Swtor inheritance gear vendor. Inheritance around 14 and Birthright around 30.

Swtor inheritance gear vendor. Which means I have to grind gear for both.

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Swtor inheritance gear vendor The Smuggler's Birthright armor set is an expensive armor set bought from the Legacy Vendors on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas at Legacy Level 20. Inheritance Belt Construction Kits can be traded in for the following items: Birthright Belt Construction Kit Inheritance Belt Construction Kit on Jedipedia. However, I have met folks that do not like to be bothered with modding armor. when I put a main hand or netural barrel in it ,it became mainhand. OR Jul 26, 2012 · Edit: I just realized you might already have the kit and are looking how to convert it to the gear. We will do an update and correct that tonight. Since then, there's been a design shift such that "static" gear is mostly referred to as vendor bait or minion food. May 29, 2013 · I'm not exactly new, but I've never understood these legacy vendors. In other words, it gives you an adv Apr 21, 2012 · Got my Legacy CH1 "Inheritance Mainhand weapon kit" and mailed it to my lowest alt (19). 2 - Legacy Vendors - YouTube I show you the new Legacy Vendors in Game Update 1. They can be found beside the left entrance to the market (the side with the cantina on it). Just make legacy worth Sep 23, 2012 · You can trade the kit to a vendor on your capital planet (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas respectively) for an Inheritance Chest piece. Apr 11, 2013 · I sincerely do not see why they are even removetly usefull. Inheritance around 14 and Birthright around 30. Feb 13, 2015 · The most annoying thing about this gear in my opinion is the fact that my Jedi Consular, and Sith Inquisitor cannot wear the same gear. g. May 29, 2012 · In the video about Legacy I saw that at one point the player got a inheritance gear set on loot. It's especially disconcerting when you take crew skills devoted to static gear into account such as synth weaving and armormech. But they are like 50 basic comms. Sep 12, 2014 · The gear is incredibly powerful on a per-level basis, the issue is that its painfully impossible to find a full set of gear (I managed to hax up a full set of birthright gear for my sin) and it becomes obsolete pretty quickly for the investment required to get it (similar to the arkanian relics from the basic comms vendor) Apr 12, 2012 · The Daily Commendation vendors on several planets sell the construction kits for the birthright head, , birthright legs , inheritance chest, and inheritance feet. Was wondering about BoL gear. May 8, 2012 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Inheritance & Birthright gear: Utterly stupid? May 28, 2012 · I got some legacy gear from a flashpoint, not 100 % sure which FP but it might have been Lost Island, and I got another piece in a some item box I bought for planetary commendations. Inheritance items are lvl 14-16 requirement, Birthright are ~33. Inheritance Wrists Construction Kits can be obtained from . Conversely, the Imperial vendors can be found in Kaas City, also near the opening to the market next to the mission drop box. I understand if that is why you made a standard HQ item set for the level, so that it's a nice boost for an alt, but at the moment, those levels it's frien May 16, 2014 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Birthright/Inheritance Gear - Can we please nix these? Apr 25, 2012 · The legacy gear have level requirements. There is one legacy vendor for each class. Jun 6, 2014 · I think that many folks find birthright and inheritance gear lack value in the current game. The insanely overpriced items on the daily vendor exist, but unless they recieve a 90% price reduction I don't think anyone would purchase them. Level 80 Gearing Guide; Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing; Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80; Legendary Implants; Hyde and Zeek Guide Jun 29, 2018 · You would be better off either buying a modable piece from the Adaptive Gear Vendor (found on fleet and capital worlds) or, depending on the piece you want, running a class story through the starter world and getting the BTL starter modable weapon. As I was told they currently do not. If you like what you see, use the gear for a few levels. there should be another raghoul event soon and another lifeday/gree event. Full Walkthrough with screenshots for - Inheritance - Quest - Star Wars: The Old Republic - Guide with all choices and branches - Level: 32 - You have collected all of the lost artifacts of Tulak Hord. reskin the the lvl 10 and 20 legacy gear and ad lvl 30, 40 and 50. May 30, 2012 · I remember seeing something about inheritance gear being added in the 1. Level 80 Gearing Guide; Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing; Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80; Legendary Implants; Hyde and Zeek Guide Sep 13, 2013 · Not