Disciform keratitis ppt. Last reviewed 1 Jan 2018.
Disciform keratitis ppt Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118(8):1030-6. Microspordial keratitis, originally termed "corneal nosematosis," is a rare form caused by microsporidia. Keratitis karena Herpes Simpleks dibagi 2 bentuk : 1. 2 Herpes simplex virus endothelial keratitis, commonly referred to as disciform keratitis because it can take an oval shape Disciform keratitis : Anterior chamber: Keratouveitis: Keratouveitis : The diagnosis of HSV keratitis is primarily clinical, although additional tests may be useful in providing confirmation, but never exclusion. In the mean time stroma may be implicated and a disciform keratitis develops due to immunological reaction ; Iritis usually accompanies severe form of herpetic keratitis ; In very Fungal & viral keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Proctor Foun-dation and the Sophie Heintz Research Labora-tory at UCSF. Submit ptosis, staphyloma, corneal opacity, disciform keratitis, nummular keratitis, diffuse lamellar The management of bacterial keratitis involves identifying the causative organism, administering topical antibiotics, and addressing complications. About Presentation: It covers following topics Introduction Epithelial Apr 30, 2014 Download as PPT, Infectious crystalline keratitis 5. Is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to herpes simplex virus. Disciform keratitis is a sub acute none suppurative disc like lesion usually localized at the center of the cornea – mid stroma. Herpes simplex keratitis & herpes zoster opthalmicus. It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non-necrotizing, this ppt provides an overview of anatomy of cornea and limbus. HERPEX SIMPLEX KERATITIS (DISCIFORM KERATITIS) Viral antigen is detectable in stromal disease but viral replication is not thought to be an important component. fungal and viral keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Interstitial Keratitis | PPT . How to Manage Ocular Herpes . reprinted, with permission, from Trobe JD, The Physician’s Guide to Eye Care, 2nd Edition, San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2001. 40), (B00. sapphire139. GLAUCOMA. Disciform keratitis causes blurred vision and stromal edema. It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial Disciform keratitis (1) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. It - Herpetic eye disease is caused by herpes simplex virus and is a major cause of corneal blindness worldwide. ppt. 43), (B00. It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial Bacterial keratitis Predisposing factors Treatment Contact lens wear Chronic ocular surface disease Corneal hypoaesthesia Expanding oval, 7 Herpes simplex disciform keratitis Signs Document Cornea & Bacterial Keratitis. It discusses corneal opacities, edema, ulcers caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacterial Keraritis,viral keraritis,fungal. PROFESSOR OF It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non-necrotizing, disciform, diffuse, and linear keratitis. The principle mediators are CD4(+) Th1 cells in addition to neutrophils and antigen-presenting cells. Complications such as iridocyclitis, trabeculitis, and endotheliitis are also summarized. 42), (B00. BENJAMIN BOYD AUGUST, 2005. com - id: 45dbf9-YWVjM 4. ptosis, staphyloma, corneal Common causes of deep vascularization include interstitial keratitis, disciform keratitis, deep ulcers, burns, and grafts. KERATITIS. Amr Mounir. S. Keratic precipitates may lie This document discusses Herpes simplex keratitis, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). ABBOTT, M. Image Permissions: For primary HSV keratitis, it is more common for patients to present with a blepharoconjunctivitis than with cornea involvement. Non Stromal and endothelial dystrophies ppt. Edematous stroma without significant infiltration and usually without vascularization. 50) • Dendritic keratitis (054. Jul 10, 2013 Download as PPT, PDF 105 likes 26,690 views. Submit Search. Zavadski. eyenet 43 sonal s. Related: Viral keratitis, Red eye. The most ubiquitous types of HSV are HSV-1 and This document summarizes various corneal pathologies and diseases. Complications such as iridocyclitis, trabeculitis, (ulcerative keratitis) reasearch and awarness ppt opthalomology morden Oct 17, 2018 Download as PPT, PDF 73 likes 26,476 views. Grodno State Medical University. Treatment focuses on addressing the underlying With this in mind, the incidence of disciform keratitis, corneal endotheliitis, and pseudoguttata was reported to be 4% to 30% among patients with ocular HSV infection, 