- Xcelium probe command In this course, you learn to invoke and use the SimVision Debug Environment to run and debug simulations. ></p>I could use the -HDLVAR switch, but then I have to do this for all simulation For this example, the simulator is executed in the sim/xcelium directory where the vcs_setup. If I try to run Xcelium with switch "--cov", I am getting following: Failure Buckets. vcd xcelium> xmsim: *E,TCLERR: can't read "my_signals": no such variable. # # Database settings # if { [info exists ::env(AMS_RESULTS_DIR) ] } { set AMS_RESULTS Probes for signals/proper ties Event triggers Measurement of values/properti es Measurement of (Xcelium, VCS, Questa) •Basic usage: •Use '--command' option to see the actual commands executed, e. Here is what I am doing: I do not see the package specified on the xrun command line. Change directory to the sim/xcelium directory: cd <project directory>/<Platform Designer design name>/ \ sim/xcelium/ Copy the xcelium_setup. Note: Intel recommends using the Xcelium™ (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. Aldec Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO Support 5. 1. NCSIM's integrated TRN (signalscan-trace) dumper records assertion-information -- in the Simvision waveform viewer, you can browse assertions and view their counts (failed, completed, active) as regular waveforms. O v e r v i e w. Debug UVM Chapter 1. In this video a Shapeoko 2 machine and Universal G-code Sender so I've already simulated this and gotten reasonable looking results through command line now I'm just trying to setup a similar simulation through the GUI so I can work in a more comfortable environment. Manikas 2022 Jan 13 Learn how to configure and use the Probe command. d. The Xcelium SimAI App harnesses the power of machine learning technology. I17. tcl script and having the default coverage dump at the end of the simulation (irunArgs. sv " I need to observe the simulations in GUI. Hi Stanleyao, Don't include TOP in the VHDL path. 1 Checking for Compatible Options Using the xrun Command 2. xmelab top_level_unit -timescale '1ps/1ps' Use the "add_force -help" Tcl command for more information on usage of this command. > probe : -screen 옵션을 사용하면 signal value의 변화를 monitoring 할 수 있고, -create 옵션을 사용하면 파형 database 생성한 후 그곳에 어떤 signal을 저장할건지를 설정할 수 You use the command-line-based Xcelium Use model that uses the xrun executable and are introduced to the Cadence® Mixed-Signal Verification Solution and Mixed-Signal Simulation concepts. hiearchical. com/CadenceDesignhttps://twitter. Level To set the summary probe, first select the scope at which you wish to apply it. If you add "-waveform" to your probe command, that will bring the signals up in the waveform viewer. Specify the path to this file if you run it from a different directory. 1 Preface This preface contains the following sections: Other Sources of Information Upon cold restart, specific command-line options are available to enable you to run a different test scenario from the saved state. probe command file # used in the AMS-ADE integration. just i/o ports, internal nets, assertions etc. To execute a Tcl command on the Xcelium or Here are some examples of using TCL commands in Cadence Spectre AMS Designer to save signals more efficiently: Saving a single signal. Products To generate the code coverage results, I was able to run the xrun command successfully. 2 Available xrun Help Options 2. <xrun_version>. v // T. Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support Revision History. C: inputs, outputs and inouts of the specifed scope, and in all instantiations below CADENCE COMMAND LINE OPTIONS. You learn to utilize multiple SimVision tool windows with specific mixed-signal debugging features. path instance and below, including memories. Edit > Copy Indicates a path to a menu command, such as opening the Edit menu and choosing Copy. uvm_pkg::uvm_top -all -depth all probe tb_top -all -database waves -depth all These would typically be added to the xrun command using either the -y (for a library directory containing lots of files where each file represents one cell) or -v (where all the cells are in a single file that you pass as the argument to -v). v counter_test. portA. Once the waveform is open, click on file and open database. Hi, you need to edit variable of WildcardFilter in modelsim. Synopsys VCS* and VCS MX Support 4. It appears that the force command will either work on the full packed array, or, if accessing a particular set of bits, with all the dimensions explicitly specified. Tim Notice the difference in the runtimes - with shm waves enabled, it's more than triple the runtime (7. sh file to another file. Publication Date 4/13/2015. Aldec Active-HDL and Riviera-PRO Support A. {} Indicates a definition that can be repeated as many times as Hi, I'm using Cadence Xcelium simulator and I'd like to apply certain xmvlog, xmelab and xmsim command line switches to all simulation sets. Could you please help me with this? Status Not open for further replies. (Lisp와 유사) Hi FPGA community, We need to simulate our FPGA design post synthesis (VO file). 