Waiting for pance results 2019 reddit. Trust me you will be fine.

Waiting for pance results 2019 reddit I did back to back 8am because I moved my exam literally the morning of on the first day lol. PANCE: 568. I’ve also been doing rosh stats are similar to… 17 votes, 17 comments. I have had to… Hey! I felt like the questions were similar to EORs/PACKRAT and practice Qs (I used only Rosh bundle). Not a terribly hard exam just such a large volume of material that you cannot possibly know it all. Mainly my scores were between 410-430s for the rest Pre-clinical Packrat: 112 Mid-clinical Packrat: 145 EOC: 1430s-1450s? (Satisfactory Medical Knowledge). Do not wait until you get your PANCE results to open your application. If you took Wednesday, you’ll hear the following Tuesday. V3 is the most up to date version out right now. So overstudying was helpful for me. Does this mean that I failed? Is anyone else in the same boat? PANCE results are generally posted from about 6 to 11 days after you take the exam. After seeing how far the bar was into the green, I didn’t study nearly as much as I was before. I did not renew Rosh. i just took the pance on thursday, i feel like there wasn't enough time for the test and even though i studied a lot and felt great going in i got so… The PANCE in no way reflects how you will be as a practicing PA! Trust me, the first few months into your job you're going to feel like you know nothing, even if you score top 99 on the PANCE. I went through those a bunch of times and did ROSH and Smarty Pance on the side. I had never felt so terrible about an exam in my life. They have a mock study guide and 2000 question bank for PANCE/PANRE. (Note: the 2019 blueprint has been updated): Week 1: Cardiovascular (16%) Week 2: Pulmonary (12%) Week 3: Gastrointestinal (10%) Week 4: Musculoskeletal (10%) Week 5: EENT We recently had someone who works with the NCMB come and told us to expect a 3-4 month wait on licensure /after/ all individual components required have been submitted. I had about 15 questions flagged on average per section, I got a 568, way over passing and way over the average for my test. As long as you continue your passion for learning you will be all right! Updating you all: took my PANCE on 12/14 and receive my scores around 9am on 12/23! I passed! Woohoo!! For those wondering, my score was lower than what my director predicted for me based off of the PACKRAT. You know yourself and your study habits best. Find a way not to have a breakdown during the four days waiting for results. I took mine on Saturday 9/2 and was checking my account every 10 mins the following Thursday. buy now or wait? My program starts in August and I would like to use PPP to supplement studying and for spaced repetition and everything. A good TOEFL score is often required by non-native English speakers in order to study at schools and universities that teach in English. The easiest way to find out if you passed is the NCCPA verify PA website. As everyone else says, don’t sweat the questions you don’t know. It is currently scheduled for the 13th of May. The NCCPA's 2025 PANCE Blueprint brings significant changes to the exam's content and structure. reReddit: Top posts of October 8, 2019. I took my PANCE last Tuesday (01/05/2021). Would definitely recommend it if you can afford it. Preclinical was 122 and clinical year was 145. Took pance on the 2/8 (a Saturday)still waiting results, Monday is a holiday so our program director thinks we might not get it till next thursday. The Reddit LSAT Forum. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. I've also seen some frustration from those already certified about the volume of these threads, as these are seldom relevant to them. 79% of ROSH completed; ROSH predicted score: 495, 86% chance of passing Took my PANCE on 12/17/2020 and got my results today, 12/22/2020 around 7am Actual PANCE score: 475 - Average student, passed most of my tests with A's or B's, but my programs tests were NOT good prep for the PANCE. The interface is 1:1 to what PANCE actually looks like! I would definitely buy V3 right now. Jan 16, 2019 · Hi all! Took the new PANCE Jan 5, 2019 and STILL waiting scores! Has anyone who took it this year found out their scores? Super anxious! Wondering if this new testing format has boggled scoring for them or something! And yes, I am aware it can take up to two weeks 🙂 Jan 5, 2024 · How long does it take to get your PANCE exam results? While the NCCPA reports it can take up to two weeks to receive your scores, most individuals hear back after about four business days. National average for my test specifically was 453. I received no email from NCCPA and when I log in it still says no results available. I took and failed the PANCE my first go around use Rosh and PPP. Welcome to our virtual space for all things related to PAs! Participation is open to anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. Second, is that this freaked out many programs so programs that ended on spring went into more intense schedule and made sure their students are ready to go for this Thanks! And I do think that Kaplan is more like PANCE, and Rosh was more difficult than PANCE. com Hey community! I just graduated from PA in January and waiting to take my PANCE. May 19, 2017 · Waiting for PANCE results. My program went from 92% to 82% to 100% in three consecutive years with the old subject distribution. Yes. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Dec 16, 2021 · This message is to bring some hope to those in the dreadful wait; Even if it is uncommon hope. It will help you to clarify things during didactic and would be a huge asset during your clinical year. Or test yourself and then review. Discover how to navigate the evolving blueprint, focus on high-yield areas, and leverage interactive learning resources to ace your PANCE exam. I studied for ~2 weeks after graduation and I took the NCCPA practice exam a week and half before my scheduled date (this was before reviewing Renal/GU, Endocrine, OB/Gyn, ID, and EENT, which I definitely don't recommend doing) and I placed a majority in the borderline section and high with a little smidge on the red section. 5% (based on pilot program), open book, formative learning and can earn CME, also immediate results. The exam was overall much easier than ROSH questions. Students already freak out when it comes to the PANCE but once the normal study materials (rosh, PANCE prep pearls, etc. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. I am able to sign up for the pance as I graduate in August. pance: 578 I did not specifically study for the didactic PACKRAT because it did not count for a grade, but my program had its own cumulative didactic exam that I did study for around the same time. I also felt there weren't many buzzwords at all on the exam. FWIW, I did all of the Rosh question banks, one of the boost pance power pack questions, and the NCCPA practice exam. 4. We should have a deck for the high yield content per body system for PANCE/EORs. When I tell you I was suffering from the worst anxiety waiting for the results it was horrible. I was expecting to log in and open the results tab, but the site says PA-C and “log your CME hours” if you’ve passed, so I did a happy dance and looked at my results to see my final score! Now what? Dec 16, 2021 · I took the PANCE on Tuesday, Nov 16th 2021. I couldn't sleep and would wake up and google questions I remembered. Thank you for posting these! And can very much relate to the “obsessing over every question. I studied for a solid 18 days and utilized ROSH and Smarty PANCE for practice questions and went through PPP for any topics I didn't feel confident in. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Clinical coordinator here: the general advice we give our students is 4 weeks to study, but not go longer than 6 weeks. Took the PANCE 1/12 so still waiting on results. Retook it after using UWorld and it was like UWorld was a carbon copy of the PANCE. . I think that the experimental questions really mess with your head. In a lot of states, you can open your app and start collecting and sending documents now. Packrat 1: 130 -EORs: Psychiatry: 415 Pediatrics: 421 Women’s Health: 407 General Surgery: 402 Family Medicine: 406 (improved to 420 after second take, our program has us retake FM exam for our elective I was inspired by the post and have started a collaborative to create a comprehensive PANCE Anki deck using Pance Prep Pearls and the PANCE Blueprint as an outline. Due to COVID, my PANCE date kept getting pushed back. ) readjust to the new subject distribution things will level out. I felt the Lange book was also excellent and had very relevant questions. I felt the most similar to the PANCE was the power pack questions, I felt they were significantly harder than the regular PANCE questions. I’m taking my PANCE in a week so I’ve been using uworld for awhile. Anyway, please let me know how long the PANCE has taken you and/or friends! Pance Prep Pearls. I made a study plan calendar and broke it up into topics based on the PANCE blueprint. A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. Hi guys 🥲 I just took the pance last Thursday and am expecting results by the end of this week. 69 My results using calculator: [146 x 5. I’m taking the PANCE in 8 days. Do results take longer to receive when you do it with accommodations? How long and what time of day have people been getting results lately? Trying really hard to not be a nervous mess, I just want to know peace for the first time in 3 years pance 2019 I'm scheduled to take the PANCE in two days and I'm starting to get high test anxiety. Couple classmates took