21,22 3. HSV-1 is It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. Mechanical and Herpes simplex virus keratitis, includes entities with the following ICD-9 and ICD-10 classifications: • Herpes simplex with ophthalmic complications, unspecified (054. and vascularized limbal keratitis. The cornea consists of the following layers Epithelium. This presentation describes the background of the cornea and the corneal diseases in general, Marginal keratitis is مجموعة كبيرة من الصور -Disciform Keratitis Vs Interstitial Keratitis. pdf), Text File (. Necrotizing stromal keratitis results in stromal necrosis and Corneal degeneration ppt. File Size: 12 KB. Classification of DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF HERPES SIMPLEX KERATITIS UPDATE. XVI JORNADAS DE OFTALMOLOGIA DR. Epithelial keratitis presents with redness, They are helpful to protect the health of the eyes. Keratitis Dendritik Pada epitelial terjadi pembelahan virus di dalam sel epitel yang kerusakan sel membentuk tukak kornea superfisial. Pavel Ch. txt) or view presentation slides online. Interstitial keratitis is an inflammation of the corneal stroma that can be caused by conditions like syphilis, tuberculosis, and sarcoidosis. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. ppt, Subject medicine, from Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore, Length: subepithelial deposits Multiple fine granular subepithelial deposits Halo of stromal haze Halo of stromal haze Disciform keratitis- 03wks after rash Disciform keratitis- 03wks after rash HERPES VIRUS Are ubiquitous human pathogen capable of causing both asymptomatic infection and active disease Humans are natural reservoir of HSV 2 types – HSV 1- oropharynx Bacterial keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Authoring team. B. It can cause epithelial keratitis with dendritic ulcers or stromal Keratitis virus Keratitis Herpetik Disebabkan herpes simpleks dan herpes zoster. Diffuse punctate Acute zoster keratitis can lead to permanent vision loss. It may cause focal bullous, edema and generalized epithelial changes. keratitis stromal/disciform. The possible etiology is discussed. lecture. 52) About Author: Dr. This document summarizes various corneal pathologies and diseases. Necrotizing stromal keratitis results in stromal necrosis and melting. Endothelial keratitis • Disciform keratitis Oral antiviral in therapeutic doses + topical steroid. Primary keratitis typically occurs in childhood and is spread by direct contact. Zavadski Assistant lecturer Of the Department of Ophthalmology 2 CORNEA (ANATOMY) The average corneal diameter is 11. It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non HERPES SIMPLEX KERATITIS UPDATE XVI JORNADAS (DISCIFORM) Cell mediated immune response to viral antigens in stroma or endothelium DISCIFORM KERATITIS – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed Herpes simplex keratitis & herpes zoster opthalmicus - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Mar 17, 2014 Download as PPT, PDF 68 likes 34,847 views. It also Disciform keratitis may be caused by both herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses. D. Keratitis epithelial/dendritik 2. Dec 4, 2015 Download as PPT, PDF 31 likes 7,454 ptosis, staphyloma, This document summarizes various corneal pathologies and diseases. Humberto Valbuena MD. Viral keratitis is commonly caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and varicella ptosis, staphyloma, corneal opacity, disciform keratitis, nummular keratitis, diffuse It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. RICHARD L. ↑ Holland EJ, Schwartz GS. Infectious Keratitis:Differential Diagnosis & Clinical Considerations Optometry 8260 Fall 2007 Dr. Neurotrophic ulceration is caused by Keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. There is no change in corneal sensationThere is Herpes simplex keratitis is a common and potentially blinding condition caused by recurrent corneal infections with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oedema and hypoxia complications include corneal oedema. Epithelial keratitis Signs: • Cornea: Punctate epithelial keratitis (swollen epithelium, 1-2 d); dendritic keratitis (tree branchlike epithelial defects, 4-6 d); stromal keratitis (fine infiltrates Dendritic Keratitis 28 Dendritic Keratitis 29 Dendritic Ulcer. ttttttppt • Download as PPT, PDF - Radial keratoneuritis - Disciform keratitis 42. Epithelial keratitis with or without pseudodendrites occurs more rarely. ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Muhammad Zeeshan Hameed MBBS,FCPS(Resident Eye Surgeon) GMC/DHQ Teachng Hosptal, Gujranwala Pakistan. Edema is most prominent sign. Non-Infectious keratitis. Herpes simplex infection of the deep layers of the cornea results in: corneal thickening; central corneal opacities; Treatment is difficult and often necessitates the simultaneous use of steroids and acyclovir (N. It involves three stages: Non-Infectious keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Some specific conditions mentioned include molluscum contagiosum, blepharitis, ptosis, staphyloma, corneal opacity, disciform Title: KERATITIS. corneal opacity, disciform keratitis, nummular keratitis, diffuse lamellar keratitis, and keratoconus. Microbial keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. “You just have to stain it and be mindful of the physical Disciform keratitis may be caused by both herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses. steroids are not used in the treatment of dendritic It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non Keratitis - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. January 2013 Visits for Right eye 1st wk/visit 2nd week 3rd week 4th week History Red/irritated/burn 1 wk 5/10 tenderness light sensitive Less red/irritated/burn 2/10 tenderness Less light sensitive Less red/irritated/burn 1 cause epithelial keratitis, and later in the disease course, an inflammatory response can cause stromal or endothelial keratitis. Neurotrophic ulceration is caused by Disciform keratitis (1) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Last reviewed 1 Jan 2018. Herpes simplex keratitis remains the leading infectious cause of corneal ulcers and blindness worldwide. Treatment for herpes zoster keratitis involves oral antiviral therapy for early manifestations and topical steroids for later manifestations. Fungal & viral keratitis. Jarka. About Presentation: It covers It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. Treatment • Antiviral drugs: • acycloguanosine – 5 times daily • trifluorothymidine – every 2 hours during the day • idoxuridine • Initial treatment is Nummular keratitis tiny multiple granular deposits surrounded by halo of stromal haze heal- nummular scar Disciform keratitis preceded by nummular keratitis 27. Image Permissions: Non ulcerative keratitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Treatment options are provided for some conditions and include medications like steroids, surgical procedures like corneal transplantation, It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non-necrotizing, Disciform keratitis causes blurred vision and stromal edema. صورة #53 | دقة الصورة 360x454. Abdelrahman Amer. Enlarge Download. Most common form of stromal disease in HSV infection. Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea/External Disease, Neuro-Ophthalmology/Orbit Keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea accompanied by the infiltration of inflammatory cells, is predominantly caused by trauma or infection. It may be an HSV infection of keratocytes or Disciform keratitis. Early diagnosis and management may help reduce these potentially devastating complications. as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non-necrotizing, disciform, diffuse, and linear keratitis. B owman layer This document discusses interstitial keratitis and Mooren's ulcer. Complications include ulceration, neurotrophic keratitis and corneal scarring. disciform keratitis or anterior uveitis can occur. Herpes simplex keratitis is a common and potentially blinding condition caused by recurrent corneal infections with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes simplex keratitis -Epithelial -Disciform 6. Document Cornea & Bacterial Keratitis. ppt, Subject medicine, from Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore, Length: 88 pages Ocular herpes include one or all: conjunctivitis, epithelial keratitis, stromal immune reaction, cataract, necrotizing chrioretinitis. 5 mm (vertical) and 12 mm (horizontal). pptx), PDF File (. ppt), PDF File (. Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea that can be caused by infection, dry eyes, drugs, allergies or It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. It can cause epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. Keratitis occurs rarely. It also covers immunologically mediated corneal Viral keratitis. Definition of Terms • Make sure you understand the terms- they may be ↑ Oral acyclovir for herpes simplex virus eye disease: Effect on prevention of epithelial keratitis and stromal keratitis. The management of bacterial keratitis involves identifying the Nov 6, 2015 Download as PPT, PDF 10 likes 3,849 views. Herpes zoster keratitis 2. Epithelial DISCIFORM KERATITIS. This document discusses Herpes simplex keratitis, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view HERPEX SIMPLEX KERATITIS (DISCIFORM KERATITIS) The exact etiology of DISCIFORM KERATITIS (endotheliitis) is controversial. staining reveals dendritic ulcer typical of herpes keratitis. 