파형 database를 생성해주고, probe로 어떤 signal을 저장할지 저장 범위를 지정합니다. Figure 4: Verisium Debug Randomization Debug. Enabling AMS Designer Flex Mode Using the Command Simvision commands. Files (0) Download. In my experience though, probing classes and tasks doesn't tend to work well for waveforms, because tasks and functions have a habit of doing lots of operations in zero time, so there's nothing much to show in the waveforms. Xcelium Logic Simulator Profile Analysis Our previous post discussed measuring parameters, switches, and profiling. The command I'm using to run the simulation is 'xrun -xmfatal ASRTST fil1. Refer to the documentation provided with the simulator under the section Simulator Tcl Commands / probe for verbose description & examples. Some of these features discussed The UVM-MS methodology is a command line based (or file based) approach and in that methodology, the AMS test bench set up files (e. The -simvisargs passes command-line switches to the simvision binary, not Tcl commands. In this comprehensive course, you will thoroughly command without using a . Description-abvcoveron. a digital multiplier built with standard cells) and I use probe -screen command to dump the nodal values in text format. has 1 failures: Test default has 1 failures. Hi all, Community Guidelines The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. 09 integrated coverage online course. VCS simulation, the same work using Cadence Incisive too; just replace comp, run and clean targets in the make command with nccomp, ncrun and ncclean respectively. ltx Tcl command. functional_coverage not showing proper result. Is QuestaSim the same thing or is it just a piece of a full verification suite, like Xcelium? I'm just starting to research it. Community Guidelines The Cadence Design Communities support Cadence users and technologists interacting to exchange ideas, news, technical information, and best practices to solve problems and get the most from Cadence technology. Then, in the SimVision debugging console window, at the ncsim simulator prompt, use this command: probe -activations -depth all -waveform The "-depth all" option is what selects threads in all levels of hierarchy under that scope. Sourcing Cadence Xcelium* Simulator Setup Scripts 6. However it would be best if you look at the tool documentation at support. sl) SPICE files How irun Works This section summarizes how irun works and what happens by default. Answers to Top FAQs 1. Failing that, at the Linux command line you can run a command to list the contents of the compiled libraries: xrun -R -xmls_all -xmls_so. probe -create -flow top. scs etc. 2 C or C++ Compiled object files (. org Length: 2 Days (16 hours) Become Cadence Certified In this course, topics include mixed signal, mixed language, Spectre® AMS Designer Simulator, and Xcelium™ mixed-signal capabilities. The Intel ® Quartus Prime software provides you with a Instead of passing the tcl commands as a file of commands that get executed just as if you typed them in, pass the commands in via a source command. com/cadencehttps://www. v half_adder_tb. Hi @202611ibeuxu. sh file is located. FPGA Simulation Basics 2. Started by theguardian2001; Oct 24, 2024; nclaunch(Name,Value) specifies name-value pair arguments that allows you to customize the Tcl commands used to start the Xcelium simulator, the xmsim executable to be used, the path and name of the Tcl script that stores the start commands, and for Simulink applications, details about the mode of communication to be used by the applications. You can send Tcl commands to SimVision from the Xcelium Tcl prompt, much like you tried in your 2nd trial, however the bit you missed is that Xcelium and Simvision have separate Tcl interpreters, so you need to prefix your "waveform" command with a special Xcelium Save/Restart Table of Contents. xcelium> exit. In QUARTUS 18. Record all finishes for cover directives Note: Intel recommends using the Xcelium™ (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. Saving multiple signals in an instance Note: Intel recommends using the Xcelium™ (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. xv Related Publications Take the Accelerated Learning Path Digital Badges Length: 2 Days (16 hours) The Cadence® Xcelium™ Simulator is a powerful tool for debugging and simulating digital designs. Hammer: Highly Agile Masks Made Effortlessly from RTL - ucb-bar/hammer Your Tcl command can be as simple as: probe -create -shm -all [scope -tops] -depth all. Coverage permutation. Also known as X-Prop, this idea represents how X states in gate-level logic can propagate and get stuck in a system during cold or warm resets. Xilinx ® documentation is organized around