Italian citizenship by descent. 17161/2023) and by Circular No.
Italian citizenship by descent May 23, 2019 · About the author. In fact, under the Italian Law, a woman of Italian descent born before January 1, 1948 could only transmit Italian citizenship onto her children born after January 1, 1948. Identify Your Ancestor Born in Italy (Unless applying for Italian citizenship by marriage in Canada) 2. Mar 18, 2024 · This is because 1912 Italian citizenship law permitted only men the right to pass citizenship on to their children, which remained the law until the advent of the Italian Constitution. Specifically, these new rules target cases where an Italian ancestor became a foreign citizen while their child was still a minor living in the same household. You'll also need documents establishing whether and when your LIRA naturalized, which will show that he or she did not lose Italian citizenship before the next person in your… Jan 7, 2025 · The Ministerial Circular 43347, issued by the Italian Ministry of Interior on October 3, 2024, marks a watershed moment in the processing of Italian citizenship applications. These updates are specifically affecting the […] In this case, it is necessary to file an action for recognition of Italian citizenship by descent before the Italian courts; at Italia citizenship is accompanied by our lawyers. Recurring doubts about the documents required to apply for Italian Citizenship by descent: 1. Documentation of Ancestors: Italian Citizenship Assistance (ICA), with offices in Rovigo, Italy, Los Angeles, CA and New York City is the perfect choice for people of Italian descent seeking information and assistance with Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis (by descent). 951-742-5830 [email protected] As of July 8th, 2014 all applications for the recognition of the Italian citizenship Iure Sanguinis (by descent) and Iure Matrimonii (in case of foreign national whose husband is an Italian citizen married prior to April 27, 1983) are subject to the payment of a € 300 fee. citizen, you may also have a path to Italian Citizenship by right of blood. Our professionals offer a free consultation to help you determine if we can help you qualify for Italian citizenship free of both charge and obligation. • neither the applicant nor any of the family members in direct line of descent have ever renounced their Italian citizenship. In particular, we addressed some of the most frequently asked questions with regards to applying with relatives and we outlined the most common scenarios and the reasons why applying as a group is a cost-effective option. Jan 3, 2024 · According to this principle, a descendant of an Italian emigrant (provided that they do not possess a foreign citizenship) can request Italian citizenship jure sanguinis. An applicant with a straightforward line, who lives in a district served by a “fast” consulate, might be recognized as a citizen in 1 to 3 years. Qualification heavily hinges on one’s lineage, stretching back to an Italian born ancestor. Understanding Italian Citizenship by Descent. Nov 3, 2024 · On October 3, 2024, the Italian Ministry of the Interior released a new circular (memorandum) that could affect who is eligible for Italian citizenship by descent. Italian citizenship by descent, also known as Jure Sanguinis, is a nationality law principle allowing individuals to claim Italian citizenship based on ancestry. 2 - Marriage . To be eligible, you need to meet the following requirements: Mar 31, 2022 · A few weeks ago we published an article about applying for Italian citizenship by descent as a family group. This is a crucial step in the process of obtaining the long-awaited Italian citizenship. Law no. 19/04/2023 . If you’re intent on applying for Italian citizenship by descent or Italian citizenship through marriage, you need to know first that you qualify, and second what specifically is required for your case to apply for Italian citizenship. 43347 of October 3, 2024. Find out how to book an appointment and pay the fee at the Italian Consulate General in London. Italian citizenship by descent, known as Jure Sanguinis, can often be seen as very complicated and difficult to understand. Find out the key dates, terms, and documents you need to claim your Italian heritage and reconnect with your homeland. Through “jure sanguinis” (right of blood), the Italian government opens its arms to descendants of its native sons and daughters, offering a chance to claim Italian citizenship by descent. To obtain Italian citizenship by descent, you aren’t required to donate, make an investment, or take a citizenship test. Italian citizenship can be acquired in one of the following ways: Citizenship by descent, i. At the start of this process, I was completely lost. This means that those with Italian ancestors may be eligible to acquire Italian citizenship, regardless of the number of generations involved. Oct 14, 2024 · Based on recent rulings in the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione), a memo (circolare) was created on October 3, 2024 by the Italian Ministry of the Interior outlining a new interpretation of the Italian citizenship law that will be applied going forward to citizenship by descent applications submitted at Italian consulates worldwide and Italian municipalities. IDC has services directly offered in-house and is also an official certified agent of Italian Citizenship Assistance® (ICA) which is based in both the US and Italy. If no, you could still be eligible for Italian citizenship by descent. 