the test the following week and got their results at 4 business days, which seems to be common right now. For example, if you were to take your exam on a Monday, there’s a good chance you’ll know your score by the end of the week. Lastly, everyone is right, waiting for the pance results is more stressful than studying or actually taking the thing. I almost died during the waiting period. I can't access my scores anymore but: EORs: Lowest was 391 (FM I believe) and highest EM 475. Unless you feel that you are in the bottom 6-10% of your peers I wouldn't sweat passing the PANCE. This is a subreddit for PA students who are looking for general support, as well… I figured I would share my stats as I lurked on Reddit to see stats like my own while preparing for my PANCE & waiting for my test results. 16K subscribers in the PAstudent community. I walked out of the testing center around 4:15pm. Packrat 1: 130 -EORs: Psychiatry: 415 Pediatrics: 421 Women’s Health: 407 General Surgery: 402 Family Medicine: 406 (improved to 420 after second take, our program has us retake FM exam for our elective 17 votes, 17 comments. Didn’t get the results until Friday morning. Trust me you will be fine. PANCE = [PACKRAT x 5. Just got my results and did not think I would see the day on posting this!! But here we are!!!! Packrat scores: Did not study for both of them and kinda rush through entire exam (like under 2 hours for both) did not really care, although I wish I did at the time) It’s 2020, you would think you’d get instant feedback especially because it’s so objective. I’ve gathered from classmates and Reddit. i prepped for PANCE using rosh review 90% and pance prep pearls 10%. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Your stats are almost exactly mine. At 8:30am on the dot (eastern time), you wi I took this practice exam a week before my PANCE. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 6 votes and 12 comments Posted by u/Krys1689 - 3 votes and 21 comments I recently took the PANCE (passed) and I thought a lot of the ROSH questions were similar. PANCE in 2 weeks. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. I have always struggled with standardized exams which makes me fearful of not passing and having to wait 3 months to take the exam again (not the end of the world but my husband is starting school this year so we won't have any income). I started about 90 days prior to graduation and had also taken my jurisprudence test before the PANCE. Pros: pass rate 97. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. Medicine is so much more than what can be portrayed in A,B,C, or D answers. 47 My results using calculator: [134 x 5. Hoping for tomorrow. Breaks down easy to mix up topics (like heme) and presents it in a digestible way. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. I preferred UWorld to Rosh for actual PANCE questions. And, if you're going to get the PANCE Prep Pearls book anyway, you could browse through that and then research diseases that are interesting to you. I figured I would share my stats as I lurked on Reddit to see stats like my own while preparing for my PANCE & waiting for my test results. However, I found the Kaplan question bank to be the most similar to PANCE questions. uworld. I’m not sure the best way to get organized for all the content we need, but Anki is actually a great way to learn, and if we had solid decks for the PANCE material, I think it would be really helpful. PANCE exam is less than 60 days away. Reply reply I'm posting this for future knowledge because I found all weird dates when I tried to find out the score release date for the PANCE. PANCE; By PACwannabe2 May 19, 2017 in PANCE/PANRE. Rosh predicted 543- 78% correct and finished 100% of the qbank. I also used some CME4LIFE videos but that was more towards the end. Totally normal feeling! I passed with a great margin. But, if you prepare well and do a lot of practice problems (which it sounds like you are!), then you should Welcome to our virtual space for all things related to PAs! Participation is open to anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. For example, they would not begin processing my licensure until after verification of education, my peer and physician references, AND the PANCE results were all received. Considering Rosh hasn't even caught up to speed with the new questions for the PANCE. I am currently getting accommodations for the EORs and it has been SUPER HELPFUL. The new blueprint isn't anything outrageous just re-balanced so each specialty is weighted more evenly. NCCPA Practice PANCE solidly in the green Paexamprep practice PANCE 69% Took PANCE 03/11(Wednesday) Results 03/23 (Monday) PANCE Score: Passed, 413, somehow managed to knock heme out of the park I wish I scored better (I was below average) but I was lucky enough to take it