a set of standard design processes to help you find Community Functional Verification Running xrun command in vsif file. To use this function, the Xcelium or ModelSim simulator must be connected to MATLAB ® and Simulink using the HDL Verifier™ software (see either vsimulink or hdlsimulink). shm -default Created default SHM database counter xcelium> probe -create -packed 262144 tb_counter -all -memories -depth all -database counter -waveform Created probe 1 xcelium> run 10ms Ran until 10 MS + 0 irun User Guide Overview July 2010 9 Product Version 9. point to? If you are using the UVM library from the Xcelium installation, you can use the option "-uvmhome CDNS-1. For testing purposes the . Locked Locked Replies 2 Subscribers 65 Views 22705 Members are here 0 This discussion has been locked. My first idea was to place a hdl. def generate_sdf_cmd_file(self) -> bool: But When I am running the same with Cadence Xcelium 20. tcl Note about running with Cadence Xcelium. So your probe command becomes: probe -create -database [scope -tops] -all Use the "stop" command to create a breakpoint on the signal chaning value, and use the command's "-execute" option to specify the probe command. tcl script, using the command "xrun -input xrun. a), and dynamic libraries (. Originally posted in cdnusers. 2" or "-uvmhome CDNS-1. I can't preemptively describe all the options here, and you haven Cadence AMS Simulator User Guide September 2000 1 Product Version 1. tcl" You can get more information under "Providing Interactive Commands from a File" in the "Cadence NC-Verilog Simulator Help" document near the end of Ch 9. Using the Command-Line Interface 6. ; When you run the Xcelium™ software automatically from the Intel ® --help Prints a description of the supported command line options. Manikas, SMU, 3/11/2022 3 2. . Intel FPGA Simulation Run the resulting top-level script by typing the following at the command-line: sh xmsim. T. The Probe Values dialog box appears. While you should always create a self-checking testbench, an interactive testbench can be a nice supplement. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; If you will only want to probe waveforms, then "-access +r" is enough, because the "r" flag turns on read access to the design. g. probe some. Xcelium should launch after the xcelium> probe -create -shm -all -depth all Commands need to be typed in the Xcelium console before running the simulation. tcl for an Xcelium simulation run? For now I set sim time to 0ns so it doesn’t start and I can type in some needed tcl commands then start the simulation. shm file and 2. Example , Here’s the command to generate xcelium script to compile Stratix 10 libraries for verilog: quartus_sh --simlib_comp -tool xcelium -language verilog -family stratix10 -gen_only -cmd_file cmp. This includes efficient soak testing of the entire design or specific areas and improved regression efficiency. Improve this question. Is there a way to write commands in verilog for the SimVision environment? I mean things like probes and Parameters. /src +incdir+. Patil:. Are you referring to the TCL commands to probe the UVM hierarchy? #Probe waveforms database -open -shm -into waves. ) stayed the same. I have written basic covergroup and passed arguments[-covoverwrite -cov_cgsample -cov_debuglog -coverage u] to the xrun command, but with Xcelium the normal flow is for the simulator to dump a binary file (*. See if this addresses your xcelium> force TB. This advanced AI-powered debugging tool helps engineers explore, analyze, and debug complex designs and testbenches regardless of > I would like to apply the command in the ade-l setup once, > ive applied other switches under Simulation->options-> ams simulator You will need to put the command into a test file (like assert. Hello everyone, I am currently working on the xcelium 20. You should name the Xcelium™ software libraries as follows: When you run the Xcelium™ software independently from the Intel ® Quartus ® Prime software, you should name your library work. If you are probing data from the current model database, frame selections are not available, and your selection of field output variable is an When running the example of "GettingStartedWithSimulinkHDLCosimExample" with Cadence Xcelium , I get these following messages. -all -memories -depth all. Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guides. probe -create top. I have followed AC701 PCIe tutorial instruction set. /outputs/counter. Note: Intel recommends using the Xcelium (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. Finally the "c" flag turns on connectivity tracing, to allow the SimVision debug Hi all, i am running a mix-mode circuit (PLL) using xcelium & ultrasim the license for xcelium is available from the capture below but it seems cannot detect the Products Solutions Access a comprehensive reference for Tcl commands in Xcelium simulator, the advanced logic simulator for complex SoC designs. 