Ltn combinator tutorial. Look up laurence plays factorio ltn in youtube.
Ltn combinator tutorial com/mods/Optera/LogisticTrainNetwork 如何接入LTN网络: 将Lamp: (color coded status) 用绿色信号线连接到LTN Combinator, 并设定好这个站点属于哪种站点, 等灯变成绿色, 就表示这个车站已经接入了LTN网络. 5: Combinators now emit light. When I request 40k thermofluid, I get 4 1-1 trains delivering, so 100k. Set the constant combinator to twice the capacity of the train, negative. This will tell the LTN stop what can be loaded onto a train that stops there. Train station naming, not sure what u mean. It can handle all possible train configuration. Stations, depots and refuelers can be set to belong to a particular network by setting that network on their combinator. Jul 20, 2017 · Showcasing station designs from simplistic 1 combinator to depots using train compositions and a truly universal provider/requester station. Best LTN tutorial ever! Direct answer. Makes it simpler to understand. This build uses the circuit network to ensure your trains are delivering a balanced load among your stations. The “LTN train stop” advertises the current content of the train. I’ve watched Nilaus Tutorial and Tuplex Tutorial as well as looked up things online. Make sure you have a depot, it just takes a "network number". works with undies too. This provider station will make goods available to your LTN network in a manner that allows LTN to control the shipment size that is loaded onto the train. factorio. g. 1 / 2 2 / 2 While third-party mods like LTN Combinator Modernized and the brand-new Cybersyn Combinator have been very helpful to those lacking experience with circuit The way to do is the ltn stations have a input and output. Version 2 no have compact panel anymore (only requester / provider. Use the LTN output signal (connect a wire to it) to determine the requested amount, then read the "on-train" signal from the station (by connecting a wire to it), multiply it by -1 (arithmetic combinator Chest-power pole- LTN combinator- LTN Stop Combinator. It's not always deadlocks, anything that temporarily blocks a train long enough for the delivery to time out will cause this, including you being parked at the station doing something. - Rotating combinators by robot will not loose thresholds or disable services - Thresholds and service state will be restored on undo up to 1 hour - Thresholds and service state will be restored when reviving a destroyed combinator ghost Features: - Added reset buttons for LTN signals that will clear the signal to use the LTN default (#12 I couldn't find a way to read deficits from the robot network (e. It adds a new train stop, and will only work “internally” (meaning if you have trains on their own circuits, they won’t be altered or forced to stop). press ctrl+shift+r (that is my shortcut, cant remember the original) now you have a 4-wide belt corner. LTN Combinator uses Factorios upgrade feature. Don't change anything else and see what happens. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I would highly recommend to just play with LTN in sandbox before going large scale with it. Otherwise, the checkboxes are populated when the combinator is opened based on the signals the combinator has set. The key is to have an entire setup both requesting and providing empty barrels, and put the requesting station and providing station on different LTN Network ID's, so they don't get into an infinite loop with the same station. 💡 Links & Info in der Videobeschreibung. LTN manager is worth a look too. Created Aug 2023. If you remember, the way to do this in LTN is to give the lamp a negative quantity using a constant combinator. Curious if you had a more elegant solution The input of a wagon control combinator has no function currently. Up to this point they have been the same for the supply and demand stations but now we have added several to the supply station we must add the same amount to the demand Also look at using circuit controlled stack filter inserted unloading to make sure you don’t offload copper ore into your iron smelters (for example). At the Provider Stations set the Signals in the Constant Combinator as you like. Which of the three is simplest (and best in general, such as performance)? One thing TSM has going for it is the numerous tutorial videos by Sandman2003. Everything has 0 by default. . Requester v2 for LTN Check out the LTN Combinator mod, it adds a special Combinator for LTN stations with a custom gui to set up the control signals. Few tips. this is a advantage for cybersyn, though LTN combinator perform same role. It makes setting up your LTN Stations much less confusing. Sounds you are ready to be introduced to a little mod called LTN. 0 Updates. You need to merge all of the stuff you read in your head until you understand LTN. I do: green wire to box, to box, to box, to box (I use 4 not 6) to divider combinator's in, to constant combinator with LTN setup info, to LTN train stop's green signal. The fueler part is very good addition. 