Rogue mastermind 5e. Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Persuasion.
Rogue mastermind 5e To start out I would go 5 cleric and take rogue mastermind to 4 the rogue dip is so I can use the help action 30 feet away and then if I take the eldritch adept feat I can take the unworldly leap invocation to cast jump at will so use help action and then cast jump on my ally, the first round I’d cast bless on them, then afterwards use jump From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki. Sep 29, 2023 · From worst to best, these are the top DnD Rogue subclasses: Mastermind 5e. The mastermind rogue can do as many times as they want AND with a 30ft range. Much like the Inquisitive, it’s a fun concept with really disappointing mechanics. Fun and smart additions to the game, the friendly Discord of Many Things, and thousands of past submissions to search. The color code below has been implemented to help you identify, at a glance, how good that option will be for your rogue. The Mastermind subclass in D&D 5e serves as a testament to the idea that power doesn’t always come from brute force or arcane might. For a highly-skilled rogue, consider the Half-Elf or the Kenku. The rewritten Inquisitive subclass essentially allows the rogue to access a kind of nonmagical divination. Help Rogue: Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. I would build this as a Mark of Finding human with Inheritor background, starting stats of 8 15 13+1 10 15+2 10 if using point buy. The only feature which applies in combat situations or in a dungeon crawl or something is Master of Tactics; everything else is for social situations. The Rogue/Fighter is a classic in almost every edition of DnD (and incidentally, Thief/Fighter is my favorite way to play the classic Baldur’s Gate 2). Aug 31, 2022 · What your rogue might most appreciate, however, is the bracer’s discretion: whether they hit or miss, the daggers immediately disappear. In our ongoing series of 5e class guides, we use the following color rating scheme: Red – C Tier. Feb 20, 2023 · The Mastermind Rogue is an incredible concept, but it’s not one that translates into the mechanics and overall playstyle of 5e well. Proficiencies Armor: Light armor Sep 9, 2024 · For a social rogue, Charisma is important for deception, persuasion, and performance. For the <a title="The Best Backgrounds for Rogues in DnD 5e Rogue: Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. If longbow proficiency doesn’t come from your racial pick, taking a single level in Fighter to get Fighting Style is a good option. While the Mastermind’s abilities won’t serve them particularly well in most dungeons, it’s a solid choice if your game focuses heavily on intrigue. Influence, secrets, and intrigue to aid allies. com Dec 16, 2022 · Panache gives the Swashbuckler the ability to taunt, which works surprisingly well for a rogue. Gain the Rogue’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Rogue Features table. Start with Inquisitive Rogue to at least 3, then take Shadow Monk to 6, then Rogue all the rest of the way. But first, let’s look at some of the basic stats of this character type. Here's how to build and play this spymasterly archetype. 1. Give yourself Expertise in a face skill. Sherlock Gnomes. Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st. This doesn’t tell Same with the Rogue-Mastermind, they're not particularly skilled in combat either, but they have things that can help buff the team both inside and out of combat. caverns-and-creatures. They are going to be throwing psychic daggers in combat so I took fighting initiate with my free feat and took the archery fighting style for that sweet +2. Gain the following traits from the Core Rogue Traits table: Hit Point Die, proficiency in one skill of your choice from the Rogue’s skill list, proficiency with Thieves’ Tools, and training with Light armor. And running a variant human with magic initiate at first level and taking mobile at For the halfling rogue mastermind build, consider the following: Halfling racial traits; Fundamental rogue abilities; Mastermind special abilities; Implement the halfling thief trope; Halflings make notoriously fun rogues, especially rogues who fall under a charismatic umbrella. When you get extra attack, you make your first attack as normal and if it hits you can use commander's strike. And in the right hands, it can be a success. Description. Enhance gameplay with manipulation, deception, and abilities. Mastermind Master of Intrigue Charisma gives you Deception and Persuasion, which are skills you'll probably end up utilizing a lot as a Mastermind. It offers proficiencies and abilities that ensure you can lie, disguise, and manipulate opponents without breaking a sweat. [1] These individuals often worked as royal courtiers or even spies, petitioning themselves among seats of power throughout the Realms in order to gain access to the most valuable information. If a scary guy approaches you, you can flee as a reaction. Many spies, courtiers, and schemers follow this archetype, leading lives of intrigue. These D&D 5E Free Basic Rules only contain a fraction of the races, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, items, monsters, spells, and other content available on