Eso best tank class reddit However, Wardens are a close second, and bring a lot of unique buffs and utility of their own. Equip 1h and shield, then set up skills focussed around tanking with a bit of healing on the side. For PvP or PvE? DPS, tank or healer? Mag or stam? If you need a good DPS build, look up Skinnycheeks. The reason being that many healers are already templars so you are missing out on good buffs and debuffs from other classes like DK. But I mess up often but even best race and class can't compensate missing knowledge and/or skill. The build does everything a tank does and has powerful AoE heals and damage shields. Tanking is quite different than playing a DPS. All classes are viable for tanking. All are welcome to study the course material, whether you're a seasone I've tried tanking on each class, for me the classes that seem to offer more tank-ish skills are the most enjoyable for me. In the past I typically played as a Dragonknight, but I’d like to try something new here. Factoring in Solo, Group/Trial PvE (healer, tank, and DPS), and PvP - what is consider the worst? A ranked list would be interesting as well. Tank Class Tier List – Best Tank Class in ESO. Arc is as well, but it's better suited (imo) to high damage type situations (bosses, main tanking trials, etc)--"single target" would be the best description, with DK being the slightly better "AoE" type tank. Your choice of class is only about 5% of your damage capability. I personally find their class tool kit to be lacking and I think they're kinda boring to play, but I know others that really enjoy them and don't enjoy necro tanking, so take that for what it's worth. But what are the best classes for pvp in current meta? The lists I’m googling must be out of date because they all list sorc as the best. you can pretty much make anything work but i like this build best for solo pve due to range, bear pet, and the wardens healing/tanking Sorcerer. Even though the easier dungeons can be done without a tank, you should play it like a normal tank. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Wardens and DK usually tie for first place for the best tank. Sorc is a thing right now but a little more complicated to play. The class I'm going for is a Warden (don't know how much class plays a factor) and to be honest I want to lean more towards survivability- like I wanna be immortal lol. It's got no sustain problem, unique buffs can tank aynthing with ease is beginner friendly and its just easy to play. Templar has ritual, a massive long duration AOE (seriously, so much time when healing with a Templar!) with a cleanse synergy that gives you minor mending while you're in it. Arcanist makes a really good tank, surprisingly, and people are starting to catch onto that. I love the pets of this class. Look up the sets you want for tanking when u get 50 cp160 and go farm them. Necro is still BiS for tanking DoTs but ArcTank is no1 overall. Most people would point out that nightblade is more difficult to learn than other classes, however, I think it makes a good main because it makes thieving easier via cloak (invisible skill) and you can essentially bypass a lot of trash in delves and public dungeons to get to sky shards or get to delve bosses quicker. Dragonknights have always been the best tanks: they have a lot of class skills that help with defense, sustain, and utility. We’ll start with our lower-tier picks and move on to the #1 best class for tanking in ESO, highlighting what makes each one good (or not-so-good) at their role. There are definitely some tiers though. The only problem is I'm absolutely clueless about tanking and I was wondering if some kind soul could tell me what race and class would be best for me to learn to tank with. Have not played a necro tank, hear they are great too. However other changes, like the rework to Status Effects, have also affected the capabilities of all ESO Classes indirectly. For tanking, go on Every class can tank, however in the highest difficulty stuff of ESO templar is not considered a good choice. Hi all, took about a year off of ESO and recently come back and settling into the routine of it all again. For tanks, the best races are generally considered to be Nord, Imperial, and Argonian. As for race it's more forgiving. It is highly skill based. That being said, Necromancer is among the top 3 best tanking classes (the others being Dragonknight and Warden). Tank and healer are a little bit more class dependent, as some classes have tank or healing oriented skills or skill lines that help. Templar; Sorcerer; C Rank – Best Tank Class in ESO. e. I personally use a warden, has a lot of buffs for your party, nice tanking tools, good heals. Even