic has already signed the Declaration. I was there. Anything else would be redundant. net - [repeated line]Ambassador Londo Mollari: Great Maker! A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Lord Refa: Exciting times, Mollari. net - Londo Mollari: Isn't it strange, G'Kar? When we first met I had no power and all the choices I could ever want. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again and command the stars. net - Vir Cotto: [during the gag reel, through the BabCom] Ambassador?Londo Mollari: Yes, Vir, what is it?Vir Cotto: You asked me to remind you about Aldiras suite. A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5, Season 1: Signs and Portents show on Quotes. BOOM! Have a nice day. One only has those who wish to use you and those you wish to use. net - Sinclair: I'm still waiting for an explanation, gentlemen. Everyone wants something. Morden, except those who most deserve it. But it tastes so great going down. Fascinating. But every time I have been happy the universe has conspired to do something nasty to me. I'm not going to look anything up to get it verbatim, but there is always the popular " in purple I am STUNNING" Ambassador Londo Mollari, Babylon 5 Pilot Opening monologue in The Gathering. " Yes, but say instead they are decadent people interested only in the pursuit ofof dubious pleasures. Truth_Seeker A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. G'Kar: You have kissed far worse things in your time, Mollari. net - Londo Mollari: Vir, it is a terrible truth but as one accumulates power, one loses friends. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts. My god, man! We've become a tourist attraction. net - Timov: Do you seriously expect me to become involved in your sexual Olympics?Londo Mollari: They were merely expressing their feelings for me. net; Biographies. net; Londo Mollari: Great Maker! Sometimes I feel I don't understand anything anymore. G'Kar: And if the Centauri can sign it, *anyone* can sign it!Londo Mollari: That's true, I wait a minute! Londo Mollari: Yes, absolutely. It doesn't mean anything, but it scares people every time. net - Londo Mollari: There was a time when this whole quadrant belonged to us! What are we now? Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories. Because I'm not with the Corps anymore. net - Vir Cotto: [stuttering] The council meeting, the emergency session. Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos. Go away for a month and they bow. net - [Londo asks a visiting Technomage for a prophecy]Elric: As I look at you, Ambasador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. Londo Mollari: Of course not, what, do you think I am stupid? Creator J. Ambassador Londo Mollari: Lennier, if there's any way I can A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5: The Gathering movie on Quotes. Let us make an end of it quickly, before it stops me. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Only an idiot would fight a war on two fronts. net - Lord Refa: Why should I do as you say?Ambassador Londo Mollari: Because I have asked you; because your sense of duty to our people should override any personal ambition; and because I have poisoned your drink. Fine! You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. "See the great Centauri Republic - A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. I would hate very much for them to find you. " Quotes. - G'Kar, where is the eye that Dr. net - Susan Ivanova: Ambassador, do you really want to know what's going on down there?Ambassador Londo Mollari: Yes, absolutely!Susan Ivanova: Boom. From his sharp wit to his introspective moments, Londo’s words offer a unique perspective on power, regret, and the human condition. A true story. ] Londo Mollari: There, you see! One deserts his post without any explanation, the other one picks the most breathtakingly inconvenient moment possible A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans Londo: This is Ben-Zed, god of food! AndLi, goddess of passion! And Mo-goth, god of the underworld, and protector of front doors. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power! A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. You have to do it again. Lennier: I don't know, Ambassador. Forums. Vir Cotto: But, Londo, why? I've spent weeks working on this report. Londo Mollari: Of course not, what, do you think I am stupid?. New posts Search forums. 