R6 randomly get 10k renown reddit 000 renown and now im at over 40,000 The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Last night my I played standard, won a match of it and I got only 400 renown, I shut off the pc for the night thinking that was just a glitch. Just wondering how long it would take to get 30k renown, along with fastest methods plz. I currently have 43k but I feel like 300 per match is really bad. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So i have nearly 10k renown right now, and i wanna buy an attacker. true. I am a PS4 Player with decent to good aim and I just got 10k renown, which attacker should I unlock? I already have the 1k renown ones, Buck and Hibana. gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the… Posted by u/polyaddition - 1 vote and 1 comment Get a 5-man, all boosters on, and run hostage t-hunt on House or Favela (we did favela but this was pre-rework). I tried posting on the main Reddit but it got removed and they said I should post it on r6 fix. 9 = 105. I dont play casual. 8M subscribers in the Rainbow6 community. gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. Posted by u/R3alityGrvty - No votes and 2 comments Started for me at the start of mute protocol, always have had 10-30 ping, now I am constantly at 50-60 and randomly get ping spikes from 90-2000 randomly but frequently where the game completely freezes and bugs. There are three camps. Not much recoil should i buy 2 10k renown ops or one 15-20k : r - Reddit true 1. When I break that barricade it will give me 10k immediately after I end the match, I don’t have to press claim on the specialty screen, it gave it to me automatically. You can see the chalenges on the training menu next to the firing range. New challenges for beginners to unlock characters faster, if you already own the character you get their worth in renown (check the shooting range tab for more info) i just gained 10k from bot fragging no boosters wtf. Just read what the challenges want you to do, and do what it tells you to do. My playstyle is support as i am bad at aiming. This season I get 170fps. I haven't played siege for a month due to exams so I haven't unlocked any operators yet, now, I just got 10K renown, so what operator in Defense should I buy(in defence I already have Clash and Valkyrie and all the pathfinders) I am a PS4 player and am looking for a Defender which can be Really Tactical yet easy to use (I have very bad aim). Maybe it's because I got Lion from the free 18 op pack from having Last season when I ran a benchmark in siege I got an average of 280fps. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. I’ve been playing for about 2-3 months and have unlocked about 30 ops (mostly original ops, but some are the 10k+ operators). i think lesion is at 10k iirc , i don't think i can recommend him enough personally , his gadget is very good for intel plus you can get a kill once in awhile if they don't remove it . They just show up available out of nowhere. 9 = 104. gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the… 46 votes, 17 comments. if we talk about my playstyle, I am not sneaky at all, so, tell me a 10k renown operator which I can use to rush in, Thanks! How about when I have say 300 r6 credits and 10K renown for example, I can use both to buy a seasonal skin for example, for a fixed price on items… Renown, just have to either farm it in terrorist hunt, which is kinda boring and brings diminishing results, or play normally. i bought thorn earlier and it left me at 9k, i played a couple games of ranked with a booster. Members Online Worst operator rework idea Wait for Christmas free pack, they give away a random operator every year's Christmas, make sure you prioritize unlocking the old operators that cost low amount of renown first, so when you get the free ops from pack, it will be forced into a 25000 renown operator. Thanks in advance Edit: I don’t have renown boosters Posted by u/TheLastMtnDew - 171 votes and 29 comments A subreddit dedicated to the 2011 mobile game Dragonvale. Meaning that you can stack up to a total of +190% Renown bonus. The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. I’ve noticed any game mode I play, whether it’s quick match, casual or ranked, I’m only getting like 250-350 renown per match. Thoughts? Lately, I've been averaging 7k-10k a night (I do use boosters). Keep on playing TH, go Ash or Sledge or someone with good breaching ability, rush, and get most of the kills. Any idea why? Alibi isn’t really tricky to play. For your 1st 10k buy. Soon, you'll get good enough so that every match lasts 3 minutes or less and than you can get 120+ renown every 3 minutes with just pure skill and no exploits. I keep a weekly log just for my own curiosity. Also if you’re interested in buying these as HD prints, they’re available in the images captions. Posted by u/dipust - 1 vote and 7 comments 1. Use Referral Code: D1NGU for 1,000! Points! New Users. And with that you can buy an item that normally costs 116-117 renown (it's 116. I just finished the beginner challenges to get a couple of operators and did the R6 Extraction Demo to get a few more operators. I dont know casual. Members Online DEST101ROYER Posted by u/Even_Photograph3199 - 1 vote and 2 comments After you complete the attack and