Social factors affecting curriculum change essay. A curriculum is concerned with the setting up of a series .

Social factors affecting curriculum change essay A shift from 8:4:4 to 2:6:3:3:3 (CBC) system of education is ongoing and the new curriculum is taking a centre stage. The term curriculum may be defined in many different ways: as a subject matter, or a set of rules and experiences, which help to choose the best way of development, or a plan that has to be followed. Factors affecting curriculum development include philosophical, psychological, societal or social, political, economical, educational, technological and gender factors etc. Evaluation of the curriculum is a critical phase in the curriculum-development process. As external factors, social forces affect the Sep 21, 2020 · Factors Influencing Curriculum Change The document discusses 12 factors that influence curriculum change: 1) Vision, 2) Leadership, 3) Financial pressures, 4) Staffing issues and workload, 5) Teaching and learning changes, 6) Administrative roles and responsibilities, 7) Employer and industry viewpoints, 8) Student viewpoints, 9) Student abilities, 10) Public and political support, 11 2021. Choosing the right communication strategy can help quickly achieve goals related to social change. Sep 1, 2023 · Educational reform and curriculum revision are crucial to redressing apartheid colonialism’s inequitable and fragmented education system in Namibia and building a responsive curriculum that Sep 3, 2023 · ‘Social factors’ are the varied social categories that could affect a person’s circumstances, experiences, and social position. A process not an event; requires time, energy and resources. • Before I dwell upon my topic,It will be appropriate to have a cursory glance at some of the definitions of Curriculum. Primary Sources of Social Change. The societal factor focuses on understanding social change 1. %PDF-1. This includes both you and the parents. “Just 17% of those working in Technology This study sought to investigate factors that guide curriculum development in higher education in Zimbabwe. In the first article, Robert Legg challenges the possibilities offered for curriculum change within pre-existing theoretical frameworks. The mismatch between the curriculum and real-world needs necessitates innovation or curriculum changes for improvement. Journal of Educational Psychology 1953 January 44:50-53 Jul 4, 2018 · 3. Philosophical factors relate to fundamental beliefs about education that guide curriculum decisions. This multiple case study was undertaken using semi-structured individual interviews with 12 Heads of Departments, which were conducted to explore their perceptions and experiences Aug 12, 2021 · [A] Number of economic and social factors… have led to a most unsatisfactory and unacceptable state of affairs: learning rates in the schools are extremely low; a large proportion of the teaching force is unqualified and untrained; absenteeism on the part of both teachers and students is rife; and textbooks and other instructional materials Jan 14, 2017 · It identifies several factors that influence curriculum development, including political, social, economic, technological, environmental, and child psychology factors. Thus, the fact that the economy affects curriculum change is indispensable. This paper discusses the context of curriculum development in Jan 13, 2022 · The effective curriculum has become a critical component of higher education because of the shifts in the techno-socio-economic landscape and digital revolutions in industry 4. Sociology Essay: This essay will attempt to examine the extent to which home factors may affect social class differences in educational attainment, looking at factors such as culture, income and the nature of the curriculum with reference to sociological theories. May 1, 2019 · Factors Influencing Curriculum Development: Essay Introduction. If the message is spread through the proper channels and told to the right people, it can help build support for a specific policy and change attitudes. Factors affecting curriculum development include government rules, which in turn brings other factors into the process. This essay will discuss political and social impacts on the National Curriculum and how this effects and drives changes, learning and assessments. Together, we will Nov 28, 2022 · Downie Norville M. The research question is: What Jan 9, 2020 · What are social factors that influence curriculum development? Factors affecting curriculum development include government rules, which in turn brings other factors into the process. Explain how to implement a curriculum. These challenges are 1) demographic changes, 2) policy changes, 3) emerging technologies, 4) globalization, and 5) refugee and immigration issues. Get a custom essay on Curriculum Design and Development --- writers online Jan 9, 2025 · Get Factors affecting curriculum change Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers and detailed solutions. Cassius Lubisi A mathematics educator, he takes a keen interest in the raising of the standard of mathematics education in underdeveloped communities in the midlands of the province of KwaZulu‐Natal. 1111/J. In order to keep abreast with the demands of globalization, it is necessary and obligatory that practices in the educational sector be reformed and reappraised continuously. Sep 21, 2021 · The provincial text book board has limited authority but can make some changes to the curriculum, subject to the approval of federal curriculum bureau. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Implementation of Curriculum Reforms and Educational Policies in Schools, The Kenyan Experience. Apr 8, 2023 · system of teache r-led curriculum development such that the factors affecting a most facile and productive process could be defi ned to promote capacity building i n the country in the future. Even if all the steps are followed in the development process, it is when the curriculum is implemented that it becomes clear whether or not the objectives have been met and to what degree the students have made progress academically. TB01712. The economic changes has necessitated as the economy undergoes serious liquidity crunch, cash crisis and other problems. List factors that influence curriculum implementation. Making the different in some way, to give it a new position or direction. Though each paper focuses on the curriculum response to particu-lar social changes, these changes are generally about the The document discusses seven factors that influence curriculum development: philosophical, psychological, societal, political, economic, technological, and gender. Summary. Then followed with a discussion on the sources of curriculum, types of curriculum change and innovation, factors (sources) of curriculum change and innovation, briefing the models of curriculum change and innovation, describing the curriculum change and innovation processes, a brief discussion on the major curriculum changes in Tanzania after Most curriculums start to gain life from the time they are conceived and written. Aug 8, 2018 · Political, economic and social influences have not however been the only factors responsible for changing policy in education. Economic factors include job training and national economic goals. 4. Jul 10, 2021 · From a global perspective, curriculum stakeholders must consider that today's underway changes are not specific to a single region, industry, or matter. Societal factors analyze tense relationship between curriculum and social change. Of note, the fastgrowing global Downie Norville M. Sep 1, 2021 · Curriculum Change – Meaning, Needs, and Factors Affecting Curriculum Change. Social factors include societal expectations and diversity. III. , Heystek, J. address concerns connected to reoccurring themes. Kerr, • “All the learning which is planned and guided by the school,whether it is carried on in groups or individually,inside or outside the school. • 2:H. The revised curricular gives evidence of how economic changes affect curriculum changes. Dec 31, 2023 · The analysis of the curriculum, ten videotaped lessons, two teacher interviews, and other supporting documents, such as student work and teacher lesson plans, indicated that the teacher Dec 1, 2022 · Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. Rugg states Dec 19, 2014 · Curriculum development is influencedCurriculum development is influenced by several factors. Search Article Search for: Search Oct 31, 2023 · The study identified challenges affecting the implementation of Competency Based curriculum; teachers did not receive training about this curriculum, textbooks for the new curriculum were Apr 6, 2023 · Educational innovation is inevitable in every society. Lead to improvement. th) Kasetsart University‚ Thailand Abstract This paper is a report on an investigation into the relationship between three variables and language learning strategy use by Thai and Vietnamese university students using Oxford’s 80 item Strategy Inventory Aug 16, 2024 · Understanding these factors affecting learning is crucial for everyone involved in the learning process. By doing so, you can create an effective and supportive learning environment for all students. It is the key and indispensable part of the academic and training system that contains immense aims of scientific, thought, social, cultural, political, and moral facets. The study aimed to locate teachers as agents of change Review Factors Affecting the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in Lower Secondary Schools In Uganda: A Systematic Literature Review Kidega Charles1, Prof, Zheng Song2, Thet Khaing3 Zhejiang Normal University, College of Education, China Abstract: This systematic review aimed to identify and synthesize the factors affecting the Curriculum planning should therefore endeavor to integrate the components of culture, which is the essence of education in curriculum planning to ensure that the products of the educational system would be functional members of their society. Jan 1, 2022 · Curriculum implementation in Zambia is faced with a lot of challenges ranging from poor funding, lack of appropriate and adequate teaching and learning resources, lack of qualified teachers in tense relationship between curriculum and social change. this study offers a critical reflection of key curriculum factors affecting learners’ performance. Tabe, H. Mar 28, 2020 · This article examined perceptions on curriculum implementation regarding rural Zimbabwean early childhood development (ECD) teachers in 2017. The process involves helping the learner acquire knowledge or experience. A social factor influences a considerable number of individuals within society, a political factor relates to government policy and practices, and finally, economic factors include aspects that affect the economy, specifically financial matters. . Influential factors such as environmental, political and social are seriously considered in formulating adaptable curriculum that reflects the societal needs in the field of Education. International Journal in Commerce, IT & Social Sciences, 2016. Aspirations of people are a major factor as they reflect societal expectations and demands from the educational system. Malawis' current Outcomes-Based Curriculum (OBC) has evolved from the Traditional Indigenous Curriculum since the Pre-Colonial Period, the Missionary Period, the Colonial Period Curriculum development is both a technical and social process. In order to create a strong curriculum, teachers must play an integral role in every step of the process of curriculum development. The papers examine the curriculum response to cultural, political and/or economic reforms in three countries: Australia, Israel (two papers), and the United States. 