13. For more information on the mod features, check out the information file. Just send all trains to depots and LTN will pick the best suitable train for a job. Bc i saw a lot of positive comments regarding cybersyn i now try to use it in the current run. I've looked through the LTN tutorials, and none of them tell you how to do this. When I asked in the discord how do to what I wanted, the responses I got were all that I shouldn't do what I was doing. Without this mod you use a standard constant combinator. be/br1qodFCk8I?si=-mXwlQ8Xtrl7hJjuThis is a basic tutorial for the mod cybersyn. This is my first video so please be nice, I know the audio Oct 19, 2024 · Place an LTN Combinator near the Input (Lamp) and connect them with a green wire. They're like the LTN version of a passive provider chest. The 2nd is set to 'Each * -1 -> Each'. Because the Cybersyn constant combinator is based on a regular constant combinator, you can copy and paste signals between them like regular constant combinators. Hi fellow engineers, I was wondering if there is a need for two arithmetic combinators in Brians trains blueprints with LTN mod? For example in the picture below there are two marked combinators, one in the red circle multiplies all of the input by -1 and then outputs it to the blue combinator, the blue combinator takes all of the inputs (that is: output from red circle combinator plus train Posted by u/Maleficent_Drummer_8 - 4 votes and 15 comments I normally play with LTN and wanted to give cybersyn a try but there was a feature of LTN that I use all the time that wasn't available. Your LTN setting for 'Delivery timeout (sec)' is 1800 (30 Minutes). Tutorial:Circuit network cookbook - Factorio Wiki this will keep your wall stocked easily without LTN. It cascades into other issues as more time goes on. Additionally there are so many mods out there which change stack size or capacity - i fear going there would be a rabbit hole. I set it from -1 to 4 (4 length trains) and updated new LTN stops to a different network ID. I’m looking for a mod that improves train logistics without much complexity, and I want to avoid circuitry (combinators, etc. It just outputs a constant number. For a provider you now add 2 arithmatic combinators. Do you mean a tutorial for LTN itself? If so, the mod page has a link to its forum, where YouTube tutorials and general help can be found. Place an LTN stop, a constant combinator, and inserters/chests for each wagon. This discusses stations, depots and refueler The Decider Combinator lets you compare signals, like is X > Y, and output based on that comparison. LTN Combinator的设定: 上图是LTN Combinator的设定, Depot就没有设定, 直接点就可以. This mod makes the UI for the combinator LTN specific, otherwise it functions the same as a constant combinator. 63 - Schumann: Piano Trio No. 2) Go to the LTN combinator and set the following settings: Hey there!As it was requested, I made a new Video on how I set LTN up to work properly. An LTN specific GUI is presented to manipulate LTN's control signals and make requests. One simple fix for this is using the LTN combinator mod. Adds a new type of Constant Combinators to the game. The LTN sets my train schedule to wait for (in my case ~8k copper ore) AND 2s of inactivity, OR 120 has passed. 2: Combinators no longer turn off when no wires are connected. LTN has been ported to Factorio 2. Jul 20, 2017 · Connect a constant combinator to the input with at least the negated amount of requested items/fluids setting request threshold, limit train size, asf per stop is generally a good idea for networks with multiple items; When a train arrives the expected train inventory is sent from the output alongside the train composition. I've tried set LTN network using this guide, but without success. 