Roll20. Despite the lack of magic for most of these characters, the Rogue is a great class that can accomplish a lot. See the written review here https://www. Tool Proficiencies – None. 4. Dec 25, 2023 · With +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Charisma, +1 to Constitution, and the Naturally Stealthy ability, the Lightfoot Halfling makes a great Mastermind Rogue. The Mastermind isn’t going to be for everyone. Swash buckler rogue is really nice. Oct 26, 2024 · The Mastermind Rogue works best in a game with a lot of intrigue and social interactions. This is for the best. So is Horizon Walker, as it needs a bonus action every round to fuel Planar Warrior Dec 12, 2024 · If you want to add some magic to your rogue's repertoire, Fey Touched will be much more impactful. May 18, 2021 · Mastermind. Equipment. . Proficiencies. Rogues were versatile masters of stealth, nimble combat, and various skillful tricks. Many ideal rogue magic items in D&D 5e bolster their sneaking or thieving Alternatively, an 8/12 split has some merit (Evasion on the Rogue, up to 7th Level spells on the Wizard), but given the subclasses you've chosen if your character is primarily a Wizard, too much Rogue is a hindrance - you're going to be torn between chasing Sneak Attack and casting spells, and only a very small handful of spells qualify for Questions or feedback? Leave a comment!0:00 Introduction0:27 Master of Intrigue2:00 Master of Tactics3:37 Insightful Manipulator5:17 Misdirection6:54 Soul of To take advantage of the Rogue levels and Sneak Attack, we need to forget two-handed melee weapons; The Mastermind Rogue's best feature is Master of Tactics, it is quite useful in most parties, but uses up our bonus action, so dual wielding is out 1. com/rogue/mastermindCheck out the Caverns May 26, 2024 · Mastermind Rogue Subclass. Battle master is definitely an interesting thought and I was thinking my choice was between that or PDK if I went fighter, but then someone in here mentioned EK Feb 5, 2012 · A suite of tools for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeon Masters. mcdmproductions. This subclass is essentially a perceptive DnD detective. To customize a rogue of this tier, you can do one or more of the following: Rogue subclasses in D&D offer unique abilities like interrogation, stealth tactics, and combat prowess. Rogue: Soulknife Most assassins strike with physical weapons, and many burglars and spies use thieves' tools to infiltrate secure locations. 3 levels of Mastermind can really benefit non-combat encounters, as well as consistently give you something to do something with your bonus action whether that’s bonus action help or cunning action. For a ranged rogue, consider the Fairy or the Owlin. An expert in social situations, manipulation, and intrigue, the Mastermind focuses on the people around them to accomplish their goals. Feb 28, 2022 · A tier 4 rogue is comparable in many respects to a level 20 adventurer, there may only be a handful of such figures in your entire setting. Dec 4, 2023 · Mastermind – The Mastermind focuses on people, particularly their influence and secrets. to initiate a war. The Puppeteer Behind the Shadows. And even then, while the Mastermind is out carousing and whispering secrets, the DM risks losing the interest of the other players at the table who can’t contribute much to this kind of gameplay. Game Design: ★★★★ Fun: ★★★ Power: ★★★ Versatility: ★★★ Teamwork: ★★★★★ Flutes’ Evaluation (4/5): The Mastermind makes a strong multiclassing dip because, at level three, you’ll gain so much, the best of which is the ability to Help as a bonus action from thirty feet away. The build requires at least 5 levels in battlemaster and the rest in rogue. Mastermind Rogue Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide So sticking with rogue beyond level 11/12 just for sneak attack damage doesn't seem worth it, especially since none of the mastermind archetype features beyond that are too appetizing. These are the most feared and notorious criminal leaders and the spymasters of your setting. The Mastermind is the absolute best friend of anyone who likes advantage due to being able to use Help as a bonus action. They make unmatched spies, using their words to escape even some of the most threatening situations. Each subclass serves different party roles such as damage dealing, utility, and support Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything. We’ve heard the Inquisitive Rogue referred to as a DnD Sherlock Holmes. You still have rogue options and can still stealth and do rogue things. Jump to: navigation, search 5th edition Pointer + Aug 28, 2024 · The Rogue and Bard enhance each class' unique skill-set and, even where they overlap, they don't see diminishing returns. Evidence is for rookies. Mastermind Rogue 5e Class Guide. To allow you to scan through the options quickly, we use the following color rating scheme: Red : Isn’t going to contribute to the effectiveness of your character build at all Mar 19, 2024 · Today we will be both plotting and scheming as we cover the Mastermind Rogue. Aug 28, 2024 · The Rogue and Bard enhance each class' unique skill-set and, even where they overlap, they don't see diminishing returns. In a campaign that revolves around social