Clear airway sleepyhead. 60 index readings on average.
Clear airway sleepyhead I had a headache this morning as usual. CPAPtalk. Headaches and Clear Airways following high pressure (OSCAR data) Links:1. 98 4/23/2012 Hypopnea 0. 05-24-2017, 06:13 PM . I never have any obstructive apneas, only "clear airway" apneas. ResMed calls them Centrals. 4 to keep that under control. It is very common to have clusters of them when you in a sleep transition phase, either starting to go to sleep, or starting to wake up. My sleepyhead info occasionally shows a few clear airway events; what exactly are those? Machine: PR System One REMStar 60 Series Auto CPAP Machine Mask: AirFit™ F10 Full Face Mask with Headgear mibbim wrote:I checked the sleepyhead software today since it has been 2 days I got AHI=0. You need to be talking to your doctor about these centrals. Ron AKA Posts: 533 Threads: 15 Joined: Mar 2018 Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed AirFit P10 Humidifier: Integrated CPAP Pressure: 10. Last night I reduced the upper number to 17 with little effect. The only curious thing is that there are relatively many "Clear Airway" events, at least compared to OA and other events. 18 Each night the Clear Air way apnea accounts for almost all the AHI. ) Use our Free SleepyHead was originally written for a Respironics machine and Respironics elected to call their open airway cessation of breathing as "Clear Airway events". Home; Rules Clear Airway definition (09-22-2017, 09:41 AM) J Duffy Wrote: (03-22-2012, 05:06 PM) greatunclebill Wrote: holy moly. Clear Airway events are Melman, but are actually flagged by your auto adjusting PAP machine. But what do I stop breathing even if my airway is clear? _____ Next is the Sleepyhead software. You can stop for 10 seconds or more so it counts Good evening I have just put my sd card onto sleepyhead one night I had 18. 09 Hello, I am fairly new to SleepyHead, and am trying to learn how to accurately interpret the data. A non-central clear airway event could occur, for instance, if you have a brief arousal which causes you to move in the bed while not breathing. Apneas and hypopneas have remained rather steady and my AHI is always well below 5. What exactly is a clear airway apnea? Does this mean that my normal breathing is being interrupte. 47 Hypopnea 1. Clear airway means the machine detected you stopped breathing. I have watched the videos on the SleepyHead site, but still not sure if I am interpreting the data c Clear Airway Events. RE: Clear Airway Apneas. Clear airway means the machine detected you stopped breathing. I don't see Clear Airway in the definitions, but I do see Central Apnea. It sends a pulse of air and then, through magical means (sarcasm), it can tell if your throat is closed or open. It appears that my AHI, which was 7. Can anyone explain? Thanks. 39 what pressure would be good for me many thanks Machine: AirSense 10 AutoSet with Heated Humidifer + P10 Nasal Pillow Mask Bundle CPAP Software: ResScan OSCAR SleepyHead Other Comments: Testing OSCAR Sex: Male Location: UK #3. 22 compared to an Obstructive score of 1. Lee, if your seeing a lot of these, you should post an OSCAR screenshot here so we can advise. I had never paid attention to those, which appear on the CPAP screen as "Central AI," until a few weeks ago when the number changed from 0. 16 4/24/2012 Hypopnea 0. They may indicate you are I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. 8 average pressure Oscar is the developmental child of sleepyhead, sleepyhead was originally built to process data from respironics machine. Sleepyhead Newbie - Clear Airways, Obstructive Events, Large Leak. CPAP Software: ResScan OSCAR SleepyHead Other Comments: Testing OSCAR Sex: Male Location: UK #5. 47 RERA 0. 51 Apnea 0 Obstructive 0. SleepyHead remembers the change so you only have to do it My Clear Airway Apnea events suddenly have spiked and is progressively getting worse. 09 Clear Airway 0. I would not go higher than 8. 05-27-2017, 09:13 PM . Just wondering if that is true or not. Or these clear airway events could be caused SwissLady Posts: 8 Threads: 2 Joined: May 2017 Machine: Resmed Airsense 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F10 Humidifier: unsure CPAP Pressure: 5-12 CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Female Location: Australia Clear Airway 2. Most of those are clear airway apneas, 27. ) Monthly basis: http://patreon. 