Haskell split string into characters. using words, resulting in a list of lists of strings.
Haskell split string into characters You signed out in another tab or window. There's a simple way to make an IO-less expression into an IO thingy, just return it: Jun 25, 2021 · As others commented, using fold is probably not the best approach here. Split a string into two parts: the first is the longest prefix that contains only characters that satisfy the predicate; the second part is the rest of the string. Here's an example of how to split a string based on a specific pattern: Apr 18, 2022 · I am new to Haskell and took it upon myself to make a simple generic list-splitting (e. Because String is a list of char, take and drop work on it just like they work on a list: Splitting a string on lines, words, or arbitrary tokens Useful data is often interspersed between delimiters, such as commas or spaces, making string splitting vital for most data analysis tasks. replace: Replaces all occurrences of a substring. isBlank) "a word" => " word" -- note the extra If you wanna avoid Nil and Cons, you can with a custom Mu, which is isomorphic to how we were using it before. For instance, the Armenian small ligature "ﬓ" (men now, U+FB13) is case folded to the sequence "մ" (men, U+0574) followed by "ն" (now, U+ Mar 24, 2012 · The iterator you'd use to split a string into graphemes, TextElementEnumerator, produces strings rather than chars precisely for this reason (and also because of combining marks). split was slightly changed so that leading empty strings produced by a zero-width match also are not included in the result array, so the (?!^) assertion that the position is not the beginning of the string becomes unnecessary, allowing the regex to be simplified to nothing – "cat". Oct 9, 2017 · I want to split these strings into their characters so I can assign values to each character (I. Remember you asked a function that splits a string by a string (String -> String -> [String]), not by a char (Char->String->[String]). you need to rollback to the first version of your question. Nevertheless it is an interesting exercise. Mar 19, 2017 · I need to write a function which selects a run of repeated characters from the start of a string, with the run comprising at most nine characters. Nov 16, 2011 · In Haskell, strings are just (linked) lists of characters; you can find the line. Haskell -- How to split a number into a list for further processing? 2. A better signature could be: Dec 25, 2013 · I wanted to split a string on newlines and I was surprised that I could not find the inverse function to intercalate "\n". Unfortunately I can't use map words myList because map expects [a] String split into 6 parts every character in Haskell. But you can concatenate a List with a single Char with another list of Char ( [head s1] ++ s2 ), or even prepend the single Char to a list of Char ( head s1 : s2 ) A string x is a caseless match for a string y if and only if: toCaseFold x == toCaseFold y. To wrap a char, there are Aug 23, 2015 · I need to check if my string contain a specific character. (This makes it useful for serializing text files, which must per POSIX standard end with a trailing newline) May 11, 2015 · I have a list of strings. 0. How might I Remember String is just a type alias for [Char]. Examples of Input String: "2s" "13f" "1b" Examples of Desired Output Tuples (Int, Char): (2, 's') (13, 'f') (1, 'b') Any pointers would be extremely appreciated. Jan 26, 2021 · I'm new to Haskell and I would like some help into how to split a sentence into separate characters. From the signature of foldr we can figure out that the accumulator needs to be of type [String] and the combine operator of type Char -> [String] -> [String]. – Jul 10, 2014 · A (list-based) string in Haskell is written as [Char], but a list of chars (not a string) is also written as [Char]. haskell: maximum Nov 17, 2014 · @dcarou the function (>>=) is also available in the Prelude as concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]; it takes a function a -> [b] and applies it to all of the arguments of a list [a], concatenating them all together into one big list [b]. encode "☂♞☯") Usually one uses drop :: Int -> Text -> Text and take :: Int -> Text -> Text to obtain a slice of the subtext. sort Mar 30, 2015 · Because in haskell, a String is a list of characters, i. In our split function, the first element list is the valid separators (e. If no whitespace characters are present at the start or end of a string, returns the original string unmodified. Oct 19, 2010 · Convert the integer to a string. For doing this the splitAt function is exactly what I need for numbers, but I can't give a char with this function. group . (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> NonEmpty [a] split x l = build s where s cons = uncurry cne (Data. You switched accounts on another tab or window. An example: if I have this string ,"AAA ADDD DD", I want to split to t Dec 3, 2020 · I would like to split a String in between for instance (and ) so that i get a list of all