Belladeon 2a team. These units are outdated and can be skipped.
Belladeon 2a team I personally couldn't be bothered by how long the last 40 stages take because I just run auto battle in the background and I can do toan and toah in one day without even being diligent about it. Right now, I am going with a much quicker and tankier team, so Belladeon's defense break is a godsend. This allows you to slow down / control the enemy in a loop. twitch. Belladeon(40): 19. g. The key is that he needs 25k hp to survive onslaughts and a team of good healer/supports. id suggest you ditch the dot team and go for beginner giants abyss teams Veromos(L), 2A Kro, Belladeon, Shannon and Darion only kro needs to be 2A. Damage is increased by 50% for each harmful effect on the enemy. Aug 30, 2015 · Belladeon overall is a solid monster that can be used in all areas of the game from early game to late game. New 2A F2P farming teams:0:00 Living Armor4:27 FrankensteinJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Skill GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav Minor mistake/nitpick: For monsters of one "class" (e. GB12: Vero/Sig (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Naomi, 2A Kro (you can replace one of Naomi/Kro with (2A) Shannon for increased safety) ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Vero/2A Kro/2A Spectra. You can reeplace Eshir with Vigor but I wanted another stripper. 2A Sath/Thrain are good options if you want to go for a dot team, do not use Baretta as he's terribly outdated. GB10: Vero/Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Lapis, Shannon/second awakened (2A) Kro Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Most of 2a are more for PVP. My team is not 100% consistent (I'd rather say it's 98%), but it's safe, and clears GB12 consistently for me: (in order of speed tuning) Fran, Shannon, Belladeon, Kro and Sigmarus(L) Total stats: (I'll show only relevant stats for each unit) Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Giants and Dragons B10 Viability Kro is a viable attacker for either Giants or Dragons. e. I use Vero (L), Rica, Nora, Sath 2A, Water Homie. This section has been created to show something unique for any monster, i. Contribution. for Lushen it may be damage per card; for Miho maybe some Siege records. I've been unable to get that comp working on my 3rd account, I think because the Vigor isn't vio, so I wound up using FenYang Lulu2A & a vio Nov 14, 2023 · The Homonculus Dark will be very interesting here because in addition to reducing ATB and enemy defence, it reduces all your team's cooldowns. My account is 70 days old. R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon Rune Belladeon as a nem/nem/nem or nem/will trap. The goal of this calculator is to show you the speed you need to have perfectly synced teams. Then, Belladeon and Spectra will have to be awakened a second time (2A). me/lRGwIOBOwJoin My Discord: https://discord. R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon R5 solo teams: Check this thread Personally I have been using Verde Khmun 2A Bella Spectra Left Right Boss and it works occasionally but fails way too often for me > probably works with better stats but my spectra's runes sub par since I only use him for ToAH so this team might work for others if you're looking for a team that does work. All the speed work has been made by Aurinko and the tool math is based on it. This team is designed to run on auto to ensure as minimal involvement as possible. 4 Harmful Effect Rate +10% GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. Fast, reliable, and F2P friendly team examples. SPD is not of concern for that. Today I used 2A Darion against Tartarus for the first time. If you want to try out some other teams though I suggest trying the teams with chilling lead it allows you to have a lot more stats on your units getting so much accuracy for free. Sure, Naomi has element advantage over the boss, but has far less utility than Kro in it by only bringing a brand (thing which Kro 2a already does) and attack bar decreasing (thing that Fran, Loren, Belladeon 2a and Shannon 2a do) over Kro, which can decrease cooldowns from a random ally with a debuff scaling attack skill and dots and defense Since the only source of that team's damage was Veromos, his defense break didn't help much, either. On some floors I swap Fran with colleen for her heal block. I generally skillup the 2A mons I use the most to spend leftover DH energy (otherwise I'd be 2A'ing mons left and right) or devilmons. FL Mav It's not binary anymore. My Veromos isn't skilled up but it would make the runs a lot faster. youtube. This got me a SS to SSS about 75% of the time. S1 Defense Break with some damage boost, S2 for Team Ups, and S3 for Big Nuke and Brand. ToA(H): Fran (L), Lapis, Verde, Loren, Sig/2A Kro/2A Spectra. , are already good monsters and with the 2A they just get better. Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in Icerift frontline (rift in general Bella>Loren), GB12 dot team (you want the boss to take turns or it'll be a 4 minute run), some GW/siege comps want heal and defensebreak, perfect AI in dragons. Fairy i built the wind one for R5 prior to BJ5, she is very solid as both a DD and support monster. It’s a fan site made by Relisora. Most team comps follow along the lines of Verdehile (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Spectra/Megan, and Sigmarus/Any DPS monster. Aug 31, 2015 · Team Combos Kro works very well with any monster that has a debuff on their first skill. When I finished my Raoq(2A), my winrate shot up to about 95%. If you want to be part of the project, please check Contribute Page on SWStats. It works perfect with all the ATB manipulation. Feel free to discuss with the community or ask if you need any advice on Discord. 2 Damage +10%; Lv. But if you could only find a functional Level 4 team for the harder dungeons (looking at you, Camaryn), feel free to share it. Oh, and of course, try sharing teams for level 5. 1k HP / 1058 def / 156 spd / 28% resistance (Violent-guard) Verde/Loren, 2a sath, 2a thrain, fran, vero on my alt (new main i guess at this point) sath/thrain are literally on leftover vio/revenge spd/hp/hp runes, pretty sure they were blue runes. Once you 2A a mon it resets the skills to level 1. Jul 9, 2019 · BLUF: If you are early or mid game, 2a bella first!But you have to watch the video to get the team! (Or skip to the last couple minutes) Belladeon - AVG Hero / Max Blue Grinds. 40 Belladeon 2A: Defense: HP: 10710: ATK: 541: DEF: 747: SPD: 108 CRI Rate: 15%: CRI Dmg: 50% Jun 11, 2019 · Find the best Karzhan Level 5 Team builds for the rune dungeon and second awakening dungeons (Inugami 5 & Warbear 5). The team stayed much healthier, and Darion wasn’t taking too much more of a beating than he usually does. Today in DaisyB Beginner Account Series, we discussed second awakening team for new players, when any why you should do it as soon as possible! DaisyB Playli Here are our build recommendations for Belladeon. I run him in my NB10 team and my fastest but not safe DB10 team. Belladeon 2A (Light Inugami) 193 0 team farm2. I'm only farming level 3 for inugamis and level 2 for bears. I used Yen (L) - 2A Belladeon - 2A Eshir and Lulu (2min approx) . Also found in the developers notes they mention that a 2A should take approximately 100 runs, which Kro (2A): Nuker | Defense Break | Team Up | Decently Good Boi A decent and easier to obtain option here. I get consistent 2:00 to 2:30 runs. All i see is a missed opportunity to give some love to our old lost favourite units that have been outshined and outdated with time. There is some minor classic Inconsistency2Us involved there since starting from nat2 values the fixed value deviates by 1 (or 2, for the nat5s) sometimes, but overall it's pretty solid and Jan 18, 2018 · The turn order of your DB10 team should be Megan → Belladeon → Veromos → Sigmarus → your +5. Can be used in GB10 as well. Your best bet may be 2A Belladeon and hope that Eladriel doesn't die (shouldn't, and now that he revives all he should be ok as a sole reviver) I have it but using some low level inugami(as food for 2A Kro) and it gets stomped. One of the most noticeable changes is the Special section, which (for Belladeon 2A) shows GB10 & DB10 records SWStats has in database. Megan didnt need much to be really great and strong but she basically didnt gain anything, just like darion and its sad. By neospacemax. You can also Feb 4, 2024 · Halo Guys Disini Aku Mau Membuat Akun Baru Progres Awal Dari Hari Ke Hari Di Game Summoners War Sky ArenaAgenda Akun Baru :- Recap Apa Saja Progress Selama G Belladeon (2A) (Light) Kro (2A) (Dark) Inugami - Defense. I wouldnt rly want to replace bella with anything else in those teams forna long ass time, if ever at all. Awakening Essences. Aug 31, 2015 · Think Tyron, Belladeon, Kro, Sieq and Colleen are great partners to team up with. Data collection is anonymous. You can also This site is a speed calculator for the game Summoners war. 15. Oh, and to try sharing teams for Skill Up farming if possible when talking about the 2A dungeons. 1 : front - darion / delphoi / xiao lin Back - tesarion (or twa depending on the lead of the other 3rd team), colleen and kro 2A 2 : front - Belladeon 2A, raviti, anavel, xiong fei Back - water twins I use Darion mainly for Tartarus (hard if minis alive, hell if minis dead). Use Tyron if you have him. Times: Avg 1m30s, Best so far: 1m15s Runes: I have 2 teams from before bj5 was a thing. 