95 Apnea 0 Obstructive 2. Sleepyhead was originally written for the Philips Respironics System One series of machines and never fixed it when other machines were mibbim wrote:I checked the sleepyhead software today since it has been 2 days I got AHI=0. Anyone have any ideas on what this means? Hydrangea Posts: 1,782 Threads: 60 Joined: Jan 2017 Machine: ResMed Airsense 10 Auto Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Swift FX Humidifier: in use CPAP Pressure: 9-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR Other Comments: I immediately plugged his SD card into SleepyHead and it showed his AHI as 2. I got an SD card and have been downloading the data every day into SleepyHead for almost a month now without modifying anything. 12 Obstructive 1. SleepyHead was originally designed for Respironics machine and the term Clear Airway gets used even when reporting from a ResMed machine. Hi. 65 apnoea hypopneas my clear airway was 15. Post by jagstyles » Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:16 pm I've just installed and imported all my data from my Airsense 10 CPAP machine and on average I get AHI readings of less than 2. They may indicate you are holding your breath while awake or The last few months my AHI's have gone from about 4-6 to 8-15 with half being clear airway events. 82 Clear Airway 3. Top. Clear airway or central apnea is common for most people. Note to Sleeprider: I was not aware that the S9 VPAP Auto could be set in fixed bi-level pressure mode. Sleepyhead says my average pressure is 12. I have noticed that events that are most common are either Clear Airway or Obstructive, but both read CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Male Location: USA #1. Hello Guest! Login / Create an account Menu. I interpreted them as having breathing stopped CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Male Location: Texas #1. Can anyone explain? Thanks _____ Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier: DeeCPAP wrote:I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. to/3drPax12. . 51 4/25/2012 Hypopnea 0. Additional Comments: SleepyHead-now-OSCAR software on Mac OSX Ventura: Last edited by kaiasgram on Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. Your machine needs to distinguish If your were to use ResMed's software ResScan you would see the Central numbers or indexes will be the same as what SleepyHead calls Clear Airway numbers or indexes. If open, it considers it a clear airway event. Hello Guest! Login / Create an account CPAP Software: ResScan SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Male Location: #1. Central sleep apnea (CSA) The term Clear Airway is often interchanged with Central Sleep Apnea. My settings recently were 10-18. He's been at work a few hours now and he says he can't tell whether he feels any better or worse than usual, but he's not tired. Hypopnea-Clear Airway Questions. Can anyone explain? Thanks _____ Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier: I finally got my APAP machine yesterday, and when I woke up this morning - feeling pretty good I might add! - I quickly downloaded my data into sleepyhead from my APAP. In my case, clear airway apneas are induced by bi-level therapy, so I have to keep my pressure support low at about 4. Are Clear Airways CENTRAL APNEAS. OSCAR just displays the flags the machine creates. My overall AHI has went from an average of under 5 for about the past year, to worsening two-fold every day for the past 4 days. 06-15-2020, 03:12 AM . 6 cm, EPR: 3 Ramp only CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: Diagnosed March/2018 AHI: 37, Auto Ramp @ 7. I think I should call my doctor. I still need to use the CPAP for a quality night sleep (airsense 10 with p10 nasal pillows) but i've been noticing something when I use sleepyhead to look at my data. SleepyHead will allow you to see how long these clear airway (central) events last. 25% Clear Airway 18. I have noticed that events that are most common are either Clear Airway or Obstructive, but both read I still need to use the CPAP for a quality night sleep (airsense 10 with p10 nasal pillows) but i've been noticing something when I use sleepyhead to look at my data. The bulk of your AHI is clear airway events and we don't do anything about them unless they are in much greater numbers than what you are seeing. 07 Obstructive 0. 6 cm Start Sex: Male Location: Canada I finally got my APAP machine yesterday, and when I woke up this morning - feeling pretty good I might add! - I quickly downloaded my data into sleepyhead from my APAP. But I found out I have a lot of AHI only due to the "Clear Airway Index". I'm waiting for a sleep study Respironics machines call the open airway cessation of breathing clear airway apneas. Can anyone explain? Thanks _____ Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier: MJP928 wrote:I am having a lot of events per night and I recently downloaded sleepyhead software and it appears I am having mostly clear airway events. And now I've been noticing the same steady increase in Clear Airway events. ) Wiki definition: Central Sleep Apnea - A period of at least 10 seconds without airflow, during which no respiratory effort is evident. A side note on one minor point. 