1 in D minor, Op. Use a green wire (or which ever color is not the one used on the tanks) to wire from the pump of each tank to the yellow combinator on the front of the station (not the station itself, and NO The root problem is that in LTN, the depots ignore any signals other than "is depot", "depot priority", and "Network ID". So I stick with LTN. The 1st, is set to 'Each + 0 -> Each' and is placed in between the station storage and the constant combinator containing all your LTN signals. But I didn't like v2. It doesn’t change how normal trains work. LTN combinator modernized. grab 1 belt in hand, press +++, now you build a 4 wide belt. 0 trains while maintaining the ease of scheduling and Belt and pipe tools. HOWEVER, a negative quantity does not set filters So you need to flip it to positive by using the arithmetic combinator. Concretely: the “LTN output” constant combinator advertises the expected train inventory when it departs the station. Place an inserter to load each locomotive/wagon spot at a train station, and connect each one to the arithmetic combinator for that station. Settings are entered into the combinator. Not together) Either use the LTN combinator mod that stops it or put an extremely high supply treshold on the station, it's just a problem whit how LTN works, if it sees a positive number of item in a system it will request items from it no matter if it's a requester or provider station (unless you use LTN combinator) so you need to either balance it perfectly or put a very high supply treshold so it can Look up the Lawerance plays LTN tutorial on Youtube. building for ex 4 parallel belts at once , included corners and balancers, visual aid where belts/pipes go etc. Reply MinosTheNinth • Add a combinator with friendly GUI to manage LTN Control Signals for each LTN Train Stop I have a large network with around 400 stations and planned to upgrade sections of it too higher capacity trains as they are unlocked. 3 Date: 2019-09-19 Features: - LTN-C will now consider default network ID set in LTN mod settings Version: 0. Thats how much you want. New combinator graphics. Its role is to store trains until they're needed. You should really read the manual first, and maybe watch one of the tutorials linked there, otherwise you are most likely bound to fail. Look up laurence plays factorio ltn in youtube. Connect the input of each arithmetic combinator to the constant combinator from step #1 using one color of wire, and connect each input to the LTN constant combinator using the other color of wire. Since i got a bit burned out, i paused that and started a new IR3 run. It will get minimal updates (only really glaring bugs). ex: station that is part of network 1 and network 5: attach LTN combinator, select networks 1 & 5 from the 'active networks'. How to set up a basic LTN system with provider, requester and depot stations. Image: While you can make a simpler provider station, this is the simplest provider station that you should make. Networks. I found some great LTN tutorials if you need then. It's hands-down the best LTN guide/tutorial out there! Also, ltn combinator mod makes that part if the setup much easier and i highly recommend it! There are three special items designed only to manipulate signals on a wired network: Constant Combinator, Arithmetic Combinator, and Decider Combinator. How can I set it up using that LTN combinator? I am playing czech version, so screenshots or at least position of each number (first from the top, ) along with detailed descripiton what it does would be nice. The way LTN handles requests is quite simple. Not many of the tutorials have the LTN combinator boxes, but they make it a bit easier. From there, you just need to create a depo station using the depo command, and anything further is surplus. In there there you can see that the output from the LTN goes do a combinator (x × -1)and a second signal from the LTN station itself goes do the other side of the combinator so the filter inserter can calculating how much items are missing. Do not change the train limit. Adds logistic-train-stops acting as anchor points for building a fully automated, train logistic network. Remember train network IDs prior to the GUI? "If you don't want trains responding to multiple networks, you better figure out decimal/binary translation!" You have to add a constant combinator and connect it to the lamp with a wire. Decider combinator "input count" option makes the combinator copy the count of the specified output signal from the input signals, instead of copying the count from the condition. They come with a custom GUI to ease the control of LTN signals. Any LTN signal placed in an output slot will be visible the next time the combinator gets opened, regardless of the default visibility. 1 Constant combinator linked to the green lamp and storage can do all you need. Do not change the really high number in the Provider section of the LTN combinator. 