Argo rollout status rollouts pause - Pause a rollout; rollouts promote - Promote a rollout; rollouts restart - Restart the pods of a rollout; rollouts retry - Retry a rollout or experiment; rollouts set - Update various values on resources; rollouts status - Show the status of a rollout; rollouts terminate - Terminate an AnalysisRun or Experiment; rollouts undo rollouts pause - Pause a rollout; rollouts promote - Promote a rollout; rollouts restart - Restart the pods of a rollout; rollouts retry - Retry a rollout or experiment; rollouts set - Update various values on resources; rollouts status - Show the status of a rollout; rollouts terminate - Terminate an AnalysisRun or Experiment; rollouts undo # Watch the rollout until it succeeds kubectl argo rollouts status guestbook # Show the rollout status kubectl argo rollouts status guestbook --watch false # Watch the rollout until it succeeds, fail if it takes more than 60 seconds kubectl argo rollouts status --timeout 60s guestbook Similar to kubectl, the plugin uses many of the same flags as the kubectl. . Rollout을 위한 Namespace 생성 $ kubectl create ns argo-ro Thu Feb 15 15:34:16 2024 NAMESPACE: argo-ro STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None. However, the controller keep creating new analysis runs and these analysis runs will be deleted until rs deleted. And this way allows the rollout to use Who uses Argo Rollouts? Official Argo Rollouts User List. When rollout is in b/g paused status for a long time, the status will jump to progressing and failed, and then back to b/g paused/suspended status in certain timeframe(in my case, every 15 mins). Describe the bug We seem to have faced the issue described in: #3272 #3257 #3256 To mitigate the issue we've deployed master branch build fr Argo Rollouts added support for the scale endpoint in the 0. 8. The Rollout status object holds the value of who is currently the stable ping or pong (status. Verify that the rollout deploys the rollouts-demo:red canary version and reaches the paused status by running the following command: $ oc argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo --watch -n <namespace> 1 Rollouts Status Rollouts Terminate # Promote a paused rollout kubectl argo rollouts promote guestbook # Fully promote a rollout to desired version, skipping analysis, --loglevel string Log level for kubectl argo rollouts (default "info") -n, --namespace string If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request --request-timeout string Argo - Argo - Rollouts Status: Gets the status of an Argo Rollout. To start it, run kubectl argo rollouts dashboard in the namespace that contains your Rollouts. Updating a Rollout involves modifying the rollout spec, typically Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes tool that implements advanced rollout strategies for deployments in your cluster. A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo Rollouts. groupingKey is used across each template and works independently on each slack channel. Zero-Downtime Deployments: # The following pause step will pause the rollout indefinitely until manually resumed. Integrating Argo 文章浏览阅读641次。Argo-Rollout是一个Kubernetes Controller和对应一系列的CRD,提供更强大的Deployment能力。包括灰度发布、蓝绿部署、更新测试(experimentation)、渐进式交付(progressive delivery)等特性。支持特性如下:蓝绿色更新策略金丝雀更新策略细粒度,加权流量转移自动回rollback和promotion手动判断可定制的 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/nginx-deployment-66b6c48dd5-678r9 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 3 66s pod/nginx-deployment-66b6c48dd5-ffhwb 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 3 67s pod/nginx-deployment-66b6c48dd5-h4tgc 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 3 66s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/rollout-bluegreen-active Summary. 3. Argo-Rollout是一个Kubernetes Controller和对应一系列的CRD(自定义资源类型),提供更强大的Deployment能力。 但是我们可以看到Status是Degraded状态而并非Healthy状态,我们有必须要将其变成Healthy状态。 Checklist: I've included steps to reproduce the bug. kubectl argo rollouts undo gitops-app-rollout -n default. The revision 2 ReplicaSet is created with size 0. Use Cases All the t Canary Rollout status in Argo Dashboard. I'm working on a POC for Argo Rollouts and all is good for rolling out an application. Verify that the rollout deploys the rollouts-demo:red canary version and reaches the paused status by running the following command: $ oc argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo --watch -n <namespace> 1 Name: pre-promotion-fail Namespace: argocd-e2e Status: Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx:1. $ kubectl argo rollouts list rollout NAME STRATEGY STATUS STEP SET-WEIGHT READY DESIRED UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE nginx-rollout BlueGreen Healthy $ helm list -n argo-rollouts NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION my-release argo-rollouts 1 2023-07-01 12:24:17. Just as with Deployments, any change to the Pod template field (spec. Update the Rollout. Returns success if the rollout is healthy upon completion and an error otherwise. Next it is time to perform an update. Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes. Deploy the Rollout by applying the YAML manifest: Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes. This is the main controller that monitors the cluster for events and reacts whenever a resource of type Rollout is changed. -t, --timeout duration The length of time to watch before giving up. 结合Analysis进行渐进式交付 4. Beginning at a fully promoted, steady-state, a revision 1 ReplicaSet is pointed to by both the activeService and previewService. I've included the version of argo rollouts. Argo Rollouts - Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller Rollouts Status Rollouts Terminate Rollouts Terminate Analysisrun Rollouts Terminate Experiment By default, when an older Rollout manifest is re-applied, the controller treats it the same as a spec change, and will execute the full list of steps, and perform analysis too. $ hel. # Rollouts can be manually resumed by running `kubectl argo rollouts promote ROLLOUT` - pause: {} List rollouts with the Rollout’s kubectl plugin. --loglevel string Log level for kubectl argo rollouts (default "info") -n, --namespace string If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request --request-timeout string The length of time to Deploying and Monitoring a Rollout with Argo Rollouts. I config analysis args to make the analysis run always become inconclusive status. This will display output similar to the following assuming the analysis run has completed executing: Checklist: I've included steps to reproduce the bug. When using the "fast track rollback" feature and keeping old revisions scaled up for a set amount of time, I noticed that the Rollout falls into a degraded state with the message ProgressDeadlineExceeded: ReplicaSet "xxx" has timed out progressing. # Note that progress Argo Rollouts provides several ways to perform analysis to drive progressive delivery. The STATUS column displays the status of the rollout; it will change from Progressing to Healthy once all the pods have been successfully deployed or Degraded if there are any issues with the application. Here is an overview of all the components that take part in a deployment managed by Argo Rollouts. Hi I'm working with argo-cd and argo-rollouts and we have a post-sync job which is not executed by argo-cd when I deploy a new version of application and the rollout create the new pods, argo-cd shows this message waiting for healthy sta Summary I had a slow rollout progressing through about 8 steps, with a 30 min wait between each. ReplicaSet) to be deployed. This means using techniques such as blue-green deployments and canary deployments to gradually move traffic to a new app Important. Argo Rollout 提供了多种选项,可将你现有的 Kubernetes 部署对象迁移到 Argo 的 Rollout 对象中。你可以将现有的 Kubernetes 部署对象转换为 Rollout,或者可以使用 workloadRef 从 Rollout 对象中引用你现有的 Kubernetes 部署。在本示例中,我们将使用后一种方 v1. Argo Rollouts controller¶. Updating a Rollout involves modifying the rollout spec, typically changing the container image field with a new version, and then running kubectl apply against the new manifest. Common Use Cases. However my rollback testing is a bit confusing. Lets say that overall Rollout got Degraded, but I still would like to know if blue-ReplicaSet aka preview, is Healthy or not . 结合Istio VirtualService进行自动化流量分割和流量迁移 5. The get command, shown below. NAME STRATEGY STATUS STEP SET-WEIGHT READY DESIRED UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE bluegreen-demo BlueGreen Healthy - - 3/3 3 3 3 3/3 3 3 3. Argo Rollouts (optionally) integrates with ingress controllers and service meshes 2. Updating a Rollout involves Argo Rollouts - Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller Migrating Initializing search GitHub Argo Rollouts - Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller can detect if the rollout matches desired generation of deployment by checking the workloadObservedGeneration in In addition I would add that knowing also the status of each ReplicaSet (blue/green) , would be great. Verify that the rollout deploys the rollouts-demo:red canary version and reaches the paused status by running the following command: $ oc argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo --watch -n <namespace> 1 You can also use the Argo Rollouts CLI to examine the status of the Rollout by executing the get command that we used earlier: oc argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo -n USER_PLACEHOLDER-prod. For that use case check the Argo CD Pull Request generator. Then visit localhost:3100 to view the user interface. In this blog post, we look at blue-green deployments and understand how to configure it using ArgoRollouts and Testkube. Run this command to see the status of the Rollout: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo --watch. 61. This will revert the deployment back to the previous stable version. 0 Having gone through A/B Testing and Argo Rollouts experiment, it’s time to apply our learnings. kubectl argo rollouts get rollout products --watch -n gitops NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO products Rollout Healthy 38s └──# revision:1 └──⧉ products-67fc9fb79b ReplicaSet Healthy 38s stable ├── products Rollout Visualization: ArgoCD UI without the Argo-Rollout UI provides visualizations of deployment status, including the progress of Canary deployments managed by Argo Rollouts. 0 v1. argo rollout dashboard 를 포햄하여 설치하고 싶으면 dashboard. Describe the bug. Summary. After being modified by the HPA, the Argo Rollouts controller is responsible for reconciling that change in replicas. 게시글 관리. 361397415 +0000 UTC deployed argo-rollouts-2. You can monitor the status of the deployment using: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout nginx-rollout. If you don't want to wait you can refresh it manually from Argo CD UI or configure the Argo CD Git webhook. Now, the rollout is fully healthy! The broken canary has been removed. This will display the rollout progress in real-time, allowing you to monitor the process Keptn: Visualization of Rollout Status & Quality Gates; Keptn: Automate Testing of each canary; Keptn: Integrate into your ChatOps tools; In staging we will later see a Blue/Green Argo Rollout and in Prod we will see a Canary Argo Rollout. template of the pods in your Rollout, a new version will be deployed, with canary deployment behavior as we specified in step 1. 采用canary部署策略 3. The following describes the sequence of events that happen during a blue-green update. Since the strategies within a Rollout are very different, the Argo Rollouts controller handles the scale endpoint differently for various strategies. update the link of DCO in PR template ()remove some k8s e2e test versions ()upgrade react-scripts ()update golangci-lint to v1. Updating a Rollout¶. You can use these metrics to look at the health of the controller either via dashboards or via other Prometheus integrations. Proceed with the rollout only if success conditions are met. Click Workloads → Secrets to verify that the argo-rollouts-notification-secret secret is available. Click Workloads → Deployments to verify that the argo-rollouts deployment is available with the Status showing as 1 of 1 pods running. github. 설치 확인 kubectl argo rollouts get rollout mgr-poller-rollout --watch Name: mgr-poller-rollout Namespace: qtest Status: Degraded Message: ProgressDeadlineExceeded: ReplicaSet "mgr-poller-rollout-65985786b7" has timed out progressing. We recommend this approach for users that need advanced functionality when an Argo Rollout cannot be used, such as smoke testing after a DaemonSet change. When kubectl argo rollouts get rollout products --watch -n gitops NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO products Rollout Healthy 12m └── # revision:1 Argo CD will refresh the status after some minutes. If the canary Rollout does not use traffic management, the Rollout makes a best effort attempt to achieve the percentage listed in the last setWeight step between the new and old version. 2. The recommended way to use Argo Rollouts is for brief deployments that take 15-20 minutes or maximum 1-2 hours. io. 19-alpine (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 2 Current: 2 Updated: 2 Ready: 2 Available: 2 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO pre In fact, any resource with a health check that can report a "Progressing" status is supported. Image Source: Argo The baseline version of the application has been deployed to 5 pods. -h, --help help for status. e. argo rollout status being "more replicas need to be updated" and in controller logs "Skip scale down of older RS 'service-123asd': still referenced" say this 什么是argo-rollouts. Controller Metrics¶. After the rollback, check the rollout status using: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout gitops-app-rollout -n default. Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and With this command we can view the status of the rollout, Healthy in this case (hopefully!), To view the status of the rollout by itself you can use the following command: oc argo rollouts status rollouts-demo -n USER_PLACEHOLDER At the end of the promotion step all 100% of traffic sending to the "canary" (e. g. Awesome-Argo: A Curated List of Awesome Projects and Resources Related to Argo; Automation of Everything - How To Combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts; Argo Rollouts - Canary Deployments Made Easy In Kubernetes Wait for the rollout to reach the paused status. 使用Application监视Git Repository 2. The controller will read all the details of the rollout and bring the cluster to the same state as described in the rollout 2. We are using this free DNS service to leverage DNS names The API, spec, status and other user facing objects may change. # kubectl-argo-rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo Name: rollouts-demo Namespace: default Status: Healthy Strategy: Canary Step: 8/8 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue (stable) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO rollouts-demo Rollout Healthy 114s └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollouts Wait for the rollout to reach the paused status. 5. Argo Rollouts CLI. Architecture¶. 1. You should NOT use Argo Rollouts for preview/ephemeral environments. io/argo-helm . And naturally, these labels # Watch the rollout until it succeeds kubectl argo rollouts status guestbook # Watch the rollout until it succeeds, Zero means wait forever -w, --watch Watch the status of the rollout until it's done (default true) Options inherited from parent commands ¶--as string Username to impersonate for the operation. Rollout a new version called “yellow”: Version N runs on the cluster as a Rollout (managed by Argo CD). ELK Stack : Comprising Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, the ELK stack is another option for monitoring and visualizing logs and metrics. Where to start ? We have a getting started guide which provides Argo Rollout 설치 helm chart 를 이용하여 argo rollout 을 설치한다. 部署清单放在git repo中 使用ArgoCD进行自动化部署: 1. You should see a screen as shown below, $ helm repo list NAME URL argo https://argoproj. And then the Rollout swapped the hats of ping and pong services so the pong became a stable one. 31. We’ll use Argo Rollouts experiment with a canary deployment strategy and understand how experiments help us perform A/B testing and automatically decide 使用Argo Rollouts部署nginx应用: 1. Before it was finished, I pushed another change. Describe the bug When ANY Rollout resource has improperly defined resources, the entirety of kubectl rollout status commands are unable to r I want to use Argo Rollouts to gradually rollout my ConfigMap/Secret/CRD resources to clusters. Argo Rollouts provide advanced deployment capabilities and enable integration with ingress controllers and service meshes. This operator provides an easy way to install, upgrade and manage the lifecycle of Argo Rollouts. Click Networking → Services to verify that the argo-rollouts-metrics service is available. Argo Rollouts is perfect for all progressive delivery scenarios as explained in the concepts page. Instead of using Deployment for deploying your stateless workloads, you use the Rollout resource. ; A user initiates an update by modifying the pod template (spec. For example, if a Rollout has 10 Replicas and 10% for the first setWeight step, the controller will scale the new desired ReplicaSet to 1 replicas and the old stable ReplicaSet to 9. Ideally the app should update the statefulset and not go into progressing. template. canary. Monitor rollouts using the CLI: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout webapp kubectl argo rollouts dashboard. The Argo Rollouts controller is already instrumented with Prometheus metrics available at /metrics in port 8090. Checklist: I've included steps to reproduce the bug. What happened/what you expected to happen? I create a rollout with background web analysis. Conclusion # Watch the rollout until it succeeds kubectl argo rollouts status guestbook # Show the rollout status kubectl argo rollouts status guestbook --watch false # Watch the rollout until it succeeds, fail if it takes more than 60 seconds kubectl argo rollouts status --timeout 60s guestbook With Argo Rollouts, you can use automation and metric analysis to support progressive deployment delivery and drive the automated rollout or rollback of a new version of an application. The Git repository is updated with version N+1 in the Rollout/Deployment manifest; Argo CD sees the changes in Git and updates the live state in the cluster with the new Rollout object; Argo Rollouts takes over as it watches for all changes in Rollout Objects. 