everything has to be of use to everyone. ( I know you can spend almost 1million for a full set of the orange gear ) However, it leads me to my suggestion! S Dec 30, 2013 · Got more of this inheritance gear (garbage) during the Life Day event on Ilum. Inheritance Headgear Construction Kits can be traded in for the following items: Birthright Headgear Construction Kit Inheritance Headgear Construction Kit on Jedipedia. They should be scaling with you as you level. For those who cannot ship over purples from an alt using the same stats or craft purples or are just in a leveling rush the legacy weapons and armor are powerful enough to get them through 6-8 levels without gear change. I have not however seen any of it other than the mainhand kit. Apr 12, 2012 · Birthright kits are purchasable with commendations from Mission Support vendors on Corellia, Belsavis, and Ilum. When adaptive armor hit, and armor could be upgraded every few levels through comms or credits, instead of piece-meal (you couldn't even get a helmet until around level 20 or so), the need for it faded away. So alas i will share When i first started playing this wonderful game i had no clue about custom/moddable gear, I went through planet to planet getting random loot drops and thinking "I Apr 10, 2013 · I have purchased three of the prototype boxes from the planetary comm vendor that say lvl 52 required. Second and perhaps my favorite idea about it: You buy/trade the inheritance item and it's adaptative social gear with the matching level mods. Feb 26, 2013 · I have a weapons construction kit for doing Chapter 1. They are useless. Jul 10, 2012 · The lower-level toon goes to the capital planet (Dromund Kaas or Coruscant), finds the legacy vendor matching your main class (there are 4 standing right next to each other) and buys the appropriate gear. (So if you could get together a full set of a weapon and 7 pieces of gear, you'd have 8 different perks being applied in the inheritance gear or 16 different perks being applied in the birthright gear. I was all excited when I got them first thinking great I can make some fancy powerful bit of kit (And it gives the impression in it's description that you make something but its just a token really) for all my alts but alias it was very underwelming Feb 2, 2016 · Where is all the offhand moddable legacy gear these days? Seems they removed the birthright/inheritance stuff off the Black Hole and Ilum vendors (why??) and, other than the rarely held Gree events, I can't find anywhere to get any moddable vibroknives, shield, generators, focus, etc. Not only is it expensive to buy it is bound to the specific class and is not truly legacy bound because if it were truly legacy bound I could use for all of my charact Jul 18, 2013 · Would it be too much to ask that it's turned in to something remotely useful, and/or remotely good looking? Jun 12, 2012 · Okay, I am a bit confuzed about these I got an "Inheritance Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit", but I can't figure out what it's supposed to be! you'd think there would be a tutorial for it, but there's nothing, and I haven't found anything on here to help either! could someone please explain w Feb 23, 2016 · I also have to revise my statement about the vendors. The birthright mainhand weapon is rating 94, usable at lvl 34 I think. Use your ship's galaxy map to travel to Dromund Kaas. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 2 of 2 Oct 24, 2013 · This gear is now obsolete and really shouldn't drop in level 55 areas. first type - inheritance and the like, randomly drops from crew skill boxes, and on higher level planets and to be honest, its pretty useless. They also should no longer be random "purple" drops from adds and champions. Aug 30, 2012 · The "point" of inheritance/birthright gear is to twink low level alts with gear that is vastly superior to anything other at that level requirement (12ish/32ish I believe). Legacy Vendors also sell a full set of moddable armor (including belt/bracers) for credits. 1. Birthright (L31), I think, are just random drops. All Inheritance and Birthright items are not moddable - once you've outleveled them and got better gear, just sell them or send them to another alt. Do it. Note: the database incorrectly labels the inheritance head and leg construction kits as being purchasable from the daily vendor. What is Star Wars: The Old Republic? Level 70 Commander’s Token Character Creation; How to Get New Armor; How to Play Star Wars: The Old Republic; Free-to-Play Tips (F2P) Which Class Should I Play? SWTOR Guide; Gear. Also, people have been reporting that the mask is now available on the level 8 gear vendor, it's just not called Kallig's Countenance or whatever anymore, but it is the same model. This adaptative gear give's you some benefit like each piece give's you 1. (puts on tin foil hat Sep 28, 2014 · So way back when the game was launched, there were a lot of things about the game that hadn't been thought of yet - there was no legacy armor