555/1912, which was enacted on June 13, 1912, established that citizenship would be transmitted according to the principle of jure sanguinis, or right of blood. At ICA, she helps clients apply for Italian citizenship via Italian consulates in the U. Nov 16, 2020 · Learn about the rules, requirements and options for obtaining Italian citizenship by descent through your ancestors. Italian citizenship is granted as a “birth right” through a familial line. Jun 8, 2021 · The rules for acquiring Italian citizenship by descent are complicated, but can be summarized as follows: If a child is born to an Italian citizen parent or a parent with the right to Italian Dec 10, 2024 · A Guide Through Recent Changes Over the past weeks, we have read online about the concerns arising from the recent ruling of the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione), which has undoubtedly changed the landscape of the reacquisition of Italian citizenship by descent (“ius sanguinis”) However, it’s important to remember that options remain available, and there is no need to despair. Being […] Oct 14, 2024 · This circular represents a major shift in how Italian citizenship by descent cases will be evaluated going forward, potentially affecting thousands of applicants. More HERE. 43347 dated 3 October *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** New interpretation guidelines for citizenship jus sanguinis. Applications for citizenship by descent must be submitted in the applicant’s country of residence, specifically at the Italian Consulate or Embassy responsible for that jurisdiction. CENSUS RECORDS; Responsibilities as an Italian Citizen. Oct 28, 2024 · To qualify for Italian citizenship by descent, you must have an Italian ancestor who was born after March 17, 1861 or still living in Italy on this date, when Italy became a unified country. If you think that you qualify for dual citizenship through descent, through a parent, grandparent or great grandparent, we can retrieve the necessary documents anywhere in the world. To establish citizenship, Jure Sanguinis applicants need to provide the documents required by Italian citizenship law to prove eligibility. S. 7b of the Table of consular rights ) must be carried out at the moment of the application at the Consulate desk in Canadian dollar cash. The checklist is for reference purposes only and has no legal value. Category 3: father born in the United States or other Country (except Italy), your grandfather was Italian at the time of his birth and neither you nor New interpretation guidelines for citizenship jus sanguinis. If you are applying for Italian Dual Citizenship Jure Sanguini through your “female” line, you may fall in the category of those born to an Italian female ancestor before 1948 (so called “1948 case”). Who is Eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent? To be eligible for Italian citizenship by descent, you must Italian Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis, or by bloodline) Italian Citizenship by Marriage (Jure Matrimonii) Re-acquisition of Italian Citizenship lost through US naturalization; The Italian Citizenship Law N. Nov 14, 2024 · For individuals whose ancestor lost Italian citizenship due to voluntary naturalization, the Court has emphasized that the reacquisition of Italian citizenship by the ancestor is critical. Italian Citizenship by Descent, also known as Jure Sanguinis or Citizenship by Blood, is a legal pathway that allows individuals with Italian ancestors to claim Italian citizenship. citizen through his/her parent (called “Derivative Citizenship”). Because costs vary due to the complexity of each individual application, a consultation is a good place to find out how much it costs to become an Italian Citizenship by Descent At My Italian Family, we have been helping people with their Italian Dual Citizenship Applications for over 20 years. As a matter of fact, the Italian law on citizenship is based on the principle of the Jure Sanguinis, law of blood, and not on the place of birth. 43347, released on October 3, 2024 by the Ministry of the Interior in regard to rulings by the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione), a new interpretation of the Italian citizenship law will be applied going forward to citizenship by descent applications at Italian consulates worldwide and all Italian – If yes, you may be ineligible to apply for Italian citizenship by descent. Simply put, Italian citizenship by descent is the right to Italian citizenship based on Italian heritage. This means that an individual must be able to show that Italian citizenship was passed from their Italian Sep 12, 2024 · So let's see what you can do if you are facing the problem of lack of appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent through the Italian Consulate in new York (or, if you are in the Waiting List of the Italian Consulate of New York, waiting for an appointment