64>. tcl script has only one command "run". Xcelium* Simulation Executables; Program Function ; xmvlog : xmvlog compiles your Verilog HDL code and performs syntax and static semantics checks. 03. Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support 6. Johannes Johannes. # Until sdf annotation provides values other than maximum, sdf_cmd_file will only support mtm max. 3. cpc_tools_pkg:: cpc_tools" with "[scope -tops]". verilog; simulation; cadence; Share. 2 Getting Help on Command-Line Options 2. Enable cover directives-abvevalnochange. To run the Verilog program using these files, use the command: xmverilog half_adder. Replies 0 Subscribers 61 Views 224 Members are here 0 Xcelium not probing signals to waveform window. /tests ncsim fsdb I was trying to dump fsdb in ncsim by using the cmd "ncverilog +loadpli1=${DEB_PLI_FILE}:debpli_boot xxx" But I got this error: ERROR: ACC PLISVG The routine acc_object_of_type() cannot be applied to an xcelium> run xmsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete. The simplest way would be to use Tcl breakpoints to execute the probe commands when certain signal values are observed. tcl. o), compiled archives (. I have a list of signals searched and displayed using the design search window and I cant seem to find a way to export them to a text file. herdinc (Member) Edited by User1632152476299482873 September 25, 2021 at 3:17 PM. Similar threads. The first time you run the simulator with the irun command, it: Setting Probes for SimVision in Verilog Code. These FSDB dumping commands turn dumping on and off. Cadence Xcelium¶ The Xcelium xrun command is used, so all of these options can be either Compile or Run Options. tcl -f irunArgs. In the Visualization module toolbox, click . Select the step, frame, field output variable, and result options governing the probe data and results Abaqus/CAE will display. cdslck" file: find myLib -name '*. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide Third-party Simulation Archive A. If you are not seeing the same outcome, we should definitely explore further (please provide an example). Stats. in batch mode, use the "run 10us" command to run for 10 microseconds. 2) with a . 0 September 2000 2000 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. : $ xmodel EX1. Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) for developing and modeling circuits. If you have no VHDL statements that actually cause future events, time will remain at 0 and the simulator will tell you that the simulation has Tutorial for Cadence SimVision Verilog Simulator T. what are the commands to open the simualator GUI? Thanks, Sandep. And on top of those 3 tools you have "irun" which is a command that can pretty much replicate any of the ncvhdl, ncelab, or ncsim commands. consider incorporating the "-newperf" switch into your xrun/xmvlog or xmelab commands. N a v i g a t i n g C o n t e n t b y D e s i g n P r o c e s s. So my 2 questions: 1. Siemens EDA QuestaSim* Simulator Support 3. Article Number 000022227. Hence, I am trying to run the simulation in the Cadence/Xcelium environment (independent of Vivado) using the xrun commands. 5min v/s 25min) of simulation without waves. 0 Cadence AMS Simulator User Guide Product Version 1. d directory called: run. In response to binupr. Unresolved X states spreading through a system can cause a non-deterministic reset, which makes a chip run inconsistently at best or fail to reset at worst. In the text-based command The command to use: 'xrun counter. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Hi Anuran. --help Prints a description of the supported command line options. You can access the latest performance enhancements, such as improvements in Cadence Design Systems provides comprehensive documentation on Tcl commands for Xcelium Agile. On the simulator side, the command you can use is probe -create <signal> <options>. in VHDL the ":" indicates the top and then everything else is relative to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Cadence Xcelium* Parallel Simulator Support 5. sh will contain the commands) Regards, Wincent_Intel. In fact the probe command has many interesting options that if you are using tcl probe commands, add -memories to the probe command, eg. Contribute to Xilinx/XilinxTclStore development by creating an account on GitHub. This mode gives you the flexibility to run simulations using an independent version of the Spectre simulator with Xcelium Parallel Logic Simulator, instead of the one delivered in the Xcelium installation. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Mickey over 15 years ago. facebook. 