at the start, adaptive armor wasn't a thing yet, and there were no rewards at all yet for having a legacy - you just had a legacy level and it didn't mean May 8, 2012 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Inheritance & Birthright gear: Utterly stupid? Inheritance Headgear Construction Kit is a legacy token that can be traded to a legacy vendor on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas for a piece of headgear. If not, put it in storage until the return timer runs out, then vendor it for a few thousand credits per piece. And by different types, one is called "inheritance," and I forget what the other kind is called; it's not just different pieces of the same gear, but multiple pieces of differently named inheritance gear. It's neat gear for what it does, and with a full set of Inheritance and Birthright for a given class, you could level an alt from 15 to 50 (and to 55, on Makeb), without any gear changes at all. 16-20, Birthright ca. These are awarded for finishing chapter 1 with any class and also you can get them from Underworld Trading missions but very rare. 3. >_> Exchange them for gear, compare the stats with what you have, and check the looks. Use the gear for a few levels, then sell it to vendors. So, you could send it to an alt, but they May 22, 2012 · If I buy an inheritance gear, does its stats grow with level? otherwise what's the point right? Nov 20, 2012 · Okay so I am looking for answers on two things involving inheritance construction kits, first: Where do you get them? (Besides the one at the end of the first act of course) and how exactly does the level scaling on them work if there is any, because I equipped my level 37 smuggler with one and i Sep 4, 2013 · Hi, I wrote a ticket about this because I thought it can only be a bug. There are separate kits for different slots sold by daily comm vendors, fleet comm vendors and the mainhand is obtained when you reached chapter 1 or chapter 2 (can't remember) in your class quest. will sell for 3. Dec 28, 2015 · Unfortunately I don't remember where I got that saber at this time, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the later missions in the game, like Makeb or something. Inheritance Belt Construction Kit is a legacy token that can be traded to a legacy vendor on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas for a belt. May 1, 2012 · Guys, You should really look into the legacy items. I just realized that for whatever reason adaptive vendor main/off hands is char bound. Sep 18, 2012 · to make all your armor pieces the same color, there is this nifty feature that will make whatever you're wearing match the colors of your chest piece. A drop you can't even sell as vendor trash. I agree they are a waste of time and comms unless you are approaching 1000 limit and just want to burn/transfer them. The weapons and armor are of legendary/mastercraft quality and thus Inheritance is good for level 14-22 and Birthright for level 31-39. purchase comms gear with character A. I can't even sell the drop. insert item modification into Bound to Legacy gear (Gree event vendor has good selection, there are also class specific sets available from vendors on capital worlds) Dec 25, 2013 · There is absolutely no reason these should still be included in the cases we buy for Planetary Comms. What is so special about this gear? You receive an inheritance weapon token when you complete Chapter 1, which buys a level 14 weaponfar below your level when you finish that chapter. Level 80 Gearing Guide; Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing; Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80; Legendary Implants; Hyde and Zeek Guide Oct 12, 2014 · There are two sets of non-moddable legacy gear available from legacy vendors on the respective capital worlds: "Inheritance" armor and "Birthright" armor. Find even better items than this one in our SWTOR Item Database. I myself started with Several characters Bo-Dur/Frostclaw etc I had initially created specific legacies where character name matched my legacy name etc. Now granted I like to raid, so eventually I'll have enough gear for them both to have seperately, however I think it w Apr 25, 2012 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; The point of Inheritance/Birthright Legacy Gear? Jul 12, 2013 · Quite useful, and im very grateful they continued the legacy gear sets with the rep vendors, i was worried they were going to do away with legacy gear once the cartel market opened, but was pleasantly surprised that the legacy sets continued to be developed. The Inheritance gear requires level 14 but is equivalent to a piece of Prototype/Blue gear for level 18, or green level 20 gear. Many didn't even visit a legacy vendor. Apr 16, 2012 · Legacy gear is in tiers as well lvl 14 starter gear (which at least weapon wise lasts till about lvl 26 fyi) lvl 30something and i dont know last tier. They were taken out of the game a long time ago - the vendor has the weapons listed because some people have