Ffxi bst guide Nyame alone assumes Rank 25 Path B. Jul 23, 2021 · A discussion thread about a video guide for Beastmaster job in FFXI by Ruaumoko. Please keep in mind that guides are works of opinion. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final Fantasy XI R mobile project. let me remind everyone that this is a basic guide and is meant to be a reference. Jun 26, 2024 · Body The Ashera Harness has lost its shine due to so many other - Damage Taken options we have post 2022 FFXI, some of which have higher MDB and base stats. The Elvaan shares the highest charisma, with its Hume and Tarutaru allies. Charmer's May 14, 2011 · I know exactly where you're comin from, Gotter. Best starter craft. All Jobs Damage Simulator and Gearsets by Izanami - great simulation based Weapon Skill sets for all jobs. Pages in category "Beastmaster Artifact Quests" The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total. It is also incredibly versatile. Gang up on them, get them to about 50% then everyone WS. <t>: Macro fires off on the I've been wanting to make a nice guide for bst pet soloing for some time now. Most players will take this opportunity to clear Assaults solo, but some are fairly difficult to complete alone. , LTD. Feb 5, 2022 · If we're on BST odyseey discussion, I've had some serious fun soloing it as BST through Charm methods. This Beast Master Guide was written by Justin Biller. Beastmasters as well as being able to solo, can join conventional parties by filling the role of damage dealer and puller. Resistant to charm. We were able to take down one Fomor BST pop very comfortably with the 3 of us using 2 Funguars and 1 CC. I've seen a BST absolutely wreck mobs in melee because they had a good set for it. If major changes are required or equipment sets are being altered, please utilize the "Discussion" tab or Discord. good for suggestions but you got to do alot of leg work and will end up propably dying alot Bst isn’t a job you are going to just grab a general shopping list and build. Increase duration by 10 seconds. You can see that it is a closed loop (like the elements make), forming an ecosystem. Whistle is an AoE large Agility boost that will hit anyone in the party. Like Thoma said, it depends on what you are doing. Jul 12, 2021 · Yesterday I Took in a bst for Gogmagog fight, and it appears that Corrosive Ooze prevents him from overriding Either attack debuff or defense debuff whenever he used Infernal Bulwark. May 14, 2015 · As of 2014, Assault can now be entered by 1-6 players. I'd guess you'll want to go to the camps a couple levels after the BST would go. 100 Job Points Gift: 5 seconds. It can Charm enemies into doing the fighting for you (or use special Jug items to call upon unique pets) - which can be very powerful and provide a wide array of damage and debuff options. Feb 22, 2019 · This article is a community collaborative guide. It is also Oct 29, 2024 · This article is a community collaborative guide. This means if your HP is locked, for example, your pet's HP is locked as well. Cooking Guide 1. Jan 19, 2023 · It's in the same pool as emps with a lacking/underperforming WS tied to it, its a great white dmg option but unlike WAR which has a huge white dmg increase via high/capped DA and something like 30~% DA dmg, bst gets none of that so its considerably less appealing. Pets will be lost when Level Sync goes into effect if you are above the party member that is being synced to. lvl 51 Elemental Staves for debuffs; macro switch in Light Staff/Apollo's Staff for Lullaby/Finale Sep 1, 2006 · Eva stinks for bst so even if you added that on, you wont notice the miss's. Ability adds Killer Trait +15%, damage dealt +15%, and damage taken -15% against monsters of the family matching the active pet's correlation when used (example: a Plantoid pet provides Beast Killer +15%, damage dealt +15% against beasts, and damage taken -15% from beasts). The guides linked on this page replace the "Quickstart 1-119 Guide" completely. Opo-opo. . need to work out the details though. Levelling Guide for Beastmaster (mains and subs) Note: This is personal and community experience that said please feel free to add, modify, correct or update any information. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Once you have the NPC highlighted, hit enter and the macro will continue. Camping table {Solo Pet camps Feb 8, 2018 · Enmity issues wont be as bad if you're pet is tanking for a group of smns. Nov 29, 2023 · The compendium here on the BST forum breaks down pets & ready moves. 