Gcse french tenses revision booklet. Holiday preferences in the present tense 2.
Gcse french tenses revision booklet TENSES REVISION BOOKLET writable form, it is important to make certain that all the required info is well prepared. Revision Top Tips Exemplar translation and breakdown Past tense - examples and exercises Future tense - examples and exercises Imperfect tense - examples and exercises Translation A printable resource for GCSE students or higher to help them revise French tenses. and revision. Comparatives and Superlatives Lesson. You can use this resource in the classroom: Student’s booklet (with Candidate’s roles) AQA GCSE French Vocabulary Booklet This is the complete list of vocabulary that you need to be able to recognise and understand for success in GCSE Reading and Listening at the end of Year 11. Holiday preferences in the present tense 2. French Future Tenses Lessons and Booklet. Home Library Revision Timetable. Resource type: Assessment and Tenses French Tenses Present Tense (Le Présent) The present tense in French can be used to express things happening right now or general facts. 3 February 2015. Made by a student so I am not responsible for any errors. You need to be able to produce ie (spell and pronounce) a smaller range of vocabulary for success in GCSE Use grammar rules you know to work out meaning (also see pg 102 The free GCSE French revision site from Seneca covers all vocabulary, tenses and grammar you need to ace that exam. Go! Just Start Typing Revision notes; AQA A-Level Chemistry and diary entries in French, paying attention to proper sentence structure and tenses. Could be used to support GCSE / A level students, or as easy cover. Each booklet starts with all ‘I can’ statements that I feel cover all the areas under the GCSE AQA French specification. 72 KB. Learn the Questions and answers to all 3 themes in the Conversation booklet; In the Oral exam folder- study the Chatty mat and Photocard phrases GCSE Knowledge Retriever books/ Revision book. pdf) Answers (. Use grammar workbooks and online exercises to reinforce your knowledge. WJEC. Use connectives, intensifiers, complex phrases and interesting vocabulary throughout your writing. To form the present tense, you need to conjugate the verb according to the subject pronoun (e. About Me Partnership; Socialising with Family and Friends; Relationships; Style and Fashion; Pets; Personalities; Tenses; Impersonal Verbs and the Subjunctive; The Passive; Had done' and '-ing' Giving Orders; Would, Could and *KS4 French student booklet Homework drive resources: Core vocab sheets T h em e 1 I d en t i t y a n d C ul t ur e U n i t 1 - M e, m y f a m i l y a n d f r i en d s GRAMMAR: Past tense (perfect tense) practice GCSE Pod: Free-time activities AQA PEARSON PURPLE WORKBOOK PAGES: pg 12-14, pg 19-25, pg 115 practice test Year 11 French Final Revision Summary Sheet For imperfect tense perfection, have a look at the document below. Original idea from twitter. An illustration of an audio speaker. Study Mind. Browse Study Rocket's GCSE French Edexcel free revision notes. Whether you’re introducing the Free GCSE resources to download: possible speaking questions for all topics, vocab lists, links to online vocab courses, Schemes of Learning, worksheets, games, revision lessons This section explains Present Tense Regular Verbs in French. pdf This is a reference booklet for verbs and tenses especially for the new AQA GCSE French (2016) . This 48 page booklet is divided into topics and to accompany each topic are some activities and exercises. AQA. You can use 'depuis' with both a point in time (e. Answer the questions fully but also ensure your answer is relevant (do not Verbs and tense formations are nearly always correct. Start by choosing your exam board. This page shows you how to form both, so Everything you need to know about Perfect Tense for the GCSE French AQA exam, totally free, with assessment questions, text & videos. KEY Vocabulary_. Don't confuse these with the condi The document is a revision booklet on using tenses in French. You have been granted a non-exclusive, Claim your free copy of my GCSE maths revision booklet now! made tier specific for targeted revision & boosted grades! Plus; work-a-long with me, via six specific lessons. There is an explanation for each of the tenses below and then a few pages of exercises to practise. All the past papers from this course, all in one place. Past Papers. Accurate resources save you time. This brilliant Revision Guide from CGP covers the full GCSE AQA French course (specification 8652, first teaching from 2024). Future Tenses Lessons with Booklet of Activities and Higher French Verbs and tenses learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Home > GCSE > French > French Tense Revision notes. Subject: Languages. School. l (venir) à la fête si son emploi du temps le This is a revision booklet for year 10/11 French following the AQA GCSE requirements. Tes Shop. Images. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; The Present Tense - Lesson with booklet. Seek feedback from your teacher or a native NEW GCSE French Exams AQA (First Exams 2026) Teaching & Learning Materials By Skill Listening. French Grammar: Tenses. I have made a grammar recap/revision booklet for all the grammar covered in chapter 1 back to school! new German GCSE Edexcel. Knock off the –ons and add the endings, like this:. Subject: French. Includes detailed grammar rules, verb formation (regular and irregular), engaging matching activities, gap fills and a practical writing task to build fluency. pdf) Book Study. Software. V. Can be printed as a booklet or individual sections. Mar 16, A booklet of the main French tenses. ; It is formed by taking the infinitive form of the verb (for example, ‘manger’) and adding the appropriate ending for the subject of the sentence (je: -e, tu: -es, il/elle/on: -e, nous: -ons, vous: -ez, ils/elles: -ent). French; Grammar and vocabulary; GCSE; All boards; Download. Describing a celebrity. Generic Key Vocabulary Question Words; Key Opinion Phrases; Conjunctions & Connectives; Adverbs & Time Phrases; Grammar Pluperfect Tense; Complex Grammar; Articles; Using 'Vous' Siclauses; Pronouns; Perfect Tense; Modal Verbs & French Basics (free) Family and Friends. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. . This goes well with: French Present Tense Lesson and Booklet. Payment Methods ©2025 by Laprofdefrancais, created with - A complete AQA Oral GCSE revision lesson with mark scheme, help sheet and tips, practise tasks and example answers - FREE Comparatives and Superlatives with exam question at the end and booklet with activities. Students' website. Age range: 14-16. Social Media, Gaming, Film and Music. AQA GCSE Overview for 2024. Flashcards. Revise Module 5 vocab and look at holiday writing questions 5. Texts. GCSE French Edexcel – Topics. Perf. Here, you'll find an array of revision notes, exam questions, fully explained model answers, past exam papers and more, meticulously organised to simplify your search. Games; Grammar; Topics; Useful links; Vocabulary; YouTube; Select Page. ls (finir) 3. txt) or read online for free. Holidays in the future A revision of the key points of the perfect tense. The main focus is Theme 1: Identity and culture and it focuses on writing, reading, translation and picture description. ous (prendre) 4. Holidays in the past tense + full review of forming the perfect tense 3. The booklet is for the topics covered at KS3 and can serve as revision for Year 9s or those about to take the GCSE course or it can accompany KS3 students as they study the topics. Give your opinion about every point you make (mix it up between positive and Tenses included are: present, imperfect, reflexives in present tense, most common irregular verbs in present tense, perfect tense, knowing when to use être and avoir, irregular past participles, future tense, pluperfect tense. Find photos here: Revision Booklet Geography Revise GCSE Geography topics including agriculture, glaciation, ecosystems, rivers and Don’t forget that there’s only one irregular stem change in the imperfect, être, which goes to j’étais, tu étais etc. 22 13 reviews. Practice 3: Prepare the Role-Play by responding to the 5 tasks. 105 KB. N. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the conditional tense. le (aller) 5. Smith Booklet containing an explanation of each tense in French (present, near and simple future, perfect tense, conditional, imperfect, subjunctive) followed by a series of exercises and with the answers at the end of the booklet. Resource type: Assessment and revision. Age range: 15 - 16. Seasonal Resources. 0 / 5 based on 2 ratings? Created by: Ms Oukenze; Created on: 13-09-17 14:16; Grammar Booklet Revision Word Document 59. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; French Tenses Revision (GCSE) Subject: French. Audio. This part is significant, as far as mistakes can lead to unpleasant consequences. , "I have been eating"), but in French, the present tense is used with Easy-to-understand homework and revision materials for your GCSE French AQA (for exams until 2025) '9-1' studies and exams This brilliant all-in-one guide is full of revision and practice for the AQA GCSE French course. Future Opportunities. 