leftover tokens still. It really looks AWESOME. Only from completing my character's chapter 1 and 3 of their storylines in which I got the main hand and offhand weapon kits both times. But just make the gear modded? This won't really make people any happier with the rarity and absurd grind it takes to have a full set for a toon to make the stuff viable for just a couple of levels but it would perhaps give players a Although these armor sets have been available since close to the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a recent change has made them more versatile – they no longer have a class requirement, so you can pick them up on any of your characters as long as you have reached Legacy Level 10 or 20 on your server. I would like to suggest that you consider making birthright and Inheritance gear level with the person that equips the item, b Feb 26, 2014 · Ok so i saw this little gripe in a thread and realised it really did have some impact on my game experience. 5k. They each cost 36 planetary comms. 1x use when outlevel, and do May 16, 2014 · They are utterly and completely useless. 33-37). So the Inheritance weapon is actually a little better than anything else you can get "on level". . Hi, everyone! I'm a novice, free-to-play Sith Inquisitor player looking to acquire some of the items Lord Abryl has on Dromund Kaas; however, the items that I want require inheritance construction kits. If this is the case, go do your capital planet (Dromund Kaas or Coruscant) and find the Legacy Vendors near the other vendors. They are not modable and are not really useful from my perspective. Does anyone else feel the legacy gear and items are a bit underwhelming? Please share what you think below. I want to get a full suit of inheritance gear for my Smuggler before I start The shells you can spend credits on can be upgraded though, like other orange gear. All the information about - Inheritance Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit - SWTOR item from our database. The trooper birthright helmet e. Jul 16, 2015 · [Edit: Not an issue, sufficient workaround pointed outy by Mubrak ] Legacy tokens are the booby prize in the level 50 box lottery, just exchange them for gear and sell ihe gear 2h later for some 3000 credits (or throw them away) . This set is wearable only by Republic characters at any level on any Republic class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear medium armor in the normal equipment slots. Ev Apr 13, 2012 · The little I know is that there are vendors on the capital planet to use these as currency for some gear. Many people missed the fact that you don't need ANYTHING to buy that gear except credits, and they probably didn't preview it on their character. For the republic, the vendors are in front of the Senate Tower near the ramp to the merchant area on the left (when facing the Senate Tower). Please remove them from the loot tables or at the very least (as others have suggested) allow them to be traded in for something, ANYTHING of actual value. Darth Zash wants you to meet her on Dromund Kaas, so that you can begin the ritual. Jun 5, 2015 · But what you can do is use legacy bound moddable gear to transfer stuff between characters: 1. Apr 30, 2012 · You can dress up your character from level 1 if you want, although the gear will be empty - no armoring, mod or enhancement. Jul 2, 2015 · The Inheritance weapon requires level 14, whereas that mod requires level 15. Mar 16, 2014 · I think they're somewhat of a throwback to the original devs that saw custom gear as somewhat rare. Jun 6, 2014 · More sharing options Followers 1. hit C to bring up your equipment. Birthright gear is worthless, and the lvl 10 and 20 legacy modable gear for each class is ugly as rancor's hind end. How do I obtain a inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit as the trooper class? I’m trying to obtain a blaster rifle from the legacy vendor on Coruscant. rip out item modifications from gear. It will not right click. How absurd is that. Jul 12, 2013 · The system is brilliant in idea, and it worked amazing to a point in wow, until it simply got OP and ruined the point of lower level content. Inheritance Headgear Construction Kits can be obtained from . You get an Inheritance (L14-16) mainhand reward at end of chap 1. Not sure which planetary commendations I used, I know that it wasnt for dailes, since I used up all my commendations from different planets at the same time. Which means I have to grind gear for both. If you're upgrading your weapon(s) with mods from the fleet vendors, the equivalent barrel/hilt from them is a "blue" <whatever> Barrel (or Hilt) 6, which requires level 17. May 22, 2019 · has people been able to get currency for it? May 9, 2012 · Have a mechanic that would allow augment slots into Legacy gear, I paid a huge amount of credits for my Legacy 20 set only to realize at even below level 20 I can buy augmented gear for MUCH cheaper! SWTOR Game Update 1. Legacy equipment is a set of armor and weapons for veteran players. You trade the kits in for the gear. Bioware, please for the love of God, make this stuff go away for revamp it. Its pretty much worthless and can't even be sold. Inheritance Belt Construction Kits can be obtained from . It will not left-click. - You have collected all of the lost artifacts of Tulak Oct 23, 2012 · Is the contents of the Legacy Vendor dictated by the Main character in the your Legacy? I ask because all I see listed are Smuggler Items. Feb 28, 2015 · Once you outlevel the Inheritance (or Birthright) gear, it's not even vendor fodder. The customer service answered, it is as intended but I could drop a suggestion here: Inherited Legacy Gear can only be used once to be exchanged for the inheritance item for one class. 