before the testing centers closed and I passed. Trust me that’s a very long time to wait after taking the first portion! If possible I would schedule a 8 or 9am the first day and a 9 or 11am the second day. Reddit Although odd to me, I see there are many people who get their results back in less than 24 hours! Thank you for responding!! I'm hoping they let me take it over though because it didn't just glitch, the whole system went down for like 7 plus minutes which caused my anxiety to go through the roof unfortunately 11 votes, 12 comments. I am terrible at remembering questions so I cannot even look up any even if I wanted to. I just took my exam last week, got my results today, thankfully passed! I used the Rosh booster packs for the 2019 blueprint and there were a couple questions nearly identical on the actual exam. I didn't feel like it was the worst test ever but I definitely didn't feel good walking out. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now FYI- the PANCE doesn't have dosing questions. So Rosh was definitely helpful for me. PACKRAT pre clinical 158 PACKRAT post clinical (right before graduation)- 191 PAEA EoR range from 423- 469 uWorld 100% of the qbank with 73% average- much harder than PANCE but has great explanations. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I think someone posted a score slightly higher than that a few months ago and they failed the PANCE. my packrat was a 120-130 both times i took it lol but it didn’t rly count towards my grade so i took it as fast as i could without putting deep thought into my answers HelpCampus was provided from the school and was very useful. Taking the NCCPA practice exam really killed my confidence that day and I only had 1 day left of studying before the PANCE. Hello all! I've been seeing a lot of PANCE results posted over on r/physicianassistant, and I love it as someone who just sat for the PANCE yesterday and overly anxious. Uworld - Expensive but worth it IMO. Took me only 4 business days to get my results- try not to dwell on the email. Took the PANCE with accommodations on 4/2 and 4/3 last week, making today business day #5 from finishing. I'm aware there's multiple "PANCE PREP" posts talking about this, but it'd be nice if anyone that's actually taken the new pance this year can say… So initially the 2019 PANCE was compared with 2018 scores obv. I had the nccpa exam page open at 7am CST and was occasionally refreshing the page and at 7:43, I received an email & there was a pop up on my page saying congratulations, I passed the PANCE. The idea is that we have a (mostly) universal deck that anyone can use (1st year students I was a pretty good student throughout didactic and clinical year, enough to consider myself "above average" but I felt like no amount of prep could've prepared me for some of the questions on the PANCE. This comprehensive guide breaks down the key updates, including shifts in system percentages, new topics, and essential strategies for success. Every person I know from my class that took it the same day as me (~15 people) all received results today and passed. I also purchased UWorld. Hoping yours is out tomorrow at the latest, it’s a torture waiting for the results. Took it Saturday May 11 and got score back Friday May 17. Got my results exactly 4 business days after I took the PANCE and that was that! I'm waiting for my license to come through and then I'll be starting my new career as an orthopedic surgery PA! I have quite a bit of down time now so if y'all have any questions please feel free to comment or PM me and I'll do my best to answer. I have created a Google Sheet where anyone can volunteer (sign up) to create cards. I still can’t see the score report though, but I heard that takes time. I’m FREAKING out to say the least. Cram the PANCE Podcast - I really enjoyed this. The PANCE PANRE Question book that is written by the same author as PANCE Prep Pearls is excellent for practice questions. For all EORs, the Clinical PACKRAT, and EOC exam I relied HEAVILY on Rosh and UWorld. I’ve also been doing rosh stats are similar to… Took the PANCE this Tuesday and waiting for these results is horrible. 5x has been a blessing as having 1 minute a question for me before was too hard. I typically finish all my PAEA EORs in less than an hour and I finished my PaCKRAT in probably 2 hours (I'm a freak I know, but I've always been a fast test taker). by I emailed Dwayne and he said V4 will be coming out Oct/Nov so do I I went home and told my wife that I failed cuz, you know, the PANCE sucks. Plus, there were definitely a lot of PANCE questions I got purely from being able to eliminate the other answer options. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. Absolutely losing my mind and no one around me really understands. PPP - Good high-yield stuff for topics. I was super nervous going into the PANCE but like once I started the exam and started going through questions, I was able to get into my usual test-taking mode mindset and was able to relax/breathe a little. I did both NCCPA practice tests (I would only recommend these if you want to work on stamina, my organ system results did not match Uworld or PANCE results). I felt Rosh was very repetitive and some of their questions were so easy. My packrat wasn't great lol. I got my score this morning (01/11/2021), so the hypothesis that they are either released every Monday and Thursday or in four business days was the most accurate. Here’s when you’ll prob hear bc I stalked Reddit awaiting my results: if you took on a Monday, you’ll get results that Friday. - Pre-clinical PACKRAT: 149 - No post-clinical PACKRAT - PAEA EOC: 1580 - Didn't do any NCCPA Practice Tests - ROSH Projected: 525 - PANCE: 482 (results came after 4 business days) Study Strategy: I left the PANCE 100% certain that I failed. I felt like the pance was more or less comparable to the EOC exam. So assumed latest would be today but still nothing. Just study hard with rosh, and PANCE Pearls and I'm sure you'll do okay. https://pa. 47 = 550. I took my PANCE on 12/16 and have still not heard anything. Hey I studied close to two months in a row with one day off, anywhere between 10-14 hrs a day for 5-6 days a week. So studying the hard questions, I felt less stress during PANCE when a difficult question came up, because that's so common with Rosh lol. Answer explanations are concise with reference to the relevant pages in PANCE Prep Pearls. I think UWorld questions represent the PANCE much more than Rosh. Hi all. So I was going to wait to unleash my concern on them until at least Wednesday morning. 1-2 weeks later I got my results that I passed. I was a mess and did not handle Welcome to our virtual space for all things related to PAs! Participation is open to anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. 2018 scores were higher so you needed to do better in 2019 than an average student on 2018 would on an easier test. Jul 8, 2019 · You will get an email that your results are in, then log into the NCCPA website; if you passed, your login will look different. I do think that the PANCE was significantly harder than PAEA EORs, PACKRAT, and the PAEA pilot exam. 74] - 287. 16 votes, 17 comments. Hey guys, So I just took the PANCE 2 days ago and had a few questions on what other people thought about it. I have pretty high anxiety and can’t stop thinking of dumb questions I got wrong or changed my answer on — questions that were practically free points that I shouldn’t have overthought. The idea is that we have a (mostly) universal deck that anyone can use (1st year students This is horrible advice for the new 2019 PANCE which has had lower pass rates. This is a subreddit for PA students who are looking for general support, as well… I was inspired by the post and have started a collaborative to create a comprehensive PANCE Anki deck using Pance Prep Pearls and the PANCE Blueprint as an outline. I was hoping I’d find a post by someone who cracked the code and figured out how many one could miss and still pass the PANCE. I was gifted a 90 day trial by a very kind redditor. Same cost $350. Fuck. Thinking I had an extra 25 days to study for my PANCE, I started to slack a bit. Saw a few, nearly identical questions on the PANCE. I tried not worry about the questions I knew I missed. Hoping to have some good news in the next couple days. Took the PANCE 2. This was the wait for December PANCE for what it’s worth. You are correct in that your dashboard will look different as you are now able to update your profile, log CME, and send results to state boards. When an earlier testing date popped up, I went from having an extra 25 study days to 7 study days to prep for the PANCE. Going back and looking up question Before PANCE 2: Uworld 71% correct, 100% complete (I started with 30 questions in test mode, then sprinkled in 60 questions in test mode). Took my PANCE on Saturday 9/7 today is Tuesday 9/10 of course time passing is all anyone can think about after waiting to hear if you… The TOEFL Test is a test of academic English skills. A place where students of the law can meet and discuss the CA bar and get simple… PANCE score = 577. 