0-rc1 (2024-12-06) Chore. Show the status of a rollout. Every time you update the spec. Argo Rollouts will # continue to process failed rollouts and a condition with a # ProgressDeadlineExceeded reason will be surfaced in the rollout status. Enabling Progressive Syncs¶ The messages can be aggregated to the slack threads by grouping key which can be specified in a groupingKey string field under slack field. Use this command to update rollouts-demo. This document describes how to achieve various forms of progressive delivery, varying the point in Enter Argo Rollouts, an innovative solution that elevates Kubernetes deployments through progressive delivery techniques. Argo Rollouts and Ambassador Quick Start You can monitor the status of your rollout at the command line: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout echo-rollout --watch Will display an output similar to the following: Name: echo-rollout Namespace: default Status: ॥ Paused Message: CanaryPauseStep Strategy: Canary Step: 1/6 SetWeight: 30 Wait for the rollout to reach the paused status. template) results in a new version (i. Read more about the Argo Rollout CRD specification here. Then you can test whether the application is deployed and Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller that provides advanced deployment features like blue-green and canary. 0 ()fix and add more cli usage case ()don't fail code-cov on failure ()add example for updating all container images in set command ()add codecov token ()code coverage for e2e ()use codecov config and only send In our previous blog post, we discussed using Testkube and Argo Rollouts for Canary deployments, a deployment method frequently used to implement a phased rollout of new application versions. currentPingPong). # Show the rollout status . Note: A timeout isn't considered an error, it will return the status at the time of the timeout. Community Blogs and Presentations. Once you have configured Argo Rollouts, follow these steps to deploy and monitor your Rollout effectively: Apply the Rollout Manifest; Ensure the Rollout configuration in your repository is fixed and up-to-date. When I abort the rollout the canary get successfully ScaledDown,. Rollouts Status Rollouts Terminate # Pause a rollout kubectl argo rollouts pause guestbook Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests. In this article, we will dive into the world of Argo Rollouts, As a cluster administrator, you can configure Argo Rollouts to progressively route a subset of user traffic to a new application version. 使用Rollout部署nginx 2. Argo Rollout 설치 1) Controller 설치 ~/test$ kubectl get pods -n my-ns NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE rollout-bluegreen-84d95ffc99-flqkt 1/1 Running 0 42m rollout-bluegreen-84d95ffc99-pw7m9 1/1 Running 0 42m rollout-bluegreen-84d95ffc99-z77lw 1/1 Running 0 42m 공유하기. --loglevel string Log level for kubectl argo rollouts (default "info") -n, --namespace string If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request --request-timeout string The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Rollout status is blank/non-existent in this case because there is nothing rolling out. pong). Argo Rollouts offers a kubectl plug-in to enrich the experience with Rollouts. You may notice that the URL ends with nip. It is up to the operator to manually delete the pods associated to This feature couples perfectly with Argo Rollouts ephemeral labels where you instruct your controller to automatically add/remove certain labels to the rollout according to the current promotion state. Name: rollouts-demo Namespace: default Status: Progressing Message: updated replicas are still becoming available Strategy: Canary Step: 1/1 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: argoproj/rollouts-demo:bad (stable) Replicas: Desired: 2 Current: 2 Updated: 2 Ready: 0 Available: 0 