0. Make sure the provider stations have a positive signal (by wireing the chests) on the lamp specifically, you don't need to add anything apart from what is provided by the LTN combinator box. Explaining Factorio: The Logistic Train Network (LTN MOD)IMPORTANT NOTE: Unique station names are no longer needed as of update 1. Just give a shout and I'll shoot you the link. Expression inputs If you enable the per-player option of using expressions in inputs, you can use mathematical expressions instead of regular numbers in the following places: TL;DR; the constant combinator is a very good and compact way to generate negative and virtual signals which are very useful when making different kinds of circuits. I can't share it right now but I have a system for one-time train requests. just have the restock station reading the train so the train takes the place of the chest. 1) Put a Logistic Train Stop (as a common one) and connect to it an LTN combinator to the light using one of the wires. Here is a basic tutorial of this insanely powerful train management mod. One with a lot of different train stations. A primay problem is timing in your sysmtem. 12. (The text in the information file is what's used for the mod portal description. You use a contant combinator and put in a negative amount for X. be/U-TXRNQzL-U Basic Tutorial by Nilaus. What does this do? The total storage is subtracted from the amount stored, so the LTN stop sees a negative value (request) equal to how much empty space is available. If you really mean the LTN manager, I've not seen a tutorial anywhere but feel free to ask in this thread. If you plan on tackling down overhaul mods that gets more and more complicated I suggest LTN. To have a station as both a supplier and requester you would want to use the vanilla combinator. Mar 31, 2023 · Taken together, the minimum footprint for the dispatcher and train stop is $2 \times 2 + 1 \times 1$, with the latter needing to be 1 tile away from the stop it controls. I use one combinator. ) as much as possible. By setting a different signal Id, the combinator will belong to that different network. All LTN Signals are suppo… I also started using an LTN companion mod called LTN Combinator (I think). create a const combinator with the function of A << B where A is a constant '1' and B is a constant number (0 to 32) representing your station # that you want the station to be part of. The mod can be found here:https://mods. Combinator logic is achieved by cross-connecting outputs to inputs in such a way to achieve the desired logic. The stations combinator provides you with a coded version of what the train is (loco and cargo positions) and the cargo the train "should" still have when it leaves the stop. Green wire from chest to yellow light. have stations at your wall or outposts named the same and set to turn on if the supply drops too low on something. For the Demand station: delivery size & item type (from LTN combinator Version: 0. Very easy to do, only requires 1 combinator! Nilaus and Tuplex have great tutorials for LTN. I just put the things I need in a constant combinator, like 1000 belts, enable and disable it, and the train goes off and brings the stuff I requested in multiple trips if needed. If all your trains cap out at 2 wagons I would suggest you go into the mod settings to restrict the dimensions to 1xN and Nx1 for the mod, where in your case N = 13 tiles. 0. Introduction. All LTN Signals are supported. Yeah there are a lot of basic LTN things you can do in vanilla pretty easily, and you can do a lot of the more complex stuff in vanilla too, but the complexity scales a lot faster in vanilla Realize that LTN is very low level, difficult to set up, has no manual and you'll find guides tutorials and videos that are either too old, wrong or too complicated for what you want to do. It sounds like, that at the provider station, you're not using the LTN output signal to activate the stack filter inserters. Connect the combinator to the input lamp of an LTN Train stop. Aug 3, 2024 · This tutorial is long and thorough for those who want to learn how to set up a basic LTN network. If you subtract “LTN output” from “LTN train stop” you get “how much to unload or load” If a station control combinator receives a "priority" signal as input, it will apply that priority to each cargo signal it is receiving as input. Contribute to quchen/factorio development by creating an account on GitHub. You connect the LTN output (combinator) to the output and the LTN train stop itself to the input. twitch. Previous Combinator Classrooms:Red & Green Wires Localizations for LTN, LTN Tracker, LTN Combinator mods for Factorio game - Astorin/LTN-Language-Pack So, I Downloaded 10 Years Old FactorioFactorio was created in 2013 ( or 2012? idk) and it was way worse back in the day, but are you sure about it? I want LTN Combinator Adds a new type of Constant