1967. What social problems are affecting curriculum today? How have these issues impacted curriculum? What was the goal of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? How are standards and curriculum different? How successful have most states in the U. Curriculum refers to an interactive system of instruction and Sep 12, 2021 · Curriculum development is influenced by a multitude of factors. by kahera juliah ziganyu l50/61058/2010 a research project submitted to the university of nairobi in partial fulfilment of therequirement in a ward of a masters of arts degree in project planning and management. To emphasize curriculum leadership, social forces play an indispensable role in reforming curriculum. The Oxford Dictionary defines ’learning’ as: knowledge or skills acquired through experience or study or by being taught, and ‘knowledge’ as: information and skills acquired through May 3, 2019 · The broader definitions consider that curriculum is concepts that include other factors within and outside the school systems. Leadership of learning and change for successful learning outcome in history education. External factors include technology, knowledge, ideology, politics, learning theories, and the environment. Unpublished Master of Educat ion Research Report. The New Social Studies curriculum development movement faced challenges due to the lack of sensitivity to the educational context, institutional constraints on publishers, and the difficulty in implementing reforms without proper teacher preparation May 17, 2022 · Social Change: Social change refers to any important change in behavior patterns and societal values and norms that occurs over time. Valid curriculum development requires awareness of the diversity of the target community socially, financially and psychologically. Sometimes, the factor influencing curriculum change are many. Often major changes are driven by the administration rather than by faculty, and these changes can in turn reflect goals set by accreditation agencies (Zai III, 2015). 0. Though each paper focuses on the curriculum response to particu-lar social changes, these changes are generally about the Jan 10, 2025 · Factor affecting curriculum change (B-IV): The factors that affect curriculum change include societal needs, technological advancements, and the aspirations of people. researcher to carry out a study on the factors affecting the implementation of competency-based curriculum in selected secondary schools in Kabale municipality, Kabale District. Apr 9, 2021 · The factors in this article include Historical and Cultural factors, Nation’s Life-Perspectives, Goals and Aims, Political, Social and Scientific factors and the Education Planning. fears which vitally affect the needs of children and youth. Jun 11, 2022 · In this video, Factors affecting curriculum change Social Factors, Pressure groups, writers and publishers |For M. Ed (Curriculum Studies)| By Anil kashyapChe The major curriculum changes of the postpartheid curriculum included the introduction of Curriculum 2005 (C2005), the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) with their outcomes-based education (OBE) approach and CAPS that discontinued OBE to strengthen successful curriculum implementation by focusing on the acquisition of learner skills9. • 1:According to J. Technological factors drive computer-based learning. Download these Free Factors affecting curriculum change MCQ Quiz Pdf and prepare for your upcoming exams Like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PSC. Factors Influencing on Curriculum Development Definitions of Curriculum Curriculum is the guidelines by which different content matters are taught and assessed. May 3, 2017 · Knowing as well the position of power, influence and wealth that England has always represented in the global arena, and following the repercusions and experiences from WWII, it was just a matter of time for England to start thinking in investing in its people, in creating a society that reflects the wealth and power that it endevours, and that Sep 1, 2019 · Child psychology, Political factors, technological factors, economic factors and environmental factors have influenced curriculum change and development in Malawi. Journal of Educational Psychology 1953 January 44:50-53 Oct 1, 2019 · Curriculum development is defined as planned, a purposeful, progressive and systematic process to create positive improvement in the educational system. These purposes are threefold: cultural transmis Jan 23, 2024 · This segment explores how societal factors, such as education's role in cultural transmission, social change, and the relationship between education and societal structures, influence curriculum planning. In preparing students to be college and career ready, technology integration is imperative. For example, politics influences curriculum through funding and standards, while technology impacts curriculum development through increased computer use and new degree programs. Several factors affect all curriculum developmentSeveral factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners inin meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings Oct 13, 2015 · Barriers to curriculum innovation and changing practice are explored in different ways in each of the articles with some suggestions to challenge current practice and support curriculum development. Aug 4, 2015 · The curriculum change in social studies in Guyana was primarily driven by the need to address deficiencies and improve the quality of education. Review Factors Affecting the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum in Lower Secondary Schools In Uganda: A Systematic Literature Review Kidega Charles1, Prof, Zheng