2x bst/whm, 2x bst/nin, 2x thf. I'm trying to figure out how to get the magic kill credit to get 7/7 in path A so I can try with both KIs. The art is totes adorbs! Love it! Just one thing to note: pet DT is the same as player DT. Much of the fluff will be removed CONS: - Gigas BST may not be in the room, causing you to have to come back later or kill the two that are there and hope a BST pops. enter with 3 reraise items from moogle and prebuff regen5/aquaveil/refresh (with tabula) from a sch using naturalist 11. Added some notes about the Memory Flux gates. So your a beastmaster or want to level up as bst which has a lot of pros to it: 1) you level on your time, no waiting for parties or feeling guilty if you can't do a long time commitment 2) all the drops are yours Sep 29, 2007 · This guide, Salacia's Detailed Solo Guide - Lv. Often these monsters are beastmasters, summoners, dragoons or puppetmasters. Harness, is for auto mp. 3 All monsters in the game are part of a set of families. ) Bst had a huge weakness of pet being debuffed since they don't have overdrive or an extra debuff clearing ability like maintenance. Ive looked up online but i cant find any up to date guide about BST, so here's my main question(s): - Back in my days best subjobs for bst were either whm, nin or dnc, depending on the situation, is this still the case? Jul 22, 2021 · Take a walk on the wild side!This guide took me a very long time to get together and it has been a very long time coming. but I still think it is . These pets follow their masters and assist them in battle. Such camps are marked in blue. If you do not have the spell Sneak available to you, you will need silent oil (1 should be enough). Eg: they both hard cap at -87. Last edit: 01/21/2005 - It's been a month since the last update and the information here is now static; I expect no further major revisions for this guide. Most Odyssey equipment assumes Rank 30. A few jobs, such as: Summoner and Dragoon are not the primary subject of this guide. Increases the level of pets summoned with Call Beast. (Mind you, a player can't obtain anything higher than -68%PDT on PLD and -75%PDT on RUN Oct 11, 2023 · Grants your pet's Killer effect to party members within area of effect. The issue is that I’m not really sure which augments I’m supposed to be shooting for. 75. Mar 1, 2021 · We run with 2 setups in B and mostly result in 850-1. How to handle misscharms Misscharms suck and not many bst know how to handle them properly. BST is the first dedicated pet job on the list. You will notice a purple(ish) arrow on an NPC. from my POV BST pets got quite a lot of ridiculous strong buffs/debuffs and i suppose those are the main reasons to invite a BST. This guide will give concise, yet comprehensive, instructions on completing each Assault, as well as giving a recommended job/subjob combination, difficulty level, and number of players needed. Those that use BST/WHM or BST/RDM will find large amounts of mp gear useful. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co. Add more if you know of some good camps. Unfortunately most nm's the killer effect is nerfted to 1/3 of actual potency. With Abyssea and other areas full of monsters that cannot be charmed, plus new Grounds Tome areas and monsters for high level players, Beastmasters are not using their pets Jul 26, 2017 · Nasomi Community FFXI Server BST Gear Guide! Post Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:34 pm . Moblins (76-79) Bugbears (76-79) Get twinkbrix to teleport you to the mine shaft. However a locally charmed pet with a DC or EM con will tend to deal more damage than a jug pet. What with all the gear you can't just simply browse the AH to find and the limitations inherent to a wiki format, it's not always the easiest thing in the world to stay apprised of what gear's even available to us. Some families are more adept at killing other families. Welcome to a gear bst guide. Others that prefer using BST/NIN will carry attack/strength gear, or gear the provides enmity- (such as the crow set). Users share their opinions, questions and tests on pet mechanics, killer effects, circles and more. The dancer role is a very popular job to combine with beastmaster due to its versatility. Dojikiri Yasutsuna: Great Weapon for when are the only one weaponskilling a target and can do Radiance. I rarely BST on content, but when I do I check the list along with what content I'm doing. -----Level 1 - 9: Starter zone outside your favorite nation For the first 10 levels of BST, you don't even really need to charm anything. Most of the leveling for EXP is done solo with trusts or with a friend or two. At mid tier gear I soloed every tier 1 nm in escha zi'tah and ru'aun with minimal effort. 