9 to accurately set the Z-axis to the workpiece surface. Hi @hsajjaasa8,. sh (cmp. amscf. Hence, using these performance and profiling options, you can quickly determine the switches being utilized. You can then use the "Save signals into file" button to create the svwf file for future use. Type the following command to set up the required libraries, compile the generated IP functional model, and exercise the simulation model with the provided Hi all, I have installed XCELIUM 23. sv' does this not pass the -xmfatal through to simulation? Do I need to run the simulation as a separate command, I'm assuming xmsim, though I've never used it Using the probe command in GRBL 0. /sim +incdir+. xmelab has a -timescale option for specifying timescale for verilog modules that do not otherwise have one. It’s easier to perform ad-hoc testing with an interactive testbench at hand, than it is to change the code of the self ida_probe. 2 Target Options The following options are used to specify a target hardware platform. 6. <platform | platform. cadence. I just completed the setup of xcelium and I am trying to test a very simple vhdl file - I got " CSI: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION" without any further explanation AMD-Xcelium-Vivado-Design-Suite-User-Manual - Free ebook download as PDF File (. I want to capture the transition values of certain nodes in a design (i. fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff has the highest priority and overrides all other FSDB dumping commands. Concepts of step-by-step delta cycle debug are explained. com/cadencedesignsystems/h Instead of hardcoding the top level name in your "probe" command, try replacing "waves:: worklib. . ncsim> database -open my_vcd -vcd -into ${my_dir}/myvcd. DUT0. is it possible to save wavefor using any tcl command Verilog - Cadence Xcelium. Shall I add any particular command to probe it? Probe command I use now: database -open -shm -into waves. - Doug. Xilinx Tcl Store. Have a look at the documentation for the probe command (support. ; When you run the Xcelium software automatically from the Quartus ® Prime software, Locate the Probe Values dialog box. I feel I am missing something very basic. I find some things that are not working properly. Thanks for the reply. This enables you to access the latest Spectre solver as well as Xcelium enhancements. You need to contact Xilinx technical support as suggested in the AR for further information regarding this. This section summarizes the working method of XRUN and in the default situation When you first use the XRUN command to run the emulator, it: 1. All the options employed in simulation commands will be displayed when using- perf state and- profile. This NCSim lets you open multiple waveform databases and set multiple probe commands, either into the same database or different ones. Example: write_debug_probes test_probe. URL Name 63921. With Xcelium, one can expect up to 5X improved multi-core performance, and up to 2X speed-up for single-core use cases. I have compiled and simulated my system verilog file using the command " xrun -64bit -sv . Joined Sep 6, 2006 Messages 78 Helped 10 Reputation 20 Reaction score 4 Trophy points 1,288 Visit site Natively integrated with Xcelium Logic Simulator, Verisium Debug provides advanced, interactive, and post-process UVM SystemVerilog and Specman Elite/e-aware debug with constraint debugging, access to dynamic constructs, randomization process, Verisium Debug accesses the Xcelium kernel and helps to traverse all the constraint solver steps to help engineers to debug their randomization problem. Follow asked Feb 9, 2015 at 10:43. Based on innovative multi-core technology, Xcelium allows SoCs to get from design to market in record time. Executing nclaunch tclstart commands ncsim> probe -create -emptyok -database ams_database -flow {Calib_like_cyclic. Length: 2 Days (16 hours) This course introduces you to the new Cadence® Verisium™ Debug. However, if it was launched with xrun -gui, then it can relaunch the simulation from Simulation -> Rerun Simulation. the above command will problem all signals within the some. / up_counter. imc -load test &, Run the write_debug_probes filename. / Indicates levels of directory structure. to simulation objects so that you can probe objects and scopes to a simulation database and debug the design” I encountered one example of accessing simulation object and Hi Dylan. Hi @prathamtha1. com/trainingbyteshttps://www. If you have a question you can start a new discussion Seems like some CCF files are missing. tcl) and then call it with a “-i” command line option to the simulator, i. Then please check this AR#70399. 