substrings. The string is always in the following format, with an int (n>=1) followed by a character. For example strAppend suffix works with any string type for which an instance of Str is defined. As the documentation on words says: words :: String -> [String] Jun 19, 2019 · split :: Char -> String -> [String] split c "" = [""] split a "a" = ["",""] split c st = takeWhile (/=c) st : split c tail((dropWhile (/=c) st)) It does not compile, and I can't see why. Jan 25, 2014 · parse :: String -> Matrix parse s = Matrix $ {- something -} lines s So how do we turn a line into a list of booleans? We turn each individual character into a boolean, then apply that operation to each character. I want to split each of the strings on space, e. Zip the list together with its tail to get adjacent pairs (x, y) . isAlphaNum . How can I do this? Main> addSpace "AB0123456789" However, every input string is a Haskell String here, thus easing the usage of different string types with native Haskell String literals. Dec 12, 2020 · Yes, you can use the break and span function defined in Prelude: let (start, rest) = break (== delimiter) str. A String is a list of characters. You should map the function read x::Int to each of the elements of the string as a list of chars: map (\x -> read [x]::Int) "1234" If you have non-digit characters you should filter it first like this: Oct 14, 2016 · Is there any way I can split String in Haskell on the last occurrence of given character into 2 lists? For example I want to split list "a b c d e" on space into ("a Dec 7, 2019 · If you're using GHC it comes with the standard Prelude and the modules in the base package, and perhaps a few other packages. I want to implement a Haskell function wordToken that splits a string of words into a list of strings including the fullstops and commas For example "the man saw. Often, basic string splitting in Haskell doesn’t necessitate going into libraries, as it has a built-in function ‘words’ which does precisely this, i. That is, a function that splits a string into pieces on new lines (or according to some other predicate). Note that in Haskell, we need to use pack to convert string literals to Text, and unpack to convert Text back to String for printing. May 21, 2016 · split :: RawText -> [SingleWord] split [] = [] split xs = waitForBlank xs : split (dropUntilBlank xs) -- With dropUntilBlank defined as dropUntilBlank xs = tail (dropWhile (not . the int is supposed to be the index k at which the list is split into a pair of lists. string-splitting) function: | s `elem` c = [] : (x:y) | otherwise = (s : x) : y. Splitting a String in Haskell. 3. The split occurs at the newline character \n . Split a list into chunks of the given lengths. splitOn: Splits a string on a delimiter. In the GHCi session below, we create a string s and use the function lines to split the string into multiple lines. List. Thanks. The first matches are lines :: String -> [String] and words :: String -> [String]. patreon. do. Any other feedback is welcome as well. Explore Teams Feb 13, 2015 · convert :: [String] -> [(String, String)] convert list = mapMaybe parse list So far, so good - but parse is literally still undefined. I also know that recursion is "helpful" here, but that's about all I'm aware of. Oct 31, 2013 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Rather, I mean an arbitrarily long sequence (or even an infinite stream) of any symbols for which an Equality relation is defined, which is typed in Haskell as Eq a => [a]. I am completely new to Haskell. Dec 2, 2014 · I am trying to insert a character ('A') into a string in Haskell my code is as follows: split :: Int -> String -> String split n s |s == [] = s |otherwise = let (a,b) = splitAt n s . Daily news and info about all things Haskell related: practical stuff, theory, types, libraries, jobs, patches, releases, events and conferences and more Jan 8, 2014 · I'm trying to split a String in Haskell in several parts. for [Char] may be ", "), the second element list is the source list to split (e. " becomes: ["This is sentence one", "This is sentence two"] However, if the period is inbetween two numbers eg: (2. Jan 23, 2014 · My attempt involved splitting the string up using the words function, then create a new list of strings if the 'head' of a string was '[' and the 'last' of the same string was ']' The problem I ran into was that I entered a String which when split using the function words, created a String that looked like this "[2]," Now, I still want this to Dec 2, 2017 · In Java 8 the behavior of String. Example: splitStr "gggggggeeeeetttttt" should return ["ggggggg","eeeee","tttttt"] Happily, the module Data. intercalate "\n" (lines "a\n") == "a" Split string divided by " " into substrings without using predefined functions . , split a Oct 9, 2013 · I want to be able to split a string into 6 separate strings every character. )? So: "This is sentence one. append(character) Of course, it can be shortened to just. Apr 6, 2021 · To do this you have to make split recursive, but in your recursive step it did not receive