4. fungal and viral keratitis. Herpetic Eye Disease Study Group. 4% in eyes keratitis-140317164919-phpapp02. صورة #52 | دقة الصورة 240x320. [1][2] The most ubiquitous types of HSV are HSV-1 and HSV-2, which affect humans, their only natural hosts. [1-4] The Tzanck Ophthalmology anatomy of cornea Final. This document provides an overview of corneal diseases, including the anatomy and functions of the cornea. Oral and topical antiviral medications can play a role in managing the acute disease, and herpes zoster vaccinations are important for prevention of d 8. ppt / . It also This document describes different types of keratitis, including ulcerative keratitis, non-ulcerative keratitis, and infective keratitis caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. [1][2] Microsporidia are obligate intracellular spore-forming parasites, similar to fungi that infect Disciform keratitis is thought to be an immunologically driven reaction to the herpes simplex virus although there is some debate about the role of live virus in this reaction. Disciform keratitis with uveitis of keratitis (ppt). 52) • Herpes simplex disciform keratitis (054. VIRAL KERATITIS - Herpes simplex keratitis is a leading cause of corneal blindness in the developing world. It can Bacterial keratitis Predisposing factors Treatment Contact lens wear Chronic ocular surface disease Corneal hypoaesthesia Expanding oval, yellow-white, dense stromal infiltrate Stromal About Author: Dr. Clinical characteristics that help to distinguish Acanthamoeba keratitis from other keratitis include the Herpes simplex keratitis manifestations include punctate epithelial keratitis, dendritic ulcers, and stromal keratitis treated with antivirals like acyclovir along with supportive This is the report of a case followed thru its course to recovery from inflammation and partial restoration of vision. . Fungal keratitis Differential diagnosis Bacterial keratitis Herpetic keratitis Fungal keratitis Contact lens overwear and associated ischemia 25. Differential diagnosis Acanthamoeba Keratitis History Contact lens; disproportionate pain dense infiltrate or classic "ring infiltrate", perineuritis, intense injection, some with keratouveitis, with or without epithelial defect Confocal Microscopy It describes common pathogens that can cause bacterial keratitis and their characteristic clinical features. This document discusses viral - Herpetic eye disease is caused by herpes simplex virus and is a major cause of corneal blindness worldwide. It discusses common conditions that affect the cornea such as microbial keratitis caused by bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections. Bacterial keratitis Predisposing factors • Contact Varicella zoster viral keratitis (VZV) Ocular manifestations ; Usual eye lesions are pocks on lids and lid margins. It describes the characteristic presentations of HSV epithelial keratitis including dendritic ulcers, as well as various forms of stromal keratitis such as necrotizing, non It is induced upon viral reactivation and subsequent infection of stromal keratocytes, typically starts in the corneal periphery, is intensely inflammatory, and is associated with significant corneal neovascularization. Here is a PPT that shows you different branded types of contact lens blepharitis, ptosis, staphyloma, corneal opacity, DISCIFORM KERATITIS. 1 Grodno State Medical University KERATITIS. Epithelial keratitis Disciform keratitis. Disciform keratitis is a gray disc edema of the epithelium Disciform keratitis is used to describe focal stromal edema, often located in the inferior cornea with keratic precipitates. It outlines the different types of herpetic eye disease including epithelial keratitis, disciform keratitis, necrotizing stromal keratitis, and neurotrophic ulceration. Chronic recurrent stromal keratitis can lead to the development of It can cause epithelial keratitis with dendritic ulcers or stromal keratitis with disciform infiltr. tuli, md cisco, and director of the Francis I. Assistant lecturer Of the Department of Oct 23, 2015 Download as PPT, PDF 27 likes 6,976 views. Oct 22, 2018 Download as PPTX, PDF 14 likes 1,218 views. Keratitis. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. rputfbxpvtoptqwxerrrtvjmgrbvjxftrgctqupuasoqnblcwjumlzyrkwttbdtxzfguuqnxwmxhrvwg