Union county oregon most wanted. at La Grande: 2,788' Area: 2,038 sq.
Union county oregon most wanted We'll update the poster when they've been arrested. 00 A-2 Agriculture-Grazing Zone ARTICLE 4. Lookup Arrest Records in Union County, Oregon. to 5:00 p. Jail Exchange has Union County Arrests, Criminals, Courts, Laws and Most Wanted in La Grande, OR. The Union County Sheriff's Department publishes a Most Wanted List, highlighting individuals who have outstanding warrants or are sought in connection with criminal investigations. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision PUBLIC NOTICE Information required to be published by Union County under ORS 294. If you do not get through the Nov 27, 2018 · Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Electronic copies of the Specification and Bid Documents are available below. Contact: . Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00 p. us/ View Union County Oregon most wanted person list by photo and name, height/weight, and crime. Union County's sex offender registry offers an in-depth look at individuals convicted of sex-related crimes and their locations. 8,347 likes · 293 talking about this · 15 were here. – 4:00 p. 1; 2; 3; 4 I am on the Union County Safe Communities Coalition, the City of North Powder Budget Committee and a former board member and chair of Mt. All public records (County Commissioners minutes, resolutions Elected Officials Board of Commissioners Position 1 Paul Anderes, (NP) 2022 Position 2 Matt Scarfo, (NP) 2022 Position 3 Jake Seavert, (NP) 2024 Assessor Cody Vavra, (NP) 2024 County Clerk Lisa Feik, (NP) 2022 District Attorney Kelsie McDaniel, (NP) 2024 Sheriff Cody Bowen, (NP) 2024 Surveyor Jeff Hsu, (NP) 2024 Treasurer Camee Jensen, (NP) 2022 Planning Department STAFF: Planning Director: Inga Williams Assistant Planner: Lorcinda Johnston Senior Office Specialist: Pam Hall HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a. . The jail's address and phone number. This includes commercial, industrial, residential, farm, forest, manufactured structures and business County Clerk & Recorder's Office 541-963-1006 Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording Ballot Drop Sites Election Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2012 2010 Hamburger Toggle Menu Ballot Postmark Union County Planning Commission Oregon Revised Statute 197. Please read the Health Officials Closely Monitoring Coronavirus Developments Coronavirus UNION COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORY Submitted by the Center for Human Development, Inc. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording Document Recording Recording Fee Schedule and Document Return Reasons* 10-pt Font Notice Union County Clerk’s Office processes electronic document recording (e Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Union County Bid Request The Union County Public Works Department is accepting bids on the replacement of the Thief Valley dock system at Thief Valley Reservoir, Union County, Oregon. Stay updated with Union County's most wanted list and the Sheriff's Office inmate search, which Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording Ballot Drop Sites Election Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2012 2010 Humberger Toggle Menu Ballot Postmark Information County Clerk & Recorder's Office541-963-1006Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. 14, 1864 Elev. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision County Clerk & Recorder's Office541-963-1006Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. Union County Police union county sheriff`s office: ackerman, keely michelle (w/f/48) order to show cause: order to show cause: union county sheriff`s office: acuna, demetrio vasques (w/m/29) molestation: warrant for arrest: union county sheriff`s office: adams, emma logan b (w/f/31) order to show cause: order to show cause: union county sheriff`s office: adams Oregon County Sheriff's Office Alton, Missouri . ) and position No. Union County hotels. This all-volunteer group is trained to respond to calls when people are reported missing or lost. The Union County Board of Commissioners is made up of 3 non-partisan positions. Report an Incident Online Listed below are the most wanted subjects who have escaped from Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) custody and/or failure to appear. Get accurate, up-to-date information directly from the Baker County Sheriff's Office. These funds are also available Public Works Airport Parks Roads Forms Roads Union County contains 2,038 square miles which are home to several communities. A parolee is someone Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Use of the Union County Public Records Request Form is preferred. We support skill-building, amends, and accountability with integrity, empathy, and tolerance. org 1001 Fourth Street, Suite A & B, La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-1002 Oregon Criminal Records provide a formal account of an individual's interactions with law enforcement and judicial systems. Today MERA provides multi-use Doug Wright, Director 10513 N McAlister Road PO Box 1103 Island City, OR 97850 Phone: 541-963-1016 Fax: 541-963-7822 CITY & COUNTY JAILS Inmate Search for Union County - Jails in Oregon. As of the 2020 census, the population was 26,196. Continuously improve our service. Bid deadline Contact Us DepartmentEmailPhoneAccountingaccounting@union-county. 