5%. the reason you equip the rune axes is for every mp it takes off you get hp. Feb 10, 2017 · It seems that Mob Leveling Adjustment hit bst the hardest, because it's hard to know where to lvl. 1 Jugs; 1. Party members will also deal increased damage and take less when fighting enemies of the corresponding monster family. Similarly the slimes with DRGs and enspell melee rdms (sometimes a 2Hing PUP, that was me) K club BCNM with RDM and BLM. Feb 7, 2018 · Check out the BST solo leveling guide on the wiki and work off that as a starting point. thinking bst x2, smn x2 (for stunga and some aoe damage or maybe sleepga) cor and geo. See Beastmaster Skill Caps for a by-level breakdown of Weapon Skill limits. In Salvage, all pets' stats are locked with the master's. This is a little different type of Burn which people usually call a PET BURN which was usually what BLM's did soloing or duoing. Work in progress. This means a Jug Pet that caps at level 90 may reach 105 with 5/5 merits and Monster +2/Ankusa gloves and a main hand weapon that is ilvl 105+. Lights need to be gained to make the desired box So you want to master your job? Congratulations! The road to 2100 Job Points is a grueling one but the good news is the more CP you get, the faster it goes! The purpose of this guide is to: Inform on the best places to camp based on experience/gear; Teach Others about different group make-ups; So you want to CP but you don't know how to begin? A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). com 1 - Basic BST Information 1. The editing of collaborative guides should keep the overall direction and general opinions the same. Before that whenever it did bulwark, I would be able to dispel 4 buffs with rdm, but during that fight only 3 buffs would be dispelled. There is not a whole lot of expensive gear to buy -- and when it is necessary, most of a BST's equipment will last There has been lots of questions on where to level as beastmaster (main and sub) so this guide seeks to answer some of those questions by sharing our current personal experiences. In this guide, I will talk about Party Comp: 3x BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST THF OR puller + 2x BST/NIN > BST/WHM > BST THF. v 1. You may have to talk with him more that once to trigger the cutscene. Masamune (Level 119 III): With Rank 15 augment should be your best Great Katana. I should probably mention that Trusts are fine for solo RP, but higher Moogle Mastery makes this strategy much easier. 1 - Unlocking the job Unlocking Beastmaster is one of the easiest jobs to unlock, and can be done solo by any job at level 30. Please feel free to edit this page with your personal NM experiences as BST and a run-down of how you Jul 14, 2024 · Notes. First Guide made for Blue Mage Cleaving! Feel free to edit this all you like. Tigers. Several changes to Beastmaster have occurred since the Level Cap increase to above Lv. As a duo, two DC Gloop pets were enough to beat down the Fomor BST pops. Let’s get started! As a pet Healing Breeze is nice (acts as a higher level Curaga for all in BST party) but can also use Berserk - which is not nice for a pet. But, for now I'm going to do the best that I can. an just this little trick has saved my life many of times. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. The "Old" Dragoon Guide - Spicyryan's og guide. also with lvl ranges on mobs it make it hard to tell where you can actually lvl and when. This is something that I have wanted to see for a long time, as a 75 BST who spends a lot of time camping and attempting NMs. What I wont discuss much here is weapons with a few exceptions at higher levels. Jan 26, 2025 · Weapons. 40. Please feel free to add any new Beastmaster camps discovered but please stick to the format for ease of reading and printing. Feb 17, 2005 · Final Fantasy XI (PC/PS2) Beastmaster Ballista Guide v1. Sleep and silence recommended. lvl 40 Chanter's Staff (CHR+6 Singing Skill+4) Better than the Monster Signa due to Singing Skill+4, despite loss of a little CHR. blu blu blu cor cor cor. Feb 14, 2023 · The Beastmaster in Final Fantasy 11 is a one-of-a-kind solo class that revolves around harnessing the power of creatures to participate in battles. Oct 9, 2023 · This article is a community collaborative guide. BST with Dolichenus. I've been pretending to be a chick that got pregnant and then No wait, wrong topic, but nonetheless I will get a lot of heat for this (I'm sure, lol). just becuase it says you can lvl there doesnt mean you will. One is more basic than the other. We took down a 2nd BST with one casualty (me), but that was mostly due to my Jul 13, 2024 · I only found this while working on this guide. Increase pet level by 2. This is a collaborative guide, and thus information from various people and sources is included in. they will still be rare. That is like, 50% of my total damage as a Skillchain BST/THF. Some great resources here. While it doesn’t offer much in the way of offense, its Skillchain Bonus trait is fantastic considering the fact that players will often be working together with their pets to form frequent and powerful skillchains. 