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO rollouts-demo Rollout Progressing 6s └──# The rollout status is marked as Degraded indicating that even though the application has rolled back to the previous stable version, yellow, $ oc argo rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo --watch -n <namespace> 1. kubectl argo rollouts get api-ro -napi-ns Next it is time to perform an update. Argo rollout provides an analysis feature that enables you to define and run various checks and tests on your application during or after deployments, helping you validate the stability and performance of the new version before promoting it to full production traffic. I believe this is not current supported with kubectl see kubernetes/kubernetes#67455. enabled=true 를 추가하면 된다. Therefore it would need to be a HTTP PATCH or using one of the Kubernetes client libraries which supports this. spec). 安装Argo Rollout Name: istio-rollout Namespace: default Status: Healthy Strategy: Canary Step: 18/18 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: argoproj/rollouts-demo:yellow (stable) Replicas: Desired: 1 Current: 1 Updated: 1 Ready: 1 Available: 1 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO istio-rollout Rollout Healthy 48m Sequence of Events¶. I faced same issue in our deployments. 0 release. something like kubectl argo rollouts get rollout guestbook --statusPreview 设置 Argo Rollout. The Argo Rollouts Kubectl plugin can serve a local UI Dashboard to visualize your Rollouts. To monitor the process, run the command: kubectl argo rollouts get rollout bluegreen-demo -n blue-green --watch. For example, the kubectl argo rollouts get rollout canary-demo -w command starts a watch on the canary-demo rollout object similar to how the kubectl get deployment canary-demo -w command starts a watch on a deployment. The With Argo Rollouts, you can use automation and metric analysis to support progressive deployment delivery and drive the automated rollout or rollback of a new version of an application. Watch rollout until it finishes or the timeout is exceeded. # kubectl-argo-rollouts get rollout rollouts-demo Name: rollouts-demo Namespace: default Status: Healthy Strategy: Canary Step: 8/8 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: argoproj/rollouts-demo:blue (stable) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO rollouts-demo Rollout Healthy 114s └──# Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Step 4: Apply the Argo Rollout. Visualizing Rollouts and Experiments¶ 安装Argo Rollout. The dashboard command opens a web-based interface to track deployment progress. Specify the namespace where the Rollout CR is defined. pepe's iT note 'Container > Devops We can also see the rollout's status. Can I use it for this purpose? Or it's just designed to work with Deployments/Services? (If so, are there any workaround or related works to make it work to rollout my custom resources to clusters?) Use Case: [root@k8s argo-rollout]# kubectl argo rollouts list rollouts -A NAMESPACE NAME STRATEGY STATUS STEP SET-WEIGHT READY DESIRED UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE argo-rollouts rollout-bluegreen BlueGreen Paused - - 2/4 2 2 2 [root@k8s argo-rollout]# kubectl argo rollouts status rollout-bluegreen -n argo-rollouts Healthy For Argo Rollouts, you can set up Grafana dashboards to monitor rollout status, success rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). Here’s what you see if you monitor the rollout: You are at the starting point, and all 什麼是Argo Rollouts Argo Rollouts 是一个Kubernetes 控制器和一组CRD,为Kubernetes提供高级部署功能,例如蓝绿部署、金丝雀部署、金丝雀分析、更新测试(experimentation)和渐进式交付(progressive delivery)功能。 NOTE: that on the latest version you will need to patch against the /status endpoint due to the CRD using subresources. Argo CD Resource Hooks are supported. rollouts status - Show the status of a rollout; rollouts terminate - Terminate an AnalysisRun or When the issue happens, the Rollout is left like this: Name: name Namespace: default Status: Degraded Message: RolloutAborted: Rollout aborted update to revision 216 Strategy: Canary Step: 20/20 SetWeight: 0 ActualWeight: 100 Images: image:tag (stable) Replicas: Desired: 3 Current: 3 Updated: 3 Ready: 3 Available: 3 NAME KIND STATUS AGE Summary It would be very helpful if the GUI Dashboard was served by the operator itself, so that we could setup a stable URL for people to use to see the current rollout status. jxmefoe rbp gdhwwu lph mun fauqm gubxsu yotbkxh nrpxgq dypbegw vjswo zzt vxa nfg intsh