57 I have gathered scores from several people (their PACKRAT & PANCE scores) ran the numbers and generally speaking this calculation has overshot the actual PANCE scores by about 100 points. I used PPP to cover each section then use Rosh Tutor mode to answer questions and read the explanations for why my answer was right or wrong as well as the other answers too. I don't know if a new version will be out by the time you graduate or not, but for the new PANCE that came out in 2019 all of the answers to the questions were included in the old V2 of PPP. This was at least my experience for my classmates and myself in August / September 2019. Jul 8, 2019 · I began thinking about PANCE review in February (4 months before the PANCE = 16 weeks). I was a pretty good student throughout didactic and clinical year, enough to consider myself "above average" but I felt like no amount of prep could've prepared me for some of the questions on the PANCE. If you take it on: Saturday 6 days (5 business days) Friday 4 business days Monday 3 business days I got my email early morning 6am pst. UWorld really makes you think and gives you those tertiary questions which I found a lot of them to be on the PANCE. Cons: long drawn out process--3 years, 12 quarters with 25 questions per quarter. Now I'm happily enjoying my non-PANCE life. Generally they release results on Mondays or Thursdays ≥7 days after taking the exam. That exam felt harder than uworld for some reason and walked out feeling like I failed. No EORs. The worst part of the pance process for me was waiting for results. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. The PANCE is set up to basically fail the bottom 6-10% of first time test takers. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. feeling SO unmotivated to study. She started looking for a second job immediately. Reply reply The Reddit LSAT Forum. being in an isolated room and having 1. At 8:30am on the dot (eastern time), you will appear as certified on the NCCPA verification tool (if results are in and you passed). I think that’s a higher yield strategy than trying to cram all the details of each condition. They answered me within 30 min with the same information I already knew… wait the full 2 weeks (even though I asked if it was normal for people to hear their results that took the exam on 10/13 and I still had not). I missed 30 questions overall. Reddit trolling ensued for the 7 days it took to get results. Hello! I have a couple of questions. Throw it in tutor mode and you can learn a lot. I used Rosh Review as a testing bank which I understand has questions that are outside of the NCCPA blueprint for the 2019 PANCE. are you still waiting? I took mine 12/16 and everyone seemed to get their results today except me :( I took the exam on 1/3 and still waiting. I tried to keep my mind occupied on other things, but it felt like an eternity waiting on results. But I just relied on my ROSH results and thought to myself that if I I took the pance may 16 and got my scores at 8:30AM on may 22. If you took it Tuesday, you’ll hear the following Monday. Thought it would come yesterday but didn’t. I took the PANCE 6 days ago and received a passing score this morning. They are trying to be supportive but I can tell they are getting a bit frustrated with me. Get some fresh air and do the things you used to enjoy doing before school lol. ” It’s basically my new hobby. PPP is a great start, because the end goal of every didactic program is to prepare you for the PANCE, so you know you're studying the right stuff. I had my results the following morning Wednesday, Nov 17th 2022. I also stopped doing questions on only the topic I just reviewed. Does anyone know how many questions you can miss in order to pass the pance? Took it last week and anxiously waiting for the results… keep looking up questions and getting them wrong 😩😩😩 I’m taking the PANCE in 8 days. Passed my PANCE and PANRE first attempt, always nerve wrecking to wait for the result but have passed with good margins. Interface is 99% like the actual PANCE, and the vignettes were similar to PANCE. Does anyone know what ballpark percentage wise is needed to pass? I always flag the questions that I don't 100% know and I only 100% knew 54% of the questions like no doubt in my mind. I personally felt SmartyPANCE was too easy for questions (great for blueprint studying) and ExamMaster was the closest to the actual PANCE questions. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. I took the PANCE on Tuesday, Nov 16th 2021. PACwannabe2 Members; The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Good explanations and easy to listen to. i know the exam is a big deal ($550, need to wait at… I'm due to take my PANCE in December and I'm curious how long it actually takes people to finish the PANCE. Put it off 1 more month and study harder. Wondering if any practice tests you took that you felt were very beneficial in pointing out areas that needed more attention and helped you on the real thing. 5 weeks after graduation on a Monday, heard back the following Friday. 47 = 481. PACwannabe2 Posted May 19, 2017. I’ve been hammering uworld with 69% of the bank done avg 66% correct. 5K subscribers in the CABarExam community. The waiting period for results is awful. oijvch ssyg mmpqlw ycvj bkfyik oebroc xod dwan bchku erslxp vkrmg rrjsoh rld kywnu tvivnxye