76 922 reviews. In ode to succeed at witing you need to be able to. Friends Short Dialogue GCSE French Listening Practice with Worksheet Higher Dialogue Between Two Speakers with focus For exams in 2026 and beyond. All the main tenses covered (present, perfect, imperfect, future, conditional mood) and rules for adjective agreements. 1 Describing Yourself. Conjugate the given verbs in the conditional tense for the provided subjects. 4. Choose Topic. Dave Carter asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. 1 Identity & Culture. Last updated. J’ai mangé – I have eaten/I ate, j’ai tué – I have killed/I killed . I have included 'completed' worksheets with answers. Learn and practise your French GCSE grammar with these 16 grammatical topics containing lessons, activities, tests and Higher GCSE Revision Booklet with answers; French Revision Workbooks. Watch out for irregular verbs as they do not always follow the rules and will need to be memorized. , Monday, 2015) and a period of time (e. French Vocabulary Mat; Helpsheet Conjugaisons 6 Tenses; Brochure Grammaire GCSE; KS4 Key Phrases Mat; Practise Reading Exam A comprehensive French Edexcel Speaking Booklet tailored for the 2024 specification. Tools designed specifically for the AQA GCSE French syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners. Imperfect Past Tense Revision. It’s common to use used to when using the imperfect but you can also use would (when I was ten I would play football every day in the park). 6 Something went wrong, please try again later. A page per grammar point with two practice exercises per grammar item. tense. Le Tour de France. Tes classic free licence. Worksheet (. Food and Drink. CessyB. The Power Point outlines: When the present tense is used; Time phrases; How it is formed with regular verbs; Irregular verbs (aller, avoir, faire and être) The present tense and the 1 Spanish GCSE Verb Workbook A booklet to revise, practise and perfect your verbs in all the key tenses with a total of more than 200 practice questions. Store Policy. ; In English, the present perfect tense is used (e. GCSE. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. g. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like present regular 'er' endings (porter), present regular 'ir' endings (finir), present regular 're' endings (vendre) and others. Works best printed in booklet format. Includes: Le Présent, (regular and irregular verbs), Le Passé Composé, (regular and irregular verbs) and L'Imparfait. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Otherwise it’s just the ‘nous’ stem of the present tense. 0 / 5. 7 Most common tenses used in French (When to use it and how). The lessons GCSE French Revision Booklet BONNE CHANCE! Make sure you include present, past and future tense verbs throughout your work. 5" floppy disk. Translations. It contains superb study notes that explain all the required topics, vocab and grammar. Edexcel. Browse Study Rocket's GCSE French AQA free revision notes. CCEA. Download them to practice in real exam Key Points to Remember 'Depuis' is used with the present tense in French to show that something started in the past and is still happening now. Secondary MFL Resources . 13 6 reviews. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; Chat Good for using in the classroom/for homework or for revision purposes. French-Higher-Revision quickie across tenses part 1-Grammar. French Perfect Tense: Avoir and Etre Lessons and Booklet. Grade Descriptor (Grades 7-9) GUIDANCE FOR YEAR 11. soniabr. Our extensive collection of resources is the perfect tool for students aiming to ace their exams and for teachers seeking reliable resources to support their students' learning journey. This meticulously crafted resource is designed to support teachers and students French Edexcel GCSE Speaking booklet from 2024. What’s more, there are exam-style questions that cover the reading, grammar, translation, speaking and listening skills needed for the exam — with over two hours of audio files included online! The Students need to give one detail per task and can use the present tense throughout. In French, regular verbs are divided into three main groups based on their infinitive endings: -er, -ir, and -re. 5 Kb. Questioning. All the french tenses you need to know, with examples, quizlets and more! Tenses included are: present, imperfect, reflexives in present tense, most common irregular verbs in present tense, perfect tense, knowing when to use être and avoir, irregular past participles, future tense, pluperfect tense. CURRICULUM-ALIGNED. Could also be used as a test which is what I have made it for. Share this. Listen and read French language regularly to identify how these tenses are used naturally. Good for using in the classroom/for homework or for revision purposes. Verb revision Mini-booklet (pocket format) Exam Skills. Video. Mar 16, 2020. 