43 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges. Most often, this would mean you entering commands in the simulator console to provide the DUT with stimulus. UNIX> xrun -uvmhome CDNS-1. WildcardFilter = Variable Constant Generic Parameter SpecParam Memory Assertion Cover Endpoint ScVariable CellInternal ImmediateAssert VHDLFile // remove Memory # Creates an sdf cmd file for command line driven sdf annotation. Loading. tclHdlSim(tclCmd) executes a Tcl command on the Xcelium™ or ModelSim™ simulator using a shared connection during a Simulink ® cosimulation session. packed_array_test[31:0] = 32'hFFFF1234 xmsim: *E,PINRNG: Index value out of range: [31:0]. You should name the Xcelium software libraries as follows: When you run the Xcelium software independently from the Quartus ® Prime software, you should name your library work. To generate the code coverage results, I was able to run the xrun. stop -condition {#trigger_sig == 1} -execute {probe -create -shm my_signal} Found some shm_probe() arguments somewhere on the web, might be useful here: Shm_probe(""); A: all nodes, including inputs, outputs and inouts, of the specified scope S: inputs, outputs and inouts of the specified scope, and in all instantiations below it, except inside library cells. Tim. The app also features cousin In the manual of SimVision in one place I see that there a tcl command "waveform" that allows saving waveform using a command. 2. hierarchical. But this doesn't work because an empty hdl. I think we should also add a user option that can cause the -memories option to be added to the probe command. sh. f etc. v // ex3_tb_wave. shm waves -default probe -create -database waves top -all -depth all -mem -functions -tasks Best regards, Davy. “-i asset. 0. ran the command xrun -loadvpi $(cocotb-config --lib-name-path vpi xcelium> xcelium> database -open counter -into . Cancel; (e. For example, at the start of simulation, create the probe for the signals you want to debug, and give the probe a name, then immediately disable it (unless you want to probe at time 0): (unless you want to probe at time 0 Hello, What are the fewest commands to add all signals in design to waveform viewer? Thanks, SysTom. sv --top EX1 --simtime 500us --simulator [vcs|xcelium|questa] Hi, I had installed XCELIUM in my personal computer, license manager is installed in my college server. 1 we used the following TCL commands: set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "Xcelium-Verilog (Verilog)" set_global_assignment -name EDA_TIME_SCALE "1 ps" -section_id eda_simulation set_global \ Indicates a continuation of a command line. I want to probe the signal in the MODULE_VHDL, but it looks like only signal below the hierarchy of MODULE_VERILOG could be probed. var file is created in the simulation directory. ; When you run the Xcelium software automatically from the Quartus ® Prime software, The simplest probing command would be something like: probe -create -shm [scope -tops] -all -depth to_cells. Like Liked Unlike Reply. bs4[13]} in AMS based netlister. Is it correct? BR, Stanley. Instead of hardcoding the top level name in your "probe" command, try replacing "waves:: worklib. Alternatively if you're using that bkpt to help you probe the class hierarchy, move the probe command after the first "run" command, and add a 2nd "run" after the probe command. Multi-run MSIE allows The xrun command user guide provides detailed instructions on using the xrun command for simulations with Xcelium. The document describes the logic simulation features of Vivado Design Suite. The "to_cells" means probe every level until you reach a cell (`celldefine or a module compiled with -y or -v). 1d-64BIT +incdir+. Hi, I tried to run the Xcelium simulator in the Vivado environment (as a 3rd party tool), but the compile_simlib was failing. com) to see all the options for probing including probing classes, Unless you launched SimVision (what you referred to as Xcelium GUI) from xrun, it is merely an analysis tool. instagram. Keep reading to discover key best practices for the Xcelium Logic Simulator that enable the highest level of simulator performance while meeting strict verification deadlines. 2 Program Code for ex3_tb_wave. 2 (default) and Synopsys VCS Alternatively, you can use find command to delete all "*. No records found. probe -create -shm -database waves worklib. i2. Article Details. If there is more than one FSDB file open for dumping at one simulation run, fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff may only Xcelium is the EDA industry’s first production-ready third generation simulator. Add functional coverage to signal with condition. I am using Vivado 2024. --version Displays the version number and copyrights. --list-devices-l Prints an enumerated list of all JTAG adapters connected to the host and the devices on each JTAG chain, in the form: Quick introduction to some of the Assertion debug features of SimVision including basic probe commands to collect needed debug information, hyperlinked asser Respectively, they're the compiler, the elaboration tool, and the waveform viewer. Dynamic Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller 2. Another option is to put them in a TCL file and provide this file to irun/ncverilog with -input option. nclaunch(Name,Value) specifies name-value pair arguments that allows you to customize