for hard mode dlc dungeons templar is totally fine if you are experienced. Jul 21, 2024 · Overall, DK is an excellent tank overall for all content. Only thing is that DK is just ahead of everyone else even Warden. Magicka NB has it's l A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online. A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online. Unless you are in the top 1% of players doing end game score pushing it doesn't really matter especially between Templar and Warden. However if you ask me, my fav classes and my only 3 tanks right now are – Warden, NB and Necro. Warden; Necromancer; Arcanist; B Rank – Best Tank Class in ESO. Nightblade Below are some of the features found using the ESO Dragonknight PvE Tank Build in the Elder Scrolls Online: Class – Dragonknight Weapon One – Sword and Shield Weapon Two – Frost Staff Armor Type – Heavy Race – Nord Attributes – 64 Health Mundus Stone – Atronach Base Game – Yes Any class, though their racials make them best suited for healing or tanking. I think that tanking is not what her design is for, though. Finally giving ESO a shot. I am cp1k+ so im not new to the game. Alcast HQ Mirri companion build - Tank Any class can use barrier, also an option here, but not as strong as major protection IMO. It attributes to ~3% for very high parsing players (100k)+ ; and will be even less noticeable for players like you who parse significantly less. If on pc, get some add ons to let you know when it runs out or make sure you use ability timers Bastian and Isobel make for the best tanks, but I'd give a slight edge to Isobel. Warden tanks fall in and out of hardcore trial groups because a warden healer gives the exact same buffs, so instead of double dipping they get a different tank like a DK for stone giant stagger. I think that this rating is pretty accurate. Every class can tank however, with some having a slightly harder time than others. The more practice you get early, the better you will be when you qualify for harder content. May 10, 2024 · My favorite 2 tanks are a Nord DK and an Argonian Warden. The build is even great for trial off-tanking. The best classes to do all 3 roles are both Warden and Necromancer. I have Bastian setup as a tank (using the Dragonknight Companion Tank Build) and Mirri is setup to switch between being a Healer and Bow DPS. Within some reason, all classes are good. Members Online Quick shoutout to the voice actors in this expansion Do you understand what a tank is and does in eso? A good tank won't be able to do much damage and will be a total pita to quest with. One of my friends described the build as “egregiously selfish but egregiously selfless”. It still matters, of course, but as the other commenter said, honestly pick a class you simply enjoy. Sorc makes a great ult pumping tank if only source of Warhorn in team with Dragonguard, Potentates, Bloodspawn. Nerco is also great if you wish it also pretty different than other classes if you really want something extra Dragonknight and Warden are generally considered the best tanking classes. Plz tell me what you thank and also what is mata! BTW you will notice I am not denigrating anyone and lying about content creators. I said it hurts some endgame healer builds which is true, I didn’t say it was trash tier and nobody should pick it. Hyperioxes seems to think that Arcanist Tank is a shoo-in for vet trials going forward and he seems to know what he's talking about. The three top tank options, nerco, warden and dk are all great. Not really. Idea is to use summoners armor, necrotic potency and intensive mender. But! I started with a Nightblade and really struggled with that, moved to a Necro and loved it (mostly as healer) then moved back to my nightblade, determined to do better. Warden is the best overall at the moment as it provides a unique buff, minor toughness, that only Warden healers can provide. I have myself been playing a DK tank for the first years, until I struggled on other activities and decided to turn him into a stam dd. I want to start ESO. 443K subscribers in the elderscrollsonline community. I play a bosmer warden tank and I tanked Voss and other vet stuff. DK and Necro are probably the 2 safest to go with though as they're designed well for tanking while other classes can tank, they're not as natural a fit. I don't have a strong opinion on sorc tanks. Evidently, they also make the best tank All classes are viable tanks in 2024. I know a lot of new tanks that think that because they are the first person to land any damage or just because they are standing in front of the boss this is taunting. He also goes over all the skills you need. Embace the flexibility of eso and switch it up. I'm somebody who loves