0 / 5? Created by: Bailes07; Created on: 19-02-23 22:21; Fullscreen. Expressing Opinions. Oral week. GCSE Biology Short and effective Seneca Revision Notes for A-Level & GCSE. Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C ISBN: 9781285439594 David W. New GCSE French (2024) Edexcel Writing and translation Booklet Using materials from the 2016/2024 materials, this booklet contains the mark schemes examples of 80-90 New GCSE French Writing booklet (2024 spec) Subject: French. SPEAKING - Roleplay Practice and Picture-Based Description. Role play vocab and Photo card practise 3. Revision booklet: - CGP GCSE French AQA Revision Guide - for the Grade 9-1 Course (with Online Edition) - CGP GCSE French Grammar The workbook tenses EASTER HOLIDAY REVISION CLASSES 6. Share through email; Gcse French collins revison book - Free download as PDF File (. 0. Reviews. French Grammar Revision - Tenses. GCSE Revision Bundle of lot’s of Resources! If you like Home > GCSE > French > Grammar Booklet Revision. 5. Separate booklet for answers is included. GCSE French Tenses Revision Booklet. This 36 page GCSE french booklet for AQA includes - Writing frames for describing a photo Writing frames for a 90 word answer Writing checklist Revision Top Tips Exe. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. French Tenses Booklet - Revise all the Tenses! Best French Seller: French GCSE Revision Bundle: French GCSE Revision Resource Bundle More French Grammar: French Tenses. Understand the questions in the Target Language 2. General conversation practice and vocab 4. Nous Practise your French GCSE grammar with specific topics: tenses, present, past, future, verbs, nouns, sentences, adjectives and many more. Challenging GCSE reading comprehension and translations on the topic of holidays in present & past tenses 4. VERIFIED CONTENT. Using this and writing essays as revision will definitely boost your grade, it’s how I managed to do GCSE French Revision. This is an editable PDF meaning when opened with Adobe Reader A double-sided activity worksheet which encourages students to practise using common past tense verbs useful for GCSE French. An illustration of a heart GCSE AQA French : complete revision and practice. It's suitable for both Foundation and Higher tiers, and it also comes with the brand new CGP RevisionHub for fantastic online revision — all matched to your book! In the book, there are: Study notes covering every topic on the Purple revision book FluentU search for irregular verbs See the centre section of the French dictionaries in school — they have models for irregular verbs. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; Chat French GCSE past tense revision: passé composé key points and practice. El. See all French resources Resources for all the topics of the GCSE course (with AQA), grammar practice, translation games and revision GCSE French AQA – Revision Content. 2. My students who are only 14 will be taking their French GCSE this May. I. Suitable for GCSE and IGCSE revision. Exactly what you AQA GCSE French Revision. Revision. French GCSE Bundle: 20 Resource Packs on different topics. Monty Powell Most verbs take avoir in the perfect tense, but others (generally to do with movement) take être. Find out how to form and use them and check your understanding with French Basics (free) Family and Friends. FRENCH GRAMMAR - The Perfect Tense Lessons with être and avoir and booklet - The Future Tenses Lessons with booklet - The Conditional (exam focus: reading and writing)-The Present Tense - Lesson with booklet - A complete AQA Oral GCSE revision lesson with mark scheme, help sheet and tips, practise tasks and example Revise and master the French imperfect tense with this comprehensive 3-page PDF worksheet, ideal for GCSE French and equivalent levels. Present Tense Lesson and Booklet of Activities and Answers. All the quotations that you need to learn in one document, a great bite-sized form of revision, including context. doc, 771. Deiivid Do's Shop. Choose your exam specification. A 56 page booklet covering the main grammar points and skills for GCSE French, including translation skills. Identity and Relationships French GCSE Listening Comprehension Practice with Exam Style Worksheet (Listening Comprehension Questions in English). Free timetable app. 26 December 2024. The future tense - formation practice, reading and translation on my future holiday plans. Understanding tenses, will also aid your comprehension of tasks in the reading and listening exams. 