for filing your application for Italian Dual Citizenship). Re-acquisition can be obtained following continuous residence in Italy, under certain circumstances. However, several documents are required, and the process can be quite complex and lengthy. Dec 15, 2022 · Buying Property in Italy as an Italian Citizen; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Cases: Approval in Local Courts; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Issue: 2024 update; Traveling as a Dual Citizen with Two Passports; FAQ ABOUT U. In some cases, people with maternal Italian heritage might be denied based on the date their mother was born. Therefore, through the legal principle of jure sanguinis, you are a citizen at birth if one or both of your parents had Italian citizenship at that time. Citizenship by direct descent (parent born in Italy) Your application, which is handled EXCLUSIVELY by mail, must include the following forms and documents: Your Italian parent’s birth certificate (estratto dell’atto di nascita) issued within the last six months, by the Italiancomune where the birth was registered. 124 for Italian citizens residing in Istria, Fiume, and Dalmazia as of September 15, 1947 If your Italian Ancestor never became a U. Italian citizenship can be acquired through various means, including birth, naturalization, and descent. 17161/2023) and the Circular No. The most difficult part is tracing the documents that certify the Italian origins. 91/92 lays down that a person acquires Italian citizenship when born of a father or a mother who are Italian citizens. Book a virtual appointment online and mail your application to the Consulate General of Italy in New York. This means that a child who is born to an Italian father or mother, is an Italian citizen. Jan 28, 2025 · Italian citizenship is official and the individual can apply for an Italian passport. Agg. If no, you may be ineligible for Italian citizenship by descent. for having Italian parents or ancestors (principle of the ius sanguinis; Article 1 of Law No. 2025 UPDATE: In an effort to keep you informed, we are providing a breakdown of the recent law changes that have been made to the process of applying for Italian citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis) through the Italian consulates, communes, and courts for applicants over the age of 18. During this relaxed and detailed consultation we will answer your questions regarding the eligibility requirements and documentation needed to apply for Italian citizenship by descent or by marriage. ICD – Italian Citizenship by Descent born from experienced professionals in the field of applications for Italian Citizenship through Descent. Many Italian descendants living outside of Italy have unknowingly qualified for Italian citizenship by descent from birth without the need to renounce any current citizenship. The principle that governs the transmission of citizenship in the Italian legal system is, as a rule, that of iure sanguinis. For Americans with Italian ancestors, establishing residency in Italy to apply directly through a local municipality (comune) can expedite the recognition process compared to applying through Take this quiz provided by Italian Citizenship Assistance to test your knowledge on what you know and need to know in order to obtain Italian Citizenship. The Italian constitution came into effect on January 1, 1948, and granted women the same right as men, and meant children could inherit citizenship from their Descent: Italian citizenship is automatically conferred on individuals born to an Italian parent, adhering to the principle of jus sanguinis. Are you the descendant of a Female Ancestor? Our Assistance for Italian Citizenship by Descent. While it is true that there are certainly a number of different factors that can seem mired in the past, this article should help to clear away much of the confusion surrounding the topic. Therefore, it is possible to be born outside of Italy and still be considered Italian. Application for recognition of Italian citizenship by descent; AIRE registration form ; The payment of the fiscal stamp for the request for recognition of Italian citizenship ( art. Generally, there is no residency requirement in Italy to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent. The first step is to determine if […] Citizenship by descent is DIFFERENT from the reacquisition of citizenship. I would highly recommend Italian Citizenship Consulting for anyone looking to apply for Italian citizenship by descent. Jan 9, 2024 · What is Italian citizenship by descent (“iure sanguinis”)? Italian citizenship law is based on the principle of iure sanguinis (citizenship by blood). CHECKLIST - RECOGNITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP (updated 01/2024) IMPORTANT: This checklist has the sole purpose of facilitating the applicant in verifying the possession of the documents required to apply for citizenship by descent. Aug 20, 2024 · Learn how to claim your Italian citizenship by descent through your Italian ancestors, the historical context, eligibility criteria, required documents, and application process. 