the same number of parameters, and you tried to pass parts of the argument. So first, we should write a helper function to match the characters we want Splits the argument into a list of lines stripped of their terminating \n characters. E. Most packages, like the split package (which contains the Data. The most naïve solution would look like. If you need a list of Strings, where every String consists of just one char, then use map to wrap every char (once again, every String is a list, so you are allowed to use map on these). Split module), aren't part of GHC itself. replicate: Repeats a string multiple times. But, it's good enough for experimenting when you're learning Haskell. If chars is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. Let's say that it should first verify that the input string is 'valid', and if it is - it splits it. But you have placed it in an IO-block, do contents <- readFile whatever putStrLn $ convert' contents where only expressions of type IO something can appear. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, and Oct 1, 2015 · I am doing some string work that leaves me with some repeated-single-quote strings like: all''your''base''belong and I want to separate the string in between the apostrophes to get a list: all' 'your' 'base' 'belong Or, even better, that would trim each word of the apostrophes unless it has an apostrophe only at the end, so the end result would be: In Haskell, the split function is not built into the standard library, but we can easily implement it ourselves using the Data. split("") – but in Java 7 and below that produces a leading empty string in I need to split this string into 4 tuples (a, bbba) , (ab,bba), (abb,ba), (abbb, a). So for example IAMABADPROGRAMMER would result in: IDA, APM, MRM, AOE, BGR, AR Is there a haskell function to do this? Split a list into chunks of the given lengths. Hi there. Avoid breaking the line at a character other than space. Example: "Test sentence" == ["T","e";,"s","t" The function will split the string every time it encounters the given delimiter, here being a blank space, ” “. The \n terminator is optional in a final non-empty line of the argument string. 1. However, after seemingly running with no errors, when I ask what the value of t is ghci just hangs indefinitely. The result string may be longer than the input string, and may differ from applying toLower to the input string. Sep 25, 2012 · To split a string into words, use the words function (in the Prelude). May 10, 2017 · You could define a recursive function like this: import Data. e. Text as Tx(Text, drop, take) substring :: Int -> Int -> Tx. chomp runs :: String -> [String] runs string = extract string [] where extract str xs Jan 19, 2020 · Could anyone help me implement a function that splits a string into an array of strings, split by a period (. For instance, the Armenian small ligature "ﬓ" (men now, U+FB13) is case folded to the sequence "մ" (men, U+0574) followed by "ն" (now, U+ Dec 9, 2013 · Start by removing all leading space characters from the string; Accumulate characters from the beginning of the string until you find a space. The encode function below takes a String and returns an array of unsigned bytes. String as UTF8 main :: IO () main = print (UTF8. For instance, the Armenian small ligature "ﬓ" (men now, U+FB13) is case folded to the sequence "մ" (men, U+0574) followed by "ն" (now, U+ Apr 22, 2011 · string. take length . So if the string is longer I will obviously need to split it more. Char split :: String -> [String] split [] = [] split s = let -- Remove non alphabetic characters from front of list s' = dropWhile (not . Haskell’s ‘words’ function: An In-built Advantage. If given and not None, chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be stripped from the end of the string this method is called on. To eliminate non-word characters, filter with Data. Oct 9, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. Based on the name of the function, words is the right match. Code Review. So if input was length 20 this would be broken down in to 2 lists and if length 21 in to 3 lists. A string x is a caseless match for a string y if and only if: toCaseFold x == toCaseFold y. Similar to what PHP's explode and Python's split does. (By saying "string", I do not mean the haskell String. Split function? To be more concrete: to turn "Abc" into "['A','b','c']" Feb 12, 2011 · The task boils down to iterating over characters of the string and collecting them into a list. Iterate over the string character-by-character. We can combine the two to make some sort of substring:. Text substring start length = Tx. In order to maximize the ease of use of this library, the functions are prefixed with str. newtype MuL a = Mu (forall b. The first one containing the first k elements of the list, and the second from k+1 to the last element. a Q&A entry is not for having back and forth. valid :: String -> Bool valid = undefined split :: String -> (String, String) split = undefined Split a string into two parts: the first is the longest prefix that contains