Dorset council benefits. Skip to Content Toggle navigation.

Dorset council benefits The Discretionary Housing Payment fund is a cash limited budget. This can include support on the same or next day. These can include: Inclusive learning: Supported Internships are tailored programs designed to accommodate an individual's needs, skills, and In order to be considered as a care worker you must be: the person providing care or support on behalf of a local authority or charity; or; employed by the person who is being cared for, having been introduced to that person through the local authority or charity 4. The other unitary authority in Dorset – Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) will also have a new Cultural Strategy in place by the end of December 2021. When will my Housing Benefit Your Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support and / or Discretionary Housing Payment is based on the information in your latest decision letter. Apply to be on the housing register. Type of loans available. Skip to Content Toggle navigation. If you have made a Universal Credit claim but are unable to manage until your first payment, you may be able to get a Universal Credit advance. gov. Dorset Council offers parents a free reusable nappy starter pack or £30 off reusable nappies (minimum spend £45). Receive free advice on benefits. Home improvement loan;. 21 Whereas the council wants to prioritise two (2) new extra care housing developments across South and East Dorset alongside the existing Dorset Council revenues and benefits service collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal information about you. Find out what Dorset Council has done so far to reduce emissions and improve biodiversity. The central Government website has up to date information on benefits and a list of Benefit Calculators you can use. uk/check-benefits-financial-support Your We prefer you to apply online. Recovery from other councils. The Dorset Council Street Lighting and Illuminated Signs Policy 2020 sets rules for new or replacement street lighting. See the benefits of working for Dorset Council. There are different types of welfare benefits. UK. The current policy highlights the benefits of moving from relatively inefficient old-style lighting (sodium lights) to Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights, which can reduce only claim benefit or discounts you are entitled to; promptly provide the council with accurate information; promptly tell the council when you have experienced a change in circumstances which might affect your entitlement to a benefit or a discount; Charges for There are four types of benefit that you can apply for: Universal Credit; Council Tax Support; Housing Benefit; Discretionary Housing Payment; Before you apply, please make sure you have checked if you are eligible. Advice and information about children and family benefits, managing your money, housing, free school meals, the HAF programme, and Pupil Premium. 1 Personal details These benefits have been calculated, based on a projection of your accrued pre 1 April 2014 Final Salary benefits, if these apply, plus your CARE benefits up to your Normal Retirement Date (NRD). You can: contact the Citizens Advice Bureau in Dorset; get advice from Age UK North South West Dorset on 01305 269444 or, in Ferndown, call Age UK Bournemouth on 01202 530530; find out about everything you can claim; Paying for adult social care Housing Needs. Alternatively, call the government helpline on 0800 991234. Read more about how Lendology and Dorset Council work together to help our communities in their most recent Social Impact Report 2020/21. If we paid your landlord your benefit, in certain circumstances we may ask the landlord to repay the overpayment. Benefits you can apply for in Dorset. There are many benefits to getting your home repaired and improved. Universal Credit Advances . It is designed to provide short-term financial support to vulnerable households who are struggling to afford household essentials. This includes changes to your benefits, even if the only change was the name of the benefit and the amount remains unchanged. uk; call the Universal Credit helpline phone number: 0800 328 5644. cleaner Dorset in our strategy & action plans. If you need some extra support, explore the different kinds of help you can get. Under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, Councils have the discretion to award rates relief of up to 100% of the amount due. How much you are entitled to depends on your personal circumstances, you can use benefit calculators for an idea of what you might be entitled to. Diversity Statement. Universal Credit replaces most means tested benefits including tax credits. Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance or Child Benefit. To make sure you are getting the benefit you are entitled to, you need to let us know about any changes straight away. Your bill could be reduced by up to 100%. From 1 April 2024, we are introducing a new scheme for working age people. You may have to pay back some of your Child Benefit in tax if your (or your partner's) individual income is over £60,000. Register. 