30 37 reviews. Includes exercises on: definite articles and plural nouns Boost GCSE French knowledge with online revision guides and conquer exams. E xercise: Key Vocab Practice. uTalk. Add to my subjects. Master your GCSE French revision and feel more confident for your exams. An illustration of an open book. French Tense Revision notes. This is a set revision sheets and/or a booklet to use as a revision or re-cap of 10 tenses in French. GCSE Bitesize French AQA has all the themes with revision and practice pages as well as lots of grammar Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like present regular 'er' endings (porter), present regular 'ir' endings (finir), present regular 're' endings (vendre) and more. GCSE French Reading and Listening Revision Booklet (Links included) 0. Contents: Page 2 Regular Present Tense Page 3 Irregular Present Tense Page 4 The Gerund (verbs ending in -ing) Page 5 Root-changing Verbs Page 6 The Immediate Future Tense Page 7 The Pure Future Tense Page 8 The - The Present Tense - Lesson with booklet - The Perfect Tense with être and avoir - lessons and booklet - The Conditional (exam focus: reading and writing) - French Tense Booklet - ALL tenses - A complete AQA Oral GCSE revision lesson with mark scheme, help sheet and tips, practise tasks and example answers - Comparatives and Superlatives GCSE French Revision tips. Easily adaptable for home learning. It is really annoying and time-consuming to re-submit the entire template, not to mention penalties resulted from blown GCSE French 9-1 Writing Revision Booklet Higher Tier . This is essential for both Foundation and Higher Tier exams, so it’s Present Tense. Freebies. Try it yourself. For anyone Once you're about to start submitting the GCSE FRENCH. Je (chanter) 2. 13 February 2021. GCSE French Tenses. FREE (5) All the french tenses you need to know, with examples, quizlets and more! NoumanSamiYT GCSE Religious Studies AQA A Practise Qs. Grammar Booklet Revision. This section includes a selection The present tense is used to describe actions happening in the present, habitual actions, general truths, and current states of being. 1 Me, my family and friends. Includes: Basic tenses (the ones they will need up to a GCSE level) - Subjuntive . Or explore resources created by our verified partner, uTalk. I am pleased to say and share with the languages’ community three knowledge booklets; one for each topic and one for the grammar and tenses. French Tenses Revision Guide. It contains a 50 slide power point and accompanying booklet with grammar rules and activities to practise. French. Writing practice revision book Higher; Writing practice revision book Foundation; Grade 7-9 Grammar and Translation practise; Key Vocabulary Sheets. ACCESS THE GCSE maths revision booklet I DESIGNED FOR MY very own STUDENTS! I created these practice booklets to help my students boost their grades and now This lesson is all about the present tense in French. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Students need to give two details for 3 of the tasks and may have to use a range of tenses. ous (avoir) Exercise 3: Conditional Tense Usage. , je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles). GRAMMAR LESSONS AND WORKBOOKS: French Present Tense Lesson and Booklet. Correction. Most suited for foundation students, or younger year groups. French Tenses Booklet - an Overview of all tenses!. 0114 246 1156. My students have been using it for a while Browse hundreds of lessons for GCSE French Edexcel to study for free with assessment questions, text & videos. Search by keyword to find the right resource: Very much based on all encore tricolore books and leaflets as well as resources found here and Essential Verbs f verbs in different tenses. Conditional Lesson. KEY Vocabulary correction. 1. GCSE French AQA – Topics. Si j'avais de l'argent, je (acheter) une nouvelle voiture. Share: Practice for revising French tenses. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions about it if you wish to do so. Throw away those boring revision guides and use interactive GIFs, practice questions, mock exams, quizzes, videos and animations to prepare yourself. More info (Alt + →) French-Higher-Revision quickie on my ideal school-Conditional-Grammar. All answers are at the back. Each set of revision sheets covers one tense and shows clearly how each tense is A booklet ideal for GCSE French revision, transition or in class teaching. Resource type: Unit of work. There are likely to be minor errors and there may be some Remember to use each tense/mood in the appropriate context - practice makes perfect. A booklet explaining different conjugations of French verb tenses. Verb Revision Mini-Booklet. Share through email; Share through twitter; Share through linkedin; Share through facebook; Share through pinterest; File previews. 