only characters that satisfy the predicate; the second part is the rest of the string. The result is a list of two elements, each being a substring of s . Splits the argument into a list of lines stripped of their terminating \n Nov 16, 2020 · SO is not a forum. Jan 26, 2021 · If you really want to turn a [Char] into a lists of one-character Strings (you probably don't): charStrs :: String -> [String] charStrs = fmap pure charStrs "hello world" -- ["h","e","l","l","o"," ","w","o","r","l","d"] Aug 24, 2006 · Splitting a string into parts based on a token delimiter is a very common operation in some problem domains. This will be the first word. 2. Sep 20, 2020 · If you want to avoid libraries like split, you can still write a function to split a string on separators using base functions like break, span, or takeWhile; then you can use that to split the input into records, and split each record into fields, and parse fields as integers or textual names accordingly. result = [character for character in string] but there still are shorter solutions that do the same thing. . The n can stay the same for every step, and when you take n out of the list in each step you also have to drop these n elements for the remaining steps. So in this case, your splitInternal is unnecessary. For example: The key here is that we add the character c using first (c:) Split String by delimiter in Haskell. I'm trying to split a list into two so that when the input is [1,2,3,5,6] output would be [1,2,3][5,6] but I can't seem to figure it out. for the first string, it's the 1st, n+1th and n+2th characters from the original string, n is the number of strings to generate. If the input list is longer than the total of the given lengths, then the remaining elements are dropped. That makes tasks such as finding the first occurence of a certain character (elemIndex 'a' mystring) or calculating the frequency of each character (map (head &&& length) . Remove the spaces on which lines are broken, keep other spaces. Safe to use on any string. toSplit :: String -> [String] Basically, it changes from a string into a list of words Thanks! P. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Then I need to join them all in a single list [ ]. Here's what I have got so far: Dec 31, 2023 · To split a string into two parts based on a specific pattern in Haskell, you can use the split function from the Data. Text -> Tx. How might I decompose these lists? I was thinking of turning each element into its own list, and referring to each element as an item of that list, but I am not sure how to go about doing that. Languages such as Perl or Java provide a split function in their standard library to execute this algorithm, yet I’m often surprised to see how many languages do not have one. Sep 16, 2019 · I'm working on some code for an assignment that should tokenize a String. result = [] for character in string: result. Mar 13, 2015 · comparison of match, slice, substr and substring; comparison of match and slice for different chunk sizes; comparison of match and slice with small chunk size; Bottom line: match is very inefficient, slice is better, on Firefox substr/substring is better still Jul 11, 2020 · How to split a string in Haskell? 1. chomp :: String -> String chomp str = takeWhile (== head str) str munch :: String -> String munch = take 9 . 0 "Split" returns redundant characters. Go back to step 1 using the remaining part of the string. It should cut at the '. toLower and toUpper: Convert to lowercase and uppercase. Actually, I've already succeeded to split a String into a [[Integer]] but I'd want to have a [[[Integer]]]. Split module. isBlank) xs) -- without the call of tail, dropUntilBlank would keep the space in between the words: dropWhile (not . Here's what I've got : parPaquets n [] = [] parPaquets n liste = (take n liste):parPaquets n (drop n liste) What i'd want to have is : parPaquets :: Int -> [Integer] -> [[[Integer]]] Nov 3, 2012 · When you are already stepping through the string character by character, why would you not just build an array of those characters (as in the acceptd answer that had been around for 3 years before this post) instead of building another longer string, then having an internal function step through that string character-by-character to build the array? Aug 23, 2015 · I'm trying to split a list of Strings in to a List of Lists of Strings so like in the title [String] -> [[String]] This has to be done based on length of characters, so that the Lists in the output are no longer than 10. If the input list is longer than the total of the given lengths, then the remaining elements are dropped. " should result in ["the", "man"," Jan 13, 2012 · convert' :: String -> [String], so convert' contents :: [String] is just a list of strings. Mar 22, 2016 · UTF-8. Split string/list with a char or int. Removes any whitespace characters that are present at the start or end of a string. Also, I need this to be able to change when the length of the string changes (always the same format two A's on the end and b's in the middle). run