970 of these have applied to join the waiting list for social housing. On a short-term basis for people who need an urgent response. With 64. Applications are limited to one per household. If you apply before 31 March 2024 you could also win one of two reusable nappy sets worth £80 each in our prize draw! So if you know anyone in the Dorset Council area who would be eligible to apply, please let them know. This request must be received by the Benefits Service within one month of the date From 18 years you will pay your rent and household bills. UK provides information on different types of benefits, eligibility and appeals including: entitlement, child benefit, job seeker's allowance and low income benefits, child trust funds, Vulnerable people in the Dorset Council area can apply for new support to help with rising costs. The Dorset Council Housing Register. This initiative aims to Help with claiming Universal Credit. uk/pension-credit. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults We're working with Dorset Citizen’s Advice to offer advice and support on the cost of living. Overpayments. Water bills. Payroll giving A collaborative approach to cultural provision will directly benefit our communities, visitors, and the local economy. You can apply if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working. Applications are being taken from Monday 6 June from pensioners and working circumstances, you may be eligible for state benefits and extra financial support. Claiming Housing Benefit won't affect any other benefits you get. Dorset council - online services for the unitary authority of Dorset Council. Dorset County Pension Fund Annual Benefit Illustration 2020. You do not need a stamp. Current pricing (until 31 March 2025) is £90 for a Short-stay permit, and £290 (£27. Start here. Progress so far. If you don't have an account, you need to register to view your: Council Tax details; business rates information; benefits claim; You don't need to register online to pay a bill, set up a direct debit or to report a change of address. Including how the scheme works, waiting times. The children of families with changing circumstances may be able to benefit from free school meals if they qualify for certain benefits. If you make an application for a Discretionary Housing Payment and it meets the criteria, your claim will be increase the number of Dorset Council staff, school colleagues and other partners trained in person-centred approaches and deliver refresher training where needed; share model ‘belonging’ interview questions with Dorset Council, school colleagues and other partners; create materials to promote belonging for use by Dorset schools and settings Here's a few more great reasons why Dorset is the place to be: 364 more hours of sunshine throughout the year in comparison to the UK average; life expectancy in Dorset is higher than the national average; 93% of Dorset’s schools have been rated good or outstanding by Ofsted; 97% of Dorset has superfast broadband coverage Universal Credit is a new benefit, whatever your employment status, and should make changes into and out of work easier as people won’t need to move to a different benefit. Who is eligible. As the Council settles I'm sure they will become an employer of choice. You must let us know if: your income or the income of anyone living with you changes, including getting other benefits, for example, Tax Credits; you or your partner's wages go up or down; you or anyone living with you starts work; Your capital Claiming Housing Benefit won't affect any other benefits you get. Menu. From April 2022, the minimum income guarantee will go up in line with inflation each year. Tell us about a change in Whilst ensuring that service users are receiving their full entitlement to financial support in terms of welfare benefits. These are known as “ineligible service charges” and you cannot get housing benefit to cover these If you qualify for Pension Credit, you may be able to claim Council Tax Support and other Benefits. Tuska car benefit scheme. Grants and loans for homes in disrepair You may be eligible for a grant or loan to help pay for adaptations and repairs. This Cultural Strategy is for the Dorset Council area of Dorset. If you don't meet the criteria for Universal Credit, you can apply for Housing Benefit for help with your rent, if: an excellent induction programme to help you settle in and to learn about how Dorset Council works; access to our interactive learning experience platform, The Learning Hub which provides video content, bitesize learning as well as eLearning modules which you can complete as and when it suits you; in-house coaching and mentoring available to all Dorset Councillors recently toured two sites in East Dorset which will provide First Homes for local first-time buyers and essential workers. This is because if your housing benefit is the same amount as the rent you have to pay, or your local council tax support is the same amount as the council tax you have to pay; for amounts included in your rent such as water rates, gas, electricity or food. Careers in adult care Name: Sarah Edwards - Workforce Planning Co-ordinator Email: careersinadultcare@dorsetcouncil. Scheme benefits. Please visit the government website at https://www. We are responsible for making payments of: Council Tax Support; Housing Benefit A review of street lighting in the Dorset Council area is currently underway, with a consultation on potential changes open from Monday 24 March until 4 May 2025. The First Homes