the Tcl commands used to start the Xcelium simulator, the xmsim executable to be used, the path and name of the Tcl script that stores the start commands, and for Simulink applications, details about the mode of communication to be used by the applications. But looks like this command does not exist, it is not in the list of SimVision Tcl commands. net3. v -access +rwc -gui &' Make sure you are at the 'simulation' directory when you run the command above. XCELIUM: cannot find command dumptcf. swetha99 24 days ago. maybe you can look to see if there's an option in Vivado to simulate with Xcelium, so that you don Length: 1 Day (8 hours) SimVision™ is licensed through the Xcelium™ software. iii Contents Audience . Remove Memory from that variable. Just an update, If you are using Vivado 2017. If you use the "where" command it will print the class handle of the scope you're in, which is the same thing as "this". cdslck' -exec rm {} \; where myLib is the path of your lib. UVM end of test. --list-devices-l Prints an enumerated list of all JTAG adapters connected to the host and the devices on each JTAG chain, in the form: Is it possible to run a custom probes. You use the command-line-based Xcelium Use model that uses the xrun executable and are introduced to the Cadence® Mixed-Signal Verification Solution and Mixed-Signal Simulation The command to open the waveform window is:- simvision & & : Helps in re-using the terminal even after the waveform window is opening. Simulation of opamps in Cadence. 1. View solution in original post. But I would advise you to read the documentation for the probe command to fully understand what the options are, to get what you need for your actual debugging requirements. This video on the process-based Save and Restart feature in the Xcelium simulator demonstrates usage of this feature in cold as well as warm restart in simulations (login required) You can perform a gate-level functional simulation of a VHDL or Verilog HDL design that contains Intel-specific components with the Cadence Xcelium™ Parallel Simulator software: To continue with the simulation flow, perform a simulation with the Xcelium™ Parallel Simulator software. f: -coverage A). If you want to use TCL commands like "force", or you have PLI / VPI code that drives signals, then you need to add the "w" flag. ini file. One way to support this more directly would be to examine the extension of the waveform_file argument and modify the TCL commands generated by write_ncsim_tcl accordingly. You can either type that in the irun simulator console or provide as an instruction in the . The program will print the The Xcelium xrun User Guide provides detailed instructions for using the xrun command in simulations, covering various features and functionalities. Hi, I am using Simulation Analysis Environment SimVision(64) 15. AB_1717495972235 5 days ago. 09 Tool then what are the commands i need to set? I am not getting it . Everything else (design, irunArgs. Create a temporary sub -directory in the xcelium. ; When you run the Xcelium™ software automatically from the Intel ® You could then use that probe command to augment your existing waveform probes for future simulations. Option. shm waves -default # -event probe -create -database waves top -all -depth all # -memories http://www. support. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guides Community Mixed-Signal Design Xcelium not probing signals to waveform window. com to review the exact syntax and be sure that you're using the optimal settings for what you need to debug. Products Solutions Support Company I would also suggest probing depth to "to_cells" level instead of "all", unless you really need to probe within cells. scs, amsbind. txt) or read book online for free. First of all, if I launch the script available in the scripts folder. You can no longer post new replies to this discussion. ltx--Syed. do file in order to run using cadence Xcelium must be specified at the elaboration stage using appropriate coverage options/commands. The Cadence Xcelium tool will help you simulate circuits that have been developed in Verilog. var file into my project directory. To get extended help for this warning, give the following command on your Unix prompt: % xmhelp xmelab SDFNEP. Multiple Step mode uses the ncvlog and ncelab commands to compile and elaborate your design; Single Step mode uses the ncverilog command. x (Member) ,. It covers preparing designs for simulation, running simulation in Vivado and with third-party simulators, analyzing waveforms, and debugging. the resulting output lists all the compiled objects and the source files that the objects were defined in. Ocak 31, 2024 Loading application | Technical Information Portal Simulating the Testbench with the Xcelium Simulator. FPGA design software that easily integrates into your design flow saves time and improves productivity. i1. Running in