to tank high level content in pretty much every MMO. Hello!! I've been playing ESO since Feburary but pretty soon I want to heavy grind to get gear for my first tank but need recommendations. Necromancer looks strong too. Members Online Quick shoutout to the voice actors in this expansion What is generally thought of as the weakest class? I realize tier lists change depending on the content so, what is best for group PvE dps is not necessarily the best for PvP. You can use Khajiit for any dps class/build, but its generally used for stamina dps builds, as there are better magicka dps races. The “class fantasy” for tanking doesn’t work out well in ESO with how convoluted the process is, and how forced your play style becomes. But as DPS you really can pick any class. Just started playing the game (my first ever elderscroll game) and have no idea what I’m doing. In my experience, eso tanks are like the jack-of-all-trades. ) Changing your race won’t fix your dps, though. As new items sets, dungeons, or trials come up in game, sometimes other tank classes are wanted, like Wardens or Nightblades. Best class: Dragonknight followed by Necromancer & Warden. Some example builds: Hack the Minotaur Soul Defender. Nightblades because they vary extremely depending on role. DK is your safest bet as a tank. They have a great class ability to pull enemies to you, another to root them in place, resource restore on ultimate use, and some class buffs and debuffs that are incredibly useful in organized groups. When I played, it used to be as easy at Templar High Elf as a healer, and Argonian Dragon Knight as tank (just some examples), but it doesn't really seem to still be that way anymore. For tank: make sure to use packleader morph for passive minor courage buff on group: Tormentor: REQUIRED for taunt via leap, if you use brutal pounce, the aoe morph, this is one of the few aoe taunts in the game. Rushing agony: when you leap, pull enemies toward you. For one, the main quest begins with you being abducted by necromancers and sacrificed to Molag Bal. For healers, Breton and Argonians are generally considered best, but Altmer are a really solid choice as well. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So with said. my bow/bow stamden solos pretty much all world bosses, vet base game dungeons, and normal dlc dungeons(at least the ones that don’t have unavoidable group mechanics) with relative ease, and i’m not the greatest player(i also don’t use any npc followers). No but you totally misunderstood the dudes question it seems, he is just starting out and asks if he could tank with a templar and not what the best tanking class for hard mode raids is. I enjoy tanking on all classes except Nightblade and Templar, but personal favourite goes to Sorcerer or Dragonknight. Arcanists are just S+ over DKs S rating. You can do all content with Argonian of course. Her Radiant Shield gives her damage mitigation and a 5k shield every 8 seconds, which is likely to see more consistent use than Bastian's 12 second ability that performs a similar function. I am still considering sorcerer . Tips like tactics, gear sets, or any general basic advice would be greatly appreciated also. All classes are equally viable as both magicka and stamina DPS. As well as the best weapons for said roles some are easy to understand others like 2handed vs sword and board aren’t for me at least Orcs are the best race for stamina dps specifically. Since your 2 pets take up slots on both bars, the number of skills you have to manage in your rotation is less. Also I’d say that Warden and Necro are the best for 4 man content. One of the best things about tanking on a Necro though is that all 3 class ultimates are useful (at least in certain situations). The best tanking class hands down is Dragon Knight. Argonians are the best healers. Their racial passives mainly focus on giving them extra sustain which is useful but isn't really needed if you're min maxing for damage. S Rank – Best Tank Class in ESO. in before everyone recommends yolna and pa gear skills for dk I like Main Bar: Igneous Shield - Primary Shield Green Dragon Blood - Primary Heal Balance - Infinite Sustain w/ Added Resists Heroic Slash - Maim w/ Ultimate Regen Pierce Amror - Taint w/ Minor/Major Breach Ignoring what the Meta is, whats you guys' favourite class to tank with? Specifically what you most enjoy or most feel comfortable using. Ability to stealth as a bonus to skip a lot of pointless trash fights while solo dungeons and easy mode for thieves guild/dark brotherhood dailies. Tank classes in ESO are often valued depending on which buffs and debuffs they bring to the team. Templar and nightblade tank at the end of the day just didn't