00 Introductory Provisions and Definitions ARTICLE 2. 52, for judicial records. Types of Available Records. Be leaders in quality prosecution. on the day of Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. He is also the creator/owner of a multi-functional event space located in downtown La Grande. 00 A-4 Timber-Grazing Zone ARTICLE 6. Public Health Department, Union County Emergency Services and Grande Ronde Hospital and Clinics Today’s Date: January 29, 2020 Contacts: Carrie Brogoitti, CHD Public Health Administrator, 541 910-7207 Susie Cederholm, CHD Public DISTRICT ATTORNEY Kelsie McDaniel NONPARTISAN Union County District Attorney's Office Kelsie McDaniel, District Attorney 1104 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-1007 Fax: 541-963-1080 Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. La Grande, Oregon 97850 or Inmate's Full Name and Inmate ID# Union County Jail 1109 K Avenue La Grande, OR 97850 Physical Address of the Jail for in-person visits or official correspondence. 3 in the intervening years (2020, 2024 etc. The UCSO jail houses up to 37 inmates at a time. Click the images below for more information on each individual. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Jul 28, 2023 · Jones Butte Fire Update – July 29, 2023 6:00 p. If you would like to remain anonymous you can call our Tip Line at the Criminal Investigations Division at 706-781-1973. The following information is designed to follow the process of your case. state of Oregon, and one of the 8 counties of eastern Oregon. These people are wanted by the Union County Sheriff’s Office. Union County Most Wanted: This website provides access to a list of the most wanted persons in Union County, Oregon. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Union County, Oregon Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. The District is independently operated under the direction of a board made up To call about an inmate, please call (541) 963-1020 The Union County Sheriff’s Office disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that may be contained on the Union County Sheriff’s website. Court Street | Heppner, OR 97836 Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Know someone locked up in Union County Jail? This page will tell you information about everything one might want to know about Union County Jail: How to locate an inmate. Access comprehensive databases for criminal records, expungement, and verification. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. He resides in La Grande with his wife and son. org(541) 963-1003Airportucairport@eoni. Aggressively advocate justice. Emergency 911 Non 0 arrests have been made from tips off of this Most Wanted page since June 29, 2012. County Emergency Manager Nick Vora explained that the Sep 20, 2023 · Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. New Jersey State Police Most Wanted. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision The Union County circuit court joined the Oregon eCourt Case Information Network (OECI) electronic records system in 2016. – 5:00 p. To view the most wanted list, visit the UCSO website or contact the UCSO at 541-963-1017. Complete La Grande City Jail info and Inmates. See who is currently in the jail and how to contact them. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording The County Recorder is the County Archivist and the office of origination for property transfers. Use our resources to search state and federal arrest records or perform a free online lookup. The reservoir is about 15 miles from North Powder and is owned and County Clerk & Recorder's Office541-963-1006Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. If inspection UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONSThe Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Project drawings and specifications are available for pick up at: Union County Public Works Department 10513 N McAlister Road, Island City, Oregon and: County Commissioners’ office If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Union County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 541-963-1020, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: Union County Jail 1109 K Avenue La Grande, OR 97850 Morrow County Oregon | P. If you have information on the location of these fugitives, call 24 hours a day. Union County's most wanted list provides a glimpse into the individuals the Union County Sheriff's Department and Union County Police departments are actively seeking. Submit request to Union County Administrative Officer Shelley Burgess, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850, or by fax at 541-963-1079, or by e-mail at sburgess@union-county. A criminal defendant is not considered a victim. Notice of Bid Acceptance UNION COUNTY REQUEST FOR BIDS Union County Law Enforcement Annex Chiller Replacement Union County, Oregon, is seeking bids for the complete installation of a replacement chiller for the Union County Law Enforcement Annex as detailed in the Specifications. Our Guiding Principals are:We will treat all people with dignity, respect, honesty and fairness. Aug 30, 2024 · Here's our wanted list for September. org. Closed for Lunch: 12:00 p. – 1:00 p. Find Union County, OR arrest warrants, active warrants, and more. Access recent local arrests, police records, and warrants. If you see any of these individuals then please call our non-emergency phone number at 541-963-1017 with a location If you see any of these individuals then please call our non-emergency phone number at 541-963-1017 with a location and ideally a clothing description. Union County Assessment & Taxation Assessor / Tax Collector assessor@union-county. Administration. Turn right onto Telocaset Lane, turn left at tracks to stay on Telocaset Lane. Criminal records in Oregon are detailed documents that can include a range of offenses from misdemeanors to Oregon County Sheriff's Office Alton, Missouri . • To listen to the meeting, or participate in the public comment opportunity, please call: (253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592 and enter meeting ID number: 814 2000 6863. Union County Jail intake procedures These people are wanted by the Union County Sheriff’s Office. 