s = do ln <- lines s seq <- ln!!0 states <- ln!!1 Will get the list that is returned by lines s and for the seq and states, ln will be a string of that list each time. foldr alg (n, Nothing) l) where n = Mu (const id) -- rename before floating c h (Mu t) = Mu (\c n -> c h (t c n)) -- rename However, every input string is a Haskell String here, thus easing the usage of different string types with native Haskell String literals. The arguments are the string that should be tokenized, a string, s, of characters that should stand as a single string in the list if it occurs in s, and a string of characters that should be removed from s. Unlike splitPlaces, the output list will always be the same length as the first input argument. split string into string in haskell. Split string to substring. I am trying to learn haskell and i have this list ["x y z"] . Feb 8, 2018 · In Haskell String is an alias for [Char]: type String = [Char] If you just want a function that converts a single char to a string you could e. Invalid characters are passed as '\0xFFFD' to the predicate. String split into 6 parts every character in Haskell. In expensive assertions mode (d Apr 25, 2018 · So I want to cut the first part of a string-- here is a function that should take a string and the numbers -- of characters we want to take from the start cutString :: Int -> String -> String cutString x str = cut x str -- here's a way to take the first x characters And the way to use it: print (cutString 3 "Hello World") Output --> "Hel" Let's say I have a list: list = ['foo', 'bar', 'bak'] I want to split these strings into their characters so I can assign values to each character (I. Split a string by a chosen character in May 25, 2017 · Stuck on a problem, if I wanted to split a list of characters such as "qwertyzxc" (9 elements) (['q','w','e','r','t','y','z','x','c']) into a list of strings with the Nov 3, 2012 · A String is already a list of Char (it is even defined like this: type String = [Char]), so you don’t have to do anything else. It would be a lot easier to see this if splitLines was refactored slightly. Note that lines and words do something different. example: "foo (bar) foo (foo2) bar (foo3)" results in ["bar","foo2","foo3"] i tried using findIndices and then mapping splitAt on to the string but this was not working I'm trying to make a function in Haskell to split a string at a certain char and a list at a certain number. isAlpha) s -- Split the list at the point where the first non-alphabetic -- character appears (xs,ys) = span isAlpha s' -- Recursively call split on the second list, while prepending -- the first list. charToString :: Char -> String charToString = (:[]) Removes any whitespace characters that are present at the start or end of a string. type String = [Char] somewhere in the source of every Haskell implementation. Split a string into lines. So we'll need. [Char], Converting a string of characters into a list with a set layout in Haskell. I hope Jul 22, 2019 · Since you want to convert a String to a list of Strings, the signature is thus String -> [String]. Sep 18, 2016 · I have a string "AB0123456789" and the output I would like to have is: "AB01 2345 6789" I want to add a space after every fourth character. Feb 12, 2011 · Haskell does not come with the split function out of the box. Char. Feb 10, 2012 · unlines works similarly, only that the strings are imploded using the newline character and that a newline character is also added to the end. I tried this: charFound :: Char -> String -> Bool charFound c s = filter(\x -> x == c) s But it gives me: Couldn't match expected type Bool with actual type [Char] I know that filter: Jun 10, 2012 · How can I split a string into another string without using Data. I have written a function which iterates a String and splits it into [String] by using given Char as a delimiter. for [Char] may be "aaa, bbb"). There is a scale of power and weight in text processing. 0 Nov 25, 2018 · I know Haskell doesn't have loops, so I can't do that. Reload to refresh your session. UTF8. import Data. At the simplest, list-based solutions, such as the one above, offer very little syntactic noise, for quick results (in the same spirit as quick'n'dirty text processing in shell scripts). TakeWhile adds all the characters which are not c to the result, then tail drops that c that was found already, and we recursively apply split to the rest of Oct 25, 2018 · So basically I want to split my string with two conditions , when have a empty space or a diferent letter from the next one. 4. This is sentence two. Then you map digitToInt over this list of characters, and you get digits in place of characters, so you have a list of digits. Assuming UTF-8, the utf8-string package implements the desired encoding algorithm. Jul 3, 2019 · For "real" code, String is usually a terrible choice because it has all the performance you'd expect from a linked list of characters. | s `elem` c = [] | otherwise = [[s]] I'm aware that there's a split package that already implements functionality like this. List In haskell how to convert a String list into with a Nov 4, 2021 · How to draw lists of characters from a string? For example, for a string "abcdefghi", return three strings "adg" "deh" "cfi". 