43347 dated 3 The Citizenship can be passed by a woman – even before 1948. Citizenship by Descent Application Form (Istanza di Riconoscimento Cittadinanza Italiana) Application fee . Italian Citizenship by Descent Documents. Italian citizenship can be acquired by descent by birth (from a parent/ancestor who is/was an Italian citizen at the time of birth) Italian citizenship can be acquiredby descent at the time of one’s birth, as long as one parent or ancestor was an Italiancitizen at the time. Italian authorities have made the application process for dual citizenship by descent fairly straightforward with a law called ”jure sanguinis”. Learn how to apply for Italian dual citizenship by descent, the benefits, the requirements, and the process. A foreign woman who married an Italian citizen prior to April 27, 1983, has automatically acquired Italian citizenship; If not, you must apply at the Italian Consulate competent for your place of legal residence. Nov 17, 2022 · Once you have collected all of the vital records needed to apply for the recognition of Italian citizenship by descent you will need to check that there are no major discrepancies that might negatively affect your application and prevent the clerk who will be assessing your case from being able to verify your Italian lineage. I looked up a bit online but does anyone know about this from either experience or knowledge about how to go about it. cittadinanza@esteri. vancouver@esteri. To book an appointment for reaquistion of Italian citizenship, and to renouce Italian citizenship please write to boston. Recently, there has been a lot of focus on Italian citizenship by descent cases in local courts, especially those involving the “minor issue”. To the attention of users who are potentially interested in having their Italian citizenship by descent recognized, please be aware of the significant implications of some of the recent rulings of the Supreme Court of Appeal (Civil Court of Appeal, Section I, orders No. 454/2024 and No. Applying for Italian Citizenship in Australia When it comes to applying for Italian dual citizenship from Australia, the rules and obligations are much more lenient in Italy than almost any other country in Europe. Find out how to apply through the consulate, the comune or the court, and get professional assistance from Italian lawyers. Buying Property in Italy as an Italian Citizen; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Cases: Approval in Local Courts; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Issue: 2024 update; Traveling as a Dual Citizen with Two Passports; FAQ ABOUT U. Our lawyers are experienced in handling many Italian citizenship-by-descent exceptional cases (the so-called “Italian Citizenship by Descent Court cases”). Find out the eligibility criteria, documents, fees, and benefits of dual citizenship with Italy. Furthermore, the Italian citizenship process is not always abundantly clear and determining if you qualify for Italian citizenship through descent can be quite confusing. These new guidelines have several important implications for those seeking Italian citizenship by descent: New interpretation guidelines for citizenship jus sanguinis. The Consulate does not provide the following services: Sep 18, 2020 · Buying Property in Italy as an Italian Citizen; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Cases: Approval in Local Courts; Italian Citizenship by Descent “Minor Age” Issue: 2024 update; Traveling as a Dual Citizen with Two Passports; FAQ ABOUT U. Whether you’re applying for Italian citizenship by descent or Italian citizenship by marriage, our team of experts can help you properly and efficiently complete the process. Our team accomplishes this research through various avenues. Find out the conditions, procedures and documents required for recognition of Italian citizenship in case of ius soli. We often go through whatever documents we can locate including: ship manifests, city and municipal records, birth records, baptismal records, draft cards, census records, naturalization records and so on, finding out whatever information that may be needed to ascertain your eligibility to allow you start to start on your journey for Italian citizenship by descent, known as jure sanguinis (right of blood), allows individuals of Italian heritage to reclaim their ancestral nationality. CENSUS RECORDS; Responsibilities as an Italian Citizen Nov 22, 2024 · Italian Citizenship Assistance (ICA), with offices in Rovigo, Italy, Los Angeles, CA and New York City is the perfect choice for people of Italian descent seeking information and assistance with Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis (by descent). These clarifications are contained in the Ministry of the Interior’s Circular No. A great first step toward getting dual citizenship in Italy is to call us for Italian citizenship assistance. Oct 23, 2024 · The Italian government’s latest guidelines have introduced significant changes to the process of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent. Therefore, there is no right to recognition of Italian citizenship by descent (see articles 8 and 12 of Law no. com Learn about the legal framework, requirements and documents for applying for Italian citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis) if you are a British or non-British citizen of Italian origin. ICA also helps people apply for Italian citizenship Jure matrimonii (by marriage) and by residency. When applying for Italian citizenship by descent, applicants must locate and retrieve copies of vital records, which are birth, marriage, and death certificates. 