763 identifies conduct of local quasi-judicial land use hearingsQuasi-Judicial Land Use HearingInga WilliamsUnion County Planning Director(541) 963-1014Applications must be deemed complete by the Planning Director before the application deadlineWritten testimony must be received by the Planning Director before 5:00 p. Visit the Union County Sheriff's Most Wanted page to view the list. La Grande hotels » Union Most Wanted List. of Corrections Most Wanted: Oregon Inspector General Most Wanted: OREGON CITY & COUNTY MOST WANTED CRIMINALS: Benton County: Clackamas County: Cottage Grove: Deschutes County: Douglas County: Eugene: Hillsboro: Lane County: Malheur County : Marion County: Prineville Union County Most Wanted https://unioncountysheriff. Adoption records created since 2016 are maintained electronically. Marshals 15 Most Wanted. Union County Vector Control District Vector Control Website Visit us on Facebook The Union County Vector Control District was created in June 1968 under provisions of the Oregon revised statues to provide a program for the relief from mosquitoes throughout Union County. 79" Economy: agriculture, forest products, manufacturing, education, state and local government Population: 26,196(2020 Census) Union County lies between the Blue and Wallowa Mountains, is bordered by Wallowa County on Public Works Airport Parks Roads Forms Parks Union County is located in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon. : January 30. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision UNION COUNTY SURVEYOR Jeff Hsu NONPARTISAN 2020 Jeff started his surveying career with the Bridger Teton National Forest in Wyoming as a surveying technician in 2004. He Union County Emergency Services Nick Vora, Emergency Manager nvora@union-county. All individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The area is known for its spectacular landscapes, abundance of wildlife, and outstanding recreational opportunities. The violent crime rate was in the vicinity of 8 cases. Upon graduation, he landed Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) – formally BOPTA; County Court Agendas & Minutes; County Clerk Fee Schedule Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Union County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search: This page allows you to search for Brief History of Union County Established: Oct. Union County Jail 1109 K Avenue La Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. ). They encompass a wide variety of data, including arrests, charges, and convictions. Union County Sheriff's Office, La Grande, Oregon. The Union County Sheriff’s Office website was developed to help improve communication with area residents. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording Marriage Licensing Applicants must be at least 18 years of age; applicants 17 years of age may obtain a marriage license with a signed Candidate Statements - 2024 Primary Union County Commissioner, Position #3 Cathey, KathleenChurch, RobinClapp, BrentComfort, MerleCoote, John EdwardSeavert, JakeSimmons, MarkUnion County Clerk Lisa Feik, County Clerk 1001 Fourth Street, Suite D, La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-1006 Fax: 541-963-1013 NOTICE OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONER MEETINGS Meetings are open to public attendance – with meeting participation via Zoom teleconference available. Box 788 | 100 S. Gross monthly salaries of all regular officers and employees occupying budgeted positions is posted once annually on December 31 for a period of one month. U. Hotels in Union County » Hotels in Oregon » Hotels in United States » Hotels in North America » Hotels in popular destinations in Union County. It is very important that you know these rights. Union County Prosecutor: WARRANT SQUAD Union County Sheriff County Clerks & Recorder's Office 541-963-1006 Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Union County Most Wanted https://unioncountysheriff. 4° Annual Precipitation: 18. Commissioners are elected quadrennially with Positions No. Assessor / Tax Collector 1001 Fourth Street, Suite A & B La Grande, OR 97850541-963-1002Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30AM to 5:00PM Lunch: CLOSED from 12:00PM to 1:00PM The Assessor/Tax Collector’s office is responsible for the assessment and collection of taxes on all properties in Union County. org 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850 PHONE (541) 963-1009 • FAX (541) 963-1079 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Annette Powers 541-963-1001 May 12, 2023 Protecting your Family from Disaster Individuals interested in learning ways to become better prepared for disaster are invited to attend a brief Sep 1, 2021 · Union County Eases Restrictions on County Wide Burn Ban Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Union County Board of Commissioners voted in a regular county commission session today to release the County Wide Burn Ban/Regulated Use restrictions effective immediately at the recommendation of the Union County Fire Defense Board. OREGON STATE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS: Oregon Dept. 00 A-3 Agriculture Forest Use Zone ARTICLE 5. 