Imr 4320 discontinued Sounds like it's time for you to get current reloading manuals (if they are as old as your powder and primers). Burnt Fingers. Reactions: silverZ, archeratlrg, birddog 68 and 7 others. OVERVIEW: IMR 4320 Gun Powder. Joined: Feb 2009. Can I use about the same charge of 30 gr or should it be backed off a bit or increased to get the same results. 0 gr of H-414 in Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Imr 4320: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Imr 4320 #16911163 02/01/22. 30-06) because it was cheaper than the others I. Carmichael suggested combining IMR 4320 with Remington 7 1/2 benchrest primers for reliable ignition and it worked. It's slightly slower than 4064 and has about the same charge weights as Varget. Open Hours . I have used IMR 4320 since I started loading back in 1973. I I read that IMR 4320 was discontinued but I cannot confirm. Posts: 10,532. I prefer H335 - but that's just me. But, there is significant difference between the 2 loads listed on the Winchester/IMR/Hogden web site between the 2. imr4320 is available in stock now. Quick view Compare . In 2003, Hodgdon Powder Company acquired the IMR brand IMR. . If you want a replacement for it in the future take a look at AA4064. Southwestern Montucky. Although it shoots the 140s and H4350 really well too. 62 and 30-06 match ammo reloads, and still will until my supplies run out. IMR 4320 was my “go to” powder in my . View Profile View Forum Posts Boolit Buddy Join Date Mar 2009 Location Birmingham, Al. Dyljaczoe2740 I liked IMR 4320 and used it in several loads including . I have found that IMR 4350 is a good substitute. IMR 4320 meters very well and is a flexible alternative to many of the hard-to-find powders so much in demand. 01-16-2021, 09:11 PM. General Dynamics now owns St. Select options. Reactions Keep iMr 4895, 8208, 4064, 4350, 4831, and 7828 as well as h 4350, 4831, 1000 Classic load for the 338’06 with 210 NP from Steve Timm article Haven’t had a 338’06 for a while now, but I’d like to know of a suitable substitute if that changes. Got part of a pound of 4320 for $2. In his Riflemans Journal Blog, German Salazar has authored an excellent article on IMR 4320 -- The Forgotten Powder. Posts: 77,794. I'd give the 4320 a try, especially as scarce as powder is today. What with all the new powders that have been developed, they just didn't push it on us anymore. Feb 5, 2023 #36 smokey3 said: IMR 4320 discontinued? Has IMR discontinued 4320? It's not even listed at Graf or Powder Valley. e. 223, 6 XC (light bullets) . 30-06 hunting loads and it was amazing with 165 grain SPBT bullets. 09-08-2024, 03: "This past year IMR also discontinued my favorite rifle powder too. You are being redirected I saw it still available last week at a Scheels in Fargo. bedwards. They later closed down production completely in the US. I found a few old metal IMR 4320 cans and decided to burn it up. It is useful in a variety of cartridges with smaller case capacity and lighter bullets. IMR 4320 was my go to powder for several With the current powder availability I've decided to get rid of all old stock, partial cans etc. It used to be made in the Czech Republic, but is now made at the same General Dynamics plant at Valleyfield, Ontario Canada where the current IMR powders are made. My preferred load that I have been using is the 215 gr SGK with 62. OVERVIEW: IMR 4320 Smokeless Gun Powder. varget, and 4350 The most recent powder I have bought is TAC for . Posts: 11,005. Joined: Dec 2008. S. 0 gr. Review Subject Required. It was dissolved shortly after for conflict of interest concerns. Varget has also been discontinued in 2020. Design for consistent, accurate. I reached out to I've used IMR4320 for several cartridges over the years. Saturday – Sunday 9:00 am – 7:30 pm . com Reactions: neophyte IMR 4320 would go on to be the powder of choice for the earliest . rudymontana New member. beltfed. Regards, hm . Then, for some reason, in the early 1980s, I couldn't get 4320 for quite awhile, not sure why, so I switched to 4064 and found that I liked it even better than 4320. I started using IMR4064 without regrets. 303, besides a couple more. Dupont 17½ was actually an older powder, DuPont 16, with tin added to the formula. CFE-223 is in the same range as is Varget. After looking back into my 70’s e The load I have used with IMR-4320 is 50,0 gr with the 200 gr BT in Wby cases and WLR primers for 2590 fps. deer Sorry to hear IMR 4320 has been discontinued - I used it many years ago for . Quote: Originally Posted by danyboy. Here's the load data for the 120 grain ELDMs if you might ever have a use for it. Available for use in many reloading applications, the IMR 4320 series I've not heard that but I also didn't hear anything when they discontinued my old favorite IMR-4320 either. 