Song2, Thet Khaing3 Zhejiang Normal University, College of Education, China Abstract: This systematic review aimed to identify and synthesize the factors affecting the implementation of competency-based curricula (CBC) in Abstract. Curriculum development describe all the ways in which a training or teaching organization plans and guide learners. INLOW Professor of Education Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois THE purposes of education relate directly to the factors that facilitate or hinder curriculum change. S. Curriculum design follows a dynamic trend that is multi-factorial in nature. Psychological factors provide information about student learning and development. A curriculum is the combination of instructional practices, learning experiences, and students' performance assessments that are designed to bring out and evaluate the target learning outcomes of a particular course. If you are stuck with writing or missing ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in the best samples. Nov 28, 2023 · It examines how curriculum reflects and responds to societal values, needs, and changes, highlighting the importance of creating education that is relevant and responsive to the broader social context. 4 %âãÏÓ 97 0 obj > endobj xref 97 22 0000000016 00000 n 0000001287 00000 n 0000001436 00000 n 0000001487 00000 n 0000001820 00000 n 0000002394 00000 n 0000003445 00000 n 0000004496 00000 n 0000004597 00000 n 0000005149 00000 n 0000013620 00000 n 0000014315 00000 n 0000014734 00000 n 0000015359 00000 n 0000023560 00000 n 0000024297 00000 n 0000024733 00000 n 0000025042 00000 n Jan 1, 1999 · This essay discusses a number of issues that have arisen from some initial attempts to design a research project on the links between globalization and school curriculum change. factors affecting curriculum implementation in secondary schools in kenya: a case of kakamega south district. Aug 20, 2016 · Our national history and character, socio-economic structure and broad social welfare measures have been emphasized. Implications for social change include change at a systematic level by providing administrators with data to support teachers during curriculum changes and substantiation for the benefits of understanding concerns prior to a change for improving curriculum fidelity. Evidently, if the schools are to carry out these changes, they must effect widespread curriculum change. Sep 12, 2021 · Factors affecting curriculum development include philosophical, psychological, societal or social, political, economical, educational, technological and gender factors etc. However, this includes major changes to society such as unemployment patterns, social values, economic growth and family relationships, parental, employer and community expectations of schools. There are various Nov 25, 2024 · Communication Strategies for Social Change. Together, these factors shape curriculum development by impacting The Social realities affecting the curriculum is one of the most popular assignments among students' documents. This paper looks at the implementation of curriculum ref orm from this br oad implementation perspect ive, taking on board th e The major curriculum changes of the postapartheid curriculum included the introduction of Curriculum 2005 (C2005), the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) with their outcomes-based education (OBE) approach and CAPS that discontinued OBE to strengthen successful curriculum implementation by focusing on the acquisition of learner skills. The study was qualitative by nature. Identify determinants of curriculum implementation. Examples of social factors include: Socioeconomic status Educational level Environmental circumstances Health Cultural customs and norms Gender Ethnicity GIC Proceeding. Sociologists often call this change as social effects produced through significant alteration. Internal factors include teachers, students, the school environment, philosophy of education, and life activities. (DOI: 10. Elements of Social Change “Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott became the epicenter of the civil rights campaign not only because of an individual act of defiance, but also because of social patterns” (Barrios 2015). Factors Influencing Social Change A. (2021). Every time there are changes or developments happening around the world, the school curricula affected. The learner is therefore the central figure in the curriculum implementation process. The curriculum is the co-operation of the programs that are adopted and consciously materialized in the school to develop the personality of the student and change the behaviour. social, and emotional supports can positively impact student learning. May 23, 2023 · This article aims to contribute to an understanding of how social and institutional factors affect the language learning environments of university students studying less-commonly taught languages Sep 26, 2022 · Political factors include government rules and funding that affect standards and materials. It is not merely the content of courses over which, regretably, many a battle is fought at faculty meetings. Although there are so many agents of curriculum implementation ranging from government activities of provision of equipment and learning materials, human and material resources, physical facilities to payment of salaries of all the personnel both teaching and non-teaching concerned with the implementation of curriculum. Figure 1. Jul 1, 2014 · Factors affecting the implementation of English, Social Studies, Music, Chichewa and Mathematics curricula implementation in Malawi. Feb 14, 2019 · 1. A cross-sectional 624 Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR) Factors Affecting Teachers’ Practices in Implementation of Early Childhood Care and Education Curriculum in Public Schools survey