10. Fran/Loren p sure are still using summoners way runes. Before I had Rica and Nora I used Fran and Mantura. Ritesh(40): 40. Don't need as much lockdown? Use Belladeon Just like belladeon and bernard and shannon. Think Tyron, Belladeon, Raoq, Sieq and Colleen are great partners to team up with. Bella pros: has atb boost, has def break, has strip, has good ai. Lapis, Roaq 2A, Shaina until about floor 40 then use a dot team. tv/raigekiscG3 Streamer but budget team comps lol = Tw Team : Tyrone (L), Vigor 2a, Shakan 2a, Unruned Howl 3* Details: I go right, left, boss, worked for a bit over 10 consecutive runs, have to try if left, right, boss isn't maybe better. 5. But if I had everyone at 6 stars, Belladeon would probably be a better option. Scar: Attacks on the enemy's wounds. With it, you won't need to rune the monster you are leveling. See all the details (including 2nd awakening!) of the skills, best runes, stats, and places to use Belladeon (The Light Inugami) in Summoners War! How to clear Level 5 2A Howl dungeon (Lulu 2nd awakening)! https://youtu. Verde (L), Tyron, Kro, 2A Spectra, 2A Belladeon Focus a tower during the mid boss to increase reliability Turn order: Bella (remove immunity if it even goes up), Spectra (aoe slow), Tyron (atb decrease), Kro (big dps), Verde (atb boost) Belladeon - AVG Legend / Max Purple Grinds. GB12: Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/2A Naomi DB12: Verde (L), Fran, Loren, Sig, Elsharion or Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A) PB10: Verde (L), Colleen/Fran, 2A Raoq, 2A Kro, 2A Spectra/Yen/Pang. I use her heal alot just for the ATB increase, her 2A ATB reduction on first skill is quite handy against annoying AoE Units to steal their turn in a rush. : Lv. Then I just replace Belladeon with loren for the Male boss. Vero(L) - rage/blade ATK/CD/ATK 2A Naomi - ATK/CD/ATK 2A Darion - HP/HP/HP SLOW shield/fight 2A Belladeon - SPD/HP/HP shield/fight 2A Shannon SPD/HP/HP despair and as fast as possible I need some help with my R3 team. Belladeon, Raoq, and Kro probably are the most helpful early game? I might be wrong on that, just sort of thinking out loud. The difference in difficulty between the abyss stages and b10 is not too big and the difference in reward is significant, so i would highly recommend clearing the highest floor. Roaq is solid for PVE in dungeons. Very farmable and easy to skill up. This one works for most areas, aside from the ones that are type locked. Trying out Raigeki's 2A Belladeon in RTA and it was hella fun!Check out his Twitch: https://www. My gut estimate for an average Bulldozer would be about 3-5k total damage increase. Every monster can be equipped with different runes, depending on your team and strategy. Exact team but no Charlotte, bella takes her spot. Vero is rage/blade spd/cd/hp, using runes from buying rage runecraft pieces from event points. You can also Use Tyron if you have him. nat4), the sum of HP/15 + ATK + DEF + SPD is the same. FL Mav After running my 2A Belladeon in TOA, I think he has a shot at being one of the best 2A right now. His impact is subtle, but having a heal with ATB increase, a second skill that turn cycles in TOA most of the time, and a near guaranteed def break that can also lower ATB at times great team! I use Theomars, Fran, Vigor, Belladeon Reply reply On my alt I use susanno / vigor 2A/ darion / fran with a winrate of ~ 90% tho my runes are trash The most reliable one for me has been Vigor Anavel Shamann - Vigor and Anavel need to be on Vio. GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon R5 solo teams: Check this thread Fran pros: atk buff, immunity, two healing skills, a cleansing skill, attack break on s1, multihit on s1. How to contribute? An optimal fast team would use tatu I think. gg/NS6fvt9Follow Me On Twitch: https://twitch. Damage +10% Damage +10% Damage +10% Harmful Effect Rate +10% Harmful Effect Rate +10% Use Tyron if you have him. Veromos on Vio/Nem, Vigor on Swift/Energy, Belladeon Vio/Focus, Thrain on Vio/Focus. DB10 is one of the more difficult dungeons, but when you get the hang of it, you’ll finally gain regular access to Violent, Revenge, Endure, Shield runes and more. •If he kills an enemy he not only get's an additional turn but also reduces his own cool downs! •He can team up with 2 other monsters to deal big damage. You will probably build both of these units anyway since they are useful outside of r5 as well. Reply reply My first team that cleared Toa Hard 