0 / 0 votes G'Kar: So your people will agree to concede the sector? Londo Mollari: I would sooner kiss a Jovian tree worm. net; Ambassador Londo Mollari: Everyone around me dies, Mr. net - Londo Mollari: But this - this, this, this is like - being nibbled to death by, uh - Pah! What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet, go "quack". Garibaldi says, "I think I'll wait for the movie. "Would you Londo Mollari: [his last words, in a glimpse of the future] We have unfinished business between us, G'Kar. Instead, I have turned into a wishing well with legs. I wanted respect. ' No, I said it was cold, as in 'Oh, my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!' "Babylon 5, Season 4: No Surrender, No Retreat Quotes. net - Emperor Cartagia: [to Londo Mollari] The trouble with being infallible is that you have to deal with everyone else making mistakes. net - Londo Mollari: [arguing with Garibaldi] We made a mistake, I'm sorry. net - Londo Mollari: [referring to the book of G'Kar] And am I in here?G'Kar: Not by name. Londo Mollari: Refa, the emperor?Lord Refa: Is out among his people, basking in their almost-sincere adulation. As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. And before they took me, I'd plant a Londo Mollari: To be left alone! [Londo leaves the lift and quickly walks away. Go. These quotes from Londo Mollari exemplify the complexity and depth of his character. net - Londo Mollari: I couldn't stay there a moment longer. net - General Lefcourt: We took care of the Dilgar, we can take care of the Minbari. net A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Here, open my wrists. A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Londo Mollari: Yes perhaps. It began in the Earth year 2257, with the last of the Babylon stations located deep in neutral space. How efficient of you! Rate this A page for describing Quotes: Babylon 5. net - Londo Mollari: Refa, any force attempting to invade Narn would be up to its neck in blood--its own!Lord Refa: We have no intention of invading Narn. ' No, I said it was COLD, as in, 'Oh, my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor'! This is highly inappropriate, Captain!Captain John Sheridan A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Boom boom boom. G'Kar: Yes, but we weren't gone that long. STANDS4 LLC A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. ] Londo Mollari: Now, I have been studying these reports from the front lines. G'Kar: Mollari. Now if I were a landing thruster, which one of these would I be? A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. net - [to Garibaldi, who is depressed]Ambassador Londo Mollari: Suddenly, I looked up and this beautiful dancer is leaning down over the stage, and looking right into my eyes. Go away for six months and they'll tear the place apart when you come back. For my next trick, I Citizen G'Kar: [to Londo after they discover the Centauri are still building warships during peace time] Well, with everyone now on the same side, perhaps you're planning to invade yourselves for a change. Understand that I can never forgive your people for what they did to my world. By the time we are done their cities will be in ruins, we can move in at our leisure!Londo Mollari: Mass A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. ] Morden: Is that it? Is that really all, Ambassador? [Londo sighs, then turns around. By description: Na'Tak Burella. It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats, and travelers from a hundred worlds. [offers Garibaldi his wrists]Michael Garibaldi: Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrists. I decided to post this thread because Londo is a very interesting chracter who can make you laugh in the beginning of an episode and make you despise him at Home. "You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. net - Londo Mollari: Great Maker! Sometimes I feel I don't understand anything anymore. I know. My people can never forgive your people. Vir Cotto: Cats. Londo Mollari: [about the Humans] They have an expression: "Pride goeth before a fall. Londo Mollari: And what guarantee will you give me that the cruiser will not open fire on a Centauri vessel as it approaches Babylon 5, hmmm?Michael Garibaldi: The same A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. And where he goes, I go. net - [last lines]Londo Mollari: It is good to have friends, is it not, Mr. [Londo is disturbed by front-line reports of Centauri conflicts. Yes, I would've, but I'm just as glad I didn't have to. Londo Mollari: And you, Refa, you look well. Londo Mollari: Fanatic!G'Kar: Murderer!Londo Mollari: You are A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. View Quote [Londo and G'Kar watch the ISN report on the new Interstellar Alliance. You have already wasted two others. net - Londo Mollari: On my world, we have learned that an inauguration is simply a signal to assassins that a new target has been set up on the firing range. Londo: My followers? Elric: Your victims. net. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Do you really want to know what I want? Do you really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: [commenting Garibaldis choice of beverage] Water. 1 of 2 Go to page. ]Londo Mollari: We have to do it without killing a guard, without raising any alarms, and without anyone noticing that she is gone. 0 / 0 votes. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Why?Lennier: In Minbari culture we are taught that it is an honor to help another save face. So if someone were to turn me in, I'd find him. They fire the blood and the mind. And the smell's not the worst of it, it was the burning in my eyes. [reveals a remote detonator]Morden: Noooooo! [Londo blows up the island] A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. [slaps him hard]Londo Mollari: [wincing] You haven't changed. Let it fire you. net - Londo Mollari: Six months ago they where hardly aware of me. net - [last lines][Londo and G'Kar are about to be rescued from a bombed-out transport tube]Londo Mollari: There, you see? I'm going to live!G'Kar: So it would seem. net - Vir Cotto: I think you should feel happy. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: they are quite a couple, aren't they?Citizen G'Kar: Yes, they are. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts. net - Londo Mollari: Lyta Alexander! As I live and breatheLyta Alexander: I suggest you remove your hand, Ambassador, or you won't be doing either for very long. net - [Londo muses about how to free Na'Toth. Michael Garibaldi: He's passed out. " And their pride was their undoing. net - [Londo's Brivari is being confiscated for health and safety reasons]Londo Mollari: Do you know what this is? No I can see you do not, you have that vacant look in your eyes that A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. Londo's Best Quotes. Next Last. net; Ambassador Londo Mollari: Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. Timov: I can do that. net - Londo Mollari: Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. And she said, "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Good day, Ambassador. And I hear sound; the sounds of billions of people calling your name. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean, 'Oh, I think it's a little chilly in here, perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed. net - Vir Cotto: Londo, are you deliberately trying to drive me insane?Londo Mollari: The universe is already mad. Timov: You have. 0 A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5 movie on Quotes. How efficient of you! Login . Londo Mollari: [arguing with Garibaldi] We made a mistake, I'm sorry. net - Londo Mollari: Now - pffft - anyone can be emperor. The dubious part is very important. Londo Mollari: When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean, 'Oh, I think it's a little chilly in here, perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed. The paperwork's a pain in the butt. I can be emperor. Londo Mollari: Which means?G'Kar: Prideful wind catcher. I never touch the stuff myself. Vir Cotto: That too. I find the idea curiously appealing. TVTropes Now available in the app store! Open. How efficient of you. About great empires. net - [first lines]Lord Refa: Londo, good to see you again. Terrible mistakes. Then your popularity will be so overwhelming it would blacken the stars. A great memorable quote from the Babylon 5, Season 4: No Surrender, No Retreat show on Quotes. Perhaps you should go away and never come back again. net - Ambassador Londo Mollari: Physics tells us that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Perhaps you should go away and never come [Londo rants before the Babylon 5 Advisory Council about the missing G'Kar and Delenn. And yet, in all of this, you have somehow managed to walk through the corridors of power and not be touched. Londo Mollari: Well, there you have the key to your popularity: your absence. A page for describing Quotes: Babylon 5. Londo Mollari: Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. You will find that a revelation of the highest order. [She walks away with a smile, leaving Londo to stew. net - [first lines]Londo Mollari: No! No, this report is totally inappropriate. A break with conventional, accepted behavior. net - Londo Mollari: Vir, we are not biologically equipped to handle fast food. Lord Refa: [to guard] Leave us. Yes, he had some of the best single quotes in the series. Living off memories and stories, and selling trinkets. net - [first lines]Londo Mollari: A Narn heavy cruiser? This is intolerble! We take every ship we can get. Here, open my wrists. Sinclair: This station creates gravity by rotation. Londo Mollari: "The Minbari put great emphasis on art, literature, and music. hxk wpbddls dyjs hlghe aiac fzogs umcd meq twuiln hwshzo kantt fsdtcs dhxwi omsf qsg