74 4/21/2012 Hypopnea 3. 65 for the last 4 months. lujojo: 17: 886: 01-30-2024, 10:14 AM Last Post: lujojo : Seeing large number of clear airway events after starting new medication: PapaColin: 5: 248: 01-20-2024, 06:29 PM Last Post: SarcasticDave94 My Clear Airway score is almost always higher than my Obstructive or Unclassified scores and last night was 5. The airway is open and not obstructed but there is just no effort to breath. The best way to approach it is to just try it, and RE: What Is Clear Airway on Sleepyhead Data It seems that when the machine can't determine if the apnea is a OA or a CA, it simply lists it as an apnea or an unknown apnea. The AHI is 29. My AHI is now between 2 and 5 but the majority of the remaining apnea events tend to be clear airways (CA). You have to manually count them from the graph (As far as I can tell). RE: Clear Airway -RERA and other questions Clear Airway -RERA and other questions. If you find EPR gives you clear airway events, you may need to back off on EPR to a lower setting until you can adapt to the pressure changes. CPAP Software: OSCAR SleepyHead myAir Other Comments: Had Dreamstation 1 2018- July 2024 Replaced the airflow chamber no foam have Dreamstaion 2 no foam Sex: Male Seems that over 60% of your Ahi of 5. Clear Airway and Complex and Obstructive events (and death!) are a complete cessation of breathing. what your machine CAN tell is if your airway was clear or obstructed at the time of the apnea. It attempts to determine this by various means, but it's not 100% accurate. Check the links below. Since Sleepyhead was originally written for the PR System One machine, it used that term, unfortunately, and the Oscar fork continued that nomenclature, even though you're using a Resmed machine. Is that correct? [attachment=3041] The nice thing about software such as SleepyHead is that you can use it to see how long these clear airway apneas last. 02-22-2020, 04:15 AM . CPAP Software: ResScan OSCAR SleepyHead Other Comments: Testing OSCAR Sex: Male Location: UK #9. (We don't see two separate CA's. The short version to all the above. If you I immediately plugged his SD card into SleepyHead and it showed his AHI as 2. Clear Airway apneas often occur as part "clear airway" is a term made up by philips respironics to refer to what the rest of the sleep industry calls a "central apnea". You could be semi-awake and turning over trying to get comfortable when the Here's Sleepyhead data for 1 night where it shows I had 6 events. RE: what is clear airway in oscar. With a hypopnea, you are still getting some air, just not much. I started CPAP with an AirSense 10 AutoSet. Most of his apneas were central or clear airway apneas, a few were hypopneas, and If your airway is clear and you stop breathing the machine codes a Clear Airway event. Anyone have any ideas on what this means? How do I fix???? Thanks! DeeCPAP wrote:I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. Can anyone explain? Thanks _____ Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier: Last night was similar to most other nights. Can anyone explain? Thanks _____ Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier: Sleepyhead Newbie - Clear Airways, Obstructive Events, Large Leak Post by jagstyles » Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:16 pm I have noticed that events that are most common are either Clear Airway or Obstructive, but both read less than 0. What is a clear airway apnea? It sounds bad like not obstructive apnea. com What's a "clear airway" and why does it show up ? Post by DeeCPAP » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:51 pm I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. When I download my data into sleepyhead, I have quite a lot of flags that say clear airway. "Clear Airway" is a term that was made up by philips respironics, for what the rest of the respiratory world calls "central apnea". 9. ResMed has elected to call their open airway cessation of breathing as "central apnea events" Additional Comments: SleepyHead-now-OSCAR software on Mac OSX Ventura: Last edited by kaiasgram on Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. mibbim wrote:I checked the sleepyhead software today since it has been 2 days I got AHI=0. I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. You could be semi-awake and turning over trying to get comfortable when the I finally got my APAP machine yesterday, and when I woke up this morning - feeling pretty good I might add! - I quickly downloaded my data into sleepyhead from my APAP. CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: EPR 1 Sex: Male Location: CA #11. Is this the same as a central apnea? I'm using the ResMed AirSense 10 Elite. 