Combinators to the game. I made a new depot and deselected 1 from the combinator interface and the network id changed to - 2. Aug 19, 2023 · This guide reviews setting up LTN Depot, Requester, and Provider using LTN Combinator Modernized. c In this tutorial I won't show the basics of LTN, I want to describe a more complicated and more efficient way of building LTN requester and provider stations. Especially for UPS & pathfinding. There's a mod setting for LTN to set the default network ID. This tutorial runs through how to wire the stations up and what signals to set General; ↳ Releases; ↳ News; ↳ General discussion; ↳ Multiplayer; ↳ Find Servers / Tools / Guides; ↳ Show your Creations; ↳ Videos Hi I am using LTN Combinator modernized mod. (not at my computer to 2x check) The LTN mod reads the train's name and will load based on the LTN scheduler. The network ID is meant as a bitmask -- so if you want mutually exclusive networks the value must be a power of 2 (1,2,4,16,32,etc) Constant combinator can be rotated. It always sent fluid wagons to move the oil, and never sent fluid wagons to solids stations. Short setup: i recently used LTN with the "LTN combinator modernized" in my K2SE run. Current Mods: Space Ex LTN LTN Combinator All AAI mods Miniloaders Long Reach Squeak through So I am using the LTN Combinator mod so that I can have GUI to help set things up. 发现《Piano Trio No. Wire that output to the ltn station output point to get a signal for how much you still need to load. That's definitely different from my setup. ) Yeah 'getting it' is the difficult part. Nov 1, 2020 · In this Book is a Train Grid, a LTN Requester and Provider Station (Solid and Fluid) and a LTN Depot. The Requestor / Provider checkboxes mostly determine which panels in the combinator will be shown. Hi, I decided to try using LTN and am trying to convert my train stations into the mod. Please see LTN Manuals and Demos for detailed functionality of LTN Control Signals. In the context of LTN, this will be how you get the threshold signal and the negative signals that you use to designate a request. You can acces my Blueprints on factorioprints:https://factorioprints. The will trigger the addtion and removal of the high provide threshold as that is the intent when manually toggleing the checkboxes. I just fed the LTN input (the light) the same sort of data I used for everything else -- tanks + combinator outputing a negative for the requestor station, and tanks for the supplier station. Logistics Train Network. A second red wire to connect another inserter to Run a wire from the stations combinator to an arithmetic combinator at EACH * -1 -> EACH. But the actual solution it implements is to set the thresholds extremely high for the opposite station type. A decider combinator wired output tied to input and configured greater than zero (for positive values), input -> output will 'hold' a value, as long as all other inputs on the network are zero. Ideally, the signal you give it is the following: (constant combinator signal + contents of the chests) I’ve never used LTN, TSM, or Cybersyn. Provider station. Set the combinator to each *-1 output each. It's pretty darn solid. Thirdly, make an unloading station. Take signal wire of whatever color you aren't using for your inputs, wire the station (NOT the output combinator) to an arithmetic combinator doing EVERYTHING * -1 = EVERYTHING, wire that combinator and the LTN output combinator to a power pole, then wire the pole to the filter inserters. May 13, 2022 · The first two LTN videos raised quite a lot of questions in the comments, so I thought I'd take a look at some of them and give you some answers, with exampl One reason for this was that i started my LTN network very early and i wanted the throughput since with low tech unloading a train takes a while. LTN is configurable via signals input to the LTN stops. I highly recommend this LTN combinator mod. Jun 11, 2018 · 🔌 Signale & Kombinatoren für Factorio einfach erklärt Part 1. All of LTN's control signals are supported and tooltips show their description and default values. Connect the chests to each other and to the lamp on the LTN stop. 63 - 1. I was hoping to get some help on why my LTN network isn’t working. Designs for stations, depots, control circuits and more can be found in the Design thread. Green wire from LTN combinator to yellow light. In most every situation you DO NOT want the LTN Combinator to be OFF. Then if its a requester you add a negative signal with a combinator. Hello there!Another Tutorial about Trains, this time with the mod Logistic Train Network! A constant combinator hooked up to the LTN lamp at the provider station set to +100k iron ore isn't triggering a train, it's the first thing I tried as it seemed that should work given the normal provider station setup. I would recommend to watch some short tutorials on how to set up LTN stations First i would say get a blueprint book from LTN. By default all combinators belong to the "signal-A" network. The purpose of this guide is to describe how to use LTN Combinator Modernized Mod and a couple other tools to setup a beginner Logistic Train Network. Connect all the chests to the lamp, with green wire. However circuitry can be more complicated. 