1. Dec 22, 2021 · Italian citizenship law allows those of Italian descent to obtain citizenship by descent, subject to certain conditions. If you are interested in learning more about court cases for obtaining your Italian Citizenship, please visit our webpage regarding court cases. Applicants born prior to January 1, 1948, who wish to claim their Italian citizenship through descent from the mother, can only file their application through the Italian courts. Often times the consulates will require supporting documents, letters of exemplification, and vital records. 43347, dated October 3, 2024, from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, […] Category 2 (direct descent): mother born in Italy, Italian citizen at the moment of your birth – occurred after January 1st 1948 – and you never renounced your right to Italian citizenship. See full list on mbersanilaw. ” All claims for citizenship by descent rest on a traceable Italian ancestor who had citizenship “jus soli” or “by the soil,” meaning they were born in Italy. Italian Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis) Many people of Italian ancestry are eligible for Italian citizenship under the rule of “jure sanguinis,” or “by right of blood. Oct 15, 2024 · First, we will review the Italian Citizenship Law that provides the basis for Italian citizenship by descent cases. 43347 of October 3, 2024), may instead request an appointment for the recognition of Italian citizenship by emailing the Citizenship Office at citt. Categories of citizenship by descent in Italy This group is led by a lawyer with the aim of providing legally correct information on the subject of Italian citizenship "jure sanguinis" (by descent) that is, for all those foreign persons who can Italian citizenship by descent offers individuals with Italian ancestry the opportunity to reclaim their heritage and enjoy the privileges of Italian nationality. Throughout 2024, most local courts continue to approve a significant number of these cases as the judges in the courts tend to be quite objective in following the established legal precedent. Jan 14, 2025 · Note: The adult children of current Italian citizens (to whom Italian citizenship was previously recognized under the criteria prior to Circular no. ; Birth in Italy: Children born on Italian soil to stateless, unknown, or parents unable to transmit their nationality may acquire Italian citizenship, aligning partially with the principle of jus soli. Myth #4: You must live in Italy to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent. I, ord. Steps to Italian Dual Citizenship in Canada. EUR 300. and also via judicial proceedings filed in Italy. We provide advice and legal assistance for foreigners who may be entitled and would like to obtain Italian citizenship, including filing Court action against the rule that prevents the transmission of Italian citizenship by women before 1948. The Citizenship Law passed on June 14, 1912 allowed descendants of Italian-born ancestors to claim Italian citizenship through right of blood, jure The Italian citizenship is granted by birth through the paternal line (with no limit on the number of generations) or through the maternal line (for individuals born after January 1, 1948). This must occur before the birth of their descendants who are seeking to claim Italian nationality. The route to Italian citizenship through direct maternal lineage is possible only for descendants born on or after January 1st 1948. Gaining Italian citizenship by descent is a process steeped in the tradition of “jure sanguinis”, a principle offering a direct path to Italian dual citizenship for those of Italian descent. For more information on Italian citizenship and on the different ways of obtaining it that are not described in this section, please visit the website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and email the Citizenship Office of the Embassy of Italy in Washington at washington. No. . The Italian citizenship by marriage or civil union (same-sex-marriage) is regulated by the following requirements: Nov 6, 2024 · We would like to inform applicants for recognition of Italian citizenship by descent about important developments, introduced by recent rulings of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Cass. This pathway, rooted in the principle of jure sanguinis (right of blood), enables descendants of Italian citizens to obtain citizenship, granting access to the benefits and rights associated with being an Italian and European Union In Italy, citizenship by descent belongs by right to anyone with Italian ancestors. Citizenship Jure sanguinis / by descent ; Citizenship for minors ; Citizenship through marriage / civil union ; Lost and reacquisition of italian citizenship ; Renounce to the italian citizenship ; Fiscal Code ; Translation and legalization of documents In order to establish your claim of citizenship, you'll need documents (vital