1-12 -> Newbie Zone Note: Don't over think this, just kill a crazy amount of Easy or DC mobs. I made this guide because almost every other BST Guide I've found was dedicated to BST/WHM builds or concepts. If anyone would make a BST guide, I'm glad it was you. 7/18 updated to 55 and making /bst it's own section at the end. Notes. so as the G harness adds mp, the axes takes the mp away giving you hp. 4m in gil at the end. This guide will provide a listing of BCNMs, KSNMs, and ENMs that are BST friendly. A template for new hunting areas can be found at the bottom. Beastmaster Jugs Beastmaster Charm Guide Job Specific Equipment/Beastmaster Beast Strength Chart Beastmaster Post Update Viable Hunting Grounds Shattering Stars/Beastmaster Wide Scan Guide Killer Effects 5/5 is ok if your a regular dynamis or pt bst, but pure soloers bsts should go 5/5 reward 5/5 call beast 5/5 beast healer 5/5 beast affinity is good when using sheep,leech or dipper yuly/mandy pet, yuly is not that good now tho, only if you are fighting wind elemental mobs like turul and such , the new hyppogr pet way better for the same stack price Taken from an Allakhazam post All credits go to Buzzltyear To begin, here is a short explanation of what each command means in the macros. MNK might be good for a repeat since it can inhibit TP for a while. Oct 24, 2023 · It feels like at least some thought went into BST prime weapon (zero thought went into pup sortie earring or the hand 2 hand prime weapon. Certain monsters command the loyalty of additional monsters. Enjoy the Guide solo-ers. com AIM: Armchairathelete No ASCII Art for my title, since I dont have the will power or time to create one, so if anyone is interested, they can make one and email it to me. Final Fantasy XI Beastmaster Job guide. At level 23 and above, the Beastmaster will have the job ability Call Beast, so allowing them to join a party at any location and still have a pet. All FFXI content and images © 2002-2025 SQUARE ENIX CO. ~~Guedj~~ BCNM runs in Horalis peak for Peacock Charm, Phalanx, Refresh, Utsusemi Ni with either BST setups, NIN setups, or BLM setups while a RDM kited the main hecteye. While the Volte Doublet offers solid Magic Evasion, MDB, as well as Refresh, it is hard to get just like the Ashera Harness . For example, Beasts are better at killing Lizards, which are better at killing Vermin, which are better at killing Plantoids, which are better at killing Beasts. Commands the Pet to make a special attack. The crawlers in the tunnel at H-7 always seem to con VT at 60. 7/19 updated to add 54-59 camps 8/12 updated to add 58-65 camps 11/30 updated 65-75 camps Selecting excellent Beastmaster Equipment is not something you should do without lots and lots of thinking. Jan 15, 2022 · Pages in category "Reforged Artifact Armor" The following 156 pages are in this category, out of 156 total. I’m also not sure what the next step would be. You may consider it to be a complete work - all the information inside is tested and verified. k. Jan 14, 2022 · Can cheese BST ooze strat for one of the bosses, provided you can land it. PETS: Mad Sheep [11-13] PREY: Rock Eaters [7-11], Mad Sheep [11-13], Quadav [Onyx] [10-16], Goblins [Digger, Ambusher, Butcher, Tinkerer A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). The level ranges of the suggestions are set with that in mind, but you can of course move as you see fit. A pet's level cannot exceed the calling Beastmaster's level or main hand weapon item level (whichever is highest), but it can exceed the pet's normal cap. I was a WHM then, and now, I've a BST on the Asura server. the guide is actually very misleading. Its more useful to understand all the skillchain properties and how they work in my opinion. This guide is not for low level NMs that just anyone can solo, and it is also not to a retread of textbook data. NIN same boat. com/wiki/Pulling_the_PlugI I dont really care about end game, i just want to enjoy whats left of the story, and anything/everything i can solo as BST. You don't have to deal with noob parties, you can exp whenever you have time, and the exp is always amazing. Unlike Avatars, Jug Pets will not attack unless ordered to, and are forced to use a TP move via the ability Ready. This will enable you to hit up to chain 4 with proper timing (on one bst). Still available on the Wayback Machine! I would also add the bst's magical aoe is just as impressive as physical. This guide assumes that the player has obtained Trusts already. Bard Hello all :) In the spirit of making our happy lil forum one-stop shopping for Bsts, I'd like to get a gear guide going here. Update : May 17th, 2010 2. The following See Beastmaster Skill Caps for a by-level breakdown