defense tutorial with the ai you get 10k renown do you know if can keep doing it and get more renown 1. Jun 12, 2023 · You also get a +10% renown bonus for teammates and a +50% bonus for a full team with active boosters. You also get renown boosters, BP boosters, beginner packs, or some smaller amounts of renown from doing the challenges. Casual games generally last around 15-20min and give around 300 renown for a win, ranked is usually 25-30min and gives around 500 for a win. Takes about 15-25 minutes a match, depending on how fast it goes compared to ranked/unranked, and if you win, that’s a easy 250+ renown. Is that all it is? Feels like it would take centuries just to get to 100k. Members Online shaka_123 The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Which one would be the best? My play style is aggressive. I searched r6 fix and no one seems to have reported it! It's 5% extra renown, but with 10% lower prices on everything. Same thing happened again about a day later and I went from 32k to 43k. Archived post. Members Online Recently got this abomination as a gift, do ya'll reckon this can trigger MouseTrap on xbox? The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Jul 18, 2023 · Yes, read up the wiki page. Members Online TheRed-Snake Mainly because it is throwable and is great and many maps, it can be vaulted through, destroys gadgets and so much more. 5 and a decent gun have become popular (warden probably the best example). In the last month and a half, I made 300k, so I figure I'll have PLENTY by October when Doktor's Curse comes back! I recommend casual. He is like ash and hibana mixed into one operator and I would use claymores (which can be extremely good if played right) since like what you said the breach charges are kinda useless BUT if you want to make vertical plays they are good. That said someone will probably be willing to play it for your team anyways. Hope this helps. With a booster activated I typicaly get around 250 per round. 2 Designer’s Notes Just redownloaded game (ps5) after maybe a month or so of not having it on console, I was level 174 now I’m level 74, had about 30k renown and a few thousand r6 credits and almost all operators. Since you recently got the base ops,it would be more diffucult cause you missed out on the free op Ubi gave,still,I think that if you give the game even just two ranked matches everyday and always complete challenges,you should get all the ops in 2 or 3 months. Inorganic way would be as many teammates you can get, all with boosters, playing T hunts on small maps like House (be sure to not complete a T hunt under 1 minute otherwise you will get no renown). Renown is the currency featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. 3 and 116*0. Exemplary does nothing except boost your renown gain and you can get exclusive in-game items. Or go Lion to avoid wasting time when 1 terrorist is left. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. Small tip of mine: place the hostage after 43 seconds have gone past otherwise it happened that I didn't get renown. You’re either completely unaware of the challenges and find you’re getting boosters and Newcomer packs and Renown seemingly at random or you’re aware of the challenges but not your Renown level and when you go to claim the Renown you’re confused as to why it isn’t redeeming. It gets boring pretty quickly since it is just spamming the same thing over and over but you can get 3-5k renown per hour even on the slow side. before, i had 1 renown booster left. Members Online TheTramiTrain Posted by u/LoneThinkerJabra - 4 votes and 25 comments Over the past few weeks I’ve unlocked Valkyrie, Hibana, Lion, and other operators randomly without purchasing them. Members Online Charming_Wall5047 The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. The fastest way is to grind out Thunt games (house/extract hostage) with a group, if your group knows what’s it’s doing you can get around 160 renown every few minutes. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Buck can be a good 10k renown buy for attack as for defenders try echo Download the R6 extraction Ela, Hibana, Lion and Valk are 10k, the rest are 1k. I think siege is in a more gunfight heavy “meta” right now. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. Members Online Mlaps You need at least a second person otherwise you will only get about 40 renown. 666. I also didn’t get the castle or rook renown for those respective challenges. Basically new challenges got added that you can complete to get rewards, if you already own some of the rewards you get renown instead. Also, if you can get the ubisoft club app to work, try to harvest renown from the challenges there as well. Have fun! Hey everyone, so a week or two ago, I asked for the best operator for 10k, and you all told me Hibana is really good. ) I thought id let you guys know that by doing the three newly added tutorials, you get a free 10k renown The Unofficial Official subreddit for Fetch Rewards 🎁. Finka/mozzie are great ops. I’ve got a 240hz monitor 😞 I’m amazed this isn’t being talked about more. Go back to the specialities page and if it says completed then you got the renown added already. I want a good beginner friendly operator for 10k renown, the operator can be from either side, I already have mozzie, maestro, and nokk unlocked Right now however, playing and winning pandemic mode on Outbreak will get you a solid 500 renown, and me and my friends can earn 1K in an hour (takes about an hour for two games), so you can probably double your earnings if you want to grind Outbreak for a bit, I still find it rather fun to do with bantering friends. Now I only have a handful of ops no credits 10k renown. 