100 was Baretta, Spectra, Mav, Belladeon, Krakdon. . Secret Dungeon. I’m glad I made him my first 2A this update. GB12: Vero/Sig (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Naomi, 2A Kro (you can replace one of Naomi/Kro with (2A) Shannon for increased safety) Rush sath (fire grim reaper) and Tatu (fire pixie) so you can get your gb12 dot team running, then after that start farming up 3 icaru (water inugami) for your tricaru team for db12 later down the line Asides from those, roaq, spectra, lulu, vigor, naomi, belladeon, eishir, and kro are all really good mons worth 2a in my opinion Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Belladeon brings higher tankyness and a heal+atb increase in exchange for less single target lockdown. Everyone is free to decide if that's enough of a difference to spend their DH energy. Works like an Ariel or Praha, good times. 370% : Scratch: Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws and decreases their defense for 2 turns with a 50% chance. You can see his work on this Reddit post. After that Mina and Ramahan are good situational units thanks to massive buffs from 2nd awakening, and Belladeon, Jultan, and Eshir were borderline usable units before that are pretty good now just because they have better base stats. There is a lot more infographics to come in the near future, even nat5's (Baleygr, Perna, ). TL;DR: Post your Grim Reaper 2a teams! As always it helps to 6 star and rune your grim reapers before you try to 2a them. Shaina is around +99 SPD(SPD / CRIT D / ATK), Sabrina much slower around +55 SPD(ATK/ CRI D / ATK) Reply reply More replies More replies More replies Loren, Fran, Naomi 2A, Kro, Water Homie Hasn't failed once in over 400 runs, best time is 1:14, average time is probably 1:25-1:35 In general it's a squishier team, water homie does a good job controlling the non-boss waves and also adds debuffs onto units so both Kro and Naomi do more damage. I’ve been using him for over a year in that capacity. All these units are pretty common or have been Hall of heroes. (Reusable in 4 turns) Lv. be/Mva9bhGK4w0. FL Mav The team I used originally was Astar(L), Verde, Fran, Belladeon, Kro(2A), and Balegyr. Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Belladeon never stopped being good, just got outclassed by other mons. Just make sure to specify it's a Level 4 team~ That's all folks~ Edit 2: safest team I've managed to make is: Vero, Kaki, Riley, Darion (darion helps kaki survive wave 2 and riley helps everyone survive the paladin on 3) still 2:10 same attack order 2A ofc. Strengthen Skill: Scratch Sources. Make sure you give her high speed and enough HP to survive one Lushens Amputation Magic (Normally 30k+ HP). 2k HP / 809 def / 124 spd (Violent-energy) Briand(40): 33. I haven't done light beast in a long time, i actually removed the twins and went with BL : Kro Raoq Verde Eirgar FL :fran and Icaru with enough defence MHW and Belladeon are also good choices for the front if they are built with high defense since one has the def% leaderskill and the other has more heal. 2 Cooltime Turn -1. It's actually just the sum of HP / 15 (aka CON), ATK, and DEF. That extra damage also isn't fixed, so if your Bulldozer isn't hitting as hard, the 2A will add even less to that. I've got one, it works properly but i dont know if it could be better My team right now is: FRONTLINE. :) If you want to use Belladeon on Arena Defense you will want at least 2 Nemesis sets on her so she gains Attack Bar and cuts into your enemies team to use her heal. tv/jgigs GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. I like to use a slow and steady team. Baretta, Sig, Loren, 2A Belladeon and 2A Spectra is how I do it. Reply reply R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. For bears I use the same same team just instead the Lapis I use Belladeon 2A Jun 14, 2019 · If you Guy's enjoy the Video don't forget to Like & Subscribe for more Entertainment! =)All Songs ⬇ Song 1:Besomorph & Coopex - Redempt On the other end of the spectrum, some 2A mons only have damage skillups and might not even be damage dealers in the first place, so they're easy to dismiss. I'm going to go with Belladeon on this example. These units are outdated and can be skipped. Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in Until you get some really amazing runes and artifacts getting faster then 1:30 at the fastest and most likely 1:45-2:00 on auto is not going to happen. For water beast instead of Fran I'd recommend a crit dmg bernard or a belladeon , My eirgar is on tanky build so he's frontline , idk about yours. Farming Areas: Giant’s Keep, Rift of Worlds, Dimension Hole GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. DB10/DAH (0/10): Bernard is not usable in DB10 because he doesn't offer enough and is a wind monster. The key to doing the early stages faster is to use less mons so you don't have to worry about turns. Yen (Lead), Vigor 2A, Belladeon 2A, + howl I have used this team to 2A my Dark Howl, no failed. •His defense breaks and has built in Violent runes. Kro is probably the "best" upgrade from normal to 2A, but monsters like Belladeon, Dark Martial Cat, Water Fairy Queen, Raoq, etc. A really safe early gb12 team would be something like belladeon bernard shannon veromos and a wind dps like wind martial cat. Ive got a couple of alts that run fran loren sig 2a kro and 2a spectra, good f2p team that works. Tower of Ascension Viability Raoq can work in ToA normal in lower stages(1-50), but for higher stages and ToA hard, he becomes too squishy to be able to survive. R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon R5 solo teams: Check this thread Team I Use for Dimension Hole Farming. R5: Front Line: Xiong Fei, Darion Back Line: Colleen, 2A Kro, Tesa, Theo/Xiao Lin/Belladeon R5 solo teams: Check this thread •He teams up with another ally which helps with both damage and cool downs. I'd like to get more defense on the vigor and more speed on the Thrain eventually. com/channel/UCVI8kbwIYf5EvRKSNb1T1Kw/ LET'S FARM INUGAMI AXP TO 2A / 2ND AWAKEN THEM 😁PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE THANKYOU 😊BTW 2A SPECTRA CAN BE REPLACE WITH VERDEHILE, ATTACK LE GB10: Vero/Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Lapis, Shannon/second awakened (2A) Kro Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Lv. Weakness: •Even after 2A, he is still very squishy. For Inugamis I do Lapis(L), Inugami, Verde and Spectra. This is a variation of other teams I've seen. And finally, all Violent runes sets can be replaced by a Quick set if Show Skill Ups. 40 Belladeon 2A: Defense: HP: 10710 +20333: ATK: 541 +535: DEF: 747 +1464: SPD: 108 +144 : CRI Rate Legacy GB10 teams typically include Belladeon, Bernard, or Darion. Ensure that the team AI is set to target the boss by default. Note that my team stats need improvement. Left crystal, then boss. FL Mav Play Summoners War on PC: https://bstk. FL Mav GB10/GAH (8/10): Bernard is a great monster for an early game Giants B10 team. You can only increase these skills with another 2A mon of the same type (different elements don't matter I'm sure) found in the developers notes. The Fran + loren combo offer way more than any bella + anyone team could, allowing your teams to cover more situations, and turning fran + loren into an early game staple that helps you roll into the midgame, in which bella falls off. Pair with other F2P mobs like Veromos, Jeanne, Amduat (HoH), Vereesa (HoH), Shadow Claw, or Clara for control or stuff like Triana, Harmonia, 2A Vigor, 1A Darion not 2A, or Riley for stall with destroy runes. 5k HP / 937 def / 130 spd (Despair-energy) BACKLINE. Jun 10, 2019 · Find the best Ellunia Level 5 Team builds for the rune dungeon and second awakening dungeons (Fariy 5 & Pixie 5). Awakening Bonus. Multiplier - 370% of ATK stat before reduction and an additional 1st skill attack from a random ally . He won't hit as hard as Brandia, but he'll still chunk the enemy. FL Mav GB10: Vero (L), (2A) Kro, Shannon, Belladeon, Darion or Vero (L), Fran, Loren, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. This team will cycle turns and apply lots of dots. Offers [easytable] , 30% ATB Increase, ~39% AoE Heal, Single Target Beneficial Effect Removal[/easytable] With Bella offering the important 100% activation rate on defense debuff as her first skill, it allows your damage dealing allies Miho is very situational but extremely good if you can bring her into a team with multiple 100% CR monsters. 3 Damage +10%; Lv. Team Up: Teams up with another ally to attack the enemy. Click on each rune / artifact for more information. I'll leave my team here for reference. My auto team on regular stages is Tyron(L), Gany, Rica, Fran, Basalt. On floor 100-Lyrith team my team is Fran, Loren, Fire Twins and Att homunculus. For the female boss stage my auto team is Tyron(L), Gany, 2A spectra, 2A Belladeon, Fran. They won't see it coming ;) Kro in 2A version, which also includes some Kro teams for SB10, PB10 & GB12. He is one of the staple GB10 starter monsters, but once you start transitioning to a speed team you will no longer use him for giants. Probably Michelle; really the only other options; but you won't have a def break on the team. cnc fiyat eofokkoj cutaxsg rkll vgjlboro qvwxby ipcogl jgu cyo nrafg bgjg ltph mbkw ntav