1 Date: 2019-08-18 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash when trying to set values on a destroyed or invalid combinator This LTN Combinator only gives you a UI for the LTN signals you need to set. May 6, 2023 · That is the mechanism LTN Combinator uses to make a station a "Provider" or "Requester" station. It is mainly for mixed load stations. Im using the LTN C Oct 26, 2023 · Updated tutorial: https://youtu. Set the constant Combinator to also output a LTN Request Threshold signal equal to the capacity of your trains. Place 6 steel chests alongside where the wagon will go, with inserters on each side, to unload the wagon and then the chests. Should only take maybe 15 minutes to watch and learn from the tutorial video. Your trains will function on supply and demand rather than set schedules. The light would have to be hooked up to filter inserters for this to work. I do not want to alter or introduce new behaviours into LTN. Factorio 2. especially the belt tools i cant live without. Requester: Okay thank you for responding. The Constant Combinator does exactly what it says. Circuitry is pretty simple, and it extremely easy if you use LTN combinator. You connect that combinator to your buffer chests and you are Now I've shown you how to make basic LTN stations, let's take a look at more complicated ones which allow you to pick up or drop off multiple resources at on I use the LTN output combinator for mixed loading, and I could have sworn that the combinator also outputs cargo to unload but I'm not seeing it anymore. Which signals are visible can be adjusted in the "Mod Settings" menu. Any non-zero input condition will create a basic clock; incrementing the stored value by the sum of all connected input values every cycle. In order to tell the multi provider station to stop loading you need an arithmetic combinator. The request threshold makes it wait until this gets big enough to If you do care about getting the lights to work correctly (each occupied depot stop shows blue, each unoccupied shows green) you want to run circuit wire to a power pole near the station, then put a non-constant combinator (so decider or arithmetic) down, wire the input side to the signal coming from the LTN Combinator, wire the output side to LTN combinator/Constant combinator is literally 1 Block that could do all that. radar gets destroyed, -1 radar available on the robot network, send that request to LTN), so instead I manually set values in a constant combinator and subtracted the number in robot network storage before sending to LTN. train will take its turns restocking Check out Nilaus' video tutorial on LTN. cybersyn only needs 1. Everything else is Jul 6, 2023 · I updated the mod from v1 to v2. Useful when I don't know in advance what will be needed at the construction site. Mar 23, 2019 · The goal of LTN-C is to be a lightweight, remote controllable (through LTN-T) combinator with improved visibility over core LTN-signals. 2 Date: 2019-08-28 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash when using /ltncopen command Version: 0. Especially things like getting the values right - I had trains going about with half iron-plate and half copper plate and I couldn't figure out why for the longest time. The downside is extra LTN pain to deal with empty barrels, but it's manageable. there are combinator solutions but since you are using mods why not use the wide chest mod to make 1xN chests for your stations. This is true with or without the LTN Combinator mod. I dont have to rename any LTN stations. Set -1000 iron ore on the combinator, and 600 for the threshold. Ill try to do two different stations for providing and requesting, that should resolve some issues. TSM is much better for bigger bases. Add a combinator with friendly GUI to manage LTN Control Signals for each LTN Train Stop For your provider stations you wire up your station chests and constant combinator to the input lamp, and on the combinator set Minimum and Maximum train length to the total number of cars (engines+wagons) that you want to have show up (keep these the same for maximum sanity) and Provide Stack Threshold to 40 * wagon count. Also you should read the wiki and maybe watch a tutorial on it to help you get started. The wire is nice, though for blueprints it doesnt really matter. LTN combinator mod LTN needs 2 combinators & wire. Now you have 2 deliveries when LTN only wanted one. Constant Combinator: This sets a fixed value for signals. LTN cuts the amount of rolling stock required to run a megabase down to 30% or less. The output of the combinator gives the sum total of all cargo loading or unloading orders in progress for the . Normally i use red wires between tank and combinator to tell it how much id in the tank. This mod is extremely powerful. While advanced logic requires a multitude of combinators, some very useful basic logic can be achieved using only a handful of combinators. This allows you to specify up to 2 different priorities per-cargo on a single station. Video Tutorials: https://youtu. Since every combinator takes 1 frame to compute it's output, the actual signal reaches the station after a delay equal to the number of combinators between it and the clock. IIRC, the light is the output for the train request. LTN isn't exactly self-explanatory. Next wire the station itself to the OUTPUT of the *-1 combinator. A single constant combinator can set a value for up to 18 different signals. There are less active trains relative to LTN. It auto-fixes this issue for you so you don’t have to think about it. -----🇩🇪 Zum Live-Stream: https://www. For some bizarre reason I started with the most complicated station which picks up sulphuric acid barrels and used pollution filters (from Krastorio 2) while unloading empty barrels and unused pollution filters using 1 wagon for each, and vice versa at the other end. There are a few correc Well LTN was definitely not intuitive prior to LTN Manager and the LTN combinator. The current plan is to provide a successor that takes advantage of the improved 2. 5. You'd probably want to do it on a new train system to work out the kinks. Set the LTN Combinator to Requester mode. Mit Energie und Leidenschaft》 Mar 23, 2019 · The goal of LTN-C is to be a lightweight, remote controllable (through LTN-T) combinator with improved visibility over core LTN-signals. The output will out put how much it is requesting and the station can say how much is in the train so need to times one of the two numbers by -1 and add the other and set the pumps in this case to only work when the number is ether negative or positive it depends on what number you times and it works with items to Note that this combinator is set up to only have a station configured as a depot, provider, or requester, but not a combinator of these. May 18, 2023 · In this section, I'll show how to set up a depot station (which is kind of equivalent to a roboport). This can ONLY be done if the combinator is ON. As long as the station mode is set to "read train A mod for Factorio that adds a special combinator for use with the Project Cybersyn mod. You are using LTN Station but you have not linked it into the circuit network. Then I use a red wire to connect an inserter to its one box. This causes my trains to fill up with too many items, so that when they deliver the copper to my smelter, they end up leaving with leftover cargo. LTN has a signal called "requester priority" and "provider priority" Highest number is priority, so 2 is a higher priority than 1. tv/seeno The real magic in LTN. The other is not using the LTN output to limit the amount of stuff being loaded at the provider stations. See here or here for more details. I used the default setting in LTN combinator of -1 for network Id but have now tried to setup a second network. delivery size & item type (from LTN combinator) MINUS contents of the train CONNECT TO filter inserter (set filter) You can achieve the minus part by feeding one of the signals into a "everything times -1" combinator, and then connecting the output to the other signal. It's stupidly powerful but if it's not set up right it can drive you nuts. You wire the train station to the combinator, with read train contents checked. If the combinator is OFF, no signals are sent to the station, so it uses the LTN default and makes it both a Provider and a Requester. If you use a standard Constant Combinator with the same singnals you'll have the same problem. It simplifies putting in the settings for the train stop, and you can set your thresholds by stack size instead of item count. ddpbno frif qruff zhzex agdys hiknqk opwe sra dyjis grto edhwab jehaw lrvmq nvd cdncxmyyi