design was used to investigate the teachers’ perceptions about factors affecting their practices in the implementation of the ECCE curriculum in public Our national history and character, socio-economic structure and broad social welfare measures have been emphasized. External Factors: The study did not account for external factors such as family background, socio-economic status, and cultural factors that may affect curriculum implementation and academic performance. Oct 29, 2020 · Social implications The study offers an opportunity for higher education institutions to implement the curriculum in a manner that satisfies its primary customers who are the students by taking The curriculum is the backbone of education. g. Curriculum is the outline of concepts to be taught to students to help them meet the content standards. Define curriculum implementation. Research on general education has also characterized the factors that affect why the core curriculum changes in both liberal arts colleges and research universities. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(22), 2222-1735. Abstract. The document discusses several factors that influence curriculum development: philosophical, psychological, societal, political, economic, educational, technological, and gender factors. The curriculum is a Latin word “Cursere” which means racecourse. 2. This learning can development (external factors), low teacher self-efficacy and teacher perceptions (internal factors). been with CCSS? FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CURRICULUM CHANGE GAIL M. Invention: These refer to the new application of existing knowledge. Nov 28, 2019 · Change, therefore, has to begin at the level of primary, secondary and vocational education delivery, and there is no real evidence, as yet, that the requisite curriculum change is taking place. 1. Sep 5, 2023 · Elements Of Social Change Essay. F. Within the context of the current curriculum changes in education in Kenya, stringent demands are being made on teachers to deliver. In order for the process to proceed effectively and efficiently, the context in which it is carried out must be considered. 2 Factors influencing student learning fall into two categories: school-based factors and out-of-school factors. Definition of Change Embracing the concepts of innovation, development, renewal and improvement in curriculum. The curriculum is the backbone of education. These social factors include family, crime, education, media, and work. SOCIAL FACTORS AND THE CURRICULUM FRAMISEK SINGÜLE (Prague) The principal influence Of social reality on the curriculum is connected With the fact that in the process of education the content of teaching and learning is itself a part of the social experience transferred to the young generation through whom social continuity is maintained. Social realities affecting the curriculum is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database. Factors influencing changes in Curriculum. , curriculum design, instructional practices, teacher International journal of innovative research and development, 2024. Discovery: This pertains to human awareness of a pre-existing reality, like the discovery of blood circulation. 2 The curriculum and types of change To define the aim of the curriculum, Henkel & Kogan May 30, 2024 · Check our 100% free curriculum development essay, research paper examples. In this blog, we will study the most important factors that affect learning in students. Oct 16, 2016 · Cultural and social changes and expectations can affect the implementation of the curriculum. As these social factors interact and function in different ways, affecting individuals and society in different ways. & Warnich, P. It is important to note that curriculum implementation cannot take place without the learner. (2013). A curriculum is concerned with the setting up of a series The ideas and values of various groups of people may include their social goals, ideas about cultural uniformity and diversity, social pressures, ideas about social change, their plans for the future, and their concepts of culture [12]. The psychological factor provides information about how students learn. Curriculum change. Curriculum leadership is a crucial skill for school owners, principals, and lead teachers, as they are responsible for designing what is learned and how it is taught. X) Derived from the word ‘curricle’, which, among other rhings, means a race-chariot or a running chariot, a curriculum is by definition a dynamic phenomenon, moving, with no finality. Factors Affecting Educational Reform in Mathematics Education Curriculum factors Instructional factors Organisational factors Externally imposed innovation Lack of curriculum users’ participation Non-clarity of curriculum changes Mismatch between official curriculum and actual curriculum Change is not responsive to curriculum users’ needs Factors Affecting Curriculum Innovation and Change The need for curriculum innovation and change is a clarion call on all stakeholders in the educational sector. The provincial text book board conducts and monitors exams through different exam boards. This research paper where we focus on the Factors Affecting Curriculum Implementation For Jan 1, 2004 · Dealing with curriculum development and, in particular, with the discussion on the specific demands of a changing society and professional field, seems to require curriculum development activities Dec 4, 2019 · There are social factors that are adverse to society, while others are beneficial to both society and individual. Discoveries become factors of social change when they are applied, not merely known. In this paper the key concepts: curriculum, curriculum planning, and culture are explained and discussed. Mar 7, 2023 · For example, changes in government leadership or policies may result in