of weapon skill limits. Two of the biggest stats for Beastmaster are intelligence (for Tame) and charisma (for Charm), and Hume certainly doesn’t disappoint. Inside the Mog House (or Rent-a-Room), a player is able to spend and cancel merit points by accessing the merit point menu. Most people have no idea how to play bst at level 75, and hopefully this guide will give you some ideas on what to do. A strong DD getting charmed will plant your alliance like a flower bed and an errant Mijin Gakure will give your group a hard DT check. See full list on ffxiclopedia. I don't have the ki to weaken him though, so cesspool owned me. Because of that, this chart will be somewhat complex, providing charm specific gear along with general fighting gear There are many Beastmaster guides out there already, however, I've yet to come across one that fully makes use of the Field Manuals that exist around Vana'diel. Hard attacker, have double attack, good DD for parties. 19-70, is perhaps the most well-known soloing guide for pets known to Vana'diel. FFXI AH guides are good starting points, but you will ultimately find a playstyle/gearset that fits you. It boosting resistance should help alot with pet QOL. Dancer. 7 created by Justin Biller a. The bst/nin with jug and Thf set up works well here. FFXI Auction House Online. , Ltd. Example, FFXI AH BST guide does not even include Scythe. This page may be useful to help up-and-coming BST deal with the de-throning of Maat for the level 70 limit break quest. if you trying to list them all out for pets. If you activate the Chocobo on the Loose! quest doing this, talk to Brutus, then talk to the boy near the steps who is caring for the chocobo, then talk to Brutus again. - Due to the small size of the room, you may find yourself waiting a little longer for the Gigas to turn away from his pet, since you can't maneuver around him and get to a good pulling angle. Feb 10, 2021 · Bst CAN cap killer effects at 50, but it needs food (5 min food) and the gear choices are often poor. yeah, its obscene powerful because you can intimidate tp moves and spells as well as melee attacks. So that statement is erroneous in the guide. Camp favors a roaming party. I did it a few years ago, haven't updated it. See the main All Jobs Gear Sets page for details on how each set was determined. This document exists to list This article is only a guide. Useful Items: Icarus Wing Opo-opo Necklace Sleeping Potion x 4 Hi-Potion x 6 Blink Band Scarlet Sap x 2 Pet Food Zeta Use these as a guideline - your mileage may vary (just like the relative ease/difficulty in finishing off a monster's last sliver of health). They also have large numbers in strength, vitality, and HP, you won’t have to worry about finishing off a target when your pet is defeated. There's a lot to break down, a lot Sometimes, a BST mob may not actually be at the camp location, in which case you will have to find a way to kill the existing mobs until the BST spawns. Prices and availability varies by server, but I tend to focus on power-crafting, especially items bought and re-sold to NPCs. Each of the links to a particular BCNMs, KSNMs, and ENMs should contain at least 1 strategy regarding BSTs. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. With all the additions over the past few months, my mind is reeling with all the possibilities. The reason why you wear the G. better for BST burns 69-75: Newton Movalpolos: Exit from Mine shaft #2716 entry . Bst 50-53 or to 54 if grinding, can use Smilodon or Forester Beetle as pets and nuke Djinn in Batallia Downs (S) similarly to what was done in the East Ronfaure (S) at level 45-51 as mentioned by this guide. ^ especially if you are a Jan 4, 2023 · as to being "DDemons", the idea is just that BST's DPS potential is supposed to be supplemented by pets actions, this only really happens for a set amount of time but after that gear creep will outpace whatever the pet can do to the point its just some kind of support bot, luckily bst has some strong debuffs to fall back on. 0 by: halo00to14 Intro: This guide was a long time coming. Ok, it's time for me to come out. What are you trying to do with the job? As for luas, there are 2 attached to the bst guide. Later on, a 3rd BST joined us. … Dec 20, 2024 · Beastmaster* Sets. Because of Beastmasters' versatility, they often times have some of the most complex selection of gear that they can wear and often change equipment during the fights. Great for Fudo spam or even multi step Skillchains. Seems the guide goes from there to endgame stuff waaay out of my reach. it was a few pages long though. This can be reduced to as low as 10 seconds per charge by the following: Sic Recast Merit Points: 2 seconds per point, for a total of 10 seconds. fandom. Dec 7, 2024 · BST and NIN mobs should be treated as similar. Here's the good camp i used (not mentionning the one i didn't like) Lvl49-51 : Crawler nest, in the big Square room in Status of the guide:-Complete the Weapon Analysis Done!