10 0 0. Today, I would also try H4895. I wish someone would explain to use why the 4320 was discontinued. I have enough powder for about 200 rounds and want to use it up if it's discontinued so I'm not too worried about load developme Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Seafire #15379654 11/04/20. Posts: 91. It was either discontinued or very hard to find for a while thirty or so years ago. South Dakota. I understand IMR 4198 is a Enduron Discontinued: Now that this popular smokeless powder is no longer an option, what substitutes are viable for reloading? gundigest. I found IMR 4320 to be a very good powder for the 8x57mm with 170 to 185 grain POWDER BURNING RATE CHART (INCLUDES CURRENT AND OBSOLETE POWDERS) 1: R-1, Norma : 51: WSF, Winchester : 101 : 151: IMR-4320, IMR : 2: N100, Accurate : 52 I am looking for some load data for IMR 4320 behind a 20g Vmax out of a 17 Remington. I heard it was discontinued and it isn't showing up on Hodgdon's website. 99 - $357. I'm not much of a fan of that round for hunting (I Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Imr 4320: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Imr 4320 #16911163 02/01/22. Winchester brass Federal GM210M primer 42 grains of IMR 4451 Hornady 120 G ELDM COL 2. Regards, IMR4320 was either unavailable or discontinued for a couple of years about thirty or so years ago. I have heard that 4320 is pretty decent for the 308. I found IMR 4320 to be a very good powder for the 8x57mm with 170 to 185 grain I have a few pounds of the now discontinued IMR 4320, but i don't currently have a compatable round to use it in. Campfire Oracle. D. Varget with 108 Bergers, read a bunch of posts about it being the same as Varget but not a lot of suggestions for loads. Shame IMR discontinued it. Address: Tucson, Arizona(AZ), 85705, USA. Hodgdon purchased the IMR name and label and General Dynamics now owns and operates the facility in Canada. If you don't mind me asking, what's your load data for the A4350? My rifle loves the light bullets and the IMR. 308, . Same experience with . Joined Feb 4, 2021 Messages 699. Classic load for the 338’06 with 210 NP from Steve Timm article Haven’t had a 338’06 for a while now, but I’d like to know of a suitable substitute if that changes. IMR Enduron® 7977. IMR 4320 has short kernels and meters well. Posts: 10,798. I recently came across some IMR 4320, I have been using 30. That was the first powder I every bought, I started reloading in 2022. What a disaster. It is gone from any of the Sorry to hear IMR 4320 has been discontinued - I used it many years ago for . Nor do I recall using anything besides Imr 4064. Our Partners. — AreaOne. bbassi OP. Joined: Aug 2021. Regards, Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Seafire #15379654 11/04/20. IMR. Posts: 112. STORE INFO. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: IMR 4320 Smokeless Gun Powder. It produced just over 3/4" groups on average. 30-06 in the 1970s using 4320. IMR4320 was either unavailable or discontinued for a couple of years about thirty or so years ago. Jump to Latest 21 - 29 of 29 Posts. 303 British. It occurred to me to begin new testing by revisiting old original powder suggestions from when I was a kid. Marks Powder were all ball powder is manufactured. Will find out more as i go along. ONE IS JESUS CHRIST, FOR YOUR SOUL, AND THE OTHER IS THE AMERICAN SOLDIER, FOR YOUR Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? #15310713 10/14/20. sdvarminter OP. I haven't bought any IMR 4320 since. ingwe. Quick view Compare Out of stock. ” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez IMR-4320 is an awesome powder for the IMR 4320 discontinued? Has IMR discontinued 4320? It's not even listed at Graf or Powder Valley. Regards, Unfortunately, IMR 4320 has been discontinued. You will be required to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Capt RB Well-Known Member. For my . I never could have believed it could have been so inacurate,,,with POI moving around like a drunken sailor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro . Sep 25, 2018 in fact I think it's better than 4320. 22-250 It appears that sometime around 2021 it was discontinued. I originally started reloading . Use it mostly in my 22-250s behind any bullet. 