Fury warrior wotlk warmane. My skills in two hand are up at max.
Fury warrior wotlk warmane Especially the 10str+10hit gems, they are useless. I assume you are using them to get items bonus but they are not worthy. Jun 5, 2022 · There is generally one talent build that Fury Warriors will use throughout the whole expansion, the "standard build" listed below. I don't understand how my damage is so bad, I hit for basically nothing. As for macros, there's a lot you can use, and they won't magically give you a couple thousand more dps. P. 2) The attack power from Coldwraith Links is more like 135*1. On top of the unbalanced stats, you also face a lot of rage issues as a fury warrior while gearing up. 2*2. You need your hit + expertise cap + good gear to start pulling numbers - leveling gear lacsks those stats. Jul 1, 2023 · Welcome to Wowhead's Talent Builds and Glyphs Guide for Fury Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. This guide will provide a list of recommended talent builds and glyphs for your class and role, as well as general advice for the best builds in PvE for raiding and dungeons. Jul 28, 2015 · Arms > Fury = Arms spec is good against Platers. As a fury warrior with 3 talent points spent on Precision you need only 5% hit (168 rating). Apr 9, 2018 · Just as a preface, fury warriors are very gear-dependent to pull out the numbers. And switch to fury after you get some gear. beats the purpose of having an end-game guide and falls more into the progression/0%/solo tank+2heal category. 1400 Armour Penetration (100%) 4. If you want to go fury, level as arms to get your two handed weapon skills up. The custom hybrid gems come from Gnimo's warrior armory, I did the comparison using those, but one can easily calculate what the A vs B scenario would be for other types of gems. Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand + Shadow's Edge 3. Arms Tree First Tier Feb 4, 2024 · Fury Warrior maintains its simple, yet satisfying gameplay in Wrath of the Lich King while receiving some exciting new features and great quality of life improvements. Nov 26, 2019 · You need to switch to 20 armor penetration the 10str+10crit and 10str+10hit gems too. May 13, 2013 · 1) A warrior need 62. and all the ones I made were ugly as **** does anyone have any slams I can import or another addon with it ready already. Aug 4, 2020 · Specing into deflection as a warrior, magic absorption as a mage, quick recovery as an assa etc. Dont be that warrior. Feb 18, 2018 · Fury Warrior - Every slam proc or only frees? Hey guys, Most guides tell you only to use slam procs in frees during the rotation, but I'm wondering if wasting procs is hurting my dps? Aug 8, 2020 · Ok there’s a few different specs you can go but they all basically revolve around the 18/53/0 generic fury warrior build. Mar 3, 2023 · Hello there, im gonna ask u about macro for Warrior fury in pve, i need macro for him to use Charge in Battle Stance and switching back automatically to Berserker Stance in 1 button, anyone can help? Jun 6, 2015 · Has some good points. Jul 5, 2017 · Can't give you a definitive answer to which is better as my knowledge of warrior EP values is basically non-existent. Hit cap (8%) 2. 4000 Attack Power 3. And yes, I was in a raid where we had to make 1 of the 2 dumb Fury warriors HS, respec just so we can have Rampage. 3. For now there is nothing else you can change. Apr 19, 2013 · Fury warriors are one of the highest burst classes in the game, but also one of the most gear dependant, dealing massive amounts of damage while being able to take hits. I went through some of the other threads that talk about gearing but they're mostly focused on BiS which is a long ways away for me since I'm packing greens and blues at the moment. Jun 16, 2016 · Fury is one of the strongest dps on later content (infamous warrior gear scaling). However there are many bad macros that you shouldn't use. Strength As a fresh level 80 warrior, your first priority is to reach the hit cap for PvE. Now we have some of the main abilities listed, i'm going to go into a few spec's for Fury, and then explain why they are useful. I have equip two weapons and done talents. 5. Im not going to go through all the different abilites warriors can use instead im just going to go over the ones that are used as a pve fury warrior. The best one for a fury warrior is definetly the two-handed called Ferocity of the Scorned. 1*1. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Fury Warrior proficiently. Loarderon opens it step by step. com Feb 4, 2024 · Welcome to our Fury Warrior guide for WotLK Classic, tailored for PvE content. . 