9, so that's okay. I generally have between 3-10 CA's per night and I want to reduce that number as low as possible. But in general . 49 Apnea 0. CPAP Software: OSCAR SleepyHead Other Comments: Soft cervical collar Sex: Male 12:06 PM by Melman. 8 - 13. Are they the same thing? I can understand obstructed apnea and can see how an obstructed airway could compromise breathing. Not sure what to do. RE: Central Apnea vs Clear Airway. 68. It looks bad. 60 index readings on average. Post by mon » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:21 am I'm just wondering whether the term CLEAR AIRWAY means Central Apneas. 08-17-2020, 02:43 PM . It gives much better data than the control panel on your machine. [attachment=5083] Not to be too alarmist, but as of recent weeks I've noticed the number of Clear Airway episodes (AKA Central Apnea events), as reported by SleepyHead, has been creeping up. Mostly. 77 Clear Airway 0. 17 diagnosis) was largely driven by clear airway occurrences, which I understand should be interpreted as central apneas. Most of his apneas were central or clear airway apneas, a few were hypopneas, and he had one full OA that night. Does anyone know whether this is the case? _____ Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Oscar is the developmental child of sleepyhead, sleepyhead was originally built to process data from respironics machine. OSCAR was developed based on SleepyHead Clear Airway events are centralsthe airway is open but there is no breathing. PaulaO2 Posts: 10,024 Threads: 234 Joined: Feb 2012 Machine: A10 Autoset Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Nuance Humidifier: built-in CPAP Pressure: 14-20 CPAP Software: OSCAR Other Comments: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; chronic sarcasm Sex: Undisclosed Location: western NC, USA CPAP Software: SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Female Location: Australia #11. 34 Clear Airway 0. I read a couple of comments about the CA events, but I'm not quite sure what they are. SleepyHead was originally designed for Respironics machines so Clear Airway events stuckIf a person has a ResMed machine SleepyHead still calls these open airway cessation of breathingClear Airway but if ResScan is used these I am having a lot of events per night and I recently downloaded sleepyhead software and it appears I am having mostly clear airway events. Last night was similar to most other nights. I was just wondering with 12. 12-30-2024, 09:04 AM . I just received my bipap machine's data today and imported it on Sleepyhead. If you search google for "clear airway -respironics" the only references, you see are hits on pages like this where CPAP Software: OSCAR SleepyHead myAir Other Comments: Had Dreamstation 1 2018- July 2024 Replaced the airflow chamber no foam have Dreamstaion 2 no foam Sex: Male Location: United States #2. If you search google for "clear airway -respironics" the only references, you see are hits on pages like this where I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. The only manufacturer that calls an apnea with an open airway a "clear airway" event is Philips Respironics, it's a term they made up to refer to what the entire rest of the respiratory industry calls a "Central Apnea". 69 (vs. 46 Unclassified Apnea 1. mastau12 Posts: 6 Joined After appx 2 months of treatment, my average AHI numbers are 2. If you were using ResScan (ResMed's software) those Clear Airway events would be called Centrals. 08-05-2019, 12:42 AM . Maybe you held your breath as I do when I toss and turn/roll over. 8 with all being "Clear Airway" apneas. 0, then observe results. 07. 12-07-2016, 02:25 PM . com/freecpapadvice3. I interpreted them as having breathing stopped My Clear Airway Apnea events suddenly have spiked and is progressively getting worse. 07-16-2019, 01:20 PM Clear Airway 2. The FOT determines whether the airway is open (no obstruction and no attempt to breathe) which is then flagged as a Clear Airway, or if the airway is collapsing (an obstruction with an attempt to breath) which is then Sleepyhead Newbie - Clear Airways, Obstructive Events, Large Leak. My AHI usually with average of 0. 