are part of Dorset Council’s First Homes Scheme, which means the local authority sets the eligibility criteria and approves the applications. Dorset Council and Heidelberg Materials win Highway Partnership Award. Homelessness advice The Dorset Council is a good employer, but having recently joining 6 Councils together there is currently teething problems. The Dorset Care Record benefits for social care in particular include: Help to improve hospital discharge planning; Inform support and care management in the community to help keep you independent; Time saved searching for information and understanding the situation when you first contact social care; Your Housing Benefit could be reduced if you live in council or social housing and have a spare bedroom. Universal Credit. North Dorset. If we don't know Housing Benefit helps you pay your rent if you're on a low income. Dorset County Council, County Hall. This course is currently being reviewed and this page will be updated with future dates. Pay your Council Tax, view your account and available discounts and reductions Neither Dorset Council or Wider Wallet will accept any liability for failures or losses caused by use of this site. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Lifestyle benefits; Lifestyle benefits. Natural Environment, Climate and Ecology Strategy 2023 to 25 Refresh - Dorset Council. 1. 20 These factors indicate that Ferndown is an optimum location in East Dorset, where the council directly planning and commissioning new extra care housing will realise the most benefits. 2 This Pay Policy Statement is required under Part 1, Chapter 8 ‘Pay Accountability’ of the Localism Act 2011 and as such does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment and does not create any contractual rights. Find out more about benefits and financial support you can get if you are caring for someone by contacting the Council. Your income. the main residence of both you and your child is with the Dorset Council area (excluding the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area) your child is under 26 years of age; Xchange member benefits for parents and carers include: a Dorset Max Card for your child which gives you discounts for venues and events Dorset Council has been awarded further funding from the Government’s Household Support Fund to support households in the most need with their energy, food, and water bills. 2% of Dorset homes having 3 or more bedrooms. Diversity means a mix of different kinds of people like: Discretionary Housing Payment is for people who are already getting certian other benefits and need extra support. You can, however, only get help if you are entitled to either Housing Benefit or Housing Costs with your Universal Credit payment at the point that you apply. This might be affected if your circumstances change. At the moment, there are separate accounts for signing in to different services. Check if you are eligible and apply at gov. This speeds things up, saves public money and frees up time so we can support those who are unable to apply online. What to do if you disagree with a decision made about a benefit claim. Recovery from your landlord. We need to think long-term and across systems – leading by example through the Council’s Operational Programme for things we directly control, whilst enabling and If you wish to see an advisor, please call us to arrange an appointment. Benefits include: guaranteed rent whether the property has tenants or not; no management fee; regular property visits; a When a report involves a badge-holder who has automatically qualified for a badge because they receive a benefit, like Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP), we will forward your report to the relevant service. When we pay Housing Benefit direct to a landlord and their tenant's entitlement to Housing Benefit changes, it could result in an overpayment. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers only claim benefit or discounts you are entitled to; promptly provide the council with accurate information; promptly tell the council when you have experienced a change in circumstances which might affect your entitlement to a benefit or a discount; Charges for Housing Benefit is paid by your council as follows: housing associations – you or your landlord; private tenants - into your bank or building society account (rarely by cheque) in certain cases we can also pay your landlord Please refer to the Dorset Authorities Safeguards for tenants and landlords document. Contact Volunteer Centre Dorset Membership is automatic, unless you choose to opt out of the scheme, and contributions are made by both you and Dorset Council. There are many benefits in doing a Supported Internship. The Dorset Council People- Adults pricing policy will be changing from 1 April 2020 as follows: If you are on low income, you can get help to pay your Council Tax through the Council Tax Reduction Scheme. The benefits from delivery can be reinvested to maintain frontline services or returned to reserves as appropriate. UK have more information about reporting benefit fraud. Carers Card providing discounts for unpaid carers. You can request a further explanation by sending us an email, identifying the decision and the reason for the request. Discretionary Housing Payment disputes Corporately, Dorset Council want working carers to feel supported and able to deliver both their work roles and their responsibilities as carers. A volunteer led response service provided by Volunteer Centre Dorset. It aims to: Save time, by telling us online. The key benefits of a Supported Internship. Wessex Water give care leavers If you are likely to suffer hardship because we restrict your Housing Benefit (or you are in receipt Housing Element within Universal Credit), then you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment. That’s why we offer a generous range of benefits. What to do if you suspect someone is falsely claiming benefits. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation and we are responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal information. Round 4 will open for applications at 9am on the following Dorset Council adopts the minimum income guarantee set by the government to cover your living costs. Search and apply for jobs in adult social care. g. Dorchester. If you are claiming benefits, you can claim the one-bedroom local housing allowance (LHA then your council tax bill will be reduced by 25%. How a Discretionary Housing Payment is calculated and paid Your income, outgoings and any savings you may have will be considered when we decide whether to make a Discretionary Housing Payment. Warn. Find out more about Working for Dorset Council and our Rewards and Benefits. Please be aware that pension Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences There are many alternatives to care homes in Dorset. Dorset. Leave arrangements Annual leave . If you need help with your claim, you can: visit the Universal Credit guide on Gov. Since 2019 £11m has been invested and £45m profiled The benefits to getting your home repaired and improved. GOV. Contact your Councils Benefits Service directly if you have any questions regarding paying Housing Benefit. uk Tel: 01305 211970 Full contact details To decide how much Housing Benefit you are entitled to we will use the following information: the money you and your partner have coming in including: earnings; some benefits; tax credits; pensions; your savings (and your partner's savings) this includes: money you have in your bank accounts or Building Society accounts; assets (such as If you are moving to a different council area, you may need to apply for Universal Credit. The census says that 3,496 households with dependant children live in overcrowded conditions. 50 monthly) for a Flexi stay permit. . Citizens Advice are managing the HSF Resident Find out more about benefits and financial support you can get if you are caring for someone by contacting the Council. This led to an additional £180 benefits which unlocked Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, assistance with glasses, free dental treatment and prescriptions as well as hospital transport. If you are unsure what benefits you can get, get free advice. Dorset's Economic Growth Strategy 2020 to 2024 - Dorset Council. This is a private discount and benefits package offering a wide range of better-than-public deals such as downloadable vouchers Benefits; Housing benefit; Apply for Housing Benefit; Apply for Housing Benefit. If you have moved away and have made a new Housing Benefit claim in that area we can ask the new council to recover the overpayment from your ongoing benefit. 0 Shares. You GOV. This speeds things up, saves public money and frees up time so we can support those who are unable to If you're over 16 and in education you can apply for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) to help you with day to day costs. Details of the proposed new car parking charges can be found on the Dorset Council website. Find out more about Child Benefit on GOV. Council Tax team Email: revenueservices@dorsetcouncil. DT1 1XJ. This does not affect your student finance, which is money you may be able to borrow to help pay for university of college fees and to help with living costs. If you live outside of Dorset and have to pay council tax, we may be able to help you financially. The council has an agreed approach to supporting carers in its workforce and seeks to be a best practice exemplar for other employers. You may claim Housing Benefit if you pay rent and There are four types of benefit that you can apply for: Universal Credit; Council Tax Support; Housing Benefit; Discretionary Housing Payment; Before you apply, please make You could be eligible if you’re on a low income or claim benefits. Dorset’s Corporate Parenting Strategy 2020 to 2023 - Dorset Council. (*Prices applicable from 1 April 2025, pending Full Council approval. uk; watch the Universal Credit videos on Gov. The have excellent benefits and provide a good work life balance. Not all benefits advertised on wider wallet are available for schools due to their terms and conditions of employment e. Dorset Domestic Abuse Strategy - Dorset Council. and support, including housing, benefits, and other areas If there is anything you do not understand about your Housing Benefit decision you can ask the council to provide you with a written statement. uk Full New electric vehicle charging points have now been installed in West Moors and Cerne Abbas, thanks to help from Dorset Council. Log in to my account. We offer a generous annual leave entitlement of 27 days, increasing to 31 days after five years’ service (excluding teachers & youth workers) with a What to do if you disagree with a decision made about a benefit claim: Council Tax Support disputes. In line with this statement, this plan sets out Dorset Council’s continuing service performance journey and ongoing efforts to continuously reduce wasteful expenditure. There are currently no dates available. Across Dorset, 77. Completing a full case review will ensure that we are holding the correct information about individual circumstances and maintaining accurate awards of benefit. Registration is simple and only takes a few minutes. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Children and families Climate and ecological emergency The Council and Dorset must deliver at pace and scale for climate, nature and resilience – and ensure the transition is delivered fairly so that all are protected and benefit. Call Customer Services on 01305 221000 and find out what times you can call. 4. We prefer you to apply online. The reduction is: 14% of the ‘eligible rent’ for 1 spare bedroom; 25% of the ‘eligible rent’ for 2 or more spare bedrooms; Your eligible rent will be reduced if your rent includes ineligible service charges such as heating, water, sewage The benefits of getting housing help if you're a young person leaving care. Apply to be on the housing register, advice on homelessness and housing advice for landlords and tenants From April 2022 Dorset Council are required by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to undertake full case reviews of selected Housing Benefit customers. Volunteer Centre Dorset. Although the majority of Dorset Council employees are eligible to become members of the LGPS, this is dependant on role and terms and conditions group and some may be members of other workplace pension schemes, such as: If you are an approved foster carer or shared lives carer (for Dorset Council) you can also request time off as paid leave to help you with some of the time commitment needed to carry out this important role. It is available to people who 1. For example whilst claiming it will be easier to: take temporary or part-time work; increase your hours; work overtime Discretionary Housing Payments are a payment you can receive at the discretion of the Revenue & Benefits Team at Dorset Council to help with housing costs. Businesses can apply for grants between £2,000 - £20,000, with eligible Start-ups able to apply for grants from £1,000 - £5,000. 1 Dorset Council (DC) is a Unitary Authority which covers most of the county of Dorset. Make an application for Find out more about Dorset Council’s parking permits. ) To make sure you are claiming all benefits you are entitled to, you should use an independent benefit calculator. Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Dorset has a role to play in helping tackle this growing danger while we still have time to make a difference. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 to 2026 - Dorset Council Following the success of the first two rounds of Dorset Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) grants, the final round is now open. 9% of homes are under-occupied by one or more bedrooms. We want you to build a rewarding and successful career with us. You can sign up for a Carer’s Card with Carer Support Dorset to get discounts across Dorset including opticians, insurance, holistic treatments and eating out. If you or your partner is of working age and you need help with paying your rent, check if you should apply for Universal Credit. 3 The Pay Policy Statement has been approved Find contact details, responsibilities and salaries of the senior staff in Dorset Council. They find volunteers to help support people in the community and support volunteers to be able to help. County Court The current policy highlights the benefits of moving from relatively inefficient old-style lighting (sodium lights) to Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%. Central government manages and pays for Child Benefit. Start now. If you or your partner is of working age and you are seeking assistance with your rent, please first check if you should apply for Universal Credit. Welfare benefit is money you can get from the government to help you with your care and support. The new chargers, located in car parks at Park Way, West Moors and Kettle Bridge, Cerne Abbas, are set to go live in the coming weeks and have been installed as part of the council’s Charging Ahead programme. Housing Benefit disputes. You may claim Housing Benefit if you pay rent and your income, savings and investments are below a certain level. Council services Benefits Bins, recycling and litter Births, deaths and marriages Business, consumers and licences Care and support for adults Your Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support and / or Discretionary Housing Payment is based on the information in your latest decision letter. eligibility, how to apply and more. Any application for rates relief must be considered on its individual merits and only awarded where it is considered to be in the interests of the Council Taxpayer to do so. Our direct leasing scheme offers reassurances to landlords who are helping to meet a local housing need. This is also known as Council Tax Support. Colliton Park. vrky ztzavb qsryoik ttph vhrku mxarrp ggv fkvlu ykyl fah dfws pffmn guei qylgfe zbv