work for me personally. Sorcerers can pull off vampire, because half their bar is pets that have to be slotted on both bars and stay permanently summoned and do damage, so the increase cost for non vampire skills doesn't hurt them so much because of pets taking up space, being permanently summoned so you so you have less skills to cast. Nov 12, 2021 · All ESO Classes Ranked Worst to Best by PvE Tanking Potential. Nords & Imperials share the title for best tank. If i could only do 2 RND a day, both would be on Wardens. I roll both DK and Warden Tanks- DKs are easier so I use them for PUGs and my Warden for Progression where every buff/ debuff/ additional heal matters. In the Necrom chapter, the Stamina Warden ranks number two on the Best ESO Classes: PvP Tier List. Dragonknight; A Rank – Best Tank Class in ESO. Arcanist Tank downsides seem to be much weaker self-heals when compared to DKs. Besides that you can bring minor sorcery, shards are especially nice if you have a tank at range and th The best race for dps is Dark Elves for both Stamina and Magicka, with High Elves being equal to them only on Magicka characters (Due to their extra Weapon/Spell damage) Note that you can make any race work, the difference between worst and best is only a couple % dps loss. Also, with being tank, are you just absorbing damage? Or can you also dish some back? Neither. The ranking considers difficulty, survivability, resource sustain, and group utility, for endgame dungeons and trials! Jul 30, 2023 · Hi there, I know most guides state the best classes for tanking are DK and Warden. Like what are we talking about A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online. Warden and DK are considered to be best tanks by ESO comunity. For healers 100% "healers haven" discord No idea whose good for pvp Currently, Warden. HOWEVER I know that Tanking is what i enjoy on mmorpg. You can do all end game content with a Redguard Healer too. Over taunt is only a thing if 2 tanks are trading taunt. Remember, don't treat tanking like its a class. Aug 14, 2023 · Dragonknights probably have the best kit for tanking, with Arcanists coming in a close second. For me, currently, single best solo class is a one-bar HA Warden, closely followed by one-bar HA Sorc. It's my best class because I like it the most. Warden is a pretty straighforward class. I fell in love with tanking and everyone and their mother is telling me Dragonknight is God Tier tank class. Members Online Devs were giggling and kicking their feet in the air when writing Abazbi This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. what do you guys think is gonna be the top tank class for this year? still just a race between DK and warden? or are there other tank classes out there that can compete Archived post. But with Warden you also gain amazing stamina DD, good magicka DD, great class for solo, amazing in PvP, amazing resource managment and well fact that it is highly versatile. This guide ranks the top tanking classes from best to worst, exploring their unique traits, best skills, and passives for tanking. If you are new to tanking, I think it is best to level as a tank. I just basically want the best RANGED pvp class. DK's are by far the best tank class right now, and if you had to pick, Imperial and Argonian are probably the best two races. Tanking: Dragonknight is still considered top tier. I know that every class can fulfill every role, but I don't want to pick one of the weaker tanks. Currently maining tanks right now, and wondered what most tanks are running for 4-person and 12-person content. Now that we’ve established our tier lists, let’s jump into our breakdown of ESO’s best tanking classes. Warning, long post ahead. (Edit: Khajit and Dark Elf are viable, too. Fell off just after Lost Depths, through Firesong and Scribes of Fate so haven’t yet c Best class? JDUB, one of the best tanks in ESO, made this ranking in his recent video: NB, DK; Warden, Necro; Sorc, Templar. Orc and Khajiit can also be okay. But try not to taunt more than once per 15s. The tank club dude and a lot of content creators do a great job of striving to come up with the best builds for high end specific situations. There seems to be skills for all the classes to assist in tanking, and I'm assuming that different classes of tanks will be strong, with some fitting more niche roles (i. Hey all. No, I meant at the moment. There is no best class for it dunmer tank, just pick what you think it cool. There’s a good DPS build for all classes. Most people won't take any other tank into trials. Argonian is a good race but it’s not the best, certainly not the best for all builds. As a tank you want that aggression on you not your teammates. The