intrigue, the Mastermind 5e subclass can be a useful choice. If you truly intend to have a higher level mastermind, you are basically a rogue, with more competition for bonus actions. In contrast, a Soulknife strikes and infiltrates with the mind, cutting through barriers both physical and psychic. But more importantly, Master of Tactics is needlessly overcomplicated. AT is almost assuredly the best Rogue for damage output. The Mastermind Rogue 5e class is an unusual one, offering many different abilities. Your archetype choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. Aug 22, 2022 · But the Inquisitive Rogue attempts to create a subclass that uses their superior mind to triumph, often without any magical ability. A fun subclass in the right campaign. You still have the 4 expertise (double proficiency) skills and sneak attack. [9] Common to most cities in Apr 20, 2018 · The Mastermind rogue's Master of Tactics feature (SCAG, p. Additionally, when you use the Help act Jul 10, 2020 · Concluding our Rogue 5E Guide. Customizing an NPC. Now I have another feat option at level 8 since I have already maxed out this characters Dex. Multi classes really well still because The Mastermind is pretty decent when teamed up with other non-Swashbuckler rogues cause he basically grants advantage to them. In this video, Sage breaks down the build and adventures of his favorite character he's ever played: Fibonacci Hazelhawk. Mastermind is a roguish archetype of the rogue class described in Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. To achieve this they have developed extraordinary reflexes and movement speed, often reacting quickly enough to avoid incoming attacks or take limited damage on those Dec 25, 2022 · Taking the Mastermind archetype not only affords you some team-based combat abilities, implying training within a unit but awards unique bonuses of spy-like qualities in analyzing a target's behavior and capabilities, as well as being skilled in the art of deceptive conversation and interrogation. Bob and Sam discuss the Rogue subclass Mastermind. Sep 12, 2023 · Mastermind rogue builds are the best social and deception-based subclass in DnD 5e, though they lack in the combat department. I love The 5e rogue capitalizes on this fact, dealing their best damage when hidden from a target. At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you emulate in the exercise of your rogue abilities. Half of the Mastermind’s starting abilities only really affect social and political conflicts. That has only improved with time, as D&D 5e's 2024 core rules update added more tools to experiment with. Jun 17, 2024 · The mastermind rogue takes the base kit of the rogue in a direction that flourishes out of combat but needs a skilled player and DM to work together for a fun experience. The 5e Wild Mastermind Rogue class revision for DnD 5th edition is geared towards players who wish to avoid fights and help allies in battle. EVERY CHARACTER you can create can swing or shoot a weapon, and sooner or later they'll get a kill. Otherwise Oct 9, 2023 · Best Rogue Backgrounds 5. Jun 19, 2019 · It has been a hot minute since I rolled up a Rogue, so I was pleased to find the new-to-me Rogue Mastermind Archetype: Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. What Mastermind rogues lack in combat ability, they make up for in social prowess and deception. 46) states: Starting at 3rd level, you can use the Help action as a bonus action. Master of Intrigue When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain It's even happened to me, though I think that was partially due to miscommunication both in character and out of it (though my rogue IS a thief but isn't open about that. It has the mastermind rogue's level 17 ability at 13th level, and has the assassin rogue's level 13 ability at 9th level. I hope to have several encounters with this villain, and want their skills to reflect their nature, as well as help e My favorite for a long time has been fighter 1 / rogue X. A classic example of "Be the smartest man in the room" kinda thing. Some might see the mastermind rogue as a double up on abilities, but it actually buffs it. Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st. com/TheGeekPantheon or https://ko-fi. Can this subclass concoct a way to a passing score or will it be caught in the Here are some tips for playing a mastermind rogue. This article is for the 2014 DnD 5e rules. You can also support the channel here: https://www. Your main stat is charisma so you get consistent rp options. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you develop a keen ear for picking out lies. The swashbuckler is hard to beat for a combat-centric rogue. The bonus action help action ability from the hobgoblin can only be used PB times for day. A place for Dungeon Masters to discuss the D&D 5th Edition book: Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. Sometimes, true strength lies in the ability to manipulate, to pull the strings from the shadows, and to ensure outcomes always favor the strategist. The Rogue’s subclass is key to shaping your approach to stealth, combat, and subterfuge. Red options can sometimes be situationally useful and might make for an interesting narrative choice, but they are largely less effective than other tiers. The following options are available to a rogue, in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook: the Inquisitive, the Mastermind, the Scout, and the Swashbuckler. Inquisitive is more selfish, primarily getting ways to get their sneak attack in when other rogues wouldn't. Still, Mastermind brings value to the table (primarily through Master of Tactics), and can be a good enough way to live your supreme plotter fantasy. Join Baron as he gives an overview of the Rogue subclass "Mastermind" for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons!#BlueDragonGuild #DungeonsandDragons #DnDRogue. This lets you reroll a missed attack – with advantage. 0 (Update!) - Become the Master of Skill & Subterfuge You Were Meant to Be! Includes Over 40 Devious Exploits and Nine Revised Archetypes: Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Swashbuckler, Thief, Inquisitive, Mastermind, Phantom, Scout, and Soulknife! Jul 10, 2020 · Concluding our Rogue 5E Guide. [1] Due to their Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Courtier is perfect for a Rogue, giving two useful Rogue skills as Imposter & Mens Rea are taken straight from the assassin, and mastermind rogues word for word. Read on for a quick guide to the rogue mastermind 5e class. Languages – Two of your choice. Aug 7, 2023 · What is the Mastermind Rogue in D&D 5e? Operating as a manipulator who cleverly pulls the strings of any situation around them, the Mastermind understands people. For a high-damage melee rogue, consider the High Elf. Where other adventurers had the power to defeat their enemies, rogues used their wits and their natural resourcefulness to exploit their foes' vulnerabilities as well as to lead their allies safely through dangerous environments, disarming traps and opening locks along the way. Members Online Extended version of the official image for Zariel's Flying Fortress Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. The Mastermind’s abilities fall outside of many of the typical, combat-focused areas most newer players gravitate towards. Dec 12, 2024 · This guide is meant as a deep dive into the best races for the 5e rogue. 135; XGtE, p. Their careers were marked by lies, deceit, and most of all, intrigue. Through their influence, these Rogues traffic in secrets, intrigue, and a frightening tactical prowess. Rogue The Mastermind matches well with any character of cunning, intelligence, and insight who might be involved in court intrigue. Here’s the optimal stat allocation: People are gonna suggest Swashbuckler, but I’m actually going to suggest Mastermind Rogue. Set of fine clothes (Value: 15 GP Weight: 6 lbs) Pouch (Value: 5 SP Weight: 1lb) containing 5 GP; Explanation. Optimal Stat Allocation for a Rogue in D&D 5E Best Starting Ability Scores for a Rogue. Apr 25, 2021 · Are any of them elves? The elven accuracy feat is even stronger with a mastermind in the party. Jan 18, 2020 · If a Mastermind rogue uses his or her Master of Tactics feature to Help a spellcaster in the party, would it grant advantage on a spell attack? I guess this would only work if the other party member casts a spell that requires a spell attack against a creature, rather than a spell that requires the creature to make a saving throw, correct? 5th Edition supplements, ARCADIA digital magazine for 5th edition GMs and players, and other MCDM projects, and TRPG advice —————————————————— Need assistance with your MCDM store order or your Kickstarter pledge/preorder? Head to our support site: help. Check out our Mastermind Rogue 5e Guide. And like a boxer in their prime, the 5e rogue excels at hitting whilst not getting hit. For a quick overview of other 5e classes, check out our Guide to DnD 5e Classes. 3/5 Stars Outside of combat it is excellent at interacting with the environment. At the highest levels you get Master Duelist. Amid the plethora of options sits subclasses, abilities, spells, weapons, proficiencies, and so much more that help make a character feel unique to the player wielding them in their games. TLDR: Can the Rogue Mastermind's 'Misdirection' skill (from Xanathar's) be used in any way against melee attacks? I have been working on a new villain lately, someone not physically dangerous but very smart and using manipulation, etc. Athletics (Str): Rogues don’t really do anything that requires Roguish Archetypes At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature. The Mastermind Rogue is a social form of rogue centered around secrets, spying, and intrigue; unfortunately, it’s one of the weaker rogue subclasses out there. Aug 22, 2022 · Fighter. Masterminds were exceptionally cunning rogues that dealt in information and secrets over more tangible riches. com/thegeekpantheonThis week I take a look at the Mastermind I played one at lvl 15 as part of a 3 day adventure. You take commander strike. At it's base it still has everything good about being a Rogue: sneak attack, cunning action, extra ASI, evasion, expertise. Scout I rewrote the Inquisitive and Mastermind subclasses. That wraps up our Rogue 5E archetypes rankings. Glasya Tiefling Mastermind Rogue, just turned level 4. Today, we look at the Mastermind. This makes him an ally of choice for the Barbarians, Paladins, Bladelocks and especially other Rogues who can frontload a ton of damage on a single attack, due to the increased hit, but also crit chance. It’s only suitable for roleplay-centered, plot-heavy campaigns. Words are your weapons as often as knives or poison, and secrets and favors are some of your favorite treasures. Hiding behind your party members or hostile creatures is a useful feature for any rogue, making more Sneak Attacks possible. I'm fully aware of the weakness of the class but I want to maximize it's potential both in and out of combat. Mastermind is particularly bad with the wizard - their go-to spells will be save based, which Help doesn't, well, help with. Nov 1, 2023 · Mastermind 5e. Open to suggestions. patreon. Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. Courtier. 🥷 Read our complete guide on the Mastermind Rogue here. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine whether a creature is lying, treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8. Skill Proficiencies – Insight, Persuasion. It might just be me, but the Mastermind archetype seems to be laserllama's Alternate Rogue Class v2. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Your rogue can already move faster than most of your party members thanks to their Cunning Action feature. Planar Wanderer: A rogue with an expertise in Arcana and a stacked Intelligence ability that's a portal-cracking mastermind could be a fun and unique character, as long as you encounter interplanar travel frequently in your campaign. But it also serves as a good way to portray a cunning pirate But it also serves as a good way to portray a cunning pirate Classes » Rogue » Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. Provided they can deduce something with existing clues or knowledge (explaining the deduction is necessary), they can ask the GM if the deduction is correct (a limited number of times). Check us out on socials Facebook https Dec 12, 2021 · Rogue 5e Guide Rating Scheme. I'm planning on making my expertise in persuasion and deception. Fibonacci is a Changeling Mastermin As a rogue, you have the following class features. Aug 24, 2024 · Learn the best build for the Mastermind Rogue with full leveling guides and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need! Oct 28, 2024 · Rogue subclasses are extremely powerful, frequently granting features at 3rd level which define how your character plays for the rest of their career, and offering a tempting prize for builds which can handle a 3-level class dip. The warlock will have the easiest time synergising with elven accuracy + nearby mastermind to crit more often. And that’s it for our Rogue 5E handbook. Acrobatics (Dex): Very situational. Also, a Rogue with a Familiar, no matter how you get it, is a cut above a Rogue without one. You also learn two languages of your choice. Ear for Deceit. Boots of Speed. Meaning if you play a Mastermind, you will be way behind the lines trying to analyze the enemy and helping your allies pinpoint where to strike the hardest. It has a lot of depth but also provides a good option for new players just dipping their toes into D&D. Charger sounds nice for the +5, or Mobile to save from needing to Disengage. Wisdom's got Insight and Perception, which makes it infinitely more useful for a Mastermind rogue than Intelligence you don't need Arcana, History, Religion, or Nature. First level in fighter gives a great toolset for melee survival: medium armor, shields, second wind, and a fighting style (defense or dueling). Mar 13, 2024 · The Mastermind 5e is an odd Rogue, with few combat abilities of their own, but some subtle tools to manipulate the flow of a battle by ensuring their allies land their critical attacks. Apr 22, 2023 · Mastermind Rogue is a cool concept, but it's hard to bring that character type to a game about killing living, hungry chests in a quest for riches. Each archetype offers a distinct playstyle, defining how you approach social situations, exploration, and encounters through a set of unique features that enhance your Rogue’s versatility. Features: Master of Intrigue Master of Tactics Insightful Manipulator The Mastermind Rogue is really about what you can do for your team, not about what you can do on your own and in some party compositions it would be an absolute waste, in others you could be unreal. Sure, 5e is an RPG that can really bend to the whims of its players, changing to match the desires of any group. Just pretty much everywhere. You get advantage quite often but you don't need advantage and can use your sneak attack damage all the time. Mastermind get the ranged help bonus action thing to help their team and some disguise stuff, being more adept at disguising themselves and impersonation. Rogue Skills. The 5e Mastermind — A Cautious Recommendation. It was much better before Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, but redundancy with a feature added in that book made it a worse option. Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers So after scrolling through the rogue subclasses; Mastermind Rogue seems to be the kind of Rogue I wanna play; coming up with strategies for the team; aiding someone when their advantage is vital to an encounter and being able to strike hard when needed; this is probably a character I would go a full level 20 campaign for Want to control combat bolstering your allies' attacks, and disrupting your enemy's plans? Consider this Mastermind Rogue character build for DND 5E to make Aug 17, 2024 · For a classic rogue feel, consider the Lightfoot Halfling. As a rogue, you gain the following class features. Hit Points. He's laying the foundation of his Mastermind-ness at level 1 by (literally) barking orders during combat, praising good behavior, and reprimanding disobedience (the other players all love Nov 6, 2024 · Yesterday we looked at the Inquisitive Rogue. Instead of going mastermind, you go with scout. As a Multiclass Character. Regarding Master of Tactics, there is no such thing as a "free action" in 5e. Mastermind: Charisma When it comes to building new characters in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, most players dive deep into their class and Race selections. Often, it’s more experienced players that are drawn to this subclass. ) But what about rogues that aren't thieves and criminals? I rolled up a rogue I'd love to play someday who's an archaeologist, and I'm sure many a player has done that one Jan 9, 2025 · While there are some core features all D&D 5e rogues share, the class is incredibly versatile overall. When building a rogue, your ability scores determine how effective your character will be in combat, skills, and roleplaying scenarios. Maybe you mean "on your turn, with no action required". Sentinel on a rogue tough enough to stick it out in melee is really great. Apr 15, 2022 · While rogues keep on gaining valuable features like extra Sneak Attack damage, Elusive, and Stroke of Luck (two of the most useful ultra-late game abilities in 5e), there’s nothing to say that diverting from the rogue path can’t be a great way to either emphasize some of the things the rogue already does well or to compensate for the class If that weren't enough, at level 14 you get the almighty Haste, dramatically increasing your damage output as you use Ready to attack off-turn and get a second sneak attack each and every round. Googles of Night; either they don't have Dankvision and need it, or they have it and double their range of it, both options are super helpful for your stealthy rogue. Wrapping up our Rogue 5E Subclasses List. I want to run a melee rogue and the mastermind class perfectly fits my character idea. Master of Intrigue 3rd-level mastermind feature Rogue: Mastermind Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. It's probably the best for fit for Rogues in general, but there are other good combos between Cleric and Rogue archetypes both for specific builds and character types: For example, the Knowledge domain adds even more expertise skills (plus more on top of that with the Scout archetype or Half-Elf race) for a skill monkey, and "Knowledge domain + Inquisitive or Mastermind" could be a good mix Mar 17, 2022 · Black Citadel’s Ranking and Tier System. Frankly, the way to use mastermind rogue is to just have 3 levels in it and multiclass something more interesting snicker. These are the characters that, in my mind, actually shine. He's not a support person, he's a tactics person. Or maybe just ASI to Dex. Liked the idea of Martial Adept (Commander's Strike & Goading or Riposte) but the utility is a little low since it's once per rest. This gives rogues a wide net of magic items they can use. D&D5E: MASTERMIND ROGUE GUIDE this week we dive into the enigmatic Mastermind rogue from xanathars guide to everything. Dec 25, 2022 · Taking the Mastermind archetype not only affords you some team-based combat abilities, implying training within a unit but awards unique bonuses of spy-like qualities in analyzing a target's behavior and capabilities, as well as being skilled in the art of deceptive conversation and interrogation. Jul 22, 2023 · Learn all about rogues in D&D 5e from how to optimise your rogue character to the best rogue subclasses and tactics for playing as a rogue. This guide is meant as a deep dive into the DnD 5e rogue. Building a level 9 soulknife rogue and DM allows us to start with 1 free feat. For help with the 2024 rules, see our 2024 DnD 5e Rogue Subclasses Guide. I'm playing a kobold rogue going for Mastermind now, having free advantage against enemies that have an ally adjacent to them and then using a ranged attack. For the full overview of the rogue class, check out our rogue class guide. A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. The rest of the way you can go rogue, taking Sentinel as soon as you can. Just combining a bard's Expertise and Jack of All Trades with a rogue's Expertise already makes for one of D&D 5e 2014's best builds in terms of skill capability alone, and there's still much more to the multiclass than that. Thanks! Dec 12, 2024 · Your Guide to DnD 5e Rogue Subclasses. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit, the forgery kit, and one gaming set of your choice. And, of course, the Immovable Rod; needs to barr a door while you break into a safe, can only reach halfway up to a window, need a way to climb down a cliff, the immovable rod is A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. uupg bgwum hrvwnt cfjx bees cpptow hrvo citwh pnxcu fzblc wqtj eaipm tgpfp pyu farfnqye