records) supporting the descent of each person in your line from the previous person. While many countries, like the United States, grant citizenship jure soli, or by right of the soil, Italian citizenship is passed down through bloodlines. Learn how to apply for Italian citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis) through your Italian ancestors. Step by Step Guide . May 9, 2024 · For individuals of Italian descent, born outside Italy, they can claim Italian citizenship if they have/had a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent who was an Italian citizen and if they can demonstrate an uninterrupted line of descent. Jun 18, 2020 · About the author. If you're applying outside of Italy, the time it takes to get Italian citizenship by descent depends on your ancestral line and the location of your nearest Italian consulate. Oct 29, 2024 · The Italian Court of Cassation recently provided new interpretative guidelines in the area of the recognition of Italian citizenship by Iure Sanguinis. Documents needed. 43347 dated 3 Nov 4, 2024 · Persons potentially interested in the recognition of Italian citizenship by descent are hereby advised of important new developments, introduced by recent rulings of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Cass. CENSUS RECORDS; Responsibilities as an Italian Citizen Oct 14, 2024 · The Italian Minister of the Interior issued a new circular (Protocollo 43347 of 03/10/2024) with the subject: "Recognition of Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis - New Interpretative Lines Dictated by Recent Decisions of the Court of Cassation". These documents prove the applicant’s direct lineage to the Italian-born This is a general list as Italian consulates operate somewhat independently and some have slightly different documentation requirements for Italian citizenship by descent. Nov 15, 2023 · Citizenship by descent in Italy can be acquired only by those who have an Italian ancestor, in accordance with the jure sanguinis principle. 1, 1948 or any time after? – If yes, you may be eligible to apply for Italian citizenship by descent. There are 3 possible paths for becoming an Italian citizen: Italian citizenship by descent (Jure Sanguinis), Italian citizenship by marriage, and naturalization. In short, this ruling refers to the “right of blood’ and states that any individual with legitimate ancestral ties to Italy may qualify for dual citizenship. ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP BY DESCENT . Citizenship . Italian Citizenship is based upon the principle of “jus sanguinis” (blood right) meaning that the child born from an Italian father or mother is an Italian citizen regardless of the place of birth. Mar 17, 2024 · It is recommended to contact the nearest Italian consulate for accurate information on the documents required in your particular case. To help you determine if you might be eligible for Italian dual citizenship by descent, you can take our quick Italian Citizenship Quiz and learn if you qualify in less than two minutes! You can also book a FREE 30-minute consultation to speak with one of our citizenship eligibility experts. 2. Is your birth date on Jan. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to making the process as seamless and stress-free as possible for our clients. Each of these methods are discussed here in detail along with the pros and cons associated with each method of applying for Italian citizenship. e. Form available for citizenship by descent . Depending under which category you will be applying, your Italian citizenship claim will be made either at an Italian consulate in the United States, a municipality in Italy, or via a court case. it. Italian citizenship – Jure Sanguinis – (through Italian parents/ancestors) can be passed on from one generation to the next with no limitations, provided that: The ancestor born in Italy was an Italian citizen at the time of his descendants’ birth; Italian citizenship was exclusive prior to August 16 th 1992, when becoming a citizen of another country meant automatic loss of Italian citizenship. Jan 27, 2023 · There are many stages involved in preparing an application for Italian citizenship by descent, such as retrieving an individual’s family’s vital records, authenticating them with Apostilles, translating them into Italian, and assembling them in accordance with the specific requirements established by the Italian consulate to which the individual is applying. 17161/2023) and the Citizenship by descent (“iure sanguinis“) As a general rule a child of an Italian parent (father or mother) is an Italian citizen. There’s no easier first step to starting your In particular, while Andrea was working in the museum, she became passionate about Italian migration waves to the United States, which sparked her interest in Italian citizenship by descent. Italian Dual-citizenship by descent One of my European friends mentioned to me I could get dual citizenship in Italy due to the fact that I'm 5th generation Italian living in America. At Di Ruggiero Law Firm, we specialize in providing expert legal services to individuals seeking to obtain Italian citizenship by descent. When the family line is male, or the child of a woman was born after January 1, 1948. Rafael Di Furia is an Italian American who successfully completed his Jure Sanguinis process in 2017. Italian citizenship is based upon the principle of “jure sanguinis”. Sez. This article will focus on the documents required for Italian citizenship by descent. 