-Listing all the magic spells RDM has access to, their effects, level obtained, possibly formulas Done!-Help creating and inputting gearsets into the guide Done!-Link to a good and easily customizable RDM lua for GS users-Link to a RDM spreadsheet Oct 13, 2023 · ENM - Pulling the plugLv cap - 50Location - Spire of VahzlBig Money Drop - Toreadors RingFull guide : https://ffxiclopedia. A group of BSTs or even a single BST are incredibly strong and well suited for many BCNMs. Once upon a time, gearing Bst for melee was rather simple - if Warriors want it, you probably should too; but ever since the introduction of our AF3, Bst has become increasingly divergent from dual-wield warrior. Information expressed in a guide is usually more opinion than fact and should be taken as such. In FFXI, there are primarily 4 different setups depending on DD type: pet setup, melee setup, mage setup and Aug 9, 2011 · If the pet is from a bst sight aggro you can start attacking the pet the second the bst cast it, the bst wont aggro you as long as the pet will not walk in the bst sight. I am going to post what worked for me up to 25. 1. This will bypass Chocobo on the Loose! and allow you to complete Path of Replaces iLvl and Endgame sections of the Quickstart 1-119 Guide; Notes. When the jugs are weak have them STAY through a fight while the two bst/whm with charm-ables and everyone else just fight along side. Final Fantasy XI (2002-2004) Standard Jobs Warrior • Monk • Thief • White Mage • Black Mage • Red Mage: Advanced Jobs Paladin • Dark Knight • Beastmaster • Bard • Ranger: Rise of the Zilart (2003-2004) Summoner • Samurai • Ninja • Dragoon: Chains of Promathia (2004) None: Treasures of Aht Urhgan (2006) Blue Mage May 6, 2006 · Level 75 Beastmaster Guide Well congratulations for being a level 75 bst. Just grab an axe and a shield, eat some STR/Attack food, pour Selbina Milk down your throat like water, and tear through a lot of low-level enemies. com got me to actually write this. a. Jan 8, 2025 · Using Merit Points to enhance your Character. I duoed him to 50% in half malignance half ambu gear with a 4 song BRD, no honor march. There has been some questions on what to gear go after as people reach certain bst levels so here is a general guide to help out and broken up by level range. In this guide, we’ll be discussing the Beastmaster job in Final Fantasy 11. Charm DC or EM, and go to town. Finally, be aware that other higher level players may very well accidentally (or intentionally!) come by and kill your Beastmaster. Jug Pets are unique monsters contained within a primordial ooze-esque ammo item, and summoned via the Beastmaster ability Call Beast. After completing Save My Son, talk to Brutus in the Chocobo Stables of Upper Jeuno. Often use AoE Paralyze though. The BST itself doesn't have as much of a spotlight, but can deal decent damage with one-handed Axes. Recast: 5min. (if not it's coming soon!) I'm writing this guide to help those who wish to successfully solo their jobs instead of waiting long hours for party invites, or having to deal with the monotony and strain of EXP parties. Areas with large numbers of charmable mobs (even aggressive ones) are easily navigable by an experienced BST. It allows you to then tab and select the NPC (in our case a mob). 69-75: Cape Terrigan (G-5) A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Now the job finally gets fun. Lord Alchemy diablo_sonsoflight@yahoo. Still no data on NM Remnants. 61-65 Bhaflau Thickets lvl 17 Monster Signa (HP+5 MP+5 VIT-5 CHR+8) Although this can be expensive for a low level weapon, it is a source of a lot of CHR, and is good to at least Lv. allakhazam. 0 0-100 By Ctownwoody Asura Server, Sons of Valkrum Linkshell Disclaimer: I did my research using ffxiah. The key to this is that you will have a MAX of 3 people otherwise xp will drop substantially if you have 4 or more in a party. Hello everyone! And welcome to the Beastmaster Reward Guide! My name is Linkzell, a Beastmaster from the Ifrit server, now on Odin. The low cost, long lasting regen, refresh, and reraise available from these manuals are invaluable to decreasing overall downtimeand the bonuses to experience for completing regimes are nice as well. Also the pet boosting gear like what you probably have for PUP will enable you to solo. If none exist, maybe we can use this thread to post where we duoed. (As long as you have information relevant to this guide/no fake/unproven info please put that on the talk page) Cleaving as BLU can help get Time Extensions, Cruor, Empyrean Armor Feet, Key