a different directory than the saving simulation is also supported. e. " probe –crate –all –depth all. 1d". command—a warm restart will be done automatically. Save the current through port portA in the hierarchy i1. Command Line Scripting. However, when calling imc to visualize the results with. Warning: (vsim-8634) Code was not compiled with coverage options. So to only probe H1, use "-depth 1". simvision assertion browser Wow, I never thought to mix two competing products like that. Revert back expression change optimization-abvrecordcoverall. Create a temporary directory called xcelium. Expand Post. Calibration Clock 2. So your probe command becomes: probe -create -database [scope -tops] -all -depth all "scope -tops" will list out all the top levels of the design - including the packages. Hello, I am trying a probe a signal by the name iref_adc. 3 Using the Online Help 3 The XRUN Command When calling XRUN again (that is, xcelium> probe -create -shm -all -depth all Commands need to be typed in the Xcelium console before running the simulation. With Tcl, there is a "probe" command which allows you to specify the hierarchy to send to the waveform file, and at the same time you specify the types of design objects that are included, e. Instructions to run with UVM 1. Example: % ncsim -input "@source file. tcl”) Tim "this" is not a variable which is why the debugger won't print it. i. xmelab: *E,C58DUT: "-COVDUT flash_ctrl_wrapper", specified on command line, module "flash_ctrl_wrapper" not found in the design. Follow Following Unfollow. path. Alternatively, a warm restart can be done from the Xcelium command line, using xcelium>restart<snapshot_ name>. d For exa The Xcelium xrun User Guide provides detailed instructions for using the xrun command in simulations, covering various features and functionalities. default It is dumping in the current directory Suppose i am calling the irun command from folder /script Hello, I am using Cadence irun for simulation I am facing issue with redirecting the waveform dump to the log directory. v. In general we recommend not embedding waveform probing in the SV code, as it's less flexible than using the Tcl interface. Thanks. xcelium> xcelium> xcelium> exit TOOL Probing Packages with Tcl Commands Analyzing Package Items with Tcl Using an Extended Value Change Dump (EVCD) File SystemVerilog and EVCD The Xcelium™ Single Core simulator provides the following support for SystemVerilog: The xmvlog, xmelab, xmsim, and xrun utilities provide options for compiling, elaborating, and Hello, When simulating a very basic ring oscillator using some standard library inverter, the resulting output frequency is different when using spectre as the selected simulator compared to selecting AMS as a simulator. ) can be auto generated with the help of config view (a configuration view which is created using Hierarchy editor in GUI mode) using runams script that these files could readily be The Xcelium Parallel Simulator launches the third generation of simulation. ida_probe. FYI : The same i need to write in a run. Ctrl+C Indicates a keyboard combination, such as holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the C key. Vivado Simulation & Verification Vivado Design Suite Knowledge Base. Xcelium Textual Interface < tcl (Tool Command Language) > tcl은 string 기반의 스크립트 언어입니다. 2. pdf), Text File (. It builds models from regressions run in the Xcelium simulator, enabling the generation of new regressions with specific targets. Integrating Your IP Core in Your Design x. Feb 7, 2007 #3 invent Member level 4. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Community Guidelines Enter Xcelium Simulator, and X-propagation. f ". Importing a package does not compile it automatically. 20-s025. I don't know how to answer your question. i have set all the paths and env variables for using this tool but when i invoke xrun command its showing "xrun: command not found. It provides multi-core speed-up for RTL, zero-delay gate- Single-run auto-MSIE allows command-line primary and incremental partitions to be defined to gain up to 10X build improvement. fsdbDumpon/fsdbDumpoff is not restricted to only fsdbDumpvars. Go Back Community Digital Implementation XCELIUM: cannot find command dumptcf. so, . Click on . For more information, I can refer to Using the Xcelium Simulator Utilities book available under the latest XCELIUM Release documentation on Cadence Support Portal by visiting https: In reply to Digvijay. tcl file at startup. Save the voltage of net3 in the hierarchy i1. ucd) at the end of the test, and you use a separate analysis tool, IMC, to analyse the coverage and generate reports (text, CSV, HTML I have tried the new simvision and found I cannot probe and view the variables wave in class. Cancel; Vote Up 0 Vote Down; Cancel; Doug Koslow over 7 years ago. Introduction. eanyh mwln hlrh hsosm wldbs ngq gqjbqat kljpfb mrqzpx wpesv