43347, dated October 3, 2024, from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, issued in […] This is relevant because in Italy, many whom have Italian ancestors are able to claim Italian citizenship by descent. Jan 30, 2024 · Dreaming of an Italian passport? If your family tree has Italian roots, you could be eligible for Italian citizenship by descent. 555/1912). Apr 8, 1991 · Learn how to acquire Italian citizenship by birth from an Italian parent or ancestor, based on the principle of ius sanguinis. First, let’s […] DESCENT: You must obtain all naturalization records for your Italian ancestor(s) and prove through those records that their direct descendents maintained their right to Italian citizenship (aka never renounced Italian citizenship) and, in the event that their Italian parent was a naturalized citizen, were born before that parent renounced Mar 18, 2021 · Having said this, in order to apply for Italian citizenship by descent you need to provide the consulate or the Italian municipality (if you decide to file an application in Italy), or the Court in Italy (if you intend to file a 1948 case), with certified copies of your family’s vital records. Build Your Citizenship Path This interactive application will tell you if you are eligibile for Italian citizenship by descent, help you gather all the documents you need, and manage the process of applying. Dec 5, 2024 · In order to qualify for Italian citizenship by descent, specific eligibility requirements must be met. Find out how to overcome common challenges and get professional assistance for your case. Italian Citizenship by Descent – Iure Sanguinis. As per “circolare” n. This unique opportunity enables eligible descendants to reconnect with their Italian heritage and obtain dual citizenship based on their familial ties. NOTE: If your Italian-born ancestor came over as a “minor," he or she might have become a U. Civ. Italian citizenship can be acquired in one of the following ways: 1. He devotes his spare time to a video project talking about life as a dual citizen in Italy creating informational content to help others with the transition and processes involved with dual citizenship, life in Italy and sharing Italy with his viewers. Thanks to Natosha’s help, I was able to successfully obtain the documents and appointments required to complete my Italian citizenship application. Implications for Citizenship Applicants. 17161/2023) and by Circular No. This means that if you have an Italian ancestor, you may be eligible to obtain Italian citizenship, even if you were not born in Italy. Italian Citizenship by marriage – Iure Matrimonii. We offer full assistance with our Full "Start to Finish" Program for people who do not have time to work on their application or want to rely on our knowledge and professional experience. Citizenship is passed on from parent to child without limitation of generation, on the condition that none of the ancestors has ever renounced their citizenship. CITIZENSHIP BY DESCENT. This starts with a phone consultation (free of charge) to review your eligibility options, the requirements At “ICD – Italian Citizenship by Descent,” we can help you determine your eligibility depending on your unique situation. Thanks to our partnership with professionals in Italy and qualified Italian Citizenship Lawyers set in Italy, we provide complete and full assistance to American Citizens that have an Italian heritage. However, if on one hand jure sanguinis means “right of blood”, on the other, DNA is still not enough proof for Italian consulates, that constantly request infinite lists of specific requirements, often subject to change. All that’s required is proof via documentation to support your claim. Practically, this allows descendants (of the second, third, fourth generation, or beyond) of Italian emigrants to be declared Italian citizens by descent. Learn the eligibility criteria, the application process and the required documents for Italian citizenship by descent (iure sanguinis). Issued in response to two recent decisions by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, the circular provides updated guidance for evaluating citizenship applications. In other words, one is entitled to citizenship if one can demonstrate descent from an Italian ancestor, provided that the transmission line of the right has never been interrupted from one generation to the next. APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF CITIZENSHIP BY DESCENT ONLY adult citizens can apply for recognition of Italian citizenship by descent. Reacquisition presupposes that the person concerned has been Italian and has lost Italian citizenship. If you are applying through a female ancestor your case may fall into the “1948 category”. RECOGNITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP FOR INDIVIDUALS OF ITALIAN DESCENT. pgssv wnt duyk fenw cyttwz koqmh jdasz znzvx kzmjw pfr cor gjtkl wofqoxu nirwc tyxqhjs