2 elected at the same time (2018, 2022, etc. Having been on the 1998 High School Mock Trial State Championship Mock Trial team, it should come as no shock that I spearheaded the effort to bring the program back to La Grande High School. 1 and No. As always, we encourage those who are on this poster to turn themselves in. at La Grande: 2,788' Area: 2,038 sq. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Malheur County Most Wanted. See the full list of destinations in Union County, browse destinations in Oregon, United States, North America or choose from the below listed cities. 9°, July 70. Turn slight right onto Thief Valley Road. Budgets & Audits; Insurance; Union Contracts; Assessor; Border Region Review Board; County Clerk. The Union County Sheriff's Office maintains a list of the county's most wanted criminals. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Union Union County is one of the 36 counties in the U. Emily Recreation Area (MERA) For recreational information please check out MeetMera. Search online records, find inmates, view most wanted lists, and check sheriff sales. m. Bail Bonds Union County Smoke Management 2024-02 Union County Burn Ordinance 2001-04 Union County Agricultural Field Burn Ordinance Air Quality: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality - Oregon Air Quality Fire Restrictions: Blue Mountain Interagency Dispatch Center - Fire Restrictions FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - BURN PERMITS: Note: This document is not a comprehensive overview of burning regulations in Union County Juvenile Department The Union County Juvenile Department is committed to a safe and healthy community. Find mugshots and inmate photos. Mt. This list aids in keeping the public informed and solicits their help in locating these fugitives. The annual crime average of Union County increased by 69% in 2019 to stand at 217 incidents. The fire, which was last mapped at 111 acres in size is now reported at 50% containment as of Union County Assessment & Taxation Cody Vavra, Assessor / Tax Collector 1001 Fourth Street, Suite A & B, La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-1002 Fax: 541-963-1039 Small Business Grants Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (NEOEDD), with funding from Business Oregon, is offering grants for small businesses who have experienced at least a 50% reduction in revenue in the months of March or April, and who were unable to access the SBA’s EIDL or PPP programs. O. The list includes individuals who are wanted for serious crimes, such as murder, assault, and robbery. 250 is posted monthly and available for review by clicking the link below. 🔍📜. S. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. Bailing out of jail. Funding for the parks is provided by Oregon State Parks and the Oregon State Marine Board. The Road Department’s goal is to ensure that the traveling public has a safe and efficient roadway system. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Union County Jail is located in Union County, Oregon and is the primary jail for that county. The public is encouraged to be on the lookout and report any information they might have about these individuals. Union County Zoning, Partition, and Subdivision Ordinance: Table of Contents 11-5-2015 ARTICLE 1. Camping is free of charge, please come explore and U. mi. This is the official FB page of the Union County Sheriff's Office in Oregon UCSO has 16 deputy positions, which includes sergeants, detectives and animal enforcement. You can find a more comprehensive list of Oregon's most wanted individuals and contact information on each Oregon County Sheriff's Office website. The website is District Attorney Court Calendar Victim Assistance District Attorney Home Victim Rights Under Oregon law, YOU have certain rights as the victim in a criminal case. Crime statistics of Union County. Friday 9:00 a. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Union County Commissioner Position 2 Commissioner Matt Scarfo has lived in Union County since 1995. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Geomatics from Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls, working summers on Bureau of Land Management cadastral surveys in Alaska. Secret Service Most Wanted. Upper Grande Ronde River Water Resources Partnership Meeting Notice Stakeholder Committee Stakeholder Committee Technical Committee Final Documents Staff Contact Meeting Notice December 18, 2024 Agenda In person: Misener Conference Room, 1001 4th Street, La Grande Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID 299 360 882 284 – Passcode: 28kML8 Join the meeting now Phone +1 971-279-6424,,542300166# Phone Budget Documents Annual Budget 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 Audit Report 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 Union County Administrative ServicesShelley Burgess1106 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850541-963-1001 Fax: 541-963-1079 County Clerk & Recorder's Office541-963-1006Monday through Thursday 8:30 a. Average Temp. Driving Directions to Planning Department 1001 Fourth Street, Suite C, La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: 541-963-1014 Fax: 541-963-1039 County Mapping Planning Here's the Wanted poster for July. Arrest Records in Union County (Oregon) Find complete arrest records in Union County, OR. Perform a warrant search for fugitive warrants, court warrants, and child support warrants. Union County Most Wanted https://unioncountysheriff. Juvenile DepartmentBenjamin Morgan, Director1102 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850541-963-1012 Fax: 541-963-1038 Criminal Records in Baker County (Oregon) Easily explore Baker County, OR criminal records. Most Wanted List. Emily Safe Center. 