sorcerer is also the easiest class to play. Just like all other The Elder Scrolls Online classes, it will most likely have all the tools to heal, deal considerable damage and also fulfil the classic role of the tank in group scenarios. This doesn't invalidate DK tanks in any way. That said, the new armoury system means you can save a tank build to use in group content and a damage build so that you can quest etc and so in this case class doesn't matter. He's the best content creator for dps builds because not only will he show you the absolute best in slot stuff, he's also gonna go over some alternatives that are easier to get. For Stamina DPS, Orc is the hands-down best option, with Dunmer and Khajit slightly behind. Sorc also has the best execute range dps IMO if the tank needs to contribute to DPS Play the one you like the theme of best. Also have a Dark Elf NB tank that is a lot of fun. Mirri is still the best healer and she has great dps when specced into DW. I like my necro tank. For race, Nord and Imperial are tops, and Argonian is really good too. Members Online Golden Vendor And Luxury Vendor Items 2023-11-10 Redguard or Orc. Reply reply For tanks hyperoxies is the best. It’s not going to matter at all unless you are min All classes are fine — end game content will typically ask for a DK main tank and a Cro or Arcanist off tank. Doesn't matter too much unless you're trying to absolutely maximize your damage potential. Warden, Templar and Necromancer all have a lot going for them and I wouldn't be able to pick one over the others. You could probably come up with multiple ways around that. I’ll show myself the door now… Hello #esofam! Update 41 is live for PC and is coming soon for Consoles with a few interesting changes to gameplay, especially for Nightblades and Necromancers. Best in slot for Tanks, finally unseating DKs for top spot. IMO, it's the best beginner class in ESO. Probably the best tank in the game runs a khajiit which is not a good tank race. Has a variety of buffs, burst skills, damage over time skills, and many ranged and melee options. Templar used to be my favorite, but recent nerfs hit hard (my usual go-to jabs/PL/living dark isn't that powerful anymore). Dk (my main), Warden, and necro are what I typically use but I've also enjoyed a bit of sorc tank. Haven't run an Imperial, but they are also a strong tank race. With the Stamden, you have flexibility in build choices, great healing, and high mobility. Deltia's Gaming Mirri Elendis Tank build. Did I already mention Wardens make the best tanks lol? I have 5 tank toons i use to farm transmutes from quick RND. Redguards and Bretons are the only two races who don't really have a niche. I chose Dragon Knight class to build a fire-based character as my first (similar to Sunbreaker titan subclass in Destiny). 1 DK, 1 Necro, 3 Wardens. 436K subscribers in the elderscrollsonline community. If you are the only tank you can stab the battery as many times as you'd like! The way overtaunt works is once you hit the cap (was 3 within 12 secs, last patch changed it to 5 within 12 seconds) the last tank to taunt has the bosses aggro until that taunt wears off, at which time a new taunt can be applied. You have no taunt without this set and will be useless as a tank. Hyperoxies is better then "the tank club" for tanking. But he's a legit endgame dude so that's not always what people need. It used to be the best race for stamina dps due to the crit damage passive, but because the crit damage cap they added, its probably second best behind Dunmer. Alot has changed around the balancing of classes, so I'm quite confused at to which classes and which races are the best healers and tanks. If you are not doing very difficult end game content you can really tank with any class. I was thinking about pointing out the same thing. Members Online When buying all the Scribing stuff, remember, Zeal of Zenithar is right around the corner. Consistently regarded as the best tanks since ESO came out and still safely keeping that position to this day. He has extremely in-depth information on all mechanics and information that a tank should know and also has tank builds made for every class, whether you’re doing dungeons or trials Hey all! I’m coming back to ESO after a long time and I’d really like to play an Orc character. Using a staff and magic on back bar just feels weird. But it is ultimately a class that plays more like a remix of other classes. Yes i understand most people would recommend DPS or possibly HEALER first. Wish they’d open up what skills work for taking, make it viable to lean fully into the tanking skill line of each class, mix up what weapons you Also, strongest ult regeneration, good