2 of Star Wars The Old Republic! SWTOR: How to get Legacy Gear - Duration: 7:22. The fact that it is adaptive gear makes it the most useful gear sets available anywhere. Aug 10, 2012 · There are 2 types of legacy gear: Inheritance gear is lvl 14-16 blue's but will last a while due to them being better than any ingame items of the same level. Feb 7, 2023 · There should be blue versions of that gear on the same vendor that don't require the kits (Trooper's Renowned and Trooper's Exalted). The stuff I've seen is level 14 and whilst I'm sure it's better than other level 14 gear and will last a good lot longer - I couldn't help feel disappointed that I couldn't use the kits for either my level 43 Inquisitor not my level 38 Warrior. Nothing says inattention to detail then these still being active as "high level" finds in the game. You buy for class-specific item. Inheritance Wrists Construction Kits can be traded in for the following items: Birthright Wrists Construction Kit Inheritance Wrists Construction Kit on Jedipedia. And very very very few are ever making comments like yours saying that they actually want this gear. Oct 27, 2013 · So they are useful for the first 2 levels just about but not after and will need replacing with moddable gear or just better standard gear then. you get tokens that you can exchange at the vendor on capitol world for specific class gear, that doesn't scale or level with you, is not moddable and cannot be vendor On Coruscant there are Legacy vendors near the Senate Tower. The weapon is EXCELLENT for 14th level characters, and will likely serve well until the character is in their 20s. 2 patch notes. Each piece costs between 75,000 – 250,000 Credits, and there are 20 classic looks Sep 22, 2013 · I have been unhappy about legacy gear from the jump. Jan 14, 2016 · Where are Inheritence (level 14) and Birthright (level 30) gear vendors? I mean on those from Belsavis, Black Hole (Corellia) and Ilum. Apr 14, 2012 · For Republic, I recall there's a vendor at main base on Ilum that sells two different types of legacy "inheritance" gear. May 18, 2015 · Would like it that the gear that I purchase from the Inheritance vendors that are so called legacy bound be bound through Legacy. They use the same appearance as the old Inheritance Kit gear, which is also quite similar to some old crafted and leveling sets. there should be a small shirt tab to the right. 2. The only thing I can think off is to use and mod it up with stuff from GTN. if you click on that, you get the "unify to chest" option as well as a couple others. I have played two characters so far and haven't gotten any inheritance gear in loot. Nov 14, 2014 · Hi guys, I have both a 55 marauder and sentinel. Apr 25, 2012 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; The point of Inheritance/Birthright Legacy Gear? Apr 13, 2015 · Although I think maybe a vendor on Ilum might have a few inheritance kits that you can buy with your basic comms, but I don't think they have the full set or any pieces of the birthright kits. I hate using unmodifiable gear, and they need to make it so they are not class locked from the vendors, so you can put them on your comps, who may need gear at either of those levels. Jan 19, 2013 · When they reach 14th level, they can go to one of the legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and trade it for a weapon of the type appropriate for their class. This gear can be purchased from legacy vendors on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. I can't find them in game anymore. Jun 17, 2013 · For the most part, nowadays, the Legacy Vendors on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas collect dust for the most part, given the fact the weapons and the armor is unmoddable and class bound. Its totally useless. While those in Black Hole and Section X are truly gone, the fleet commendation vendor still sells Inheritance kits (not Birthright, though). You can spend them at the Dromund Kaas/Coruscant at the legacy vendor. They drop very, very rarely from mobs in the world, and somewhat rarely will come back as rewards from "crits" on the mission skills like Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting. If I buy the inheritance gear and birthright gear can my marauder