4 Agi @ level 80 to get 1% crit. With very good gear, expect this to be doing more and more % of your damage as your crit increases. 45sec cd-furious attack : -50% healing reduction-piercing howl : all ennemies whitin 10 yards dazed, 50%mvt speed reduced for 6sec May 15, 2020 · If a raid doesnt bring a Feral druid, or a good Fury warrior that actually has Rampage, the whole raid is ****ed. Feb 23, 2023 · Hey everyone, I got a quick question related to expertise and I hope some of you experienced Fury Warrior players can give me an answer. That being said, many of our abilities increase the damage we take. Jun 10, 2022 · Fury Warriors are plate-armored behemoths, charging head-first into the battlefield with a massive blade in each hand -- being the only spec in the game capable of dual-wielding two-handed weapons. Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand + Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand 2. Dec 14, 2018 · Hello everyone, I am currently learning how to play a fury warrior and would like to know if there's anything similar to CLCRet (a retribution rotation addon) for warriors out there that makes the learning process a little easier. May 19, 2016 · As a Fury warrior, you have some benchmarks and caps to reach so you can deal damage to your full potential. Fury Warrior excels in multi-target scenarios, being one of the highest sustained cleave damage dealers out there. My character pane says my damage is in the red. Nov 7, 2021 · Is quel delar good on Fury warrior? I got my Battered hilt from fos today and idk if i should go sell it or get one of the quel delar swords. Nov 24, 2017 · Fury is worst option out of 3 war specs for leveling. I'm playing an Orc which means I got the racial expertise bonus with two handed axes. It is the most gear dependent spec in the game. Dec 21, 2021 · If you haven't done the Battered Hilt chain quest before, you end up choosing (if I remember correctly) between four or five versions of the Quel'Delar weapon. Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand + Cryptmaker or anything else? Jun 24, 2020 · Hi, I'm a level 70 Fury warrior, I just changed spec from Arms. But if you know how to play with warrior class, then choose Protection spec is best for PvP with ending game gears, correct talent build, good ability rotation. Aug 31, 2013 · Keybinds -> Warrior Fury have the most easy rotation of the WoTLK, even than Pally, cause you must only control when to instant Slam, saving this, you can control the facts around you, so you should not die in the fire of Lord Marrowgar, or in the pools of Lich King. You could also post a BiS list, add some explanation about some Agi picks while gearing up (Scourge Stranglers, AV agi ring, DBS10 agi finger, EoF agi cloak etc), add those graphs in the guide directly instead of just links. My expertise is 26/21 using MH Shadow's Edge (264ilvl) and OH Cryptmaker (ilvl 277). 1? content unlocked). This cap is at 8% hit. Jul 2, 2020 · What is second BiS for a fury warrior after: Shadowmourne + Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand? 1. Those who witness their onslaught swear that the Titans themselves blessed these warriors with the might to carry on their…. S. See full list on warcrafttavern. Dec 6, 2017 · Deep Wounds accounts for a huge portion of Fury warrior's damage. Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand + Cryptmaker or anything else? Jun 25, 2020 · Hi, I'm a level 70 Fury warrior, I just changed spec from Arms. Feb 7, 2019 · Hello, I just dinged 80 on my human fury warrior and I want to work my way towards raiding gear and ultimately BiS. Sep 3, 2022 · Fury no tools for pvp ? kek-heroic fury : removes immobilization effects. Could be better though - do some formatting, make it more reader-friendly. That build features 2 free talent points that you can place in a variety of different talents. You can try Arms - it might help (noone rly knows, since you are playing with 3. Fury > Arms = Fury spec is good against Clothers. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction. The priority of these stats/caps is as follows; 1. Although both weapons are better than the original arms weapon I had. My skills in two hand are up at max. 3k gs with two Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion Jul 11, 2017 · So am wondering what are the best fury warrior addons in your opinion? Also what addon do you consider best for Slam proc? I tried using Poweraura,Weakaura and NeedToKnow. 5a talents with 3. You would only get 6% if the warrior has a level of 60. If there are few Draeneis in the grp, and you dont get one, you are ****ed. ucv wphtynx etxmdu rhuycj eamwv tjpu zvh mtlo onmu towtsmqh