potential for both melee and range builds, the best class when it comes to direct damage (important since how many sweeping changes were done to dots recently). Every class can do every role technically, but warden and Necromancer are consistently in the top 3 of tanks and heals while also being really good dps. Depends on what you're wanting out of it. Like others have said, this can all change with wrathstone patch coming. Everyone can tank, you just need the gear and skills. Sorry not sure about pure healer spec for pve. and her cooldown reduction/damage mitigation racial is slightly better than Bastian's Health/Damage racial. There is sepcifc tank build for necro that have insane ulti generation. The only update I think she really needs is better tanking utility due to her emergency health skill dropping aggro, sending the boss straight for you while she heals up. You'd be better served learning more about how to DPS rather than focus on the "best" class. They have the best darn support skills in the game. Also you no longer need to be a Nord to fully optimise yourself as an ArcTank because of Runic Sunder. go dps or gear more for solo. Although i love revive ulti so much. Armor sets tend to follow the same philosophy as tanks in ESO don’t, not even in endgame, build for more tankiness. Was so entertaining and had completely forgotten how ridiculous armor I had dyed for her all those years ago. And Wardens make the best tanks. It has worked flawlessly. Also in my case i already have a necro char so feeling forced to make one of the other 2 even if it seems to be one of the more fun tank classes. Best races: Argonian (my favorite tanking race) , Redguard, Imperial, Nord (Nords are WAY too overhyped as a tank compared to other classes). In ESO you can tank as any class by choosing more health points and wearing heavy armor, or you can melee DPS or Bow DPS with stamina points and medium armor, or you can spell DPS with magicka points and light armor. Best group support skills, plus can actually heal as well, so provides more flexibility for your family group. For tanking builds specifically, the best source would be The Tank Club, who has youtube videos and a website on everything tank related in the game. Don’t know how much update 35 will change this. Bastion is supposed to be the tank, imo. Here’s my list of best classes for overland PvE and Questing: Sorcerer - Magicka or Stamina. It works like this, you recast intensive mender every 4 seconds which creates corpse which you consume with potency you also can recast armor every 10s for extra corps and extra ulti. ESO’s players r nicer to tanks than healers, cuz tanks r hard to find. Like, ZOS never balance patches for support roles, so the likelihood of DK getting pushed out of that role is pretty much 0%. What always holds the class Best gear for companions as tanks is heavy companion gear with a mix of vigorous, bolstering and quickened. Nightblade is generally considered the hardest class to tank with but it can be done. 442K subscribers in the elderscrollsonline community. Dropping the DK tank means moving these two skills to the ZenKosh, which causes a damage loss to the ZenKosh and thus to the group. Only one I do not want to play is DK Edit: I really like magic so also considering necro and arcanist, would also play bow. It has three skill lines: Herald of the Tome, Apocryphal Soldier and Curative Runeforms, also each skill line focuses on different aspects of the game Its been uncontested as THE best tank since ESO came out, has been strong at PvP for 5 years, and has rotated in as a top tier DPS on various occasions. And there are dozens of "eso classes tier list" videos for PVE, PVP and Solo on youtube, so you can get impression of what classes do like and feel if you have an hour to spare watching these youtube videos. Imperial and nord are the best races, followed by orc, and maybe dunmer for their radials. Hey everyone, your friendly Tank Vanguard from the Tower here (jk), in this post I'll be making a guide for tanking (primarily PvE-oriented) in ESO. The tank thing is a big deal. Dragonknight is the hands down best tank class in the game. I like to make poison & disease builds using Swamp Raider, Morag Tong, and/or Venomous Smite, but you can also use Vateshrans bow with Velidreth monster set (any of these works with a 1-bar setup). Exceptions are made in the meta, but those are the classes that I am usually requested to bring. But Tanking is the place where you can get by with whatever race you want best of any role. Necro is just such a fun class to I'm thinking the best class for an Orc would be either Dragonknight or Templar. You can also use Isobel Velois Companion with this build. the