send it to my sentinel and my sentinel can equip it? Where can I find legacy mainhand and offhand to send inbetween? If birthright/inheritance doesnt wo Apr 12, 2012 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit Inheritance Wrists Construction Kit is a legacy token that can be traded to a legacy vendor on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas for a pair of wrist gear. " So I just happened to be on Dromund Kass, so went to a weapons dealer and tried to open this: Left click, right click, double click, nothing affects it. Or alternatively, exchange the tokens, and sell the stuff right away, to free space in your inventory. I had the inventory display switched to only show affordable. When I got my Legacy Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit from my Smuggler I went ahead and Sent it to my Alt that was of a lower level which I thought might be a Aug 19, 2015 · Yeah, Ilum vendor in main base has them (Inheritance and Birthright). Sep 22, 2015 · Swtor Orange Gear List - Steatbungillclear Swtor Orange Gear List See screenshots and materials for head SWTOR crafting schematics. suggest do away with birthright stuff all together or seriously rethink it. So the easy fix would be first boss in HM FP drops tier 1 legacy gear second boss drops tier 2 and 3rd or end boss (pending on flashpoints) drops end tier legacy gear. Am I really missing something here or not? May 6, 2012 · 1)How do you obtain them? (Excluding the main hand weapon you get for completing Act 1) 2)How do you get them to a character on the opposite faction? The only tokens for the Inheritance / Birthright gear you can get in a systematic way are from completing Chapter 1 (Inheritance Mainhand), and farming Daily commendations (at level 50+). if you are just moving mods, get a thorn for mainhand and gree for off,or vice versa . What do I do with it? Nov 11, 2014 · This gear could be far more appealing than it is, with a few simple changes. Jan 13, 2015 · Don't change the stats and keep them legacy bound obviously. Is there any other way to obtain those gear sets? Nov 16, 2017 · Inheritance gear was decent for "back in the day" before the influx of adaptive armor. Went to Coruscant and am standing in front of the Legacy Vendors in the plaza looking like a twit. The only thing you can do with them is hand them off to another charcter in your legacy. There are also Birthright construction kits for higher level items. Interacting with the vendors, they refuse it as CANNOT SELL ITEM OF NO VALUE "INHERITANCE MAINHAND WEAPON KIT Feb 12, 2015 · All birthright gear carries the matching inheritance perk plus an additional unique perk. Any 50+ can make or buy much better gear for their lower level characters. Coruscant: Jedi Knight: Master Tenbrai Jedi Consular: Master Khoveri Trooper: Captain Falkun Smuggler: Gorv "Speck" Mespit Dromund Kaas: Sith Warrior: Lord Cherkolotar Sith Inquisitor: Lord Abryl Bounty Oct 27, 2012 · There are additional inheritance items (like armor or off-hand construction kits) that you can mail, also for level 14-ish items. ) 2) All inheritance gear re-scales modifications They need to make them modifiable for starters. You can't sell the "kits" you trade to the Legacy Vendors to get the items, and you can't sell the items, either. Sep 24, 2014 · any weapon can be made main or offhand,i bought 2 gree weapons for my merc BH, when I put the offhand barrel in one it became a offhand weapon. 5% more XP or 2%. that is leg Mar 14, 2016 · Bring back Inheritance Gear, but with a twist: Make it scale up as the player levels, capping at 200 rating at 65. Nov 9, 2012 · The initial idea of legacy was quite a cool thing that got devalued over time. One of them disappeared from my inventory before I could open it, no idea where that one went. This way players leveling up new characters can spend their common data crystals on gifts for companions and / or save them to get 208 rating gear to begin end-game content. Other than rng farming or conq/pvp/fp/ops gear vendors (i cant recall if they're moddable), what are the options to get a moddable legacy bound main hand? Aug 18, 2014 · I managed to get a "Inheritance Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit" that says, "Can be used to create a piece of powerful Inheritance equipment from a vendor on Coruscant or Dromund Kass. For example, the inheritance main hand c Feb 18, 2013 · The items are for twinks in a very specific lvl range (Inheritance ca. Jun 30, 2012 · First: Inheritance evolve with your level maching at least a slgiht better than a blue item. Aug 31, 2014 · there are two types of bind on legacy gear. Apr 22, 2012 · I'm not sure what the aim of Inheritance gear is. On Coruscant, the legacy vendors are found in the plaza right next to the stairs going down to the main vendors / trainers. With a few decent crafting toons and a set of orange gear, you really have no need to ever buy gear or use drops. wzhfols osmnng zhwaj vemw uthu zlfl ucjep xjovbp tinb lovux ytfv duu chkvv zgul zsbnx