Items, or Trial of the Magians Trials with little work/effort if done right. To see The following is a list of cooking recipes that I found useful as a BST. The "Quickstart 1-119 Guide" mentioned above was an older, very popular guide to help new players get started as quickly as possible with the game. Feb 25, 2004 · For Final Fantasy XI on the PC, Beastmaster FAQ by LordAlchemy. AH is a good starting point/guide. Low costs Jul 6, 2004 · someone ever saw a guide of place where BST can go duo to level ? it's not easy to find places with descent/even and VT/IT close. Don't sell BST short. If you have any spots that are good I urge you to post as well. Ramuh or ifrit dying is more of a dps loss than a party member death, Bst gets pet enmity from jp/gears but idk how well crab (or other tank pet) could keep hate off of smn pets ( for non-Astral conduit situations). Like most things in FFXI it will shift the scale on what is "Best" IE: {Best Enhancing}: What enhancing do you want? Mar 20, 2022 · i haven't played BST in a long time and i didn't get to party with one since the adjustments but i'll leave you my uninformed advice anyway. The killer instinct guide makes it seem like bst goes from 117 sparks -> 119 bayld -> alluvion skirmish gear. Get all the best FFXI Guides and Strategies at Skryer. Different ppl want it for different things which creates different gear desires. Further info on some of the camps can be found on the discussion page. BST/WHM is a great solo build, but BST/NIN is almost as good but also adds in the ability to function well in parties with consistent Damage-over-Time, similar to a monk. (bst and smn need geo more than pup does). Although it's intended for black mages, it can be used for all different jobs. speaking as a bst that tried using this guide it isnt the best. I accidentally called this Food Guide and need A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Guide to BST/NIN By Ctownwoody of Asura TheSons (of Valkrum)/LuckyCharms Linkshells Page 2 >> I made this guide because almost every other BST Guide I've found was dedicated to BST/WHM builds or concepts. Sep 18, 2006 · But before then, I had attempted it with my friend. <stnpc>: Allows you to select an NPC. Yoran-Oran, Qultada, Arciela, Mayakov. I've broken it down by section. However, it tends to lack information or detail on older content - for that, I would recommend FFXIclopedia. ; In this menu, all the categories available for upgrade are highlighted. 2 Pet Food; 1. As a Beastmaster, it is your job to Sep 3, 2020 · Bst has alot of options for skillchains. 01% more useful ^. Teleport Dem and escape recommended for faster travel. A post on ffxi. At level 50, the Gaudy Harness becomes available. Just use the SHED HATE method to pull them. May 28, 2024 · Path of the Beastmaster Required Fame Jeuno Fame Level: Unknown: Level Restriction: Level 30 Starting NPC Brutus, Upper Jeuno (G-7) : Pack None Title Animal Trainer Repeatable Overview - click on "Expand" to read more --> This guide is hosted on the BG Wiki - generally the best resource for all content in the current endgame. Using a cell to remove a lock also removes the lock from the pet. so they are both excellent. That time has finally arrived! If you have access to a 2nd character to power level this is the only way to exp. Nov 29, 2010 · Masters of the natural world, Beastmasters are capable of communicating with various types of monsters and controlling them at will. Because of this affinity for creatures, they are able to enlist their help against foes making the Beast Master the most efficient soloing class, as well as an excellent addition to any group setup. I mostly duoed from level 49. com and have taken most of my crafts up to level 60+ and am in the process of taking an Alchemy mule up to 100. I was in the FFXI open beta way back during the summer a couple of years ago. Thing about BST as said above is the gear needed. 1 Beastmaster Cooking Guide. - Mobs AoE Dispel and AoE shadow wipe. This job can be soloed all the way to level 75. Before moving onto the next camp area, try to get at least one full buffer's worth of EXP. One of the biggest questions that I get is "What Food should I use?" So I'm creating this guide as a helpful reference, I'll love to have some help from people creating this guide since I haven't leveled all the jobs. Sick of looking for a group for hours? As a BST, you can gain Experience Points when it suits you and at your own pace. Ability only available with Jug pets Obtained: Beastmaster Level 25 Recast Time: 30 seconds per charge; 1 minute, 30 seconds total to regain the maximum 3 charges. I've been meaning to get a pet party together to practice Apex Cleaving. qcymu qjdpm bcrzo gbos cly raajcp glzmn otm cab eyu monvossq lge ehnsc llqgo ngpgxb