3KB) GCSE French Revision Resources. Report an Issue. French Tenses Booklet This is a 22 page booklet that gives on overview of the French tenses and then has a series of exercises with answers in all the tenses. FRENCH (Higher) SP - TOPIC 3 Imperfect Tense There are two types of future tense that you can use in French: le futur simple and le futur proche or 'near future' (aller + infinitive). GCSE French/Spanish students make sure you use your individual logins to access Talking about the past and learning about the past tense? Want to create a presentation about how things have changed in your area over the years. An illustration of a 3. Try not to repeat the same word multiple times. Useful French phrases and revision. An illustration of two photographs. 3 3 Reasonably accurate. Owner hidden. Save 78% with this bundle of 20 of GCSE resource packs, with answers, on a range of topics costing over £53 individually. Shop Esteem Learning. Topics Resources. Save to favourites. To form it, you need 2 “ingredients”: Present tense form of avoir or être + the past participle of your verb e. Grammar. 5 KB. Life Online: Social Media, Gaming, TV and Music. Present tense; Perfect tense; Imperfect tense; Near future tense; Simple future tense; Conditional tense; Imperative tense; Reflexive GCSE French Verbs Guide - Free download as PDF File (. FAQ. French GCSE Grammar. French: AQA GCSE . A variety of Active recall flashcards for the French tenses Learn with flashcards, games and more — for free. Jobs, work, future opportunities. For even more GCSE French revision resources, follow the link to check out our very own revision guide, which is packed full of tips and tricks, grammar, and practice French - French revision booklet Download file (540KB) French - GCSE French Foundation and Higher June 2018 Download file (163KB) French - GCSE French Foundation and Higher 2018 Download file (784KB) KS3 French Translation WKBKI Download file (2MB) KS3 French Translation WKBKII Download file (881KB) Chapeltown Rd, Sheffield, S35 9WD. Practice these tenses in writing and speaking. 45 129 reviews. Worksheet includes translation activities 1. FRENCH Tenses Booklet and Writing Support FRENCH Higher Level GCSE Phrases and Writing Checklist Tips for Students Learning French FRENCH Comparatives and Superlatives (2024) French Perfect Tense: Avoir & Etre GCSE Revision French Conditional Grammar. Revision Resources. Scheduled maintenance: 11 October 2024 from 18:00 to 20:00 hello quizlet GCSE Revision Programme January-May 2024. Publication date 2010 Topics French language -- Textbooks for foreign French Past Tenses Booklet. It provides explanations and examples of several French verb tenses including the present, perfect, imperfect, future, imperative, conditional, pluperfect, present participle French-Higher-Revision quickie on irregular and être verbs in the perfect tense-Grammar. The Imperfect, Future, and Conditional Tenses Download (Word Document 25. More info (Alt + →) French-Higher-Revision quickie on irregular and être verbs in the perfect tense-Grammar. GET the freesource. pdf), Text File (. pdf. 1) In any language, when we refer to something happening, we always use a tense to indicate whether it is going to, GCSE French Reading and Listening Revision Booklet (Links The knowledge booklet. Very much based on all encore tricolore Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. Worksheets. Ideal for classwork, homework or Grammar folder- GCSE tenses table- study the verbs; SPEAKING. This bundle is a selection of French grammar lessons and booklets. GCSE French Revision Notes In French, it is the same tense. A 5-minute Video GCSE French Present Tense Revision Lesson: Clear explanations of present tense formation and usage; Engaging examples and visual aids; 4-Page PDF Worksheet: Progressive exercises from covering general present tense information, regular verbs, irregular verbs, modal verbs and reflexive verbs in the present tense. , 3 years, 6 months). Test your knowledge on this content with the Adapt app Exam-specific revision content for every subject; Unlimited past paper questions on every topic; Personalised, examiner feedback on ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ t v þÿÿÿk l m n o p q r s € Ï P ð The future tenses in French Use the near future and the simple future tenses to talk about what will happen in the future. GCSE French Edexcel – Revision Content. 1. Notes to help with GCSE French grammar revision.
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