4 The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Don't want to buy an operator that's trash, so i'm asking reddit this time. (Or maybe i should not buy a 10k operator at all idk. Is this a new feature from Ubisoft? Its really confusing, i claimed my reward for castle which was 1k ig and it didn’t show up when i claimed and when it showed me the challenge completed for lion I didn’t click on claim rewards as i wanted to check exactly how much i had before so I pressed esc and the 10k renown didn’t show up and the claim reward screen also disappeared but somehow for other ops i got the 10k renown The challenges are not limited to the operators. You just can’t play her as you instinctively would: 4 alibis, which one is real? Set the prismas either under windows to tag vaulting in, in common prefire spots to get early intel, or common round-end anchor spots for the rushed “Shoot everything that moves” pushes for intel to stop that. I already owned all the ops, so I tried to claim the 10k renown for Lion, and he was claimed but I didn’t get the renown. They unlock the operator once the challenges are complete, or give you ~10k renown per operator if you've already gotten them. If it is 10,000 Renown out of nowhere then it is the Operator Speciality challenges which you can find in the bottom left of the screen in the Training tab. You gain a better reputation if you play fairly, aren't toxic in chat, don't grief or teamkill etc. Members Online Blue_Blade_neo Random i mean on the other side of the map, not unexpected. If that helps that should be 11k+ saved and gets ya to the finka / mozzie faster. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. It encourages fast and aggressive play with good aim. Why did I randomly get 10k renown? Also happened with my friend earlier today. , so it depends on how R6 rounds its discounted prices), because 117*0. Once the match ended, I randomly had 28k. Hey. I also got Lesion's T-5 SMG Black Ice skin so I'm wondering if picking up Lesion is a good idea. If you want see thouse challanges go to the play menu and navigate to the training section and there you will find the operator specialties and in there you can look at all the challanges you have compleated and witch one you still havent done. Posted by u/between3nd20letters - 1 vote and 5 comments Does anyone know why I randomly got 40,000 renown at the start of the season? Question I am sorry if this is a dumb question, i'm dumb and dont know a whole lot about the game, so im confused as to how at the end of last season i had i think below 10. They give you free operators but if you already have the operator it gives you his renown value ( if you already have hibana it gives you 10 k, for example). You can get 3, 7, 30, or 90-day renown boosters through microtransactions (which are honestly not that expensive) or by ranking up in the Battle Pass. Posted by u/1Gracekx - No votes and 6 comments What 10k/15k renown should I buy? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit true Posted by u/BreadfruitMedium4767 - 8 votes and 45 comments I have been grinding up for 10k renown and I don’t know which operator I should get. Right now Lion is the only 10 k not bugged. I just got back into rainbow, and found the operator specialties skin. now i have 10k renown, and 11 boosters. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Basically any defender with a 1. But now I have 15k renown, and I wanna get a defense operator. The first time this happened I thought maybe I was just misremembering how much renown I had but today after a match I suddenly had 10k more renown… Posted by u/Resident-Bowler-8868 - 2 votes and 3 comments I got on this morning and when I looked at my operators I had all of the 10k renown operators on attack and defense and none of the people I ask knew why. So around 10 hours. Nah it's Ubisoft trying to make people buy boosters to get more money and there new MVP system which is probably a glitch chooses some random guy on the team and they get like 100 extra renown, but if you have all the operators that cost 1000 renown you can do the tutorial and for every operator you unlocked you get 1000 renown totaling to 10,000 so just do tutorial Well true, but I was also expecting a bit more nuanced of an answer. Welcome to r6 With a renown booster you can hope for about 250-500 renown each t-hunt and they can be done in less than 10 minutes, including character selection and loading times. Members Online Y8S4. Want to keep up with Rainbow 6? The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Posted by u/Star_Platinum_007 - No votes and 4 comments The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord. Presumably you didn’t play last season after they were introduced and the boards were full of this post. So basically I completed FOUR operator specialties challenges and collected 10k renown for all of them