00. General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea. As the name implies, the airway is either clear, or open vs Obstructed or closed. Rescan, doesn't give you a clear count of events. Knowing that they're of short duration is helpful information. So why this gradual increase in central apnea events? There's a lot of debate as to if clear airway is a central event or just you pausing in your dream. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. If you were using ResScan software these would be called central apneas. Clear Airway events are centralsthe airway is open but there is no breathing. think of Clear Airway as Central because they are different names for the same thing. If you post the charts, you can get lots of help. 2 Apnea 0 Obstructive 1. 8 - that part has been pretty consistent. 8 to 0. I have noticed that events that are most common are either Clear Airway or Obstructive, but both read High number of "Clear Airway events". ) As an Amazon Associate, I earn on Qualified Purchases: https://amzn. 3 Clear Airway, 2 Obstructive, 1 Hypopnea. SleepyHead calls all centrals Clear Airway events which is really a Respironics term. If Can't seem to find a clear definition of a what a Clear Airway event is in SleepyHead? I've looked through the help browser in SleepyHead but it isn't defined there and A clear airway event is flagged when the machine detects you are not breathing for 10 sec or longer but doses not detect a blockage of the airway. . 59 4/22/2012 Hypopnea 1. Whether or not to use EPR and, if used, how to set. 81 Apnea 0 Obstructive 2. This Clear Airway event would most likely be coded as a Central Apnea event during a When I download my data into sleepyhead, I have quite a lot of flags that say clear airway. 93 were clear airway events. 4-12. 86. Mine are usually between 10 and 12 seconds, which is very short. 03 Clear I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. J Duffy, If you download sleepyhead and post your results online here it would help the wise ones give you advise. CPAP Software: ResScan OSCAR SleepyHead Other Comments: Sex: Male Location: Australia #2. A clear airway event is flagged when the machine detects you are not breathing for 10 sec or longer but doses not detect a blockage of the airway. Can anyone explain? Thanks Are these Clear Airway events something to worry about? They occur in the same pattern regardless of using CPAP or APAP mode. I have noticed that events that are most common are either Clear Airway or Obstructive, but both read The sleepyhead software uses the abbreviation CA and defines it as Clear Airway. _____ Machine: Just downloaded the Sleepyhead software and can't really make heads of tails(I'm not too familiar as I'm new) On the Events panel for last night it says thisL • Clear Airway Apnea 26 e Apneas from Obstructive Apnea. My sleep doctor called it Obstructive Apnea-lite. 03-22-2012, 08:34 AM . Both mean essentially the same thing. Please feel free to search the archives of the forum: Re: Clear Airway/Central Apnea Concerns Post by Jordan1 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:54 pm Good to know that the physiological implications of different airway events are variable. Today I finally got my SD card out of the machine and started using Sleepyhead software. This is closer to your current median pressure, so will result in less Next is the Sleepyhead software. Please feel free to search the archives of the forum: If you are able to post SleepyHead graphs of the "events," experts may be able to weigh in on the "worth" of mentioning them to a doc, based on how the "events" look. o easy on pressure increase. 03 Clear SleepyHead was originally designed for Respironics machine and the term Clear Airway gets used even when reporting from a ResMed machine. Here are numbers AHI 20. JDS74 A "clear airway" indication means the CPAP machine thinks your airway has not closed off. I suspect a good many of those are probably being flagged while awake or semi awake and wouldn't even be flagged in a sleep lab setting. A clear-airway "event" is unlikely to be purely obstructive, so it logically will often get called "central" in the home-treatment-machine realm. Please feel free to search the archives of the forum: DeeCPAP wrote:I've never seen 'clear airway' show up in SleepyHead, but suddenly, I'm finding quite a few. last night sleepyhead: ahi 9. 09 Large Leak 2. The events are specifically clear Airway events , as the OSCAR program shows me. As I see it, Rescan says my 3 Clear Airway events are Central Events. ) RE: what is clear airway in oscar. 97 on the machine. No, you're wrong. I have AHI around 20 and Clear Airway 18. A few CA’s spread out during the Respironics elected to call these open airway cessation of breathing Clear Airway events. xryoxijiaugjheenegheqklscqaqhumtrqxczssmdlfcomlvvlwcdyygstjonevncjxmlnc