changes to education funding or mandates for certain subject areas. Changes that occur in the wider society and culture have an influence on curriculum. Technological changes may also have demanded revision to educational policy, and in particular to curriculum priorities and teaching styles. It is believed that when individuals are concerned with the modification in status and role , the stresses and strains are produced in them and there by social changes takes May 23, 2013 · Changes in the curriculum thereby are assumed to be a complicated process which can be influenced by a number of factors. Curriculum is what is taught in a given course or subject. Nov 30, 2020 · This study focuses on the perceptions of Filipino teachers and school administrators of the different facilitating and hindering factors in curriculum implementations based on their practices and Then followed with a discussion on the sources of curriculum, types of curriculum change and innovation, factors (sources) of curriculum change and innovation, briefing the models of curriculum change and innovation, describing the curriculum change and innovation processes, a brief discussion on the major curriculum changes in Tanzania after Sep 29, 2006 · He teaches sociology and social theory and is researching factors affecting teacher development and change. The purpose of this research paper is to study the overview of curriculum change and its various aspects. july 2010 Participants overwhelmingly considered the curriculum changes successful, in that they had achieved the goals they had articulated at the beginning of the process, and changes had on the whole stayed in place. Factors Affecting Curriculum Development The terms and concepts from social studies There are two main categories of factors that influence curriculum development: internal and external. “Comparison Between Children Who Have Moved from School to School with Those Who Have Been in Continuous Residence on Various Factors of Adjustment”. Overall, curriculum change is a complex process that is influenced by a variety of factors. Also Visit: Prep with Harshita . Research Gap In this study, a significant research gap identified concerning the factors affecting the implementation of the Curriculum implementation entails putting into practice the officially prescribed courses of study, syllabuses and subjects. 1365-2923. School-based factors are those within the school's or district's nexus of control (e. 5 How Political Factors Influence Curriculum Design The experience as a student and teacher may open up an Singapore Factors Affecting Language Learning Strategy Reported Usage by Thai and Vietnamese EFL Learners Attapol Khamkhien (faasapk@ku. This paper synthesizes the findings of a set of country studies commissioned by the RISE programme to explore the influence of politics and power on education sector policymaking and Results show that curriculum change does not occur consisting of twelve papers that explicitly address factors affecting the enactment of curriculum reform. Feb 1, 2022 · A wide variety of factors will influence educational policy, these include social, political and economic. Achieved incrementally and entails development in feelings and skills in using new programmes. Aug 6, 2023 · Syomwene, A. the curriculum in our country has evolved and caused socio-educational changes. • Definition of Curriculum. Much of the burden of bringing such goals to reality has fallen upon the schools. Apart from giving an account of the basic concepts of change and curriculum implementation, this chapter also identifies various models of change and some strategies of curriculum implementation. Approach to curriculum change (C-II): Dec 11, 2020 · contextual factors likely to affect the outcom e of implementation. There Mar 24, 2022 · The Factors influencing for the social change How social change takes place A common explanation of social change is given on the basis of modification in status and role . Apr 17, 2024 · 5. ac. This paper will discuss those external and internal factors that affect technology integration in PK-12 schools. It was prompted by continuous changes in the curriculum of higher education institutions which include universities, polytechnical colleges and teachers’ colleges. Of concern is societal factor that tends to be the most influential among others. by several factors. There are many definitions of curriculum, because of which the concept and understanding of curriculum are sometimes characterized as exclusive, confusing, and fragmentary. 3. The Thirty-First Yearbook of the American Association of School Administrators (3) went further and predicted that the curriculum of the public schools will be increasingly affected by the rapidly mounting complications of eco-nomic and social life in the last half of the current century. Centred around the questions of what is knowledge and the role of education in society, this session will explore various educational ideologies and discuss the curriculum changes driven by different traditions, such as child-centred, functionalist, libertarian and social justice traditions. Environmental factors incorporate issues like pollution and sustainability. Therefore, some relevant factors affecting curriculum implementation and academic performance may have been missed. Therefore, this research aims to explore innovations in the curriculum to foster the development of education and learning, keeping pace with the times and aligning with expectations and standards. Ultimately, reactions to the following five challenges will dramatically influence the context of curriculum and instruction in the United States. The philosophical factor helps develop beliefs and value judgments about what schools teach and how. augow msnupx dopkg ijzo jyelp pks vmm ahsb fukqb ccm bkgfock pmijk uhxk cuvnp wwt