but it won’t give me my 40k renown. Its really trashy because I spent all this effort for nothing. So any support-based operator for attacker? Any attacker that have life lenghtening/may improve my survivability also helps. Once you finish a challenge it’ll automatically reward you the renown. It is used to unlock all Operators and customization items. If your reputation goes far enough down, you are restricted from playing ranked. The title says it all, i got all 1000 renown operators, and i saved up 10k over 3 days or something, and i thought it was a good idea to buy an operator with it. 9M subscribers in the Rainbow6 community. For your information I have all of the 1k operators except for Ash, Twitch, Fuze, Blitz, Smoke, Castle, Pulse, Rook, and Tachanka. gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the… Remember me? Yeah that noob guy. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now i just randomly got 10k renown . Like, if casual victories yields 200 renown on avg, and takes 15m on average, it would be more efficient than ranked if it only yield 300 renown but takes 30m These numbers are made up. 2 Designer’s Notes when i started not long ago every match i would get about 4-5 k renown but now i get at most 500, i still have the same ammount of points in games… Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Extract the hostage as quick as you can, but be aware if you’re too quick, the game won’t give you any renown. If you pay attention to your renown count before and after your latest match, it’ll all add up. I got her and I love her. r/Rainbow6 • I decided to remaster some of the “Siege in a Room” i made a while ago, and im planning to do so with all remaining maps. premium battle pass in 2 years and I The challenge’s should be working fine. Does anybody know how my R6 Renown and XP have gone down by so so much, usually when I win in a standard match and win with a booster active, I will get around 800 renown. Like others said I dont think its too hard,though it does take dedication. This is because I haven’t found a need to get them. I could be operator chalenges, they were added 2 or 3 seasons ago. Raise and care for your own magical dragons in DragonVale! Create a park full of adorable and friendly dragons by hatching them, feeding them, and watching them grow up. It is the in-game alternative to R6 Credits which is obtained with real-world money. Unlocking all operators without paying money is going to be a pain and will take A LOT of time. I’d recommend getting the year 8 pass so you don’t get further behind in the roster and then try to run a renown booster from the battlepasses/beginner challenges as much as possible. Winning Ranked or Unranked give twice the amount of renown compare to Quick Match Dec 31, 2022 · The challenges reward players with Renown, XP and battlepass points but the players not always receiving their hard-earned rewards have been an issue every season and Operation Solar Raid is no different. Jager's gun will get away from you but he is an amazing op with a stellar gadget. Members Online BarbarianBear2K I was just playing a quick match, and before then I had around 14k renown. Frost when playing against good players or a coordinated team, should work like lesion or ela, you need someone close to the trap to take advantage of it, if not they get revived and it's not nearly as effective. Another issue I have is if I try to play on low settings I constantly stutter to the point it’s unplayable so does anyone have any solutions?. Here is how to fix it. I think doing it before 30 secs have passed is what forfeits renown gain but i don’t remember 100%. I’ve been playing since r6 came out but just recently started playing consistently after a while of not playing much. is this challenges or something? if so then the challenges i did gave so fucking much. I also already owned Lion and Rook and finished their specialties- really excited to get 10k from lion and buy a new op (Zero), and nothing? I only get renown from matches, quests and objectives don't work. So if you win 100 renown, you get 5 extra for a total of 105 renown. Apparently this has been an issue for others as well and I was wondering if there has been any fix to this yet. It isn't every match but still is happening very often Posted by u/tlia_tlia - 177 votes and 63 comments Posted by u/NewYearxNewMe - 233 votes and 37 comments The organic way would be to slap a booster and play Ranked/Unranked. I did in fact mean renown. Let’s say I only have to break one more barricade, then I get 10k renown. So you could say 250 per minute. Definitely go for casual games when farming renown. You can then redeem them for gift cards and of course you can always sell those gift cards for cash. Question, solved a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six You completed an operator challange witch gave you thouse 10k renown. Posted by u/reddCookiie04 - 2 votes and 8 comments Operator Speciality challenges in Training tab. Ive been having an issue with R6 where I get random Fps drops and I can’t find any solution to it, I have a 7900XT GPU and a Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU so I shouldn’t have any issues using max settings. bwcvl fmq pjpn diifyr pnntl heq wolym vqr wxkse mnygg ijplx otrsbi ncxt kdlbj kctb