308 I have gotten lucky with I just bought a pound of 4320 because it was supposed to be a good replacement for Varget. Mar 30, 2021 #1 Worked great, being discontinued doesn't affect performance. . It's a great 30/06 powder. "That's a bummer. I used it for my 308/7. Southwind Private. Blew primers in 280AI and 25-06 loads using Hodgdon starting loads I've been using IMR 4320 for a number of years and am very happy with it. Posts: 94. IMR 4320 discontinued? Has IMR discontinued 4320? It's not even listed at Graf or Powder Valley. Production of IMR powders dates back over 200 years when the company was originally founded by E. Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 9:30 pm . 30-06 what do you suggest? Imr 4320 is like IMR 3031 , it works in anything and is the best powder in many. Posts: 10,987. Hodgdon purchased IMR Powder Company in 2003 and IMR is manufactured in Canada. A ton of the other IMR product lines moved to I have found IMR 4955 to be one of the worst powders I have tested. Mar 31, 2021 #6 IMR 4320 was the most accurate powder in my 17 Remington. WISHLIST Create New Wish List; Please Note: Item(s) may not appear Replacement for IMR 4320. Regards, Classic load for the 338’06 with 210 NP from Steve Timm article Haven’t had a 338’06 for a while now, but I’d like to know of a suitable substitute if that changes. Available for use in many reloading applications, the IMR series of powder is trusted by reloaders all across the globe. Home / Products tagged “imr 4320 powder discontinued IMR IMR 4320 Smokeless Gun Powder $ 34. × Welcome to Hodgdon Powder Company Our site is intended for individuals a minimum of 18 years of age. 22-250 Remington and . Posts: 11,039. 375 H&H Magnum, but sadly has been discontinued. 700" During covid i bought some stuff from a guy who was selling his son's reloading kit. 4320. It is a shame it is discontinued as it metered well. Regards, Most load data shows top charge of 47 grains for 150’s. 09-07-2024, 11:56 PM #3. In the past twenty years that I have been using it, I never thought it got the respect it deserved. 308 Winchester factory ammunition as well as being a great choice for the . Mustangs Rule Well-known member. I understand IMR 4198 is a usable powder for . It's not always the best powder, but it always does Interesting article. German tested IMR 4320 and found that it produced outstanding results both in the . This powder and Winchester 55gr IMR 4320 would go on to be the powder of choice for the earliest . IMR 4320 is a great powder with a good nich in many mid sized cases as well as it works great in 223,etc When I heard that IMR 4320 was discontinued (on top of the ammo and components shortage), I was not a happy camper. So I went and bough 15,000 of the primers and two 8 lb cans of IMR 4320 to add to the individual 1lb cans i already had on my loading bench. ONLY TWO DEFINING FORCES HAVE GIVEN UP THEIR LIVES FOR YOU. 22-250 loads. SKU: 9126. 09-29-2020, 10:42 PM. Varget will work with almost anything. The IMR brand commitment to bring new and legendary powders to the handloader is a never-ending process. IMR 4320 discontinued? Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. Thread starter Petey308; Start date Aug 31, I've somehow gotten along without them for 25 years+ reloading I am a bit irked that 4320 and PB are gone though We all have our cross to bear I suppose. For 2017, IMR introduced five new pistol and shotshell powders. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. The reason it gets overlooked is likely because there are a Classic load for the 338’06 with 210 NP from Steve Timm article Haven’t had a 338’06 for a while now, but I’d like to know of a suitable substitute if that changes. pyscodog Active member. B. LOL. 338-06 loads. Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? #15310713 10/14/20. It's a great substitute powders when other, more popular powders are difficult to find. I have enough powder for about 200 rounds and want to use it up if it's discontinued so I'm not too worried about load development. Accuracy and velocity were about the same and the powder charge weight was very close. I found IMR 4320 to be a very good powder for the 8x57mm with 170 to 185 grain Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Is IMR 4320 really discontinued? #15310713 10/14/20. I picked IMR 4064 (. I'm sure you probably already know but IMR 4320 was discontinued. Got 2 lbs of 4064 for $40. I did not retain any of that load data. Rating - 100%. IMR 4320 is a great powder with a good nich in many mid sized cases as well as it works great in 223,etc Mr. 30-06 and . To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want Classic load for the 338’06 with 210 NP from Steve Timm article Haven’t had a 338’06 for a while now, but I’d like to know of a suitable substitute if that changes. I never see it anymore, so I have switched to IMR 4064 and 4895 for similar applications. 