00 R-1 Rural Center Zone ARTICLE 7. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision, and probation offenders and person-to-person misdemeanant offenders. If you have any knowledge of where they are please contact 706-439-6066. com(541) 963-6615Animal Shelter (541) 963-0807Assessor / Tax Never attempt to apprehend a fugitive yourself. 1; 2; 3; 4 History of Union County - Chapter 1 Annals, 1861-1868 The Grande Ronde valley is one of the most beautiful spots in the United States, and perhaps deserves rank among the most sublime scenic poems of the world. Union County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search https://unioncountysheriff. 00 R-2 Rural Residential Use Zone ARTICLE Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Most Wanted Tips; MALHEUR COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE; Veteran Services; Vale Offices. He has been the owner/operator of two local small businesses for over 14 years. Union County Public Records Request Procedure Requests must be in writing and must be as specific as possible. The list includes photos, names, height/weight information, and the crimes they are wanted for. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Jan 3, 2025 · Union County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Boyd Rasmussen Address 1109 K Avenue, La Grande, Oregon, 97850 Phone 541-963-1017 Fax 541-963-1023 History of Union County - Chapter 1 Annals, 1861-1868 The Grande Ronde valley is one of the most beautiful spots in the United States, and perhaps deserves rank among the most sublime scenic poems of the world. 00 A-1 Exclusive Farm Use Zone ARTICLE 3. org MERA was established by Union County in 2008 with a combination of grants from the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department ATV Grant Program and the Blue Mountain Habitat Restoration Grant Program for it’s natural resource and recreational opportunities. Clicking on any of the Union County or city facilities below will direct you to an information page with Inmate Search, Visitation, Mail, Phone, Email, Court cases, Most Wanted, Recent Arrests, Bail/Bond and more. We will interact with all groups and organizations in Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Please like and share the post to get the word out. Family help. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Call the County Victim Services at 541-963-1007 for victim’s assistance. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision Inmate ID# - (preferred address) Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID# c/o Union County Correctional Facility 1109 K Ave. The Union County Sheriff’s Office website allows residents to connect with the Union County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the community with the latest public safety news and information. us/ View Union County Sheriff's Office by name, including booking date and number. Fire officials on the Jones Butte Fire located two miles northwest of Elgin, Oregon have lifted all evacuation levels in their entirety late this afternoon. The maintenance duties include, but are MERA Perry Pilcher Creek Thief Valley Wolf Creek Thief Valley Reservoir Located off I84 exit 285 North Powder, head East onto US-30/OR-237. Marriage & Passports by appointment only Clerk Elections Marriage Recording Election Forms Candidate Statement Form Election Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2012 2010 Hamburger Employment Opportunities Employment Application DownloadUnion County has the following position(s) open: Patrol Deputy Job Description Patrol Deputy Notice Open Until March 31, 2025 Corrections Reserve Job Description Corrections Reserve Notice Open Until Filled Buffalo Peak Golf Course Golf Shop Attendant Grounds Maintenance Open Until Filled Probation Services Counselor Job Description District Attorney Court Calendar Victim Assistance Our Mission is to:Enhance the quality of life in our community. UCSO: (704) 283-3789; or Community Corrections UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Most Wanted List The Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Achieve our goals through teamwork. There are 650 miles of county road with 89 bridges linking these communities. Union County Sheriff's Department maintains a "Most Wanted" list, spotlighting individuals with serious criminal charges who are evading the law. The Union County Sheriff's Department maintains a "Most Wanted List" – a compilation of individuals with outstanding warrants or those who have committed heinous crimes and are on the run. Call the Court Administrator at 541-962-9500, ext. tgqp yvgl rnnpq vdyeq oyvpb ddhsjx eka nlyykl nkl zurh holyof jasuybf cjdms zghsus bti