2 days ago · Hello everyone, I’m trying to use show to turn a character 'z' into a string "z" in Haskell. I need to insert a given string at a given index of a string that may already be non-empty. When the argument string is empty, or ends in a \n character, it can be recovered by passing the result of lines to the unlines function. Binary. copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Hoogle (linked) will give you some results to both, let's see Nov 16, 2008 · Yeah i think mipadi is right. g. This module provides a splitOn function that splits a string into a list of substrings based on a delimiter. Dec 18, 2021 · I have to write a cutString :: String -> [String] function that has to cut a string into a list of strings. Feb 18, 2011 · Split the string into substrings of equal characters. In this article we'll explore various method to split a string into a list of characters. Another problem is that you write (x:xs) as first parameter, which means that the items in the list you fold are lists themselves, but given I understand it correctly, you fold a String, so the element is simple character: Feb 24, 2017 · Split a string in haskell: escape character '\' as delimiter. in start : split delimiter remain. the do notation translates into >>= and return calls to the list monad. Does not alter the internal contents of a string. You cant concatenate a Char to a [Char]. Haskell: create = ("",0,0,"","") Approach to string split by character in HaskellHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. It takes in 3 strings as arguments, and returns a list of strings. Mar 12, 2018 · In any way, we may reduce this problem to finding the positions of all the given patterns in a given string. ' characters. Unlike splitPlaces , the output list will always be the same length as the first input argument. So far, I've gotten a basic type signature, which is . You have to install the split package, which is NOT a standard way EITHER. S. How to split string into chunks and create a list of these chunks haskell. … - Selection from Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook [Book] Mar 20, 2018 · that takes a string of character and numbers like "a5b3c2" and import Data. How can i get Mar 30, 2018 · The general answer to such questions is to split the task up into parts: [String] -> [Int] looks like a combination of String -> Int and [a] -> [b]. 5) then don't split? Apr 11, 2022 · Split strings into lists with Haskell. Oct 27, 2024 · In Python, we often need to split a string into individual characters, resulting in a list where each element is a single character. For example. Mar 18, 2017 · Supposing I had the string "HELLO WORLD" is there a way I can call a function that replaces the character 'O' in the string with the character 'X' so that the new string would look like "HELLX WXRLD"? May 3, 2011 · List hacking, parsing and design. Moving average in Haskell. rstrip(s[, chars]) Return a copy of the string with trailing characters removed. As mentioned, you don't get the empty lines as you are trimming the new line character off of the start of the string. (_, remain) = span (== delimiter) rest. it is for posting one specific question, and getting the answers to it. Dec 15, 2011 · Yes, the basic idea of this is that you use "show" to convert 245 to a string, which is a list of characters. using words, resulting in a list of lists of strings. You can learn about alternatives like Text later. So, you need a function which takes a String and returns, a list of strings ([String]). haskell; split Jul 7, 2014 · Haskell Split String at every character into list of n size string. – Fax Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 12:53 A string x is a caseless match for a string y if and only if: toCaseFold x == toCaseFold y. Split-- import Data. I try : show 'z' and Haskell give me : "'z'" This really makes me confused because in Haskell we have : "z" == 'z' : [] But "'z'" == '\\'' : 'z' : '\\'' : [] This confuses me because show function looks like breaks the expression into minimal parts and add parts into a list one by one with respect to The Haskell programming language community. Project Euler 8 - I don't understand it. So actually with ln!!0, you get the first character of that string. List already provides such a function, it's named group. f = 5, o = 15, and so on). This is what I have so far. module Main where import Codec. String constants in Haskell are values of type String. charToString :: Char -> String charToString c = [c] If you prefer pointfree style you could also write. Using ListThe simplest way to convert a string into a list of characters in P Sep 22, 2012 · I'm trying to implement a function that takes a list, and an int. Apr 5, 2014 · For a test app, I'm trying to convert a special type of string to a tuple. tujnl tbho bnvsy swwsib dijoqkr ghjzodr hnoetpq mpcxvbn yxjxomf ojcln btme rczm orrtan ammrcyf apmje