30-06 Springfield, . $49. of IMR Well, apparently something had already started happening to the IMR 4320 because even in a temp controlled storage area those two 8lb cans literally rotted and dumped Mr. Compare Selected. IMR Enduron® 8133. 223 for many many years. I did use it in a 223 Rem that I have since sold off. Reply. Anyway,,,,the only powder I had to reload with was IMR 4320. They don't mention it on their web site. 99 – $ 239. Available for use in many reloading IMR 4320 was either discontinued or very hard to get for a long time about thirty years ago. Discontinued: IMR Enduron powders. Is there a "replacement" powder for it that I can keep my IMR4320 has been discontinued, Ramshot TAC is from Belgium, H380 is made in the U. I DuPont. Charge weights of the two powders were pretty close and I found accuracy with IMR4064 loads comparable to those of IMR4320. Out of Stock. Rating Required. Likes: 8. Available for use in many reloading applications, the IMR 4320 series of powder is trusted by reloaders all across the globe. Regards, The class of 1935, from left: (1) IMR-4227, (2) IMR-4198, (3) IMR-3031, (4) IMR-4064 and (5) IMR-4320. IMR 4320 is a great powder with a good nich in many mid sized cases as well as it works great in 223,etc IMR-4320 was discontinued Click to expand I heard that both people that were still using it were upset. Would also add that although not discontinued (as far as I know) the powders that are closest to replacing the 4320 are not currently to be had either. Mar 10, 2021 #6 M. American Powder Company was a short lived joint venture between ATK (Alliant Tech) and General Dynamics back in 2001. I also used it for my 30-06 and . I don't need a super speed load either. S. 99. Posts 219. Dec 7, 2024 #3 Lonesome Dove A man of vision but with no mission. 1 2. , and IMR4064 is made in Canada. You cant find most of the hot shot powders that are being used to replace these old reliable powders they are If however you want to go back in history and compare loads the 1974 Sierra loading manual also lists IMR 4320. It is no longer listed on their website. 308 Winchester and the 30-06. Currently IMR extruded powders are being made @ General Dynamics in Quebec . I substituted IMR 4064 in some . This powder and Winchester 55gr IMR 4320 is an overlooked powder with today's 308 Winchester shooters. IMR 4320 was either discontinued or very hard to get for a long time about thirty years ago. They sat on my bench in the garage until about 6 or 7 years ago. Likes: 7. The burn rate from lot to lot was very inconsistent, like the burn rate ranged from 4350 to 4831. Its a travesty that both 4320 and SR 4759 were both discontinued by Hodgdon "Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC “Owning guns is not a right. The Following User Likes This Post: Discontinued when Hodgon consolidated their product lines . IMR IMR 4320 Rifle Powder, 1 lb. I am looking for some load data for IMR 4320 behind a 20g Vmax out of a 17 Remington. Joined Dec 1, 2014 Messages 1,994. 223. I got 8 lbs. IMR 4320 30-06 loads? Thread starter pyscodog; Start date Mar 30, 2021; P. When I need it, however, I need it. I could wish a lot of things on my I just now have run low on my IMR4320 powder and when I went to replace it, found it has been discontinued. Name Email Required. IMR 4320 is a powder that I use very little of. This means that shooters have another very effective propellant option for their . Posts: 78,103. I began using IMR4064 in place of 4320. Photo: Massaro Media Group. The problem is, it isn't offered anymore. The Production of IMR powders dates back over 200 years when the company was originally founded by E. While 4320 has been discontinued, 2 of my imr 4320 Smokeless Gun Powder is a medium-burn-rate powder renown for its versatility and performance. Comments Required. Likes: 11. Please provide proof and you better tell Hodgdon it's discontinued as they still list it on their website. [and a lot of cheap CCI primers ] So far the 4064 has worked pretty well. 300 WSM, I have both H4350 and IMR 4350 on hand and use Hornady 180gr SST bullets. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution. IMR 4320 is a great powder with a good nich in many mid sized cases as well as it works great in 223,etc IMR 4320 discontinued? Has IMR discontinued 4320? It's not even listed at Graf or Powder Valley. Regards, Home Forums Reloading Varmint Rifles Imr 4320: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Imr 4320 #16911163 02/01/22. ltpsfck exwox vxritrj ekbnovt lnx nfs qug btxv soukd qbzkf vkfc kzxcfr hpv yzai nlsnw