Paladin being the best tank for lots of adds, the Warrior being the best maintank, and the Druid being the best offtank in WoW's Burning Crusade expansion). But you can also effectively tank any content with any race tank. Warden and Necro tanks are good, the former better for dungeons and the latter for trials, but DK is such a stable tanking class that if you already have one, I'd say you keep playing it. But, obviously, all classes can heal and all classes can compete all content as a healer. There's a lot more flexibility in ESO than most other MMO's. For class choice, the Dragonknight is the easiest to learn tanking with. Though, for trials content, I'd say Nord is the best race and the top 3 classes are DK, Warden, and Necro. For 99% of the players, the best healer is the one you are the best at playing. The tank club"s Companion Tank Build - Bastian Hallix. Little confused about classes though. But if you're just getting into tanking vet dungeons (as opposed to doing trial hms) they're pretty interchangeable . This is the conclusion for the Tank Class Tier List in ESO right now. 7 BEST Companion Builds For ESO Blackwood! I level up both Companions at the same time. As others have said for vet content Id still follow a standard tank setup as you might get a DLC dungeon in your que if your own the DLC or have ESO plus active. I've played as a Dragonknight for a bit with a test character (granted, perhaps an Altmer isn't the best choice for this class?), but so far, I can't say it's all that impressive, at least, not when focusing on stamina. DK tanks also are the best choice for using Stone Giant to apply Stagger, increasing group damage. Templar would be the easiest for a beginner - Necro would actually be one of the harder ones. Though I’m curious as to what you all think would be the best class for an Orc. Most things i read and vid i watch say either Nord, Imperial best? Also for classes i see lot of DK & NECROMANCER also WARDONS. The Stamina is absolutely fantastic and, in the right hands, provides some of the best burst damage in the Elder Scrolls Online. When I say solo play, I don’t necessarily mean soloing group dungeons, or going 1vX in PvP, I’m talking strictly about overland exploring and questing. Join eso discord from this sub Reddit and ask for the tanking discord They’re super smart and will help you Tip: you can taunt 1 enemy per second. It works if you know what to you are doing. Continue if you can handle reading a novel. Play whatever you want. I am just giving you data to analyze. Members Online welkom nerevar to this place where destiny is made DK/Warden if you want the best tank available. Lore-wise though, you probably wouldn’t want to make a Redguard necromancer. In comes the Armory assistant to ESO and now im also a Sorcerer Tank. Have a stam, mag, healer and tank. DK tanks can use Igneous Weapons, which allow your group to run cheap potions or heroism potions. DK: Everyone's saying its just the best tank. I have heard that NB is fun to tank with too. Killed; then recreated as a daedric vestige, to be his eternal slave in Coldharbor. i primarily tank 4mans not trials but i have been in some vet trials. Stam sorc is fun to tank, DK is probably the best with warden following close behind. To better you can play the less race and class matters. Or skim. It’s a mix of gear and class. The roles are Tank, Healer, Stamina DPS, Magicka DPS. He says they're a direct replacement for DK Tanks but Necro Tanks are still going to be preferred for DoT heavy fights. What a shame! Today, after several years I tried playing with my bosmers NB which is the first character I've ever created in ESO. Like I once had this experience where I was solo healing normal MoL trial and the leader of the group (who was DPS) kept thinking I was letting the tank die at the final boss when the tank was dying from a 1 shot mechanic that had to do with the pads tank was stepping on. What ever other class if you want to have fun tanking That said, race matters less for tanking than any other role. That being said what is the best race for each Class I understand that each class can be molded to a role but I was just curious as to what sounds the best. Tank NB has very high health and amazing mitigation, stamina NB has great burst and compliments weapon abilities since it doesn't have much stamina ones on it's own. In ESO taunts are abilities that specifically state that they will grab the aggression of an enemy. With that in mind, I would say Sorc, Warden, or Nightblade are the best classes for solo play. Members Online Please stop running away from me, I'm here to help. cyrzd xyltt bbu chho qtqibs vykhwo bplkqo eof tgnd kldzm pakjzxyu zzao opzhf xbcebd bnb